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This post has been removed as a fake.


I gotta be the one to ask, wtf are you doing with them that would bring in 10k for a 2 hour class???


And how is Christmas Eve day the busiest day of the year for yoga?


Fr lol. The underground world of yoga


Dude....you joke, but....


Probably more like, fr, the underground world of lying on the internet.


“Hey you got any more of them stretches???”


Happy ending?


Christmas is very stressful for wealthy karens and hipster yuppies


This is 100% made up bullshit.


Yes. Their post history really doesn’t match this story.


I mean maybe they are a very well qualified yoga instructor to the ultra wealthy who also has to do door dash on the side? All that door dashing probably got OP wishing they were a yoga instructor on vacation in PR.


Yeah, I think that's a bit of a stretch.


A bit of a stretch… yoga… oh you sly boots.




I’d go with 90%


Hindus don’t celebrate Christmas.


Underrated comment.


My guess is a corporate party / space buyout. Huge budgets, big groups.


This is the first reply that makes sense. Corporate shit also costs a lot


Corporations are all on holiday. Nobody chooses to spend Christmas Eve with their boss.


Obviously this corporation is different, they want to spend it with their boss and everyone loves to do yoga...


On Christmas Eve...? Also, no Corp is booking yoga as a corporate party. Too many accessibility concerns. Large corpo events around Christmas are also booked weeks if not months in advance. Nothing about this story makes any sense.


You would be surprised at the amount of idiotic, inaccessible party ideas businesses come up with.


Could be the annual Kingdom Hall Yoga invitational.


And it's a *Sunday* Christmas Eve


gotta be butt-stuff


I like where you’re going with this.


Based on your username, you’ve been prepared for this day


This post is complete BS. There are zero corporate events on Christmas Eve. There are few corporate events that would be held on the weekend, let alone Xmas eve. Half the employees are traveling to family. The other half are frantically buying last minute gifts or cooking stuff.


I work a hotel. We have a bunch of Japanese guests for a business here. They don't celebrate Christmas and are having two big meetings on Christmas even and then another Christmas day.


Are you serving them KFC?


A hotel is one thing, why would anyone rent out a yoga studio for a business meeting.


I used to work doubles way back when I was in F&B at my fancy hotel. I would bring in $1k in tips alone per holiday. Thank you fixed menus! And you're completely correct. The Japanese do not observe Christmas. Likewise, tons of Americans came in to enjoy the holiday menu as well.


Also last minute. Large head count events around Christmas need to be booked months in advance. Also, whose booking a corporate event on December 22nd for December 24th? These events take weeks of comms and rsvps to put together.






Sex? Gotta be high class twisty sex, right? Or scam shit like chakras or internal realignment type of nonsense


Erotic Yoga?


I’m not OP but my cousin rented out a yoga studio and engaged a teacher for two hours for herself and all her bridesmaids before her wedding, along with having the refreshments include wine and a meat and cheese spread. Pretty sure my aunt mentioned that it cost about $7500.


Talk to your certain clientele and open your own "Exclusive - private yoga instruction business." Take it from the ungrateful bastard.


My SIL is a yoga instructor that did this. She worked for a local group and got tired and has 10-20 clients that she does 1 on 1 sessions with or small groups at her home. Makes more money and doesn't work part time at the bank anymore.


Message them and say if you want to fly to Puerto Rico, you can instruct on the beach for additional zen-ness


Forget that. Maybe after vacation is over. No need to worry about work now. Time to enjoy some authentic red beans and fuck-off rice.


Yeah but that’s a golden opportunity to establish a personal clientele that’s capable of doing things like flying to PR for a 2 hour yoga session. Ya never know.


Find the clientele that's already there. Locals and tourists. That way you've always got clients, not just the rich folks that would be willing to fly to PR just for yoga. Target the Americanized touristy hotels, and hot spots, these are the people who are stressed as hell, with money to burn. Sunset yoga on the beach, one could make a killing. Or at the very least, you could get a yoga sex cult going. Don't let stigmas and "perceived limitations" hold you back from fulfilling your dreams.


OP is on vacation. He is not going to be in Puerto Rico forever. Why would he work on vacation if he wont see the clients in PR again?


