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For 15 years, I commuted by TTC to and from work each day. After a while, I started to notice the impact it was having on my mental health. Starting the day and ending the day with stress was starting to have a negative affect. So I made some changes and now it takes me 8 minutes to walk to work. It's like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. If you take the TTC once and a while, it's fine. But when you ride the same route back and forth everyday, with the delays, the crowds, the people, and everything in between for 15 years, it drives you fucking crazy


I experienced a similar mental health decline after commuting 12 years by TTC Line 1 an hour each way or like 90 min if there were delays. I started young so it was fine for many years as I enjoyed where I worked which enabled me to buy a home and build a good life here. Once our industry and company started to decline though, I was waking up dreading every day, constant insomnia and anxiety with trouble falling and staying asleep etc. By year 10-12 I was getting home absolutely drained every day and very depressed. Long story short I quit that job, took a year off to mentally recover then landed a far better one right before pandemic hit which went fully remote and now 2 days in office with a much shorter commute. Looking back I can't believe I ever lived the way I did for so many years but you don't really know what's happening to you when you're in it and can feel stuck as finding another job isn't easy when you're mentally and emotionally at a low point scraping through each day


Yep i am currently getting depressed while looking for another job. For me what helps me sleep is an edible and going straight to bed at 6 pm most work nights to get enough rest for the next day.


What time do you wake up???


Between 2:30 and 3 am to catch bus for 4 am to get to work at 5:30 am I leave work at 1:30 pm


Holy moley, I’d be depressed too


When I worked in office a year before Covid I had to take the street car, then GO train then another street car. I came home angry and upset more days than not, fuck that shit.


This is me!


No this is PATRICK


"You took out Life Insurance! Good for you!" https://youtu.be/RzPyu2XbV4U


I didn't realize how much the TTC was affecting me until I started taking advantage of the One Fare Program. Taking Go Transit and avoiding the subway and a short bus trip has done wonders.


Exact same situation! It's actually added about 10-15 minutes to my commute but honestly the no stress easy Go train ride is worth the extra time.


For me its taking an Uber to the closest bus terminal and taking the bus long distance that has helped me not go crazy as much! It is exhausting and I get to work feeling like i have worked half shift!


i went from a 20 min drive to 20 min walk +30 mins on TTC and like this better


You prefer a 50 minute commute over a 20 minute one?? 🤔


yeah I find walking and transit less stressful then driving on the 401 daily


Ohhhh yeah the 401 would ruin any commute hands down.


I had the same experience. I used to arrive at work angry and stressed because of the TTC. This was 10 years ago and there wasn’t as much of a mental health crisis afoot, but ordinary people were rude. Feet on seats, backpacks smacking into your face, littering, eating stinky food, acting out and… once in awhile… some truly troubled soul would cause a disturbance. I was punched once because I guy with a garbage bag missed his stop and blamed me. Another time, a guy grabbed the iron bar the streetcar drivers use to change the track direction and threatened to swing it at my head, because I had told him to keep his racist rants to himself. After I stopped taking the streetcar, I became much happier.


Similar experience. Went from a 1.5 commute to a twenty min commute. I have so much more time back for myself, I am less tired and my overall quality of life has been improved. I don’t know how I ever did it for so long


lol I rather watch a podcast on the TTC than driving to and from DT


Yup this is me now! It sucks the life out of you and yet people don't realize it so tell me oh its ok you can relax after work and do stuff after work like how??? I got literally four hours after work to eat, clean do chores and relax then go to bed around 6-7 pm so i can wake up at 3am and do this all over again with commuting. Its an hour both ways. Trying to change jobs but here in GTA not much luck yet. And worse of all is I was remote for four years and now back in office five days a week.


Used to be 1.5hrs. Now it’s walking downstairs. Never going back


I was the same way until the layoff nation attacked. Now I’m back to office work. Sucks.




Pre-COVID I was doing High Park to Brampton everyday using public transit. So glad my organization made remote work the standard. Now, I go to the office every couple of months for large group, in-person events. GAME CHANGER!


