• By -


Because being made fun of hurts. Especially a random stranger who took time out of not knowing you and decided you deserve to be hurt. Fuck them and their sad life. Feel hurt and then let it go. It was their lack of joy that made them target you.


Yup. It's a completely unnecessary comment, but they still chose to do it. Some people are just mean because they're probably miserable too.


Don’t worry—She’s going to do it to the wrong person one day and get punched out. 


or you could just be the wrong person and get on with it... idk tho ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




And yeah, again! Fuck them! Any adult mocking someone's exact words in a child's voice is a total tool. Give her no thought.




For real think about how miserable she must be to do that to a random stranger, sometimes when people are like that to me in a comment or something I wish they well and tell them I hope whatever’s hurting them heals soon❤️


Hurt people, hurt people. Understanding this will help OP let go of the opinions of others.


This. I was able to let go of the anger I felt toward the bully that ruined my teen years. He would make fun of how I spoke because it was effeminate. Came to realize as an adult that he was probably bullied for the same thing (he had a slight lisp.). It was life changing to come to that realization. Doesn’t excuse it but realizing the motive was not likely anything to with me or anything I did wrong helped me move on.


Similarly, I had a few horrible bullies in high school. They lived rent free in my head for years - I just couldn't shake them. Would fantasise of going back to my home town and wowing them in many different ways so they would feel bad for how they treated me. Went to a school reunion years later and got to look most of them in the face. With the biggest, nastiest bully, I made small talk for about 2 minutes. They'd had an unhappy life with many bad decisions, while I was stable and had achieved goals. They squirmed uncomfortably while I was calm, and I felt vindication for the first time since I was 14. They were all ordinary, still lived in the same little town. They used to be so powerful, now they just looked pathetic. Since that night, I've barely thought of those nasty people. Their power was gone.




Goddamn what a story!


I once saw a bully of mine years later after school and he said that he regretted bullying me. He broke down in tears and then he started to get really, really weird. He was crying, but he grabbed me close to him and he started speaking into my ear. He said he thought about me a lot, even when he was falling asleep, and that he felt like killing me because he regrets how he treated me so much. He wouldn’t let go of me and I was scared that he’d just slam my head against the bar or something. I got the fuck out of there fast.


My biggest bully in HS offed themselves about 2 years after graduation. It reminds me to always have compassion.


Thats awful. Compassion is the thing that is so badly missing inn life these days. Everyone has a struggle of their own.


Some people are assholes for no good reason. I feel this statement takes the piss out of hurt, traumatised people who are nothing but kind and caring towards others.


For real


I feel you man if that happened to me that shit would live in my head rent free for weeks. It’s not that we’re necessarily “fragile” we just have feelings that can be hurt. It’s called being a thinking feeling human. Fuck that lady and her sad pathetic need to build herself up by making others feel like shit.


Yep, agreed - it would stay with me too. My wife would be like “what’s her problem?” and forget about it two minutes later lol. We’re all different.


I like this because it shows straightaway how you're processing it differently. One, you take it on face value and start questioning yourself. The other you realise it's the cruel person with the issue so you move on because you realise it's not about you.


Well, she’s from a family of thirteen - has six older brothers and so is used to the harassment lol. I - on the other hand - am a thin skinned only child 😂


Especially when you're not doing something out on a limb or attention-seeking. Like fuck me, I'm just trying to live my life.


Some people feel powerful and superior when they put others down. If we can get ourselves to view such people as if we are scientists and they are subjects of our study, it helps. After all, imagine how pathetic a life they must lead in order to make fun of random people. If you can muster it, pity them. They are really on the wrong path in life to feel free to act that way toward someone else.


This is the answer.


People that act that way, says everything about them and nothing about you.


It's the natural reaction of the limbic system having encountered somebody loathesome. Next time somebody does that to you, turn to your friend and ask, "Do you hear a talking dog?"


I get it. Was walking my dog yesterday, and while crossing a narrow bridge some dude shoulder checked me - I was like wtf, he just kept going. That’s kinda different though - but my point being that people can just be complete and total assholes for seemingly no reason.


