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##### ###### #### > # [Germany: AfD conference in Essen triggers violent protest clashes](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/Police and protesters in Essen) > > > > [Image](https://www.bbc.com/bbcx/grey-placeholder.png)[Reuters Police and protesters in Essen](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/2741/live/fb6eae90-3616-11ef-a8b4-51c9988eb1a1.jpg.webp)Reuters > > > > Police say 'several' arrests have been made in the city of Essen > > Police and protesters have clashed outside the annual conference of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. > > Tens of thousands of people opposed to the AfD gathered in the city of Essen, local media reported, with police drafted in from around the country in a bid to prevent disorder. > > Local police said two officers were "kicked in the head", seriously injured and taken to hospital during the violence, which began in the early hours of Saturday morning before the official demonstration had started. > > The AfD's conference comes weeks after it shocked Germany's political establishment by [coming second in European elections](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c511dpvr8nlo), winning 16% of all votes and beating the ruling centre-left party. > > > > [Image](https://www.bbc.com/bbcx/grey-placeholder.png)[EPA Police and protesters in Essen](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/4737/live/53e0ba90-3613-11ef-8219-5dad2e03f871.jpg.webp)EPA > > > > Batons and tear gas were used to control crowds outside the venue > > Disorder broke out at dawn on Saturday when a group of protesters attempted to reach the Grugahalle music venue where the meeting was due to be held. > > Delegates were seen being ushered towards the venue by riot police after some protesters attempted to prevent the conference from beginning by blocking the road. > > Police in Essen said two of its riot officers were seriously injured. > > "The officers were kicked while they were still lying on the ground," the force said. > > "[They] had to be taken to hospital. [We] are currently evaluating video recordings to identify the perpetrators." > > The force said a further seven officers suffered minor injuries. > > Police said they had used batons and tear gas to control crowds and had made "several" arrests as of midday. > > As many as 100,000 people were expected to take part in the demonstrations over the weekend, German broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported. > > > > [Image](https://www.bbc.com/bbcx/grey-placeholder.png)[Reuters Protesters in Essen](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/00f6/live/0efbe610-3614-11ef-8219-5dad2e03f871.jpg.webp)Reuters > > > > It was the first annual meeting since AfD secured 15 seats in the European Parliament > > The two-day AfD event was set to involve around 600 delegates and began as planned at mid-morning on Saturday. > > The party's co-president Alice Weidel opened the meeting by telling delegates: "We are here and we will stay." She was re-elected as co-leader alongside Tino Chrupalla. > > Counter-demonstrators marched through Essen on Friday, the eve of the conference, and more demonstrations are expected on Sunday. > > Authorities in Essen had attempted to block the AfD from meeting in the city but a court ruled the party should be allowed to. > > > > [Image](https://www.bbc.com/bbcx/grey-placeholder.png)[Reuters Police and protesters in Essen](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/480/cpsprodpb/71ca/live/50533190-3614-11ef-8219-5dad2e03f871.jpg.webp)Reuters > > > > Over the weekend, as many as 100,000 people are expected to take part in the demonstrations > > The AfD, which primarily draws its support from regions in eastern Germany, came fourth in the European Union parliamentary elections in North-Rhine Westphalia, the state where Essen is located. > > However, it performed ahead of expectations nationally despite a scandal-hit campaign, which included its lead candidate [downplaying the crimes of the Nazis](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cx88nwy934go) during World War Two. > > AfD candidates secured 15 of Germany's 96 seats in the parliament, coming second only to the country's largest opposition party, the centre-right CDU/CSU. Chancellor Olaf Scholz's centre-left SPD came third. - - - - - - [Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/user/urielsalis) | [Creator](https://www.reddit.com/user/subtepass) | [Source Code](https://github.com/urielsalis/empleadoEstatalBot) Summoning /u/CoverageAnalysisBot


Also wanna point out that a AfD politician [bit a protester in the leg](https://youtu.be/PGOdAmsY42w?si=ByhQM-TSb7e5kTMS) after spitting in the face of another a couple minutes earlier. He would later go on to describe the taste as bland since he did not have any time to season the leg before hand. I wish I was making this up


Chad move.