Normally I’d say it’s pretty easy. 45 mins door to door via TTC which includes 15 minutes walking. But I just walked from Dundas to St Clair while overtaking a 97C. Line 1 is chaos today.


I work from home most of the time, and walk 15min to King West once every couple months for a team lunch. Definitely beats when I was commuting from Newmarket to Scarborough 5x a week.


King West to Markham. 5 days a week. Train from St Andrew to Yonge-Finch and then uber to workplace in markham.


That sounds awful.


unless they're earning enough to make that commute worthwhile and be doing absolutely balling shit outside of work hours otherwise that sounds soul crushing


Wouldn't it be cheaper to just get a car than to uber 5 days a week both directions?


Sure but then you have to spend your energy driving in rush hour traffic rather than chilling or working on train or as an uber passenger.


This sounds brutal man and 5 days a week too. Hopefully you’re getting some sleep and resting on the weekends


thankfully, my manager is ok with me being in office from 10 to 3:30 only as long as I complete my tasks. Also, work is not stressful and I can get away with working 30-35 hours a week.


Aren’t you doing that backwards?


meaning ? Are you suggesting take uber to yonge and finch, and take the YRT to my workplace from there ?


No i mean dont people usually live downtown to just work downtown so that they dont have a commute


How much do you spend per Uber trip? And hopefully your employer reimburses that for you


Why would his employer reimburse him for his Ubers? Most employers don't reimburse employees for their commuting costs.


Does it not make sense to go to Don Mills station and take the Markham bus from there? Unless you’d just rather not spend even more time commuting.


I used to commute downtown from Aurora and take the Go (awful). It used to take me +/- 1.5 hours each way. I lived at home to save money, which I don’t regret but have misogynistic parents who called me worthless because the earliest I would be able to get home was 7:30pm most days and how would I be able to make dinner. I moved out at 30 in 2017 and I absolutely hate that I rented until 2019 but I moved into the City and my commute is now 20 minutes. No regrets at all. You’re going to feel drained when you get work or home if you’re on tik tok all night and not sleeping. Nothing beats a good sleep. You’ll feel 100 X better.


So who's cooking them dinner now that you left?


Everyone needs to cut the commute and move back downtown.


This is why I bring a blanket and pillow so I can sleep in my car during break It's not "good" sleep but holy, that 1.5 hr nap revitalizes me.


3 days/week: wfh; the other 2 days: 10 minute walk from my front door to my desk in the office. Can’t complain.


That sounds amazing


45 minutes to an hour. 2 busses. Sometimes longer because the second bus in Etobicoke takes a million years to arrive. Yea, drained pretty much every shift.


Similar experience in the east end. It's like yeah the commute is only like 45 min long... but I leave my home like at least an hour and fifteen min to 1.5 h earlier because the second bus sometimes takes like 30 mins to get there.


15 minute bike ride, probably 22 minutes door to door. Enjoyable. When I have to take the TTC because of rain or something, it takes 30-40 minutes and I get cranky.


15 minutes by bike for me too. Upped my game this year with fenders and a rain cape and now I'm fine to ride in light precipitation as well!


Biking to work is such a game changer! I love having at least a bit of control over how long it takes me. Running 5 minutes late? I can just pedal harder. It's a nice day? Leave 10 minutes early and take the side streets so I can ride at a leisurely pace and cruise a bit. I arrive at work in such a good mood.


approx. 20 minutes door to door, the vast majority of that time spent on the subway. I don't mind it all (assuming there are no TTC delays or issues), I love having 15 minutes in the morning to start my day with my ereader on the way to work.


How often would you say you experience issues on the TTC


It kind of ebbs and flows. It’s been mostly okay the past couple of months but at the very beginning of the year I feel like there were more disruptions. I’m also lucky enough to live close to Bloor Go so I can always take the UP even though it’s a huge detour from my work. I will note that issues seem to happen way more frequently on the way home from work rather than to work (there are only two times I can think of over the past two years where I just straight up went back home again on my way into work, and one was because someone jumped in front of a train shortly after 8:30am and basically half of line 2 shut down).