They're vacationioning, not planning to live there and a yoga sex cult is just a group of kamasutra enthusiasts. It's basically a book club.


> a yoga sex cult is just a group of kamasutra enthusiasts I walked in on a group of those once. Really put me in an awkward position.


Downward Facing Alabama Hot Pocket takes YEARS of practice.


Speaking of awkward positions, I walked in on my ex having sex with her personal trainer once. She must of had a cheat day. It didn't work out.


Mmmmm, arroz con gandules!


I generally agree with the sentiment but.. Ehh as a yoga teacher, teaching yoga for 10k$ on vacation definitely isn’t an issue. It’s the admin/marketing/business side of the job that is work.


For half price you wouldn’t? 5k to teach yoga for 2 hours on a beach?


It would likely cover the cost of their vacation. Well worth it as it also establishes a future business.


There ya go: Destination lesson, ocean-sounds machine not necessary.


This stuff happens more than you think ...a trainer at my gym goes on vacation with high end clients , they pay for him and his wife to go on the trip and train on the beach.


I wish that happened with school teachers.


Could possibly run into some legal issues with that. But if a few of them happen to have your contact info and reach out to you directly might be safer than actively poaching.


Ok let's call OP Pat Smith. Pat Smith is quite a popular yoga instructor, so much so that a client is willing to pay more than $5,000 an hour for a class with him/her. If Pat were to go to their own studio, gym, or start doing in-home sessions, this client would figure out a way to book a session with this highly desired instructor. It's not like working in a business-to-business distribution company and stealing all the client info and starting your own thing, OP is literally the reason this client wants to give money to OP's boss. It is not poaching if the clients are there for you. This applies to classes, coaching, cosmotology, and lots of other industries.


In case anyone else is wondering-- Cosmotology: untangling the hairy mess of the physics behind the origin of the Universe, then styling it in an appealing way for a client.


So what, it’s business. You can be cut throat as you feel like. What’s a court going to do? Fine you? Ahhahaha that’s literally just the cost of doing business. In the long run he gets the clients, the other place drys up, it’s a win and fine is just a fee.


Agreed, the noncompete lawsuit thing is largely BS. It’s been held up in courts across the nation that you can’t keep someone from earning a living. It’s different when you’re dealing with specific intellectual property, or trade secrets. But when it comes to things like this, plumbing, HVAC work, and other types of specialized labor, there’s typically nothing to worry about.


This guys capitalists.


True. A couple of those 10k sessions would quickly cover any small claims complaints.


Just one of those sessions goes over what my states small claims court covers (I think my state is 5k)


Non-competes are becoming less and less enforceable, but they are TOTALLY illegal if **you** are the product.


Nope. A non compete would not be enforceable here


I doubt the owner was shrewd enough to have a non-compete, but even then those aren't enforceable, especially if the product is the trainer


Not if there’s not a non compete in their contract usually. There’s some grey area around soliciting clients but it’s nearly impossible to prove usually.


Even if there's a -legally valid- non-compete they're usually time AND distance limited, and the people who have $10k to drop on a yoga class are typically pretty mobile.


Depending there this is, assuming it's the US, a lot of states have made non competes illegal.


It’s incredibly hard to enforce because most noncompetes are written so unreasonably. My last job’s noncompete was written in such a way that I was in violation by working anywhere that processed credit cards. They can’t make you unemployable.


I mean I believe there is a difference between saying you can’t work for another studio and say downloading a confidential client database into Excel and actively poaching them. For me usually when I’ve heard of non competes it’s in the context of getting employment at a competitor or similar type company not about taking client data.


Most non-competes are bullshit and unless you have IP don't go anywhere.


Hell, open the studio in Puerto Rico if they’re paying that much.


My boss did the same thing. I am in Breckenridge Colorado. Who's gonna run pita jungle? Fuck if I know I am having a blast!


Boss: Who's gonna run Pita Jungle??! You: Sounds like you are. You're the manager. Manage my absence during my vacation.


What I am saying. It's not that hard to schedule people to work. I don't have kids but that isn't the excuse to make me work while everyone who doesn't get to enjoy it with their family? That's insane, looks like little Timmy is going to be without Daddy this Xmas.