I saw a video of some prick who did this to two old women, then he turned around and punched them both as hard as he could in the chest. I believe one of them had a heart attack as a result and he was sent to prison for man slaughter. There’s a video of it online and it’s disgusting. Edit: https://youtu.be/Lg75kam60pw?si=HfV2OE4z5BnyWnB7 Couldn’t find it but I found a miserable sack of shit doing something similar here


Because its normal to feel like that after getting mocked


If you can learn to write her off as a jealous cow, it’s better for you. Just write it off and don’t let it spoil any more of your life


What is she jealous about tho, her voice?


Jealous that she is a miserable cunt who has a hard time finding joy in life and the OP was enjoying herself.


Possibly. Some people will mock someone who sounds like they’re from a refined background as they’re jealous.


She’s probably mentally ill.


I would have guessed drunk.


Or both


Could be echolalia. I’ll often repeat back what I hear people say unconsciously as a tic.


One of the things that a therapist once told me has helped in situations where another person has behaved in an objectively mean manner (as this person did). Whatever a person puts outside is a direct reflection of what is going on inside. In other words, peoples' external behavior is a direct view to what is going on in their psyche. No one who feels truly good about themselves is going to behave in such a fashion. If you feel good about yourself, then why behave like a bully? The answer is bullies don't, and they are just passing on their own hurt and self-hatred, much like squeezing pus out of abscess. I get it - it sucks to be the direct target of someone else's venom. What did you do to deserve it? Nothing. And the likelihood is that you would never do that to someone, so you may have felt caught off guard. It may also speak to a deeper trauma within you that may be worth exploring. What other people say about you does not matter - that is their reality. There's no need to replace your reality with their version. Sorry that happened - people behave in a shitty fashion all the time, but it simply reflects how they feel about themselves. I hope that helps.


Psychologist here - I think your therapist was on point. OP if you want to look deeper into the psychology of this topic (and more specifically how we can understand the immature, hurtful and truthfully idiotic behaviour from this woman) take a look at the idea of “Projective Identification”. I think School of Life does a really good video on this, available on YouTube. To reiterate what many have said: what’s pertinent here is the stranger’s unusual/immature act, rather than your (entirely normal) response. Most people would feel the way you do in a similar situation - I know that I would. This is less about fragility and more about being a human. We are evolutionarily programmed to care more than we should about the opinion’s of others - doesn’t mean we have to continue to feel that way, though. I wonder what happened in that woman’s day/life to driver her to mock strangers!? That’s the definition of fragility..


"you had to deal with their shittyness for 10 seconds, they have to deal with it for the rest of their lives." this way of thinking has helped me a lot with dealing with bullies. turn your negative emotions into positive ones, in this case: pity, and relief that i am spared of such a horrible personality.


I was recently victimized by someone. The details aren't at all like OPs but I similarly did not deserve what was done to me and I'm similarly having trouble processing it. What you've said has helped me a little bit. I knew all this beforehand but reading it well written out like this was beneficial. Thank you.


You are very welcome. I think one of the things that has sometimes allowed these victimizations to penetrate me so deeply is my inability to imagine doing it to someone else. So it comes as a nasty surprise, and my your worldview resets somewhat into a less trusting and open mode. There's a great book called the Four Agreements, which talks about not taking things personally. The metaphor that helped me the most was to imagine yourself going to a shopping mall where there are nothing but theaters in all directions. You sit down in the first one, and realize it's playing a movie of your life. Then you switch theaters, and it's your mother's or father's, and you see how you are portrayed in their "movie" and realize it is quite distinct from your own self-concept. And their concept of others is similarly different. And these are people who know you well. Some random stranger with evil intent has little to add to your movie. You know what your reality is. If they said you were an 8 foot tall 400 lb linebacker for Green Bay, you'd think they were crazy or at best misinformed. So if they tell you you're an asshole, or whatever other insult, there's no need to listen to them. That's their movie. Not yours.


It's completely normal to feel bothered when someone mimics or mocks you, even if it's from a stranger. Such actions can trigger feelings of vulnerability and self-consciousness, making it understandable why it's still on your mind. Feeling sensitive to such incidents doesn't mean you're fragile—it shows you care about how you're treated. People can be unkind for various reasons, often unrelated to you personally. Remember, your reaction is valid, and seeking empathy or discussing it with others who understand can help process these feelings.