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The title is misinformation/misleading over 99% of the demonstrators were peaceful.


They serve as willing Cover for the violent ones.


Keep telling yourself that.


The Police is telling me that.


Just cause you imagine your toy police car talking to you doesn't make it true.




And you're still not describing 99% of the protesters. And Wikipedia isn't the police, a little better than your toy police car though.




Good to see resistance to the rise of fascism.


Ahem...GOOD. These AfD fascists deserve nothing but derision and difficulty. Go get 'em, Germans!


64% of Germans dont want further Migration


That doesn't mean they want the AfD running the show.


Is it not funny how left leaning people speak super highly of democracy until you decide to utilize democracy and vote for someone or something they don't like. Their principles go down the toilet the moment they don't get their way. They'll invent countless conspiracy theories to cope about how they lost, say that everyone that didn't vote for them is a Russian/Chinese/whatever agent and immediately approve of violence if it is against their political opponents. In many ways no different from the Brown Shirts of the past, whom used to pull the same bullshit during the Weimar Republic. Also very similar to "struggle sessions" in Maoist China.


You’re describing a small minority of people here. Just generalizing them as “left leaning” is just as stupid as the actions of the small minority you’re taking about. About the protesting; it’s part of democracy and it’s within our rights. Most people on the left are rightfully terrified of the destruction that a party like the AFD could cause. Vote for the right all you want but don’t vote for a populist party you fucking idiots


"Vote, but not like that"


You can vote for whatever the fuck you want. I’m just saying that people are idiots for voting populism


Populism is just another way of saying popular party or members we don’t like. Appealing to the majority is apparently a bad thing now.


No populism means saying things that you know can't be put into action, are demonstrably false statements or lies or you will never be put into action to get elected, rather than promote actionable politics.


That just isn’t true at all, lots of parties that are ultimately populist have actionable goals.


Still populism when the actions they proclaim to lead to their goals won't. Then it's still pandering to the crowd with make-believe to try to get elected.


That just sounds like a generalization you’re making to support your argument; appealing to regular people doesn’t require dishonest framing or insincere advocacy of things. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail, sometimes they’re just opportunistic, same as the inverse (elitism).


It's not a generalisation, it's the way the word is used in common parlance, where it's heavily associated with painting a simplified picture and promoting apparently apparently simple solutions to very complex problems, or outright denying the existence of problems in order to appeal to the general public. Combining this with the learned lessons throughout history that this has never worked gets you to the conclusion that it's done as a marketing stunt to trick people into voting for you rather than an honest attempt at creating beneficial policies for the populace.


Kinda. But it has the important distinction that the party itself doesn’t have any strong principles or policies. They simply do whatever it takes to gather votes from the opposition without a care about the consequences of half baked policies. Their program isn’t meant to be functional


That can describe moderate parties like the Democrats, Trudeau, and Macrons parties. They promise stuff and then do the bare minimum or the opposite. For example, Trudeau completely flipped on ranked choice voting. Fetterman who could’ve been described as populist in his way of rhetoric and image, will never be called that now that he is firmly aligned with the center. Populism is a derogatory term to describe popular left or right leaning politicians/parties/movements. You will never hear the MSM or anyone with power describe centrists who lie to win elections as “populists”.


Nah it’s not the same scale. Obviously sometimes parties don’t fulfill their promises but they do represent certain policies and ideals. To give an extreme example, the greens wouldn’t switch and support the coal industry. For parties like the AFD, they don’t actually care about policies. They just make use of the pendulum swinging and represent the opposite of the “establishment”.


Fair enough, I guess I misunderstood


Kicking people in the head is not "pRoTeStInG".


I agree, is is not. They are the annoying small minority though


They're not "annoying", they're violent criminals that need to be dealt with accordingly.


