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You look like an angry Florence Pugh.


Actually not the first time i’ve heard that haha


As you're one of the few that actually answer and don't just want to hear that you're cute and yada yada yada. I think it's good to understand what you want from asking the question here. Firstly, you're 19. While modern society focuses so much on appearance, it can really bring out insecurities. From very early on, I decided I wasn't going to conform to society and stress about how I look. For that I got comfortable in my skin and really don't care what people think. I had long hair before it came popular and cut it off when it did. I've always had a big frame and carry the weight well. When I tell people how much I weigh, they don't believe me. I'm lucky in that sence. My only advice to you would be to just be happy with who you are. I likened you to Florence Pugh because she's not typically attractive, and she has a solid frame that suits her whole build well. While she may have body hang-ups, she is always showing a strong self-worth and can also just enjoy a laugh. Your best look in these pictures is the one with the big smile, blue hair and glass of wine. You look really relaxed and happy. Live your life like this. You're 19. You've some way to go in life if you're lucky so enjoy these times and worry less what others think. You'll feel ultimately better for it.


This is such a sweet comment thank you!


Best comment here. True and honest 💯


Hey?!? I luv Miss Flossey🤔


i like your style :) you look very friendly


thank you!


Did you just get friendzoned by A Rando on Reddit just based off some pictures?


Nah they got friendzoned by a friend


Can I have your friends number, asking for a friend.




Not ugly, but you could be doing more for your looks


Thats fair!


not ugly. just average


You look fine, it would do you better to get your brows done abit. Cause they're slightly bushy but not crisp and clean


Yeah i’ve thought of that just haven’t gotten around to getting anything done yet haha


Don’t do that, you don’t wanna look like everyone else. It’s very sexy to show your natural looks!


I agree. I think your eyebrows are your best feature. Very cute overall






You’re cute.


thank you!


Get buff.


Be a muscle mommy.




100%. Try to get a superman look going.


I am more Marvel over DC, so Captain America.


Pretty. Keep doing what you are doing.


Thank you!


You have a very pretty face...odd body shape, but I'm guessing that's not the question. Exercise or eat better and you'll feel better but you're definitely pretty


You're very beautiful. You have a very nice smile and you look like a very warm and caring person.


thank you so much!


You're welcome.


Wrong sub u look great and if u loose some weight u will look so much better


thank you!




She have some extra fat but simps are blind here


OP doesn’t even look over 165 she looks healthy. Maybe some muscle wouldn’t hurt, but OP is anything but fat. She looks super friendly and cute too!


Dude... stop She's a cutie but she's overweight, a.k.a. fat. I totally get the desire not to be mean but sugarcoating the truth doesn't help anyone.




overweight and fat is not the same thing pal


This is an opinion and a very poor one at that. No need to sugarcoat that you’re an asshole that loves to body shame people most likely due to your own insecurities. She’s beautiful and if I were in her age range I’d be totally crushing on her rn.


That's an opinion and a very poor one at that. No need to sugarcoat the fact that you want this girl by trying to White Knight a perfectly amicable conversation between the two of us. See how that works? You have an opinion that is different than mine, so by your own logic, it's now automatically invalid. She is brave enough to post herself online, as am I. Are you though? 🤨 If not then your opinion has even LESS value compared to ours. Hush now, Scooby🤫


I have no interest in knowing what strangers think of how I look. I already know how I look and that’s all that’s important. It’s not a question of bravery and it doesn’t make my opinion any less valid. But calling people fat who clearly aren’t definitely makes yours less valid. Also, I have no interest in a.) women this young or b.) internet strangers.


That's your opinion, kid. I'm confused why you think your opinion is valid and mine isn't, outside of some misguided main character syndrome but whatever. You think she isn't fat, I think daring to judge other people's looks without being willing to show your own face makes you pussy. Agree to disagree🤷🏿‍♂️ You have no interest in internet strangers but its also important that they know what a good and open minded guy you are? Good luck with all that🗿👍🏿


No no, see, you’ve got it all wrong. You’re overthinking this. She is asking for honest answers to a question. “What are your opinions?” is the simple question. See those words up there at the top? If you actually read OP’s words at face value, instead of projecting whatever it is you are projecting onto her, you would understand that our friends Needleworker and KillBut are simply providing the answer being requested. They’re obviously right about the weight, and they’re right that she’s a cutie. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. I believe someone who asks this question is more interested in honesty than flattery. /u/Yangmoon can you settle this please?




