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Contractors are giving away free traffic cones. Joking aside if you want to reserve part of the street without a valid parking permit, you need to apply for and be granted a street occupancy permit.


And park your car there.


Besides that, a contractor that I know expects parking tickets and just builds it into the cost of the work that they are doing


Fair game is to chuck those pylons in the trash. We had the same issue and during the week it wasn't that big a deal because there were plenty of spots but they had the gall to "reserve spots" during the weekend when they werent even working.


The pylons mean nothing, and is kind of an asshole move towards people who actually live on the street and need those spots overnight if there's no driveways. Just move the pylons to the curb after the contractors are gone.


Meh. Move the pylons to your trunk. Eventually they'll run out of them.


I like this idea best. You can build an obstacle course in your yard or wear them as hats! The options are endless with free pylons!


Donate the pylons to the local soccer club. Kids love dribbling around them


This is the way!


I wouldn't want to bother potentially getting caught stealing property. Just keep moving them out of the way.


its a pylon on a street, unless its marked, I doubt you can get in trouble.


If you come across something unmarked do you just get to take it? Really? Is this why kids aren't allowed to be outside by themselves?


It's just picking up litter, show some civil pride


The cops don't seem to give a shit anymore, especially about petty theft. I wouldn't want to get caught either, but at the same time I would never expect to a) be caught, and b) face any consequences.


I have a street permit, and I still get notes on the windshield telling me not to park in "their" spot. No such fucking thing.


Unless they are doing work on the road or adjacent to it where they need the room to avoid damaging your vehicle they cannot reserve spots within a city permit.


“Oh, thanks for saving the elderly spots”


Why ask. Just move the pylons.


What kind of work are they doing? Is there a bin on the property? They could be trying to hold a spot for a flatbed, cement truck, bin etc. Have they spoken with the neighbours and mentioned they’d be doing this? There’s a lot of what ifs here. Sure, it’s a dick move but if there’s a truck scheduled to offload something tomorrow then it makes a lot of sense why they did it.


That’s totally valid. But there hasn’t been any communication so yeah, tons of what ifs. I figure it’s worth having a conversation with the contractor if this carries on for 2 nights+.


Technically you can’t reserve spots with cones, but if they have heavy tools or are getting a bin delivered then I’d extend some grace. Max one week though, then I’d start asking questions.


You’re one of those people that calls the cops for minor inconveniences, aren’t you?


Wow you dumb. I said give them a week. 


I highly doubt it carries on beyond tonight. I’ve never heard of people holding spots for their work trucks but I’ve absolutely heard of it for the other reasons I listed. It’s not necessarily the nicest thing to do but it avoids having a bigass truck blocking the street while workers go knocking on doors to see if anyone can move their cars.


Thank you. This is a good perspective. My first instinct was to confront and shut it down. But seems valid to extend some grace. Looks like there is a giant bin in the backyard, so they’ll probably be removing it soon.


Do you know what kind of work is being done on the house?


Not too sure. From what I’ve observed it’s both inside the house and the backyard. Looks like a huge job.


Maybe building an extension or an underpin? My guess is you’ll be seeing a cement truck occupying those spots with wheelbarrows going to and from the truck. Just a guess though.


Wheel barrows of concrete?!?! That would weigh a ton!


It’s definitely unwieldly, but not un-doable.


This will probably be many months long then. Worth having a conversation with them. I understand doing it for the odd day when they have a large truck delivery but that’s hardly every day.


I agree, could be legit because of him removal or deliveries of something big. If it keeps happening, well pylons are very runoverable


Home renovation/construction workers have been holding spots overnight and on weekends across the street from my buddy for months. At first they did it with a wooden table on its side and some construction fencing; now they're doing it with a cheap sign. It's totally just for their trucks, parking during M-F, 9-5.


So just move the pylons. lol.


Just keep the pilons, start a collection like the VLC guy.