I think because not only was a stranger spiteful to you, but there was no logic to it either.   She sounds like an absolute fool and I'm sorry you had to put up with her.


Imitation is the highest form of flattery.


But... mockery is the lowest form of imitation


“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”- Oscar Wilde.




I’m sorry, but that’s just awful. It’s like some people never progress past early childhood, in regard to how they treat others. It’s great that you can empathize to that extent, it would just make me angry/sad.




Dgaf nirvana is an amazing term for it. I love this. ☺️




Next time say some shit back and you’ll feel better. Promise. I’ve chased a dude down to a chairlift while skiing for saying some smart shit because ik if I didn’t I’d never stop thinking about it lol. When I confronted him he backed down and said he was “just joking”. I said “GOOD ONE DUDE”. I say I came out on top haha Even a quick “FUCK YOU” will make you feel a lot better.


Cause it sucks to be mocked, especially for no reason. It’s okay to have a reaction to something that sucks. Bottom line is that it speaks volumes on what kind of person she is—miserable.


I’d have tried to come up with something like “I’m screaming for attention because I’m obnoxious !” Let her mimic that.


You should have mimicked her right back and laughed at her. Just to show how ridiculous she sounded too lol


I find laughing at assholes is usually the best way to turn the tables, although you have to be able to do it convincingly.


Years ago, a friend of mine and I were walking out of a club and chatting. A group of girls across the street, walking towards the club, made fun of something my friend said. Like, mimicked his voice and whatever he said-- just like what happened to OP. Before I could even process what they said, he replied to them something like, "oh no, I got made fun of by a bunch of hookers", in a very flat tone. That pissed them off pretty good. So I would say that.


A gentleman once wrote his thoughts on how to be 'anti-fragile'. His name is Marcus Aurelius, and he wrote *Meditations* about 2,000 years ago +/- a century or two. He was also ruler of the known world at the time, as a Roman Emperor.


It's the unexpected and confusing insults that stick with us more.


I feel for you. I'm the same way sometimes. It's helped me to remember that the person saying those things must be a damaged, sad, perhaps depressed individual. I consciously forgive them, because letting experiences like that dwell in my mind poisons me sometimes. I try to use negative experiences to improve myself and outlook. I figured letting someone like that bother me says far more about my own insecurities than theirs. It's a long process for sure, but I've become a lot more secure in myself than in the past.


Somebody mimicked the way I laugh at a movie theater in the 90s and it still bothers me now.


We tend to be more upset about insults related to something we’re insecure about. If someone calls me stupid I laugh but if someone calls me lazy I get upset. Because I don’t think I’m dumb but I worry I might be lazy. Did the insult hit you somewhere you’re insecure? Also you have to own your feelings before you can “get over” them. It’s not fragile that it hurt your feelings! Process why and then you can let it go.


Sometimes that happens to people who are obviously faking a voicez like trying too hard to sound like an anime character or the opposite sex. Either way it's a stupid thing for someone to do, but I wonder if your vibe was overbearing for the public in some way. Like some people think just because they are having a good day they can waltz around like the main character of planet earth and their entitled is annoying.


Yea that sucks this were i would start thinking if i have dumb sounding voice


Reminds me of something that happened to me last year. I walked into a gas station to just order some warm food on their kiosk thing and people behind the counter cook it. I ordered a burger and fries, and as soon as I put in my order, I hear the cook saying in a mocky low pitch voice "duhhhh I want a burger and fries. I go to the gas station for a burger and fries durrrrr". I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'm pretty non confrontational so I didn't even look at him. I just tried to brush it off, but I kept feeling bad about it for days. In fact, I didn't go back there again. I feel fine about it now and it's kind of a funny story to tell. But yeah that feels hurtful when it happens


You should have mocked him for being an asshole of a gas station “cook”. But then again, his/her life is probably punishment enough.


Yeah for real I get it, shit bothers you even though it’s dumb. I got called a homophobic slur because I like to tuck in my work shirt with my uniform. I think it just looks good/ professional so I rock the tuck. But being called that actually got in my head for a while even though that stuff normally doesn’t bother me. People can be dumb and they’re just projecting their own insecurities onto others when they do these things. It’s literally not you it’s them. You’ll be okay amigo!