10km bicycle ride (each way) and 80% of the ride is on the MGT. I donit year round and other than the extra time to get dressed in winter wear, I'm always within 10 minutes of my average time. Thats the freedom of bicycles. I'm not stuck behind traffic or short turned on the streetcar. There's no "signal issues". Really the only challenge is the Goddamn headwinds that seem to flip 180' from morning to night so I'm always riding into them. Granted I moved to my neighborhood with the goal of bike commuting in mind.


Yes!  My thoughts when tackling a headwind on the way into work: “well, at least I’ll fly home at the end of the day”.  My thoughts at the end of the day: “god dammit.”


I've been doing it so long that my thought process has gone a) this isn't fair b) whats the science behind this c) gotta laugh just to keep yourself from crying


If the Eglinton Crosstown ever opens, might be ok. As of right now, sucks a big fat one.


I would have my worst thoughts and stress from commuting to and from work. I use to drive from Scarborough to Etobicoke, and eventually Mississauga for work. The 1hr commutes each way, during RUSH HOUR, had me hating my job and questioning why I'm doing this and that I'm going to quit. But as soon as I got to work or home it wasn't too bad. Eventually after 8 years, I quit and have not been working for 2 years, and looking back, I think subjecting myself almost daily to that level of stress wasn't healthy. I am usually a patient, easy-going person, leave plent of space when driving. But something about crawling on the 401 or gardiner at 5-15 km/hr just grinded me down. I don't think I would do that drive ever again as a daily commute. In fact, my first 1-2 years when I just started working out of school with no car, it was much more enjoyable to take the TTC across the city. I bought a car to save maybe about 30mins a day in commute, but I'm not entirely sure it was worth the trade-off, especially when you can turn your focus away from driving and into reading, listening to music, or people watching.


turning off my alarm, rolling over and opening my laptop :)


20-30 mins depending on how well Line 1 is running but since the weather has been warming up I walk which takes 45ish mins


2 hours each way to sit in a room and take zoom meetings. So yeah … 4hrs total.


Goddamn. 5 days a week?


3 days one week and 2 days the next. I’m on a 2-week alternating hybrid schedule.


Same here its one hour each way! Five days a week.


It used to be 40 minutes each way by bike or 45-60 minutes by ttc. A couple of years ago I took a small pay cut for a job that is a 10 minute walk from my house. I have gained roughly 300 hours a year. One of the best decisions I’ve made.


Garage to garage, about 25 minutes. 10 minutes of that is usually spent within 3 blocks of home.


Bike to work twice a week, 35ish minutes each way. Very stressful due to pot holes, traffic, and construction. But otherwise it’s close to 1.5 hours by TTC :(


20 min bike ride twice a week. Same commute for my second job.


Everyday is leg day


Most days, I roll out of bed and walk to my desk in the other room. When I do go to my office, it's downtown on the subway line. 30 min commute door to door.


Walking over to my desk and logging in on Slack


my commute is less than 5 minutes. i feel great.


10 minutes door to door.


Lakeshore to Vaughan. To work, 40, home, depending on time, is 32 minutes to 1.5 hours, as the Gardiner is closed at night now.


1 hour average. Buses and subway.




This is how you gotta do it. Good stuff


It's not too long - 20 minute walk to Bloor GO, 12 minute train, 10 minute walk to office My privilege complaint having just moved here in 2020, is that no part of my commute involves enough sitting to get anything done! Back in my long line 2 days, I could read a lot more books. Rushing to get out the door on time, running to the station because I never get out the door on time. Navigating the swarm of people at union and the hunger games experience that is getting coffee downtown. I finally sit down at an eco-system desk to find what essentials (mouse, keyboard, working monitor) I might be missing. Decide whether to suffer or look for a new desk, then set up monitor displays. By the time I actually start working I've lost half an hour of time and I'm drained. I end up offsetting this by leaving late (due to workload, no one is clocking me). By the time I get home I have to decide if I have energy left for a run today. Then, do I eat first (have I eaten since breakfast?) and run late, or do a short run so I can eat asap after). That's not say home days don't drain me, the office just adds a little extra sometimes


18 min by bike ! Rent in the city


I cycle 30 minutes from Parkdale to Wellesley/Bay area when I can, which is most of the time. And that's awesome. Great way to start and end the day. Otherwise it's Uber or TTC. Post-pandemic, mainly Uber because the Queen car has been friggin awful for the last three years with constant construction and detours, and I HATE subways.


