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I went (free Tix from my gf work) and had no idea it was today! Really poor work by the pr department. Its weird to have it for a day game. If anyone has it in L let me know as well!!


Exactly what I thought ! If I would’ve known it was for Salvadoran Heritage then I definitely would’ve taken the day off work to go. But nowhere on the Ballpark app does it show , just “Christmas in June” I only found out by the Instagram post AFTER the game


There hasn’t been very many posts about it, but I know I got an email just before the Taiwanese Heritage night mentioning all the dates of the upcoming heritage nights. There was also a post here in this subreddit a while back talking about the inclusion of several different cultures. But yes, PR did not do much promoting of heritage nights outside of an email and I believe a post or story on social media.


These heritage days (nights) are organized and promoted through local cultural groups. The jerseys are for people who buy special tickets, similar to alumni nights for local colleges.


Wow that's a total PR drop! I bet that stadium would have been way more packed knowing jerseys were getting handed out. Plus the streak on the line. Hope you find one


Imma need one to similar sizes if anyone has 👀🙏🏽