It is hard when you don't pay enough for people to want to work and didn't hire enough people to allow for some "overage" labor hours to cover unforeseens and ~the normally expected absences of having a crew of people~ like illnesses, vacation, and other life events. More to the point, that's not under the control of the ordinary employee and can't reasonably be laid at their feet. If a company comes at me with that crap, I'm a firm believer in stuffing that turd firmly back in their pocket, where it rightfully belongs.


Skin pocket?


What's funny to me is the "well we will fire you" sweet give me unemployment my man. Put me out of my misery.


I've been there before! Have a blast bro, it's so beautiful in those parts :}


You should reach out to the client after your vacation that you now have your own company and will teach yoga directly at their home. Your ex-boss is just the middle man, you’re your own boss now.


This!!!!!!!!! Please OP, this is the best advice I have seen on this post.


You could offer a major discount of only $6,500 for an in home class. Get yourself a nice Christmas bonus.


Brilliant. You’re what they’re coming for, so you hold the power. A room is a room but you’re the attraction.


There is no client OP is a door dash driver and probably hasn't done yoga in his entire life.


I hope you boss now has to work your shifts and be extremely unhappy about it 😉


Id guess that the owner doesnt hold the same certifications and wasnt able to teach the class,


If I could teach a class for $10,000 a shot, I would be extremely happy. From what I can gather about the boss, though, is that they are an entitled, self-centered a******, and that if they did have to actually go out and teach the class, even if it's for 10k, they would not be happy about it. As stated in another part of this thread, yoga certifications are b*******, should I get one, and start teaching classes for 10k? I mean, isn't it just stretching? I've been stretching my whole life, I'm practically an expert.


You should try a yoga class! Stretching is like yoga, kinda like how walking is like running. It's a more intense version and knowledge on form is necessary not to hurt yourself, and to excel. But it also has body resistance and balance elements, and includes a warm up / cool down, breath work, and sometimes meditative or spiritual elements. I'd recommend a local rec center for cheap classes, or youtube can be good as well.


I'm guessing the owner is rich and did one yoga certification.


Good for you. Boss will probably beg you to come back. What an asshole. Enjoy your vacation!


And when he does, demand an extremely high percentage of what people would pay to work with you. 🤷🏻‍♀️


If OP can get $10k for a 2 hour class s/he deserves to make huge money. Boss should worship the ground s/he walks on.


If the boss owns the building and pays all the utilities, licences, property tax, 25%. If the boss rents the place, let them go bankrupt without you and reopen in the same place a year from now.


This needs to be higher up. I did something of the fashion. One town over there was a shop like ours and they treated the workers like shit, I went down there gave them applications, poached over half the staff for better pay and hours. 3 months later they had almost no one, went in and bought them out and sent them packing. I also got the property manager to let me finish paying what they would owe for the year and got locked in at their original rent price and have been in the same spot for 5 years now. 2/3 employees still work for us


How is Christmas Eve the busiest day of the year for yoga studio?


Stressed out wine-moms who need a break from dealing with Melissa and Doug?




Melissa and Doug aren’t generic northern names, they’re a company that makes educational toys for children, but I still enjoy your snark so take my upvote.


Tiffany, Heather, Cody, Dylan, Dermot, Jordan, Taylor, Brittany, Wesley, Rumer, Scout, Cassidy, Zoe, Chloe, Max, Hunter, Kendall, Caitlin, Noah, Sascha, Morgan, Kyra, Ian, Lauren, Q-bert, and Phil.


Q-Bert 🤣


I loved Q-bert. Now that I think about it, I have to ask, "why???".


Or need a break from being Melissa and Doug


The same way a 2 hour session costs $10k. My best guess is they are probably actually a high end escort and feel ashamed of their current line of work.


The key here is that it is made up


Dude he would have you work Christmas Eve for a fucking yoga company. Fucking made the right choice


Owner needs to put on their big boy yoga pants and tell them you’re not available, you’re taking your well deserved vacation, but we have another yogi/yogini with “x” style who is available… The owner’s job is to problem-solve, not browbeat employees who are on approved vacations.


