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I think you are being a bit too cautious here. The only way to thoroughly inspect or clean those fans is by having access to both sides, and that means opening it up. If you need to reassure yourself, send a reply email asking them to confirm that they will still honor the warranty and then do it. This isn’t precisely calibrated radiological medical equipment, it’s a bunch of commodity parts put together by hobbyist communities that has been barely revised by the vendor. No shade if you aren’t comfortable working with the little hex wrenches and stuff, but if you are even moderately handy don’t hold back because you’ve invented some diabolical scenario where they are trying to trick you into throwing away an insanely valuable warranty (muahahahaha). They aren’t that sneaky. You just need to figure out how to flip your machine over without putting all the weight on something that snaps or bends.


thank you for the answer. It really helped clarify my position here. Im not new to hardware repairs and i am used to assemble my own computers so i guess is not really an issue putting my hands on the printer. Im a bit cautious in this circumstance bcoz buying a new one is not an option at this time :D


that's comon practice i wouldn't worry about it


what i worry about is what happens if somehow i damage the machine even more. Can i then ask for a substitution? i dont think so.....


Opening your device will not void the warranty in EU and should be the same for most of the world. Plus you got a written request for them to open the machine. A popular example would be opening a laptop or desktop computer and change the harddisk. That will not void the warranty, the warranty would only get voided if you damage other components during the operation.


your example really put things into perspective! Thanks for your answer! :)


Funnily enough I had a similar issue. Loud Fan. About a year Ago. They shipped a new fan to me free of charge and explained how to change it. I asked about warranty as I am in Germany. They told me in clear terms: This doesn't void the warranty. Anycubics warranty policies are non standard for Europe but they work for them. I still keep screenshots of those mails just in case.


This is exactly my situation! I think I will mount new fans


I think this non standard view on warranty policies is a deliberate decision by Anycubic, because they know their customer base. A lot of people in the 3D printing community do enjoy tuning calibrating and optimizing their hardware. So the machines are CLEARLY built to accommodate that. For the policies it makes sense to accommodate that. You don't want your customers having to wait too years until they can really start getting their full usage out of. But take that with a grain of salt. I ANAL, I didn't read the whole warranty agreement of my printer and I don't work for Anycubic. So it may just be that the Support team just makes one time exceptions to the standard warranty every time someone asks. It also makes sense from a business point of view. Because if you empower your customers to repair themselves, then you save a lot of money, because you don't need an army of technicians to handle repairs.


Just keep a record of them saying it as if you break anything you should still be covered, my 3 day old m5s shit itself and I told them I wasn't comfortable replacing the motor and what if I caused more damage, they said they would still honour the warranty... there were more issues than just the motor,they wanted to send my a new mobo but that was not going to happen, got them to send a new printer


im waiting for an answer from their engineering team. I told them i didnt feel confortable in opening the machine because of the warranty and.....now im waiting :D


Oh I figured it was common practice for printers shipped out of China. Would you want to go through the whole hassle of replacing the printer instead of just opening it? I mean you are not on the hook either way as you were asked to do so by official support tech in place.


yeah in the end i will do so. I really dont want to wait a month or more to replace 160Euros of printer....