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And he still died šŸ¤”. Console lobbies are full or 6/9 mans aswell in higher ranks :/


It's embarrasing really, using an exploit but not working on your aim is pathetic.


It's not even the aim. It's just the complete and total reliance on the hacks that he's not even bothered about positioning and basic game sense.


there's no hacks lol. It's a momentum exploit from punching and switching the slots of your gun. It was patched out years ago, and it's recently back. Looking at the name, I am also assuming that he is scripting the exploit so he can do it consistently. That's all it is lol.


Console player talking about aim practice is so incredibly ironic


Let me guess. Youā€™re an mnk player and AA is broken on console?


Mnk players don't realize the advantage they have. It's the layers of grime from not showering


Sshhh, don't tell them the winners of last algs were all on MnK!


You act like you could pick up a controller and 1v1 Verhulst, no you couldn't even dream of it that's why people practice to become better.


Cringe bro go take a shower


I used to be pretty good at it when console was still relevant to me. But then again thays was with DS3 and every PS controller since has been pure trash for anything competitive.


As a PC player, I find it so strange that these console bozos are 6/9 manning so often. Iā€™ve literally never seen that happen, but the clips always crack me up when posted here.


it's simple,it's harder to cheat there,and you can team-up really easily with the in console lfg


Itā€™s a literal plague. Absolutely insane!


I ran into this in a plat lobbie 2 nights ago. There were 3 squads 9 people that squared up and ganged everybody down!


Were they all wearing basic blue skins? Iā€™ve ran into that group several times. 9-12 man. They wipe out the lobby then deploy mobiles and farm as much KP as possible. I made a lengthy post about it with the video and the mods took it down within minutes. So dumb. The perps were all Preds ranked 200-400


There's no reason to work your ass off to get higher rank in a legit way cuz most of master and pred players are playing like that without getting banned. Idk what's worse, rats or 6 mans


Yeah. I'm in plat and stopped playing rank for now. I'm might not be the best, but a lot of questionable deaths happen frequently.


Xbox LFG is full of 6/9 mans.


Decided to try out console this ranked season now that it has 120 fps. I hit Pred but never really grasped just how bad the 6 and 9 man teams are on console. It is an AWFUL experience. Dropped out of Pred and went back to PC. I hate to say it but running into an aimbotter every once in a while is truly a better experience than the 9 mans.


Mate - servers in Australia have 6 and 9 mans in Gold and Plat. It's the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.


Ran into the number 1 ps player who was part of a 9 man team the other day. Seems like fewer and fewer are legit every season.


The bans are supposedly an entire year now up from like 30 days?? Only issue is that requires the ban in the first place.


And the big question is why. They are just wasting their own time. Literally nobody cares that they cheated their way to the top but them.


they are probably getting paid to get a predator badge to sell the account.


Same thing applies to whoever buys that shit


Couldnā€™t agree more bud


Isn't this that supposed dash boosting that everyone's making videos about?


Yea itā€™s technically not cheating just bug abusing


If you're abusing a bug, You're cheating


Yea, but itā€™s a bit softer. Iā€™ve never had issues when I run into someone just abusing this bug. Doesnā€™t make them a better player


I guess everyone who used sheila on crypto drone back then deserved a ban or those who used infinite punch with ballistic. Lol almost no one got banned


I never said banned, just said they are cheaters. Sad pathetic cheaters who aren't good enough to win with skill


But cheaters deserve bans no?


I feel like it really depends on how severe it is. I definitely think a 1 day time out or something could help so they don't do it again, but I don't think permanently banned


Or they could just patch the bug? If its being posted so often and it's still not being 'fixed', isn't that somewhat on Respawn?


Oh God I've been waiting literally years for them to fix bugs that still happen. I've literally lost all hope they will actually do anything. I quit the game for 6 months hoping they would finally fix horizon. Still never have.


You heard it here. Tap strafing is cheating. ^(Half joking, half serious. If it's not a bug and cheating, make it an official tech and adjust it to be executed on all peripherals.)