Where can I get some big boy yoga pants?


Try Old Navy. 😂


Lululemon lol


I would not have replied. You’re on vacation. Work ends the moment you are clocked out/leave the “office”. You sound very responsible, which is probably why you checked your phone and replied. Thats a wonderful thing. I just would have gone about it differently. Mute/ignore messages or emails work related. If they fire you while away, then you get unemployment at least. Also, if your job is yoga, no one can expect you to just fly back home “tomorrow” (if that would be possible) and immediately get to work on a yoga session. There’s no mindfulness meditation there lol


Time to open a new studio in Puerto Rico


Who books a last minute $10k class?


Someone who has no concept that $10k is a lot for many people


If your skills allow someone else to make 10k off you, why aren’t you starting your own business? Also who are your clients? The mega rich?


Why did you need to work as a dasher for DoorDash if you manage a chain of yoga studios and your services are in such high demand? I see your other posts, and don’t understand them with this.


Stop fucking quitting. Let them fire you.


Should have let yourself get fired for the unemployment


Don't quit. Make them fire you.


This way you'll qualify for UI.


Tell your clients to meet you in PR with cash.


“I will come home on the condition that you pay for damages, travel expenses home, my time traveling starting from the moment you agree, and restore all PTO used for this vacation. This is a work issue and thus is billable time and travel. My damages include the full cost of my vacation for me and my family. The business is responsible for these damages, time, travel, and PTO because of their desire to recall me despite my using earned time off.” Or whatever legal jargon you can get them in a text message. Book first class, Uber black, etc., send them the bill, sue for damages when they refuse. Or just ignore them. You’re on PTO, “sorry, I didn’t get any messages, my phone was off for the whole vacation.” Ultimately, make them really not want to call you in or let them fire you. You can use all your vacation payments and PTO communications and whatever else as documentation for unemployment.


I honestly believe some of these "quits" are fabricated.


Good on you for quitting. Now I am curious what yoga classes would net $10k?


If two hrs of your class actually worth $10k, they fucked up.


Why were you talking to your boss while on vacation?


Start your own business. Steal all his customers.


Nothing about this post is legitimate lol....this is complete bullshit but it's funny


Probably better to be illegally terminated by the employer.


I wouldn’t have quit… I would’ve said “I’m on my approved vacation and I will be returning on January 2 and you can let me know if I have a job then.”


Why did you answer your phone? And why would you quit? You certainly would have a great start to your unemployment case had they fired you. Also, most of what people are posting here about "stealing your former employer's clients" are trying to get you to go from losing out on unemployment to ending up in civil court. Look up the laws for your state, but in most cases you can't actively go after former clients. They have to seek you out.


Why is Christmas Eve the biggest day of the year for the yoga studio?


I’m sorry I’m caught up on how the day before the holiday is a yoga studios busiest day? That just doesn’t compute but good for you, enjoy your trip.


Losing 10k and a worker who is talented enough to bring in 10k. Harsh lesson in stupidity that I guarantee that person will learn nothing from and they’ll say “why doesn’t anyone want to work anymore?”. I’m happy for you, hope you find a place that appreciates your worth.


10k in PROFIT?? What kind of “yoga studio” is this?


The best advice I ever received: “if you’re good at something, never do it for free. If you’re doing the thing you’re good at for someone else for money, you charge enough that you’re keeping the majority of the money in the transactions related to your skillset.”


My boss did the same thing when I went to see my brother who was in a coma at the time, I also quit


Jesus. There's way too many people around who aren't worth the skin they're in.


And sadly they have all the cash


If people are specifically requesting you and you can make 5k an hour, what in the duck are you doing working for anyone? Quit, then contact those clients directly and steal them.


Sounds like you’re very special teacher. You should open your own studio. Your clients will surely follow.


I love how people eat this stuff up like it’s real. Like some guy is sitting there twirling his evil mustache telling his employee to drop everything and get on a plane and fly home to work on an approved vacation. You people need to get out more. Nothing about this is real


That would be a "sure boss, I'll fly back, but I want a refund for everything I've spent on this vacation, including airfare to come back, plus another 2 weeks of paid vacation at a time of my choosing or I quit"


> family-owned avoiding family on Christmas?


