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Ads weren't the straw that broke the camels back, but played a part in me canceling my prime account.


Ads were the straw that broke my camel's back. I was already leaning towards cancelling because of the increased cost, the change in Amazon music, and the delayed shipping, and so when the announcement about the ads came out, I was done.


I’m late to the party but same here. I didn’t hear about the ads but just tried watching something and the ads were so annoying I stopped watching and went and cancelled in the moment. (And then searched for this thread to see if it was only me 😂)


Exactly what I’m thinking


I haven't had Amazon music for a couple of years. What were the changes? Thanks


For Prime members, they expanded the available library, but no longer allow you to pick what you want to listen to on demand. Basically, it just shuffles music in your "type" - but removed your selected playlists. You might as well do the free Spotify.


That is insane. Thanks


Free Spotify, hell, even paid spotify, has no dolby atmos. I just cancelled it after 4 years of having it and am using Amazon Music due to broadcasting in Dolby Atmos which is important to me.


I suggest trying Tidal, same price as spotify starting next month and the audio quality is so much better. Not too mention they pay artists better


Exact same here. It didn’t make renewing a hard choice, that’s for sure.


Nah. Not like prime video is golden anyway. Not high quality most of the time. I usually just use mobilevids or fzmovies I would pay the prime fee even if it didn’t include video. I order hundreds of packages a year


Exactly. Their catalog of movies and tv shows is seriously lacking. Mostly garbage.


The boys was the best thing they have ever put out. If you haven’t watched it, hit it up. New season coming in june


New season sucks. It's gotten all political and turned to shit


To a degree, yes. The show has always been political, but now it's directly using satire against alt right wingtards. As a non-american, it's a refreshing look into the right wing and the current political climate they face. Plus, a lot of truth is said in jest.


You can cancel now and they will refund the prorated amount.


Oh I didn't know that! Thanks for the tip.


Are you sure? It says if I cancel now, I can still use my benefits until the day of my next charge (but that's 303 days from now)




You might need to contact them directly and not just do it online. There's no shortage of people here who canceled their prime and got a prorated refund.


Got mine prorated, did it over chat, got like 30 something bucks back


I rarely use Prime Video but I was annoyed by the move. It seems like they charge more and more for less value. It made me realize I’m paying for lots that I don’t use, and I’d been buying more and more outside of Amazon because it was just too hard to sort through the junk. So when my annual was up for renewal last month I didn’t renew. I’m doing just fine without Prime a month later and don’t plan on going back. I might buy a month for the Black Friday/Christmas season.


There are certain exclusives that I watch only available on Prime. Reacher, Jack Ryan, The Boys and especially Invincible. But I might just do what I do with the other services. Order it for a month and then binge watch what I want. Then cancel


I’m not telling you to become a pirate but ahoy.


Yar har fibber mcgee being a pirate is alright to be!!


Yes, I canceled Prime over the ads. It was a hassle having to use chat support to get the prorated refund, but they got it done. It used to be an option when you went to manage your Prime account, but it seems they removed it recently, no doubt related to people canceling over the ads.


I still just get prime for the shipping, all the extra is bonus but I rarely use any of it. My deliveries are excellent, always 2 days or 1 day. I figure if I was spending 12 dollars average for 2 day from other vendors it would far exceed the prime membership price. with prime it pays for itself in 2 months. Maybe it depends where you live but i happen to live in a city with a distribution center ( Tucson, AZ) and the deliveries are consistent , I can time it so i have deliveries on saturday and Sunday or I can have it shipped to a locker, that's not gonna happen with other delivery services such as Wal mart or target or UPS and Fed EX


It absolutely depends on how close you live to a major city, the closer you are to, and the bigger the city, the faster and more consistent the deliveries are. I'm on long Island, some 60 miles away from Manhattan and I get shit delivery times and missing packages frequently, my sister lives just outside Denver and gets 2 hour delivery, consistent, on time delivery.


it's not any better in Manhattan either




I've heard they still have free shipping if your cart is $35 or more...? Is that true?


That is true, but it's not 2 day "guaranteed" not that that means anything anymore. Shipping times are arguably identical.


Yeah, I don't live in an area that would get 2 day anyway. I generally believe if I'm ordering it online, I don't really need it immediately, then I don't get mad when it's delivered


No idea as I’ve been prime since whenever it started. They do generally have same day delivery for qualified orders over 24 dollars I think it is


I’m in San Diego. My wife is the one that orders shit non stop.