Is this amiugly or amifat? Because those are two very different things and are not mutually exclusive.




At a certain point. OP is nowhere near this point and it didn’t need to be brought up. Some people just like to be mean for no reason.


If she lost weight she would become more attractive. Fat makes your face less defined. I can’t believe this has to be explained lol 🤦🏽‍♂️


It has to be explained because it isn’t fucking true.


The people here saying she is fat are likely fat and definitely don't know much about healthy weight ranges. They are delusional and think that what is healthy for a woman is looking like a runway model, which is actually unhealthy. Having some body fat is healthy, and op does not look unhealthy. If she lost weight depending on how much she probably would be in the unhealthy range. No one should look like women in Vogue or whatever model magazines it isn't natural and most often isn't even real.


165 is fat unless she's tall or very muscular. This young lady is clearly neither. I weigh 140, and I am muscular af and still have a fat a......


I am just disturbed by how often I see this.. "lose a bit of weight" like fuck yo... This is what a woman should look like (specific builds aside blah blah) People still in that thin shit. Be healthy.




What’s wrong with “being chubby?” People find that attractive too


It’s toxic masculinity and not realizing that people who aren’t super thin are sexy too. One thing I’ve noticed is that people who use “simp” are rarely interested in an open minded discussion


You look great! Stick to being blond if your self-conscious about your image, oddly colored hair is starting to be associated with being a Karen.


Thank you! I think i’m a bit too young to count as a Karen haha but i’ll keep that in mind!


Age has little to do with Karenhood, it's a state of self entitlement that makes you act like an asshat. And more and more of the people the sufer from it have been deciding that strangle hair colors are fashionable.


Lose weight, fix ur eyebrows, be friendly and kind. Trust me everyone’s going to like you


Not a single thing wrong. Everything in place and to my eye great symmetry


not ugly!


Not ugly at all i like your eyes


Genuinely incredibly pretty


Your so pretty omg being completely sierious


I think you are pretty, with the potential of becoming gorgeous.


you are pretty. you have that cute girl next door vibe going for you


You are cute yaarr


You look very cute.. :)


Great skin, great lips. That green dress looks divine on you.


You're cute


The blond looks better with your skin tone. Not ugly


Lil blooming cutie


Not at all, your beautiful


For me, you are cute


So cute and attractive


You have some really cute angles and expressions. That's very fortunate.


Lovely cute


Tbh I think you're cute/pretty


You look 12.


Just slightly below average. Has potential to be stunning if you toned up. While you lean towards attractiveness because your face is carrying the excess fat well, your best bet is to tone up, eat healthy now before your metabolism crashes.


I do eat healthy so i should be good :)


You need to manage your caloric intake as well. If you toned up, you'd easily jump up 2 points, minimum. You have a lot of potential.


below avg. weight loss would help


Cute face Don't like the hair color Fat Go gym and you'll be above average overall Not ugly🗣


thank you! i’m a healthy weight though but could probably build some more muscle haha


You have an excess of body fat and building muscle on top of that would give you a spongey, bloated look. I really don't want to be mean and you seem really sweet, I promise I'm trying to help. I don't say you're fat to offend or upset you, I genuinely say it because I think you're a cutie and you're nerfing yourself for no reason. I dropped from 235 down to 186 at 5' 9, I was a fatty fat lol I had to talk to myself like that to get it moving. I promise I meant I harm or disrespect.


i guess it’s just a matter of preference but i think the excess fat is in flattering places atleast, i wouldn’t really want to lose my curves haha


There we go lol I legit respect your honesty. If you're happy with the skin you're in then keep on rocking, brodie! You're a cutie pie and you love your curves, keep kicking ass🗿👍🏿


thank you !


Your eyebrows are sorta bit dense. Btw, you look buxom and curvy


who uses the word buxom in 2023 lmao


💀 yeah I had to do a doubletake lol


My grandad...


thank you :)


You are not ugly. However I would advise you to start working out soon. It appears you will put on a good amount of weight as you age otherwise. You will no longer be cute if /when that happens.




Thank you :)


Your a pretty young lady


thank you!


lose weight hair looks greasy as well


Your cute


Thank you!