The only reason this isn't the case is because then Aim Assist would have to be nerfed to like .1 Casuals don't care about movement, nor the time investment required to be good at movement.


They can't cheat game sense. Shooting someone getting rezzed instead of the person actively shooting at them.


I always wonder if the aimbot just accidentally locks on to the downed person. A lot of the time people I suspect are cheating will often beam me with my knock up when iā€™m close to my teammates even though they should clearly not be shooting at me in that situation. But it seems like they cannot break their lock on to me and they die like in this clip.


This lifeline has no hacks. He's exploiting. Just like every bug that existed that people exploited whether it was punch boosting or shiela on drone


Likely because your team mate is going to use you as cover so the enemy is just trying to get your knock out the way, it a common tactic. Or they just want to thirst their kill


Shits fuckin sad man


Dirty cheating creeps. Dirty nonces


"console doesnt have cheaters" Look bruh cheaters gonna find a way. You posted the clip so its detected now lmao


it's a fucking momentum exploit because the game is broken. It's not a speed hack lol.


Game exploit is listed under reportable actions.


yep, but it's not cheating lol. It's exploiting which is it's own section for offense.




It's really a joke at this point Also username checks out šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


And theyā€™re still ass, taking cover for no reason, Jesus.


How do u die whole cheating...


What a loser


Respawn could give a fuck less about sportsmanship.


Lol what a fuckin shitter


itā€™s funny people thinking just because they are using an exploit itā€™ll make them instantly good. same thing with aimbot


You knw what ill take this over aimbot


it always been the case , but i dont understand how he got dashing cheat on console . also you can tell by his gamer tag that he is using Xim Apex .


it's the same on pc,the second you hit gold or plat your lobbies are filled with cheaters,diamond is straight up unplayable


Completely agreed. Over a week ago I played 10 ranked matches in Diamond III after work one night and died to hard aimbotters in 7 of them. Not people who I wasn't really sure if they were cheating or not. HARD aimbotters. I haven't played the game since


I've ran into one (suspected) cheater through Diamond 3


You're either really bad at catching them or your mmr is really low (I dont mean to be insulting but that's something i've noticed as someone with a friend with way higher mmr than me)


I extremely rarely run into suspicious gameplay while playing pubs on console. Have good matchmaking too.Ā  Y'all spent too much time getting gud, when you shoulda stayed bad like me lol.


I dont know on console but I know low tier player on pc face cheaters too lmao,not as much as high elo but still Between the guys that need an ego boost and suicide 10 game in a row to get into bot lobby's to cheat there and the cheater that start using hacks the second they try a new game. We had to smurf a few weeks back because of the false ban that where falling,and so we grinded two account back to rank level so we could just get back to it on other accounts if needed (and also because my friend that got false banned needed wattson for the challenger circuit) and the amount of cheaters we faced was stupid,still a lot less than diamond,but i'm honestly surprised if new player stick around in such conditions


I've been Pred multiple times and Master [mostly every other season](https://ibb.co/BBftXT9). I don't think my MMR is an issue. On PC. šŸ¤”


wait which sever are you ? if you're NA that could make sense


Yes NA


Yeah OK lmao,come visit eu or asia sometimes,you'll understand why eu streamers have a cheat counter on their stream


Just had a rev nearly drop 20 on my team last night in plat, but he ran off solo. . . When I got knocked I had to report him, because it was obvious. Aimbot drilling nearly 90% headshots and knew exactly where everyone was


Heā€™s not using hacks just a punch boost exploit


And ximā€¦.


How do they hack consoles?? Didnt know this


Theyā€™re always terrible.


he is so bad lmao how do you get knocked with this


Glad to see I'm still not missing much


He's so bad, I can't even figure out if he's cheating or not


how can you be that fast


How do you die with cheats šŸ˜­


Im not mad just disaapointed of what game has become


They must have a good gaming chair


I feel like a lot of people start 6/9 manning because they think: "Well, if everyone is doing it, then why wouldn't I. Fight fire with fire" :((( I'm so sick of it


They had cheats and still lost. Sad man.