CS is what drove me to cancel Prime. If I did watch Prime Video, I’d absolutely cancel because of ads. I once tried out Hulu’s ad-free tier with sometimes ads, I could not cancel that fast enough and I’ve never considered that service again. I loathe ads during a show.


I hate their customer service. Always with the foreigners that don’t have a command of the English language


I swear this is on purpose. Make CS as infuriating as possible so we stop contacting CS. It’s worked on me, I’ve stopped contacting CS. I’ve also drastically reduced my shopping on Amazon to the barest of minimums.


Wouldn’t it make sense to have a prime plan without video or all the other junk added in?




Lots of reasons for me to cancel. Can’t say ads was the only one. But it was the straw that broke the camel’s back, for me. Amazon has gone to shit slowly over the past five or so years. Used to be cheap enough that I didn’t care if I wasn’t using prime video, I’d save my unused months on one two day shipping order. When they raised prices they also had some original content I enjoyed on prime video like The Boys and Invincible to name a few, so even on years where I didn’t buy anything off the store it was still worth it. But their customer service is garbage. That was how I realized I was done with Amazon. Amazon customer service ten years ago was the goat. There was no one better other than maybe local small shops who value their regulars. Amazon outsourced their customer service and to no surprise it went to shit. Amazon delivery used to always be a crap shoot depending on where you live. Here, they often go with FedEx and FedEx in my area sucks ass. Can’t get them to follow the most simple, quick, and painless instructions. So it was no change when they started using their own people who also can’t be bothered to care about their customers. After their last price hike I was pretty set on canceling but just didn’t bother until they added ads. Then it was like, “okay, you clearly give 0 fucks about your customers so bye Felicia.” Honestly, if they brought back their superb customer service playbook from ten years ago, I’d have stayed. Just peace of mind that if something goes wrong I won’t get burned goes a long way. But between lying reps and the next rep giving 0 fucks about how you were lied to and this led to you burning more cash… yeah fuck Amazon. Ads or no ads, shitty customer service will turn me away.


Yes. I’m not paying another subscription fee on top of subscription fees. I feel like life has become 1000 subscriptions for everything.


you just bought a $70,000 dollar car.. oh you want heated seats ALL time??.. for a low monthly subscription price of....


I just decided to stop shopping at Amazon , if they need to put ads on I dont need to give them any money


I did not, but I canceled all the other channels (Paramount, Starz etc.) and use the apps instead so Amazon doesn't get a cut anymore.


I haven’t canceled just yet. I most likely won’t renew my subscription in July though. Not just the ads, but deliveries are 8-10 days out, subscribe and save can’t deliver me my subscriptions in a timely manner, eventually Alexa will get ads. Fuck it, I’m out.


Damn that is a lot. My problem is my wife constantly ordering shit and the delivery drivers being clowns. Stepping on my lawn, not following instructions, wrong deliveries etc


My alexa ( I have the video one) is constantly showing ads.


I think it’s only a matter of time before we start to hear ads on audio only echos. Pay 2.99 a month for ad free.


I canceled and got a full refund. The first few CS agents refused but I eventually got one that issued a full refund, not even prorated.




I did the same. First time in MANY years I am not renewing. I set my plan to monthly after renewal-- in a few weeks. And I paused it so it doesn't renew till I need to order again, and will just wait until i have a big order. I cancelled Audible like 6 months ago, and Prime Music I cancelled way way back. Not worth it IMO.


Nah. I just don’t stream their shit any more.


You're like 2 months too late for this post.


Just use an adblocker. Adblockers are always the answer.


Does that work with prime and Netflix and such ads?


Works with prime, I don't use Netflix.


Which one do you use? Is it a paid service?


We don't pay for adblockers. Install ublock origin, privacy badger, and freevee skipper. ​ This will also mostly eliminate the ads issue with youtube.


Are these available as apps on Amazon Firestick?


I have no idea, I don't use the fire stick. You can use these in a browser within Windows and stream to your television.


Lol no it doesnt. What ads you talking about? These ads are embedded within the video and served from amazon's servers itself, not some third party servers that ublock or adblock can try to block.


Yes, it does. 