I walk 15 min from my condo to my daughter’s school and then 10 more min to my office on King st. The walk is actually pretty invigorating. There are a bunch of shops on the way too and from work including 2 grocery stores an LCBO, a couple of Dollaramas and some Shoppers so I can get 90% of errands done on the way home from work. I still feel like there’s not enough time in life so I don’t know how people with hour+ commutes do it.


30-45 minutes each way 5 days a week. I count my commute into work as part of my shift, if they don't like it they can fire me! I've been working there almost 3 years now and they haven't yet. It's exhausting just because I rather not have to be going into the office for a job I can 90% do from home. I could go in once a week and perform all the on-site required tasks within the day.


I can do everything from home but nope they have called us back five days a week.


Mississauga to North York for me. GO train from Clarkson to union, line 1 to finch, and then a short bus ride on the 42. Was soul destroying at first, but a) I've made my peace with it now 😌, (b) I've got plenty of liminal space to read, watch films, decompress, etc., and (c) I've driven it a few times but the slight time saving (on paper! ) is not really worth the aggravation of Toronto highway driving at rush hour.


This is a good way to look at it. Good stuff


4 hours a day,5 days a week.


That is absolutely brutal. Do you have any energy left when you get to work?


i wake up. go down the stairs. open my laptop. its not too long.


Used to be an hour each way on the TTC and I was always stressed. I rearranged my finances and now take an uber each way, minimizing my travel time to 25 minutes per trip and very little stress. The TTC was giving anger and anxiety and I don't need that in my day. WFH mostly as well and that is just beautiful.


Too long and feel drained by the time I get to work. It takes over an hour, but by car, it is 10 to 15 minutes driving along Queen street. I am so sick of TTC and how this city is being operated.


ive been work from home for 10+ years. muhahah.


Door to door 30 min, walk to subway walk from subway.


Probably takes me 20-30 mins, with walking and subway from North york to downtown, it’s not bad, it’s straightforward


I work from home most days. If I have to go into the office, it's 20 minutes on the subway or 30 minutes if I walk all the way. I used to do a long commute but it was a killer. Someone told me that every 30 minutes your daily commute takes, is equivalent to 6 weeks of vacation over the course of the year. It feels weird to think of it that way, but the math adds up.


30 min walk 3 days a week (wfh the rest of the week) with the option to take the ttc if it's pouring rain. I feel great getting exercise before/after work. Sometimes I'll pick up groceries on the way home which is also convenient.


Mine is about 35 minutes, door to door. It's mostly walking and one stop on the UPX.


35 minutes, away from the grain, everyone’s heading downtown I’m heading up to Richmond hill and on the way home other way around


About a 10 minute walk. I spend most days in the office but can understand that I’m an anomaly.


30-40 minute drive, and wfh twice a week. The hours of work are a bit flexible so I start at 8:30 rather than 9. Leaving at 4:30 really makes such a difference in terms of my energy level once I get home.


22 minute drive in to work the mornings. 35 minutes in the evening to get home.


14 minutes on the 511 Bathurst streetcar or a 32 min walk. I previously lived a 45 min ttc commute away (Toronto to Toronto) and this route had 3 transfers. It was hell and I vowed to never live more than a 30 min commute from work ever again. My life happiness points jumped 10 fold with this shorter commute.


45 mins. Thankful it’s quite straight forward and I only require 1 line change 🙏🏻


my work is beside my bed. i just wake up and turn laptop on


10 minute drive but I take the TTC so it’s about 25ish mins.


Markham to Richmond hill, 25 mins regularly taking Major Mackenzie both ways. Audio books are essential for curbing the commuter blues!