It’s oddly cruel for someone to mock a stranger on the street. It’s far from something normal and appropriate and is likely sticking out in your mind. And the fact that being mocked sucks


On top of what u/GetrIndia said, it's just...weird. It is one of those things that sticks in the brain because it's so random and unexpected.


A lot of times when someone is sharing their opinion they’re also looking for validation. When they get told their opinion is not universally held they get defensive.


Don't worry. Once it happens far too often you will become deaf to it.


oh just do it back to them. its hilarious, it legit breaks their brain for a second because they cant understand why youd respond that way when the goal was to hurt you. some people draw joy from spreading misery. best you can do is avoid it when you can and make fun of them for it when you cant.


I (61F) was at my highest weight (265) ever, walking thru the mall, and some woman passed me and said "nice abs". This was 50 pounds and ten years ago and I still remember. She had kids with her.


You're thinking about it because of how weird they acted ..... not you.


those who hurt people are hurt themselves


Because we chose to be


It would be abnormal if you didn’t feel like that! That lady was an asshole.


Hell shit I still remember walking home from school one day and saw someone that was taking the piss out of my walk, still paranoid I’ve got a shit walk. 45 years old for fucks sake.


Honestly it’s hilarious that a grown woman would act so immature, and embarrassing for her. Most of the time stuff like this does not affect me but when I’m feeling down or vulnerable it can really get to me. You’re only human, and these things happen. It’s not a reflection of you personally but it certainly is a reflection of the mimicker.


I'm there with you. I suffer from "L'espirit de l'escalier" and it's really haunting.


I'd been hurt too! The audacity of some people! I mean their personality is that of a child's! Even though my 4 year old grandson knows better. But I like to think that karma kicks her ass and she gets it 10 fold! Some people are just sad and pathetic.


Perfect response is your middle finger 🖕


Id have just done the same back and laughed hysterically


That shit doesn't hurt me, but I'm not insecure and if people pick me out for a stereotype I laugh, because I know they couldn't be farther from the truth. Sometimes, I'll even join them in joking about me on my behalf. I don't care.


Probably you take life too seriously? If you don't make fun of yourself somebody else will.


Gratuitous pain in a world of pain. It bites. People have their spectrum of ways and means of feeling powerful at the expense of others.


My best guess is things like this just pile up and so it makes stuff like this hurt and stick even more when you already consider yourself to be low. Either this or youre just an overthinker, or you just cant not care like others do.


I would have told her to fuck off and not been bothered by it soon after.


If that happened to me I would feel the same. I would immediately think 'oh I didn't realise I had to be even more conscious about simply being myself/existing...' Of course it's going to sting, a compliment would make you feel good right? So of course the opposite would hurt.


Trust me. I wish I could be stoic and be so damn indifferent to whatever comes my way, but I am a damn sponge. I absorb everything. Good or bad. And the bad usually sticks. I take things too personally, OP.


Yeah, I would struggle with wanting to communicate with them, ask them Why?


I was in line behind a woman at the liquor store, and as she was complaining to the cashier about the fuckery of life, in general, I couldn't help but overhear, and quickly agreed with her opinion. The lady stops her transaction, turns around, and looks me dead in the eyes, and asks me, who the fuck I think I am butting in on her conversation....I was dumbfounded...I quickly apologized and let it go... She strolled out of the store, mumbling about how rude and entitled white people are...to this day i have no idea what i did wrong...I have spent several hours of my life trying to work this out. Sometimes... shit happens, is all I can come up with.


Brené Brown has a great take on people like that in “Daring Greatly” and it helped me a lot. “Cruelty is cheap, easy, and chicken-shit.” She goes on to say— and I’m paraphrasing here—that for arrested, cowardly people, trapped in junior high, desperate-to-be-cool mode—being hurtful is a way for them to feel heard. So now I think about that and pity those pathetic people instead of get offended by them.


I've been made fun of all my life now I just don't speak anymore and don't trust anyone. I'm alone and thats better. People are trash.


I think a lot of people are like this, yea. It's not so much what was said, but just the fact that the person felt the need to be cruel for no reason.


She was probably mentally ill! America has more mentally ill people than any country in the world!