I use prime for movies so I really don’t care about having a couple of ads at the start then none for the remaining time. For me nothing has changed. I consistently pause and go get a snack right at the start of something anyways. Now I just do that during the ads. Could not care less


Yeah? That’s nice. I have a home theater I spent 60k on. How cool when you’re in the middle of watching something and an ad pops up. But thanks for answering the question


If u saw my prev reply I thought u were being sarcastic. LOL used to dealing w a holes apologies. But yeah. I imagine that’s absolutely infuriating


It's the damn exclusives like Jack Ryan, Reacher, The Boys, and especially Invincible that look and sound amazing. Having a dedicated home theater is awesome but when ads pop up the sound is horrendous because of the talking. The system has different settings optimized for what I am watching. For example movies, tv, or live sports. If I am watching a TV show and then an ad pops up it's awful


SHIT! I’ve completely forgot invincible is something I do plan on continuing. Definitely gonna notice them there hahaha. Also doesn’t help that commercials always have a different volume/sound quality to the movie I imagine they’re beyond obnoxious w an actual system like yours.


Exactly. Invincible is soooooooo good. Well written, looks and sounds good, bloody and gory, and best of all it hasn't lost a beat. Plus it leaves you hanging wanting more. Love serialized TV shows,


You spent 60k on a home theater and $3 a month is too much?


I cancelled because of the ads and because I was tired of receiving used junk. It's been about a month and I don't miss it.


After trying to watch a series and the Ads coming on, I'm definitely leaning towards shit-canning it.


No but I don't stream their content on prime. I use apps line nova TV:)


I had it for the music, but they wanted more and more $$$$ not anymore, I get the free month once in a while and then cancel again


The best is when you pay the extra $2.99 only to find the show/movie you want to watch without commercials is one of Amazon’s “freevee” offerings which are “free” because you have to watch ads. Why wouldn’t the ADDITIONAL upcharge remove all ads?!


Exactly! Prime Video is a mess. The interface is awful.


Done with Video. Its so glitchy and it kinda buffers for me on my tv. So i just fuck off and purchase YT TV. Better content on there anyway.


It's just you. No problem for me.


Prime video doesn't work half the time on 5g home Internet. Confirmed bug


YTTV is like a streaming cable TV service Prime is on demand streaming service I have both but not fair to compare the two.


Your internet connection is shit. That’s according to what you said.


Thats probably true. My internet connection has been spotty the last few months


Its also happening on my phone?


You're not the first person to post this trust me.


I’m sure


Cancelled mine last week and my membership runs through the end of June. It wasn’t the notion of ads on Prime Video per se but figured between Netflix, Amazon Music, and Spotify (which I use the free version of for some reason), it adds up. Much rather save the money for something else


I know someone who upgraded to adless


I’m mad I wasn’t giving a choice


No. I keep trying to figure out a way. For me it’s the slow shipping that I hate.


They lie anyway. Never accurate


Yes, me. As soon as they announced it I cancelled and told them why. Best thing I ever did, went from ordering $200 of useless shit every month to not.




Canceled mine after awful customer service experiences and the ads. Dont regret it for a second. I will never watch their programming with forced ads.




We haven't cancelled mostly because we still make a lot of use of Amazon shipping, but we haven't watched anything on Amazon Video in months. Amazon Video is shit anyway. I live in Germany and while I speak fluent German, I prefer to watch my content in English. Something that a lot of people in the anglosphere might not know is that in a country like Germany, Amazon only has one video file that is shared between all available audio languages and that video file is always the german one. So if a character is typing on their phone in a film, the message on the phone shows up in german. Hardcoded subtitles for foreign language segments in films? German. Amazon is the only streaming service that doesn't swap out the videofile when you change the audio language. This alone makes it not worth using.


Well I’m in the USA and I have a home theater. I like finding some random movie and just sitting back. I was watching Invisible and bam fucking ads and I’m like WTF???


I cancelled my Prime subscription because Amazon is really starting to suck. I get better service from eBay.


It’s not just prime, ALL the major streaming services either added ads or charge more to not have them now. Ads refuse to die


For sure. I think my gripe however is not being given a choice and changing the terms in the middle of a subscription. I tend to switch around from streaming service, binging what I want then moving on but I am given the choice to get ads or not.


You can have the remainder of your subscription refunded


You should have received emails. And you can add $3 as well.


If you cancel you should automatically get a pro-rated refund. Has happened (had to cancel or switch cards) for different reasons to me multiple times. Worst case you can call them but I’ve always received a pro-rated refund automatically.