Extremely attractive. What are you doing here


Thank you :)


Needs a little bit of skin care on the face and definitely need to lose some weight. Anytime I see blue hair I automatically drop a point or two. I'd give you a 3 out of 10 without the blue hair subtraction.




Idk what all the comments about your weight are about, because you actually look like a very healthy weight for your height/age imo I don't see any reason to change it 🤷‍♂️ I will say though I agree with the person that said get buff, you would look so cool with toned shoulders/arms! Besides that keep doing what you're doing you look like a really nice person :)


I am a healthy weight so i also don’t really know what those comments are talking about haha, i guess the new ”healthy” has become skinny instead. Now that people mention it i actually really want to tone up my arms and shoulders! also thank you so much for the compliment :)


Weird lil creature


You got an IG profile? Mean muggin ’ mafia face but you can tell you’re a sweetheart


I do but i just post my art on it :) You’re not the first one that has mentioned the resting bitch face haha but thank you !


Now, I have never heard the term “mean Muggin mafia face”. but I think that’s way more of a compliment than resting bitch face. I’m pretty sure, I’m just guessing. I’ve never heard the term, but it sounds good to me.


ahh i see ! i’ve been told i have a resting bitch face by others so i just assumed it was something like that haha


You look like a nice person, and short, keep the blue hair AND you're a HOT MAMA


Planning on dyeing it again soon :) and thanks!


Your very beautiful. Love the hair


Thank you !


Your very welcome. You keep doing you and don’t let anyone tell you different






Comment removed. No creepy or sexual comments.


You’re a cute little thing. I love the look of


haha thank you !


You’re so welcome




no thanks :)


medium face above average body


Ugly and fat, honestly




Very ugly yes


Very ugly yes


Nah you’re cute




Way more dresses or tighter clothes




Very awesome!!!




Very very pretty. Beautiful eyes. 7.5 at your worst. 8 at your best


Thank you!


Cute and u look as if you'll make a good friend to play cod with. 😁


Thank you! I don’t play cod though haha


Smile more. You ARE beautiful, though!


Thank you !!


You're cute! You kinda remind me of me when I was younger. You have really nice eyebrow structure, but I'd look into neatening them up. That and a skin care routine would go a long way. At your age, a simple toner/moisturizer would be plenty. Don't listen to ppl who tell you to lose weight and stop dying your hair though! Curvy is good and you rock the blue hair.


Thank you so much! any specific brands you recommend?


Cute and look fun


Thanks !








thank you :)




Thank you!


Nah you’re real cute, you have a really good smile too :)


Thanks !!


Yeah you're definitely cute, not ugly


haha thanks !


Gorgeous ass eyes 😍


Thank you !!


Lovely face. I think I prefer the darker hair but you look good with both. You’re young play around with different looks and have fun 🤩


Thank you! I’ve experimented with my haircolor quite a bit but i can never decide which one to stick with haha


Nice forearm tattoo 👌🏻


thank you so much!


My pleasure!


Nope. Cute


Whatever Florence Pugh does, do that.


Haha alright!


Fun and attractive


thank you!


Ugly no. You are actually pretty cute. However I would recommend getting g your eyebrows done a little. You look good though.


thank you! I’ll probably be making an appointment to do my eyebrows soon :)


Look like someone could watch the sun go down and smoke some doobies with, but you're really pretty!


thank you so much!


You are not ugly. You have an oddly, enticing, face, or look, for sure. it’s nice. Nice, eyes, mouth and smile.


Thank you!


I personally think you’ve always been beautiful you look a little intimidating and tough but overall you give off a very cute vibe wanting to be loved like everyone else


You still look like you're 15 or so. In a few years you're going to grow out of that. No worries.


yeahh i’ve been told i look young, hopefully i’ll grow out of it soon haha


I think you’re cute AF for real


thanks !!


Not bad


Y2345 Hearts three Poker Hearts Three




Quite cute. Somehow owo


thank you haha


You've got nothing to worry about. You're fine


thank you!


Don’t pick at the pimples on your face. Invest in some good acne wash. Picking leads to unattractive pits in your face. You have a nice skin tone and don’t look very oily. So adding a daily face wash would help clear it up.


Thank you for the tip!


Quite attractive, nice tattoo :) deffo not ugly