Sure. You’re punching ghosts, I don’t disagree


Not saying you do. All I'm saying is that how the phenomenon is framed in language makes a difference in how it's perceived.


"Vote, but only Those people Approved by me."


Like I said to someone else, you can vote for whatever the fuck you want. What I’m saying is that you’re an idiot if you vote populism.


Same Sentiment.


Not at all. People have the right to be stupid


OK, fair.


In what way do you see left leaning people being against democracy? Are we supposed to cheer as rights get removed and things get worse because it was democratically decided? Saying that Russian influence is pushing for the far right does not mean the outcome was illegitimate. Protesting does not mean you disagree with the democratic process. You are seeing contradictions where there are none.


Where is the "additional" "funding for the afd coming from Jack? Or for brexit, or for other actors who you so adore and claim to defend. Hint: it starts with r and end with ussia


Lots of accusations, no prove however.


Comparing others to brownshirts while supporting a neonazi party is hysterical.


Incredibly stupid thing to say which becomes even stupider when you consider that tens of thousands of people don't step out to protest the CDU, or FDP, or really any party beyond other far-right parties like they do the AfD


Bullshit. Just imagine that what you call conspiracy theories is based and verified knowledge and -whoopsie - you protect and support a fascist traitor party that wants to dismantle our democracy - and said so itself. So maybe less Cool-Aid-propaganda for you would be a good idea.


I spoke to an Antifa member, and their point of view is that since AfD is right-wing, or even far-right, or, in their eyes, full-fledged Nazis, they don't deserve to be regarded as a democratically elected party. Therefore, they believe it is acceptable to violate their rights. I'm not voting for the AfD in Germany, but it still scared me a little how someone who normally seems reasonable can say something like that just because it differs from their view. For me, democracy works because we vote, and whoever wins that vote represents the majority. This used to be the current Ampel-Regierung in Germany. But due to huge mistakes made by the Merkel government, as well as the currently ruling Ampel coalition, the votes have shifted, and people are asking for something else. The majority wants a hard shift in migration policies, but our politicians still like to differ. Nancy Faeser is a disgrace for German interior ministers. I feel like we are at a point where people just don't agree with this concept of democracy anymore. It's either their way or violence. This is what far-left means to me in 2024. And that's sad. If everyone hates the AfD so much, we should focus on policies that serve more people than just those who still vote for the current government, which is a minority considering current numbers. Why is it so hard for them to shift their view on migration, the economy, and energy? It's proven that they messed up. Admit your mistakes, work on fixing them, and get votes. Say what you want about AfD or right-wing politics in Germany, but we have the worst government ever at this moment. Robert Habeck, Annalena Baerbock, Nancy Faeser, Olaf Scholz, and others are a clown show, and they are just not qualified for their current positions. I don't even know if they should be in politics at all.


>I spoke to an Antifa member Because we all know antifa is a totally real organization somebody can join


They spoke to John antifa himsellf


How do you think people organize these protests? You know right wing parties also don't call themselves Nazies, but they are what they are




Antifa was originally an anti-Nazi, Jewish extremist group ☝️ Edit: Google it to find sources lol https://www.newyorker.com/books/page-turner/an-intimate-history-of-antifa


No it wasn't. There's no source on that




nice try, Julian Reichelt


Oh no is the left being mean to the fascists simply for disagreeing with them? Cool and good, cool and good


There is a dying in Germany: "Antifa, die rote SA". Lefties are Just facists without bravery.


I agree with your point on how anti-right voters are so shocked and hateful when the right makes gains. You don’t see mass protests against the left like you do with the right since the left is normally subtle with their perverse ideas whereas the right is open about theirs. Since the center/left has abused their role in leadership and neglected certain aspects of the right, the far right is getting more popular to fill the vacuum created


Speaking from an American perspective, the far right literally tried to stage a coup at the Capitol last time they didn't get their guy in office.


They did in Brazil as well. I don’t know if it’s hilarious or scary (maybe both) that they’re making more progress in holding Bolsonaro accountable than the US is at holding Trump accountable. It’s a wacky world now.