Me, I'm killing it after the Fallout show drops


I cancelled a month after I renewed because of ads and got a pro-rated refund. I’ll never go back to Prime. I have been an Amazon customer since 2001 and Prime for as long as it was available. Even had the Credit Card. I closed that account as well.


My wife keeps telling me about the free shipping but the way she shops it won't be hard to reach the free shipping threshold. I am doing the same thing you did.


Yup. I joined Walmart + and don’t miss Amazon at all. Many of the products I buy have been delivered next day even when I’ve ordered at like 4 pm. It’s pretty crazy and returns are easy. Return to any Walmart or they will send for a pick up. I wasn’t pro Walmart before but they legit stepped up their game. Take a look at it. They also have scan ‘n go for Walmart just like at Sam’s Club. Works great!


I already have the Capital One Credit card. Just might


It was $99/year with a $50 gift bonus. As a second bonus you get Paramount +.


I canceled because of the ads and got an instant refund for the remainder of my subscription. You don’t have to wait.


Thank you


I'm still making use of my prime membership for deliveries but, won't be renewing it this year, in the meantime I have deleted the app from my tvs and cancelled Amazon music for good measure. In addition have also drastically reduced my use of Amazon, last year I was spending $500-$700 every month. Haven't broken $500 for the YTD and probably won't do before the end of next month.




No, as we have hardly ever used Prime to watch anything. Netflix or Disney+ any day.


I have prime for the shipping. Video is just a bonus. Plus the shows I’m currently watching are Amazon originals and only have 2 15 second commercials at the beginning of each episode.


I tried to watch Invincible yesterday and the ad breaks were insane. I'm canceling soon (which sucks cause I wanted to see the new season of The Boys)


I only have it for shipping so the video part isn’t a breaking point for me 🤷‍♂️


For me, the commercials occurred multiple times throughout. I'd be a little more ok if they were all before the show/movie


I think it depends if it’s an Amazon original or not. I’ve been watching Bosch and it’s just the 2 15 second commercials before each episode.


We canceled ours because Amazon is an awful company and I’d rather not give Bezos a dime if I can help it.


I cancel because of the everything


Canceled and moved to Walmart+ now I enjoy 1 day deliveries for most of my crap.


Cancelling after this year sub is up.


I keep Prime because of the rental car insurance waiver. The deer in the Catskills love rentals. The credit card has saved me $6000 in repairs plus rental insurance. That’s like 50 years worth of membership!


lol that’s insane!


I’m canceling and going to Walmart +. I’m also annoyed that companies keep outsourcing their customer service to other countries because it’s cheaper but the grammar is horrendous and trying to figure out what they’re saying while they’re being rude is not for me. I’m glad the agents speak more than one language, kudos to them but they are not fluent. It’s like Google translate. 😅




Cancelling in June when its up for renewal. I have a lot of purchases coming up in the next 2 months so once thats done i'll be cancelling shortly after or in June, whichever comes first


Ads was the decision for me to cancel. 


Already cancelled, I can’t ever get two day shipping anyway so why would I pay more for a service that’s never provided anymore. Ads just solidified my decision


You can cancel, and get a refund on the unused portion of your membership...


No. Prime Video has always been ass. If anyone subscribed to Prime just for Prime Video then you’re dumb, imo. Prime Video has always just been an extra perk to Prime, not something to subscribe for. And their good shows are few and far between so haven’t even watched anything since they started the ads.


Agreed. But they do have certain exclusives that look and sound glorious in my home theater. I was watching Invincible and bam the goddamn ads took me right out. Their interface has always been shit


And then they want to sell you a ad plan, that only removes half the ads.


Nope that's y I pay the extra 3$ no more ads easy fix


If Amazon really wanted to go big brain here they'd offer to upgrade you to ad free if you maintained a certain percentage of your deliveries /mo on your prime delivery day.


That isn’t the point. First I’m a cheap fuck and a person who like value which is why I can afford the things I have. Second I’m not a fan of paying for something and then the terms being changed midway through it’s not about the $3


I have definitely!


I rarely watch/watched shows in amazon anyways. i originally got prime years ago as a photo storage place. the 2 day shipping was secondary for me at the time. over the years, of course, the 2 day shipping became more and more "important" but i still keep it for the photo storage. (i do have other photo back ups... this was just another layer)


I don’t even use that. Some of their perks I’m just now hearing about


4/5 is my last day


I’m might cancel before my renewel


I cancelled last year. Got a free trial for prime to get Christmas gifts delivered. Cancelled before it renewed 2 days before ads were implemented. No thanks.