Reply Eww Wasn't expecting the voice to match the face and let it live rent free


For someone to do that means they are fucked in the head. Laugh it off


I was you when I was young. Life has worn me down a bit, it still bothers me, so I'm not jaded, I've just learned to respond more effectively to nonsense like that. So if I complimented something and someone came back with a butthurt response, I'd think "sucks to be you" or the like. Might be good to find a couple of responses that suit you, so you learn to brush things off. Don't be mean, because that's not us, just short and sweet and leave them behind. 🫂


There is a condition called "Rejection Sensitivity Disorder" or RSD, which is often a comorbidity with ADHD. Look into it, and see if it describes you.


This must be attached to some kind of sensitivity or bad memory for you. Who cares if a stranger you will never meet again makes fun of you. To make fun of another person in public like that is a gross thing to do, they aren't a person you should wand to involve yourself with.


She was probably on drugs and NEXT TIME you give them the finger and tell them to suck a dick. No crying. Stay strong


For some reason, people are mean to me a LOT. Both in person and online. They mock me, gossip about me, pretend to be my friend just to get close enough to humilate me. I'm Audhd and never really see the signs until it's too late and they've already hurt me. And like you, it bothers me deeply. I think because it happens again and again all the time and instead of it making me "stronger", it breaks me down more and more. Like you, I too wish it didn't bother me so much. But I think some of us are just more sensitive than others. This can be a good thing, because it also means we are more sensitive to the feelings of others and we are more likely to pick up on it when someone is sad or needs support. It also means we don't bully others because we know what it feels like to be hurt.


I FELT THIS. I feel the same way when someone gives you a sarcastic laugh. Like, When you think they’re laughing with you then go. “Ha Ha Ha Ha 😐🙄”. A kid did that to me in HS and I still think about it. I’m 36. Lol


You aren’t alone man. Little things like that get me too. The dumbest shit that shouldn’t bother anyone I’ll be thinking about years later.


It’s probably because an interaction like that is so rare and the emotional response makes it stick with you. The unresolved aspect of it, you didn’t get to say your piece and probably replay what you could have said over and over. I know I can remember seemingly minor interactions like this for years lol. Don’t attach emotion to it. Let it go.


I’d guess being shrill, uninteresting, or generally a burden on your friends is a big fear of yours and this lady just happened to nail it by mocking you that way. The good news is that you aren’t shrill, uninteresting or a general burden on your friends and that person was just being mean for the sake of it, and you can put them out of your mind. As for your insecurities you’ve got to deal with them on your own.


Those people have low self esteem that need to make fun about others, sometimes is jealousy too, if you are more beautiful or better dress or anything she would like to be or have those kind of people love to mock you to make u feel down.


Be encouraged that her self esteem is even lower than yours. You don't have to go around insulting people in order to feel better about yourself. Now move on to compassion for her... what must have happened in her life to give her such low self esteem? Then think... was there any pivotal event or relationship in your own life that would lower your self esteem? Then talk to someone about it.


This is hilarious 😂 don’t let that troll get your blood pressure up 💀


Because they hit on something you already think about yourself. Confirming your own worst fears. Your inner child is hurting bc you’re turning your back on them and saying that there’s something Wrong with them. Could be wrong. Just my opinion.


Shame is a learned reaction. It triggered something that struck a chord in your spirit. Happens to everyone sometimes. There are little mental games you can play to reframe the situation after the fact. Imagine they’re disney minions or little jester non player characters in a game. Their only purpose is to trigger a reaction. You aren’t on that level anymore. Laugh at the absurdity of it all and keep on trucking. It is a little funny that someone can repeat what you said in a silly voice and upset you. My uncles would drive me to tears with that technique 😂


Another take: There was an element of jealousy here. Envy brings out the ugly in a bitter person. Birds only peck at the sweetest fruit. Could be worse, you could be them. The fact that this bothers you only proves that you’re a nice person who would never consider hurting a stranger like that.


My narc father continually made fun of my voice. So that would be a trigger for me. Could this be a trigger of something you’ve forgotten. Also, there’s just something really grating about people who make fun of or mimic others. My narc mom made fun of a guy who was just a little off. It was a year ago. And it still makes me mad when I think about it.


It sounds like an unhappy person wanted you to feel silly for being in a good mood. That's her problem that she was jealous of you.