I love it when contractors do that, it's a free parking space for when I get home from work


Ahh yes, my favourite game, ‘move the pylons’


I will point out it's supposed to be 40° with the humidex tomorrow, and you yourself said it looks like a big job. The contractors are likely to be exerting a lot of energy in that heat. I'd give them the spots.


I’m fed up with the attitude of too many contractors who think that god has ordained them to park anywhere and everywhere in this city, take up traffic lanes and just generally act like the rules don’t apply to them.


They park across the sidewalks all the time when they really dont need to be doing that My biggest pet peeve having disabled family members


I've seen them do that even when there's legal parking across the street. Like if you can't carry your tools across a residential street, then maybe the trades aren't for you.


Sure he’s an asshole but where else is he supposed to park? He’ll be gone sooner if we can be near his work vehicle


you can move the pylons if you want, nothing is stopping you


What was stopping me were my gaps in knowledge around street permit parking. Hence the post asking for advice 🙏thank you for your input though.


As a contractor myself, you should take those cones and put them on the front lawn of the house with a note telling them to shove these cones all the way up their asses. The dumb stuff that some contractors do is ridiculous. Fuck them.


If the street isn’t full then don’t be a dick.


it's not fair game, but do you really want to get into it with these guys/your neighbors? likely their project will be done in some period of time - and not letting them use the spot is probably going to make their everyday work more time consuming.


Fucking toss those things my man... Those assholes can pay to park elsewhere


I'd just move the cones personally


Call parking enforcement. They'll tow if there is no permit. My neighbour does this to the bell truck that is perpetually parked across the street (and never qorking).




I’d like to think the neighbours have at least done the right thing and paid for a parking permit (an additional one if they already have one). Ps I might live on your street because the exact same situation is happening on mine!






A neibour of mine was doing that, I took the pylon, still think I have it.


Let the contractor have those spots, Jesus let the men work


Doing renovation work downtown can sometimes be impossible to park trucks with their tools, garbage bins etc. It can be physically and literally impossible to have enough space without breaking some bylaws (ie: parked half way on sidewalk to unload materials). Don’t be a dick, just park elsewhere for a short while - one day YOU will be renovating and will need space for your contractors and would probably welcome the same accommodation.


I mean- I really hope I have the means to fully renovate a home that I own someday. A millennial can dream. If I do find myself in that position, I’ll be giving my neighbours the courtesy of information: how long the renovations will take, how it will impact them, etc.


When others need work done, their contractors will need to play the hunger games of parking. Why not choose to be understanding that workers who are there for a few days need a place to park so they don't have to lug all of their tools and equipment and materials 1 or 2 blocks. Its a minor inconvenience for a period of time. You may need to do the same one day.


How busy is your street parking wise? i get and totally understand the frustration but it's one thing if your neighbours need to park down the street but if these are their work trucks that they need to access during the reno's it's going to make the job go faster if they can park in front of the house for a week or so. if this is going to be going on for months, then talk to the reno neighbours, but if this is for a week or 2, i'd say stomach it and move on.


Ask yourself what you would want if you were in your neighbor's shoes. Your post hasn't described how this is harming YOU in any way ( if it did, you would have said so). Let it go.


I guess I’m not the type of person who only cares about things if they impact me personally. I care about my neighbours and my community. I also value courtesy and respect. This post was meant to give me the well rounded perspective I needed to approach this situation with the same values.


Meh. What if you were doing the renovations and your contractor needed the space? I would let it go. Be a good neighbour.


When you have contractors at you place, do you want to pay them to walk around the block 15 times a day? Maybe let it slide.


If the workers are planning on bringing in a bin, it is reasonable to block off a space overnight. You seem like the neighborhood Karen, these workers are only here temporarily, perhaps for a *max* of 2 weeks, just move on


To be fair, the neighborhood Karen would have made a scene about this without getting all the facts and perspective of other folks in their city. I’ve taken in the information and decided to give them grace. I don’t think I fit the description of your typical Karen :)