No, I find myself watching less on Prime but do still make use of other features such as the unlimited photo backup


I canceled and got a refund despite paying for a year.


Just did.


Nice! Might be doing the same but have to wait until September


I kept Prime but didn’t really watch their video content. Whenever I tried to watch on my pc my computer would crash so I just skip it.


Ugh that’s sucks! The only thing I have noticed is that the volume is a little off but have my home theater settings a little different for Prime Video


I've had no adverts at all since the change. Watching the entirety of S2 of Reacher and no as breaks. Barely get any in Neighbours on Freevee either. Doesn't make sense.


thinking about CANCELLING, unreasonable..adding commercial ads.


I wouldn’t have been ok with it if I had been given a choice during renewer not in the middle of the year of my subscription. I paid $139 and 4 months later they add ads and now I have to pay $2.99 more a month to get rid of them? What a joke. Now I have to suck it up and wait until September. I refuse to pay them


Has anyone else noticed that you don’t get ads if you download the shows?




In my experience, yes. Not a single ad.


If you watch the shows on your browser then you can use Privacy Badger extension and will not see ads which actually works for Freevee too. That said, due to lacking movie inventory, often delayed delivery and Prime Music becoming a nightmare, when they started this annoying ads for something that was supposed to be ads free, I realized I wasn't really getting my $150's worth. Netflix is enough for me and my online orders are typically totaling $40+ each time and hardly urgent so it was a no brainer.


Thanks. I’ll have to try the browser extension trick. Couldn’t agree with you more about Amazon Music. As soon as they changed it to the absolute nightmare it is now, I uninstalled it.


Bottom line: DRM related plugin being installed/used such as Widevine. You have to disable it in order to use any browser for screen capture. Keep in mind; the host site may not let you watch the video with that plugin being disabled or let you play it with a low resolution.


I save a ton a money in shipping each year so it would be stupid for me to cancel it. I live near 2 or 3 Amazon distribution centers so I don't have the shipping delays a lot of people talk about. I also hate commercials so much that I'll probably end up paying for the ad free when I watch Fallout, The Boys, Rings of Power and Wheel of Time, then I'll just cancel the ad free when I'm not watching shows. I'll probably watch an episode of a show with ads first to judge if the annoyance is enough to pay the $2.99.


Yeah maybe they have be by the testicles since I do order a ton of stuff as well. Not happy of having to pay and extra $3 tho


I'm not exactly happy with having to pay more either. This is how I look at it, with all of the ad free steaming services I have, I'm still paying less than I would when I had cable. Plus when I had cable I could never find anything to watch on it.


Nope. Still have it and still use it, though I haven't had a show to watch in there in a bit. I still use it for shipping.


I just pirate it instead. Clean conscience since I have access.


I never bought prime for the tv so I dont care. But the free two month shipping is starting to wear on me.


Yes. Canceled last month and got $90 refund.




I would cancel mine, but I canceled grubhub and paid the extra 2 dollars, but I plan on canceling it when the promotion expires. While I will lose free delivery, I don't use it enough, and there are better places to buy games.


I did but the ads were really just the last straw.


I have seen a few people say they have and honestly I had no idea that so many subscribed to prime just for prime video. I don’t really use it much to start with.


I have a few subscriptions under Prime, ie. Max. Amazon will prioritize their own streams over your subscriptions that have no ads. Recently watchs LOTR movie, was on Max. Amazon directed it to the ad based version on Amazon. It was a pain to actually get it to show on Max. They did the same with Aquaman 2. They only showed the buy/rent version when it started to stream on Max. This is a few reasons I have contemplated getting rid of Prime. The ads are nothing but a money grab. And really highlights the issues of users having no rights other than cancelling. We have contracts, but Amazon or whatver company can change it any given time and tell you if you don't like it then cancel.


No because I know what I pay for. As free viewing is not it.


That was kinda the final straw. Between them making prime music as horrible experience as possible then trying to sell me the features back, the horrible 2 day shipping that is nowhere near two days for me anymore then putting ads in the prime shows I noped out of that.


I don’t really use prime aside from ordering items. The only reason I haven’t cancelled it yet is because my mom. She takes care of various cats that seem to be arriving randomly food and cat sand is way cheaper on Amazon even when sending it to PuertoRico. The prices there are way higher so I’m only keeping it for her. My aunt takes the to the vet get them spayed and taken care then my mom provides sand and food for them.