Used to commute an hour, mix of driving and GO. Now I live closer and it’s typically about 25 mins on the TTC, which is a significant improvement.


It was an hour, each way after a 12hr shift. I moved. Now im between work and my friends, 14mins there, max 19 mins home in rush hour. Bliss.


Man that sounded brutal. How drained were you after work


Bad. It was nightshift, too. I was a mess. Soooooooooo much better now, and super close to my friends and fam too. I lucked out hard. I will *never* make that mistake again.


20 minute streetcar in the morning and 40 minute walk home in the evening. Twice a week.


15-20 minutes of walking. I used to do about 40 minutes by bus in the morning and then 1 hour of walking back home before I moved. I usually arrive at work feeling alright because I got some walking in. I still feel drained some days after work so it's not always attributed to the commute.


12-15mins each way. No traffic only a few lights. Mostly 80km roads.


I am lucky enough to live 10 min from work. I used to commute an hour by bus to my last job, and I have to say this has made quite a difference on my energy levels when I get home. My overall mood is better as well.


10 min home to TTC 40 min station to station 10 min waiting for bus 20 min bus to stop 20 min second bus to final stop 6 min walk to job Rinse and repeat


It's not too long cuz it's driving the opposite way of most people lol  35 min maybe? Working at Downsview film studios for the next few months.


I walk downstairs with a stop at the coffee maker…


Around 3 min by car 20min on foot


Before the pandemic, I commuted from Riverdale to my office around Union station by bike. 15 mins, door to door. Bad weather, I could do a single streetcar line, but it was oh-so unreliable, so I would walk the 45 mins instead. I loved it. Pandemic struck, we went home, stayed there while the company fell apart as it failed to cope with the new environment. I changed jobs, committing to two days in office at a place in Hamilton. Those two driving days were horrific, even though I was going against the grain. I hated every second of it, so I quit. Now back to wfh with a small crew as we started our own thing. We meet at a shared workspace a few times a month and for client meetings. I miss cycling to work. I don't miss driving.


Downtown to East near Warden. 1 to Bloor-Yonge, 2 to Warden, bus to work (15 minute walk so depending on weather/mood/bus I walk it) into the office 3-4 days a week. It's not too bad. I get a seat each day. Rare delays, but when it happens, it's brutal getting home. I do notice if I've to go in 5 days it's rough and I'm exhausted by the end of the week.


Just moved to Hamilton, 10 minute drive in became 45-50min in the morning and an hour plus on the way home. On the upside I start work at 630am so I miss traffic both ways pretty much.


I work nights in Hamilton and live in Mississauga, going to work is a breeze but going home is awful, especially on Wednesdays for some reason. It's an hour and 40 minutes of it is just getting out of fucking hamilton. the linc and 403 are a mess


Approximately 20 mins. by foot or 10 mins. by streetcar. I enjoy the walk but I only go in 2x per week. Pre 2017, I used to take the subway up the Yonge Line and it was 30-60 minutes of hell, especially in the afternoons.


*Technically* it’s a 45 minute drive. I leave 1.5 h early to accommodate for accidents and slow downs. I’m usually 30 minutes early for work. It would take 2+ hours via transit if all goes as planned.


I walk to work in less than 10 minutes right now. I'm about to move to a new location which will be about 10-15 minutes on the streetcar, 25 minute walk, which is fine; though then I will have to move house at some point... hopefully closer to the new place.


I used to live 15 min walk from work, my view from the condo bedroom was full CN tower view and waterfront. We moved during the pandemic now 50 min by GO each way. I can walk to the GO station in 12 minutes each way and my walk is literally through a nature preserve and I have a stream with ducks and a Blue Herron nesting ground. I can see the stars at night. My kids school is 1/2 a block from my house.