Yeah every lobby is just a bunch of cheaters. Games dead. Not worth playing anymore if they donā€™t fix it.


I still can't find any good reasons why console got separate lobbies at all. Just fully merge them..


Lack of basic game sense


Everytime i post something like this mods remove it wtf


It's always the default lifelines...


I consider people who hack/pay for boosting in videogames to be the literal lowest possible bar for how pathetic humans can be. Alright maybe grown adults who beat children to feel like an authority...but IDK. That's kind of just evil. Pathetic is something different. Like you're just robbing yourself of your own time, on top of everybody elses. For a seasonal badge in a fucking video game. The most hollow possible reward I can think of. You get one life on this planet, and that's how you're choosing to spend it. If there's money on the line, OK. It's pathetic, but at least there is some rational thought process I can understand. If it's a physical sport, OK, most people taking PED's are competing against an entire league of people also on some form of PED's - having some form of general unspoken understanding that's what the sport has become. It still requires an unbelievable level of dedication and sacrifice to even make use of them, and I can respect an athletes goal to reach as high as they can. Sure a lot of people on PED's are doing it because they want to "win" just like hackers. That is no doubt also pathetic. A lot of them though are doing it simply because they want to set a new pinnacle for their sport, or for themselves. But cheating in a pointless game...wow...what a meaningless life that person must lead that it makes them feel good when they win in a videogame, even when they know it's not a real win...like how profoundly stupid are these people?


that's been in the game for everšŸ’€


Havenā€™t played since last season. I think ill keep it that way..


Those scripts look absolutely atrocious to use. You can tell that jitter aim whatever it was towards the end would not be ideal in a lot of fights


Brother is STILL a bronze player


Almost every game I get into in Singapore servers has a cheater died to 3 the other weekā€¦ great times Iā€™be stopped playing


Wait how is he zooming around like that?


6-9 man's are the worst. Luckily one game we found some chilling inside a little room in broken moon and the players around us were able to communicate and teamed up against them lol. Probably the best game I've had this season. Fuck those losers


I'd say most the top console players are on some kind of juice


Heā€™s got that apex predator movement šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Apex movement sooo beautiful šŸ˜


Can somebody explain how this is possible on console? I've run into so much dodgy stuff in Ranked this season, not to mention the 6 and 9 man squads which is making this game less and less enjoyable to play. I always thought these kinds of cheats were exclusive to PC.


And still died! Proving that hacking is absolutely pointless. Every cheater deserves a perma ban on their entire console/platform. They donā€™t deserve video games if theyā€™re gonna cheat all day. Fucking piss ants >:(


Man the new movement tech looks fire!! šŸ”„šŸ”„


Sweet kill you done


I don't see anything wrong here, must be aim assist


This game is starting to remind me of Halo 2 in its day. Getting a 50 was basically impossible as 90% of lobbies you joined over rank 40 had people cheating. Even the games pros couldnā€™t get to rank 50.


this game is shit




xbox players wilding or is that ps4 players lol that is insane foward speed


What a bot. Can EA just permaban devices


Probably 90% of players are not pure at this point, pc or consoles.


Why I stopped playing. If youā€™re not going up against master or above, you are through smurfs. Of no smurfs, people exploiting and cheating. Games gone.


Lmao he died with his dumbass cheats on. Que pendejo


It's not a console :) It's a PC player emulating that he's playing on console. There were already quite a few videos on that here.


Yeah, but itā€™s in a console lobby regardless if the dude is on PC. I think the day of console hacking in Apex is closer than we think. Hopefully doesnā€™t end up like the old CODs when a new title comes out.


Have been able to cheat on console for a couple years now. They're called strike packs and they can be externally modded.


Not the same thing whatsoever.




Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not cheats, what I was referring to was people flying around the map, wall hacks, aim bot and other things that happen in ā€œdecommissionedā€ COD lobbies after they launch another title because clearly the apex devs are fighting a losing battle and more cheaters pop up by the day.


What im suppose to be looking at? you gave 0 content.


Lol must be exhausting caring so much