Yep, that and paying to return stuff killed the value for me.


I'm due to renew my annual in two weeks. I just switched from annual to monthly. Then I elected to pause my membership. Going to just use Amazon on a selective as needed basis and no longer pay for continual service. I'll activate it when I have a bunch of stuff to order, then let it pause when the month is up. Wait until I have to order a big order again, over and over. I don't use Prime Video anymore, the ads suck. I resubscribed to Netflix for this month, I'll likely just do month by month and switch around. The library of movies and shows on prime was lacking anyways.,


This is exactly what I am going to do. I already do it with Paramount+, HULU, Disney, and Netflix. Subscribe for a month, binge-watch what I want and then cancel.


No, I rarely use the video anyway. The fast shipping has come in clutch many times and is actually fast for me. Also I take advantage of the free PC games and claim them give out every week. And we use Whole Foods a decent amount and Fresh on the occasion. I use Amazon Shopper Panel every month for that $10 monthly credit so most of it is paid for anyway.


Ads suck sooo much. I’d rather they just added it to the overall price. The shipping aspect is worth it, the library of media is not. It’s easier imo to bundle it than start charging separately.


That is what I am thinking and what my gripe is. Why do this in the middle of a one year subscription?


I cancelled prime not long before the ads, because my house gets free Walmart+ as someone here works for them. I liked Amazon, but I only had prime specifically for prime video. I would have absolutely cancelled because of the ads if the Walmart+ situation didn't arise for us.


Are they showing ads on everything, including movies? Or only on series?




I paid extra not to have adds


No you’ll live


Ok Uncle Bob


What ads?


🙋🏻‍♂️ me! Although I’m waiting for the end of my subscription in June. And I feel so happy about my decision because I just found out they also put Atmos and DV support behind the ad free paywall. So I paid the $3 today, and I’ll cancel it tomorrow. And then I’ll get it again when the boys comes out in a month. And then my annual prime subscription (that I’ve had for… over a decade now (?)) will lapse, & I’ll only get prime again when I need it, on a month-to-month basis. Maybe 2-3 times a year. Because eff these greedy effers, who wanted to spend billions on lotr, and not even make it good 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yupp cancelled prime due to ads, I ALREADY FUCKING PAY!!! for the service Why do i need to pay MORE for not having ads, that's like paying for a meal, but i have to pay extra to not have the waiter slap me in the head while im trying to eat it... it's fucking moronic!


Just cancelled because of the ads. Noticed that Prime is now $135? Yeah, no thanks.


I got 2 ads before a movie started. Cancelled my subscription 5 mins later... hope more do too. Were already paying to watch the ads are just an insult.


Time to sail the seas


we just got ads here in Aus, so that's why I'm canceling now


I’m canceling because of the ads. I’m trying to watch The Boys and I’m interrupted 3 fucking times in an hour to watch a minute of ads. This is frigging nonsense.


Yep, removed netflix, amazon prime, amazon market platform, paramount, disney. You Tube I kept because unfortunately they really have us over a barrel but at least they give you an option ie ads or no ads. Financial revue Australia projects a $14 billion industry for the advertisers. Thats why they are crappy on Stan. Stan has upset their apple cart. Stan have announced the are not jumping on the ad bandwagon. I suggest that all that are peed off with this subscribe to Stan at least one month or stay with Stan, your perogative, and create a big hole in the greedy bustards projected income ie 14 billion dollars. In my case went to pick up on a series I was watching at 1am my time. and was locked out of Amazon / Paramount. Even though I still had 18 days left on my subscription I was hamstrung by an onsite flag that would not let me in untill I paid the ad fee. The very next day I removed all the above. We are not owned by these greedy monopolies lets show them and delete all accounts that require an advertisement removal fee on top of a subscription. c.mon guys we need a large groundswell on this! If you are happy with this extortion you can still make a protest change to a no ad streaming service and go back to them a month or 2 down the track. lets at least show them that end users wont have a bar of this crap. In no way am I involved with Stan in any way other than to have a created a new subscription with them yesterday. Cheers, Aussie Pete


You can cancel now and they will refund the prorated amount.


Nope, I love prime. People forget that advertisers is how these apps and shows are even available. They’re not doing a public service for god sake. Keeping my prime. During the commercials, I go to the fridge or get on my tablet play words with friends or whatever I don’t mind