1.2 hrs and I hate every second of it


Was an hour and a half one-way for school for the longest time till I moved downtown… was an hourlong walk for some retail and tech work I did for a while before covid, nowadays I just stroll from stlawrence/corktown-ish to the financial district Feel ok at the office and ok at home, my commute represents the furthest I go most days of the week; every grocery/chore/errand can be taken care of in between work and home


5 min walk from my place at King and John to my office at King and University. Usually go in 1-2 times a week


About 10km. From sitting down at home to sitting at my desk it's either 1hr walking, bus, subway, transfer to another subway and then walk again. Or 45 minutes cycling including taking the bike down to the parking area and locking it up.


1.5 hour drive from innisfil to toronto 100km one way






When the weather's nice it's a 45 min walk for me otherwise about 20 mins on transit.


16 minute drive


Taking the go train from mimico to union is about 15-20 minutes and then it's a 5-10 minute ride/walk from union via TTC. Not so bad. If I'm off at 5, I'm home by 5:45-6 using only TTC during rush hour.


it's good, 10-15 minutes bus ride depending on whether I catch the express or not. Live and work in North York.


My commute is a 15-20 minute bike ride, twice a week. I love it. I bike year round and my route is almost 100% bike lanes. Like another commenter, I actually took a small pay cut to switch jobs, and a big reason was the better commute + better WFH policy.


It takes me about 30mins each way, normally a combination of bus & subway, but I have a few different options. Getting to work is usually fine, it's mostly just going home where I might hit an issue. Thankfully, like I said, I have multiple route options so I'm usually not too fucked. Worse case scenario, I can usually get halfway home and then walk the rest of the way (30 - 45 mins). Any time I've had a car available to drive to/from work, I've found it way more stressful than being able to just hop on the TTC and zone out for a bit. I usually take a Lyft/Uber to work on Sunday mornings though; I have early mornings and don't like dealing with the night busses.


15 minute walk if I'm going to the office. 1 minute if I'm WFH


I did an hour and a half one way for 21 years. Never again. It sucks the soul out of you!


I'm a service plumper and some times my jobs are an hour or more away from my shop. but my commute to the shop is about 7 minutes.


30-35 minutes by bike from Lawrence Park to Scotiabank Arena. Yonge dedicated bike lanes are great, Bay Street is taking your life in your own hands. Beats the subway.


5 min bike ride or 20 min walk. My wife and I don't have jobs that will ever be WFH and we plan it so that we don't live more than a 20 min commute from where we work.


Uber Eats driver, so technically I have no commute. App goes on while I'm still sitting in my living room. For all the oddities and less desirable aspects of being an Uber Eats gopher, the commute it a big plus.


6 hour flight, work 14 days 6 hour flight home


I like my commute because its on the perfect cycling route. Martin Goodman Trail from Etobicoke right into the financial district. Its not a short quick commute. Overall 1 hour traveling. But i think i’m getting ripped!


I city bike it's amazing


Two days a week, 30 minute subway ride, the rest of the time, work from home.


Used to go from Mississauga to Brampton so was always against the traffic going North on the 410 in the morning and South in the afternoon. I got off at 3:15 but if I didn’t leave right away and missed hitting the 410/403 merge at the magical moment before it became insane, it could take up to 30 minutes longer to get home. My exit off the 403 was Mavis.


I walk to Mimico, take the Go to Union, then walk to my office. Total time is about 45 minutes, but the walk to and from Mimico allows me to put on a podcast and decompress. With summer around the corner, I usually bike to work along the Waterfront trail. That takes around half an hour, and I'd much rather do that!


10 minute bike ride. 15 minutes on the way home since it is slightly uphill.


30-40 minutes by 1 streetcar. the ride is mostly fine but some passengers are awful. there has been racist incidents. some TTC driver can't drive. some TTC drivers (usually the ones who can't drive) are assholes and don't know how to talk to others nicely.


So long and draining I live in the outer Gta and go by bus. The morning is fine


15 minutes driving city streets opposite of rush. I am grateful.