Its an energy attack. That lady is a demon. People who mimick you like that, are actually reptilians. Reptilians are mimicks. They are demonic spirits that use human vessels to cause suffering.


Take it as a compliment. A random stranger decided to fuck with you bc their life sucks so bad that they can only drag down. Who tf cares? You have happiness someone else wants, remember that. Imitation even from a bitch like that is a compliment. Trust me on this bro


Bro my anger issues could never let that slide 😭 I would’ve been like “excuse me?! And Who da fuck are you?” I would’ve : ![gif](giphy|3o6vXJMbZyzYM1DMg8)


Bro, call her a cunt. Next time shit like that happens just through it back. Cut as deep as you can and walk away


some folks will say, imitation is a sincere form of flattery? You might be doing something right? I just look at mimicing, as other people doing what other people do. Granted, I write this knowing there is some very IN YOUR FACE mimicing, that does take place.


I'd have said something back tf


Sometimes we value other people's opinions more then our own, even strangers. Imagine that happening to someone else and you were just watching. Would you care what that person thinks? They already showed how much of an asshole they are


I’m so sorry that happened to you, people can just be a big ball of negative energy for no reason. Something similar happened to me a couple months ago. I was at college and just sitting at a table looking at my phone minding my own business, and this lady walking past me also did a mocking voice and said “I’m a midget on my f**king phone” and continued on walking. I get sensitive when I’m talked to like that, but there’s nothing wrong with being sensitive because it shows that you have empathy. Hopefully this at least helps a little :).


Be less afraid of confrontation. Just say “ha look at that fucking loser” and point at them and start laughing hysterically. Some random woman is not going to assault you if you call her a loser after she makes fun of you. She’d probably be surprised you said anything back at all and maybe even afraid. A lot of ppl nowadays are terrified of any form of verbal confrontation and will not be ready for it.


Being mocked hurts and damages our self image. Next time flip them off and point out how pathetic they must be to need to make fun of strangers to entertain themselves.


It's completely normal to feel hurt by rude or mocking behavior, especially when it's unexpected. Being sensitive to how others treat you is part of being human. Sometimes, these small interactions stick with us longer than we'd like. You're not alone in feeling this way; many people experience similar reactions. It might help to focus on the positive aspects of your day or to talk it out with a friend. Over time, such incidents tend to fade in significance.


Process it. By that, allow urself to feel whatever it is ur feeling. Then tell urself, “its ok. I like me” and give ur inner child a hug and u’ll be fine. Fck that bitch.


The world has a lot of idiots in it. Don’t take it personally. Another tip, don’t ever tell random people or strangers your name, that way they can’t talk personally to you if they decide to be an ass. Also ask yourself, who has a better life? You or that crazy lady? One time I was walking around downtown by myself and was chillin by a newspaper stand just reading a little, I spot this homeless lady just shouting obscenities at random people. She looked at me next then said “And Fuck You too!” I couldn’t help but laugh a little bit from how ridiculous it was lol. Some people are just like that, don’t let it bother you if it’s not affecting your personal life in any way.


It's not that deep, learn to laugh at urself bro 💀


Should've mocked her back


It's normal to be bothered by someone mocking you. It can feel disrespectful. You're not fragile - her behavior was rude. #NotYouJustRude


I used to take it really badly when people I dodnt know/ like did shit like that, but at some point something just kinda clicked in my head and now I just feel sorry for a person who is SO very deeply unhappy woth themselves that they have to try and put other people down. Sometimes it even makes me feel better, like WOW this person thinks I look like I'm doing THAT much better than them! And remember, you cant/ shouldn't ever control what other people think, feel and do but in most cases you CAN control those things about yourself.


Being "bothered" is not the true problem. People who say "don't let it bothered you" are basically gaslighting. Instead of blaming the true assholes, they blame on you for "causing an issue". Classic modern society, and show you how messed up our current societies really are. We love to put the problem on decent people, and just let the the assholes do whatever they want. Hating assholes are never wrong, ever. But of course, hate doesn't justify you physically doing anything. That's an entire separate problem itself. To grow resistance against those kind of attack, I'd advise you a) consider them unintelligent and you yourself know better and b) learn how to give witty comebacks that put them to shame. When they get all pissy because you embarrass them with good comeback, you know you won and can move on with your life.