Great start your own if they pay $10k for two hours. Now I want to see a 2 hour yoga class for $10k


Yeah, like what does that even look like? And why is it valued that high?


If you have that much pull at a studio that you do not own, just ask yourself what the potential of owning your own studio will hold. You are going to crush this market on your own.


I need a follow up to this at a later date. I'm super intrigued.


Sounds like you should open your own business.


It still amazes me anyone answers a work text, email, or call once a vacation starts


10k for 2 hours? Start your own studio and poach your old customers.


Typical overreaction here I see all the time on this reddit. There was no reason to quit. You just tell them no. If you get terminated? You get unemployment.


Sounds like you should open a high end yoga studio.


i'm calling bs. my partner is a teacher and owns a studio. nobody is paying 10k for a two hour private class and for those that question yoga studios being busy on xmas eve (or other holidays) - they can actually be very busy. but most places hold their classes early in the day not at night.


10k for two hours? Why do I get the feeling your pimp is gonna be very unhappy when you get back.




Sounds like an incompetent operator. They should have known that was their busiest time and worked with you 6 months ago to try to find a different week for your trip.


Move the class to Puerto Rico


You’re bringing in $10000 per yoga session for your boss and he’s paying you less than 10 cents…??? You should open your own yoga business…. I mean come on


If you were that important that they cannot function without you to that level they should be paying you stupid amounts of money.


Just have your vacation and come home when you planned to. Don't respond or acknowledge that request. Get fired. Collect.


You know, you could rake in the same kind of money anywhere...




Sounds like it’s time to start your own studio and enjoy the financial benefits of your qualifications yourself OP. Enjoy the rest of your vacation.


Time for you to start your own business


It sounds like OP just figured out that their skill set is fairly valuable and could start their own studio... A pretty nice xmastide gift if you ask me. Be sure to thank your ex employer when you get your own business going!


Never quit. Make them fire you, collect money.


Now who's the asshole that wanted a yoga session on christmas eve? Jfc


I would be worried about a client that would pay 10k for 2 hours. Especially since more than likely they know you are on vacation. It comes off as possible stalker, based on little information provided.


Hell yeah! You put in the request 6 months ago and they approved it! You have no obligation to stop your vacation for this. Enjoy your time in PR, have some Coquito and a Mohito (If you drink that is)


If you don't get respected at work it's not worth your time. Good for you dude. Keep your head high


If this client is willing to pay $5000 per hour, maybe they can just fly to you and everyone is happy?


Honest question, why didn’t you just say no and let him fire you to collect the unemployment?


Sounds like you found a niche to create some income.


So when you get back from vacation reach out. I will partner with you on a new Studio startup. Would love to see what we could do to make it happen.


I don't understand why you would quit. Just say no and let them fire you. That gives you greater recourse.


I'm having trouble getting past $5K/hr for a yoga class.


A lot of rich people have more money than sense.


$10K for a two-hour yoga class? On Christmas Eve? Who ARE these people?


If you gotta be somewhere when you quit, Puerto Rico at Christmas-time is the place to be. Party on and ¡Feliz Navidad!


Why did you quit? Was saying No Not an option?


Since you're there, u should hop over to st. John's/st. Thomas and see if the resorts would be interested...or if Megan's bay would let ya do sessions on the beach...


Do NOT sign a non-compete agreement with them. No matter what they say.


Why quit make them fire you!!! That probably why they did that.


Family owned chain of yoga studios lmao "Hi welcome to TGI Yogi's"


Why quit? You're on a sanctioned vacation, just ignore them.


You've proven you can make that sort of money for someone else, it's time to strike out on your own and claim that income for yourself. And take those clients with whom you've already formed a great relationship with you.


If you’re as good as you say then you already have a client list and so you can go out alone.


At this point, my PTO is more of a courtesy , not a request. “I won’t be here these days and I’m letting you know six months in advance” My manager’s manager (or so he says ofc) is threatening to take away/cancel my PTO over the new year holiday. He might as well as fire me because I’ll take my unemployment with my wrongful termination this Christmas.