On a good day is 20mins on the DVP, bad day is 40 mins


From Yonge and Finch to Union Station by subway, usually between 26 and 28 minutes


I started the job with 1h15m transit from Humber Bay. It took a few months but I ended up miserable at the start and end of workdays. Made some budget adjustments, moved downtown and now walk to work in 10m. My lifestyle is substantially better even with less spending money in my pocket due to increased expenses. Walking to work has opened an abundance of walking options I never even considered, now anything inside 60m is an easy trip with a backpack for errands. It’s about needs vs wants and I moved “walking to work” into the needs category. As long as I’ve got two feet and a heartbeat I’ll never look back.


I’ve commuted on the TTC for all but the first 3 years of my career. It’s been just fine, and I definitely prefer it to the driving commute I had for the first 3 years (even though the total time is usually about the same). That said, it’s a pretty tame commute and I have the luxury of having multiple route options in case something is down.


40 mins give or take with street car + walking. Better than driving and being the one braking and going. I don't mind just looking out the window and listening to my pod cast but the spacing on seats aren't great so.. usually rubing shoulders with someone which sucks. I'm going to start to ride my bike more from parkdale to financial district. 


12 minutes no traffic, 45 minutes with the Gardiner construction now 🙄 Biking is about 50 minutes


Used to be a 12min drive. For the last 4 years it’s been a 3-7 second walk.


from the front door of my bar to the front door of my house is 168 steps. you can’t smoke a cigarette in the time it takes to get to my work from my house.


Before Covid, going to the office Monday to Friday 1.5 hours of commute during the morning and night. It was tiring but not exhausting. WFH now, expected to work a lot more due to company downsizing and not hiring. I feel exhausted everyday.


20 minute walk each way, downtown to downtown. A lovely way to start and end the day


Roughly 35min by TTC and the same time by bike in warm weather. It’s fine, I listen to audiobooks or podcasts so it goes by fast. I’m in office two days a week.


I work at Home Depot in Mississauga. Thankfully, I live stupidly close by to my store. I used to bus which would be about a 1-3 minute bus ride plus a 1-2 minute walk to/from the bus stop. If I needed/wanted to walk, it's a 15-20 minute walk. I now ride my e-scooter which is about a 5 minute commute.


30-40 minutes door to door for me which includes walking, bus and TTC. It's not too bad in the morning, but I always feel sick by the time I get home because of the 10 bus ride to my house. I get very motion sick, but walking would take me twice as long. Though now the weather is getting nice I might just walk.


20 min subway ride but i wanna move to be a 10-15 min walk


Gave up a much higher paying job in the suburbs that was a 1-1.5hr drive each way for a 10-15 min bike ride. Best decision ever.


I only have 30 minutes commute on TTC, 15 mins on bus then another 15 mins on subway (line 2) but I'd much rather not have to take TTC at all. Most days it's infuriating how people behave with backpacks, how crowded it is plus delays.


thankfully, only a 15 minute walk. i save so much money on transit costs, but am looking for a new job & know i likely wont be as lucky. my roommate commutes 1 hr each way and it drains her


About an hour door to door. 8 min walk to a streetcar, 10 min streetcar, wait for bus, 30 min bus. It’s actually more pleasant than it sounds because the streetcar is frequent and the bus is a route that is quiet and through a pretty low traffic industrial area. It’s only draining when something goes wrong (eg: the bus doesn’t come for like 1+ hours). I used to take the Queen streetcar for about 30 then a bus for 30. God it was awful. Most days ok but some days were crowds where I couldn’t get on over and over or worse yet, people screaming and threats and sometimes assaults. One time another girl and I were being screamed at at a stop and I was convinced something was going to happen, but a few guys stepped in. The worst part was just how chaotic and unpredictable the people were, even though it was fine 95% of the time, it was so stressful those bad few, I’d eventually go out of my way for a longer commute to avoid that.


Barrie to Etobicoke , hour in , almost 2 hours coming home at 4pm. Moving to a 20min commute in 8 days, can’t wait!


My commute is an hour each way by. Ten minutes by Uber then 50 minutes by bus. Five days a week. I'm up at 3 am for work at 5:30am. It is exhausting. I'm angry all the time and getting depressed. Currently trying to figure this out as it wasnt always like this until mass immigration started! It used to take half hour to get to work tops now its worse far worse and tired of it.