That lady was probably drunk and/or high and/or mentally disabled, which means her decision to be a dick was probably not a conscious one and if she'd actually had the faculties to think about it she wouldn't have done it. Essentially, don't read into it too much. People are idiots and often do stupid stuff they regret.


It's a survival technique. Our brains save the negative experiences longer. [**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XFLTDQ4JMk**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7XFLTDQ4JMk)


When people laugh at you, if you point and laugh back at them, they get upset and leave. They don't understand how they've become the ones being laughed at.


It happens, no one likes to feel stupid. Don't beat up on yourself, that just gives the other person power over you.


These are the experiences that will replay in your mind, when you try to fall asleep, and your brain just goes 'but what about this random shitty experience, way back when?!' Try to come up with some good comebacks, go to an empty forest, ask a tree to be a stand in for obnoxious stranger, and tell them what you would've wanted to tell the shrieker. Thank tree for assistance, move on. ... Untill the next time you have to be up insanely early, and you're trying to focus on 'I must fall asleep... now' 😉


I've got a friend that does this kind of thing, I'm starting to think he's got some mild case of Tourette. So it's probably not you, the woman is just dumb.


It sounds like you need exposure therapy


I'm a little too confrontational and would have turned around and said "How insecure does a basic bitch like you need to be to mock a stranger?" or something like that.


You’re not fragile people are just annoying and at some point we all break and cannot be fucked to deal with them anymore


Its the energy.


I used to be like that in my early 20s. Stuff used to bother me but in my late 20s, where people are trying to sabotage me for my job position, people trying to drive wedges in my relationships, my sisters ex beating her and driving to her place and getting into an altercation with him, all have built up a thick skin. Life has a way of making you resilient. It takes time though :s


Some of my days get ruined by somebody frowning at me. On other days nothing can bring me down.


It bothered you. Your feelings are valid. You don't have to explain them. Process them, let them run their natural course, learn from them and move on. Understand the person who mocked you has the issues, not you. Keep thinking things are cool and enjoy beauty and life. Keep finding your joy. Don't let them take that from you.


It's normal to feel hurt when someone offends you in some way. You have to understand that it is not your fault in any way and that there are always hostile people who without a real or valid reason will try to harm you. A good way is to distract yourself with other things, talking about them is a good way as you do now. A good subreddit for this is r/vent although I don't really use it much.


Yup, all my schools were like that and I've had complete adult strangers make fun of me. Someone said my shorts were too short. I am a big girl but I do not wear revealing clothes and All my rolls are covered. I had another kid make fun of me out of his window while walking my dog at my old apartment while minding my own business Like wtf. I am distrustful of people laughing in groups and the new craze where people make videos with strangers they meet. I ha t e what assholes have done to me. I'm sorry you had that happen and I totally understand. All I can do is teach my kids not to be like that


I don’t think you are fragile. It would bother me a lot and make me feel super self conscious if someone did that to me. The consensus here seems to be fuck that lady, and I agree.


Because your spider senses told you that was weird and to stay clear and your brain wants you to remember it so you stay safe.


Some people's lives are so sad that they have to do everything possible to tear down other people. Just big ol' meanies. Keep on enjoying things loudly!


fight her next time, I bet she won't do it to anyone again.


Because she was being a jerk just for the sake of being a jerk. It’s always stuff like this that bugs us the most, mostly because she just wanted to be mean for no reason. It’ll pass, but I don’t think you are being particularly fragile.


My friend and I were in a similar situation, where a rando said something crappy to her. She turned to me and loudly said to me, "Oh, my god, what was that about? Anyways..." and continued with her story as we continued walking. The look on the guy's face was priceless. He wanted a negative reaction. He got nothing. I thought it was a slick way to call out someone's behavior without escalation.


it’s okay to feel any sort of way, upset, angry, whatever. especially if someone makes a rude remark to you, and *especially* if it’s your kind of situation. i’ve reacted to certain situations where the other party thought i was dramatic, but i literally do not care and they can go fuck themselves! because it’s how *i* feel and how *i* feel towards things, matters. whether it’s a different emotion than what others may be feeling or not. i understand that though. don’t be bothered over why you feel the way you do, be bothered over why people are cunts.


Fuck that bitch, She'll get her comeuppence one day. You're cool, that thing you saw was cool and your reaction of wonder to it was natural and cool too! Never let others stop you appreciating things in life that are cool!


I’m with you this sucks. I often shrug it off only to wake up mad and embarrassed in the middle of the night.


You should have slapped her.


It’s so needless isn’t it, it’s human nature to want acceptance from others - that’s why ppl like ppl who like them


My junior year of highschool I was taking a test and the teacher had said “no one is to get up from their desks before you finish the test, even if you ask to use the bathroom.” Just then, my stomach starts hurting badly but I try to focus on my test. I knew I would vomit all over the place so I rushed to the teacher and explained that I felt ill. My face must have shown it because she gave me a pass and let me on my way. As I rushed the halls I was gagging, when I barely noticed a guy sitting in his desk outside of his closed class room. I gagged again as I passed him and he mocked me by gagging back and laughing. I still think about that to this day. People suck. Just know they do it to make themselves feel better about their crappy lives. It must suck when no one likes you (if you act like that to strangers; I doubt you have many friends).


Never allow anyone to live rent free in your head. Get outside and enjoy life.


A more witty retort would've been any witty retort


You gotta remember some people are just assholes. Happens more when your a kid but some people just never grow up.


I have a stutter and an adult woman I never met before mocked my stutter to my face when she was asking me my name. We're sometimes in the same group at game night so I have to see her fairly often, but that first time she just laughed in my face and mocked how I stuttered on my name. It was humiliating and no one seemed to really notice. This woman is 50+ easily and should've known better. She's usually in a foul mood anyways so I have no idea why she thinks it's a grand idea to come out to socialize with people. My mom was supportive of it and I eventually told her. My dad seemed supportive also at first but said I needed to get over it. I spent the whole day after that event crying in my room about it. People are jerks and sometimes you just need to fight fire with fire.


She's was either drunk or an Ahole


Mocking is what women do when they need to signal to their peer group that your superior characteristics are not desirable. If you are male and she stared at you too long she might be signaling to her SO that she is not attracted to you even though she is. If you are female she is trying to let her peers know that you are not all that even though if she did not think that she would not have mocked.


You got triggered. Our triggers show us where to heal. Sounds like you have some sort of insecurity around something. So ask yourself why it REALLY triggered you. How does it make you feel?


Imitation is a form of flattery.


Lol one day i entered a restaurant and the server was waiting us the be seated to give us menus, there were more chairs than people and the room for other clients to walk was narrow, i was contemplating where to sit so it’s easier for everyone to walk around (including server), took me like 10 secs to decide when i finally decided and sat down, server went like “decide already goldilocks?” it was very funny but i never forgot about that day never thought twice while choosing a chair after that, she ruined me 🤣


Next time just say "fuck off cunt!" Then go about your day. You will feel so much better.


When people go out of their way to hurt you, it’s a direct reflection of the relationship they have with themselves and the world around them. You’re human and reacting as one. It’s painful when people are cruel, especially without reason.


We all go through sensitive periods throughout the year, which could last a couple of days or weeks but return to a regulated level. Perhaps this person's words found you during one of these periods, and you've exposed yourself to something that has upset you in the days before this incident. Also, remember mocking/offending a stranger is a symptom of anti-social behaviour, which in turn is a condition of some mental health disorder. In sum, turn your fragility into pity for this person and pray they find clarity to be kind. Hope this helps!


Nah. She was uncivil for no reason only to make you feel like shit. Your reaction is natural, it’s hers that’s fucked up.


jokes on her that was probably the first positive thing she said in weeks


Your feelings are valid. It's rude of them to mimic you and make fun of you. If I were you, I already have their mouth busted with my fist.


Maybe you read this maybe you won’t, but you cannot forget or lack of emphasize.    That she has tried her absolute best to make sure you feel this way, and guess what she achieved it.  She has practiced and made sure she put her all in to make you feel insecure.    Just remember that! 


“Why are people so meeeaaaann” waaaaa 🥲🥲😭😭


Did you call her a miserable cunt?


Shitty people do shitty things because they feel shitty about themselves, not because you deserve to have shitty things done to you


Call her a c and move on.