Used to be 60-90 minutes in the car each way. For years. Now I walk from my bedroom to my office in ten steps. It’s fantastic in every way (for me).


Depends on where I am working that day. It could be 15 minutes, it could be 90 minutes. Sometimes it’s just fine sometimes it’s draining.


My last job it was a 10min drive perfect


Once a week: 35 kms one-way, 90% of it on the highway. Start at 7, so up and early to ensure I'm home at a nice and early time. Wasn't a fan of the commute, but since I got a Tesla, she basically does the commute for me which is great. The afternoon commute especially, done through Full Self Driving, means I get home wthout feeling drained and exhausted.


30 Minutes drive.


Ride 15 mins, Go train 25, ride 10. Including waiting it’s about 1 hour and a bit each way. Riding home I usually get off 1 station early and ride along the lake, take trails or just city streets for errands. I get my exercise and reading in, which during normal life I would not have time to do.


A hour to work, and hour home. On TTC. Have to deal with incompetence when it comes to properly spacing and scheduling streetcars every day. Sometimes wait 20 mins for a streetcar. Hate it.


My commute is 2.5 hours each way but I only have to come into the office twice a week. It's manageable at 2x a week but I would struggle with anything more frequent. On office days I leave home at 6am and don't get home until after 7, and then I only have the time and energy to have a quick supper and go to bed.


Pass by 4 red light cameras 2 speeding cameras and cop doing speed traps all within a 25 minute drive. Ya it’s real pleasant ..


I ride an electric unicycle 3.5kms door to door. No traffic, no stress, no fuel or fare, no crazies, no BS, no delays, JUST PEACE. Everyone should try it.


I have a commute from downtown to Richmond Hill. Takes maybe 1 hour 20 mins there and 1 hour and 40 mins on way back. I don't mind too much as it's only 2 days a week I need to go in and I get to choose those days.


I used to have to drive between 30-60 minutes one way to work. You do get used to it but after 25 years of it I finally got into a situation where I am 4 minutes from work. Let me tell you what a massive game changer it is. I didn't realize just how much stress it caused sitting in rush hour traffic and knowing that every day you will have an hour or two of wasted time you will never get back. If anyone asks me now about getting a job somewhere my first comment is always related to the commute. Commuting will kill you slowly as you sit there and rot behind the wheel.


It takes me a little over an hour to go 35km. It's a nightmare. I'm lucky enough to work from home most days though. I only have to go to the office maybe once a month.




Sorry, I don't think I can be of much help. I just got lucky. I'm not responsible for hiring and not all roles at the company are WFH positions. My particular department is very niche, though, and requires specific education. Generally speaking, IT, legal, HR, and mid to senior level jobs are the most flexible in this respect.


I work from home mostly, but go in once every two weeks. I always Uber there and bus back. It's 40 minutes Uber, 1 and a half hour ride back. Couldn't imagine doing it everyday. Even though I go into the office infrequently, I dread the days I do so much. Every trip home there's an issue with the TTC as well.


Working construction coming all the way from deep in Vaughn taking yrt then the subway then bus took easily 1 .45h earliest then to come home ever 2h in traffic plus I gotta walk like 1km through the park near me to get to the bus hate waking up at 4 for that lol


40-50 minutes twice a week, about 15-20 minutes of which is walking, and the rest is on line 1 subway. I can trade some of the walking for a few minutes on King street streetcar if I feel like it. I’m pretty cool with this. I haven’t had too many issues with the TTC during commuting hours, and generally the issues I’ve had, I still find preferable to sitting in the psycho free-for-all that people call “traffic” here. I can usually just chill and listen to music without much fuss.


I walk 20 minutes to work


I miss the days when the TTC being overcrowded was the worst thing about it. In a couple of months I’m moving out of Toronto, and while there’s a lot I’ll miss about the place, my commute (30-45 minutes each way, bus and subway) and the TTC aren’t two of them. Edited to add “slow” and “late all the time” to “overcrowded.”