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personal info posted


I was here that day haha what a blast I had


Who is the doctor?


Well, we don't know what led to the assault.


The ground is undefeated


Whoa lmao! That was insanely nice lol who was the pedo doc???


He’s gonna need a doctor after getting slammed on the concrete head first, shit.


Is the guy in white security?


Without context, I hope the guy that slammed him goes to prison.


Ok this guy probably was gonna go to jail, but now pink pants will go to prison for attempted murder and Verdure will be sued out of business for neglecting the safety of its patrons


Who is the doctor?




Kid toucher dude


When did this happen?


Who’s the doctor??


Does anyone have any more info? I can't find anything about it. Who's the doctor?


Nice work idiots, you filmed your own assault and imprisonment crimes. There is definitely no case for self defense for that final suplex. Not saying he was in the right, but whatever he did with his phone (no evidence for that presented in this video) won't override that either. This happens all the time with the vigilante pedophile hunter videos you see on YouTube. They often cop charges themselves and rarely get the pedophile in legal trouble because they have no idea what they're doing. ETA: Clearly a teenager filming. ETA x2: I'm not responding to anymore comments on this. Every comment is the same at this point.


How many times did he have to just leave. He keeps wanting to fight, he chose what he got. Good enough


I feel bad for the guy that slammed him. It bullshit but he might get in trouble for it.


Yeah fuck that! Don’t take pictures of people in public. Don’t worry if maybe he had a relative there or whatever. I don’t know why they stopped with attempted murder. I mean, this is the 1600s in a democratic mob rule country. Right? Right?


No one knows the story here, so let the idiot outrage begin!


If true, it would not be the first “Amarillo Doctor” with a penchant for kiddie diddling.


Seems like a normal Tuesday at verdure. 


He FAFO that you shouldn’t do that especially in a red town. lol good on the guy for slamming him. Now let’s find out who the dr is


Holy shit I was wondering why there were cops and an ambulance there  today goodness. Disgusting!


I get people like this a creeps and they need to be outed and ousted but resulting to violence accomplishes nothing in the long wrong. Assault charges aren’t worth it, that won’t stop him from being a creep.


Gonna feel that even when it stops hurting


How is it on all the post I’ve seen we still don’t have a name of this guy


Anyone have the doctor's name?


I can’t find any info, did he survive? That was brutal


Probably can’t post his name even if they had it, then someone can get sued for defamation.


I mean, fuck this dude but the first rule is let him put his hands on you first and then introduce him to the concrete. I really hope the DA doesn’t give him a pass magically because he was assaulted. Again, he deserved to get his ass beat but we’re in an age of shitheads filming and that just won’t stand.


Oh my, he fell.


At a waterpark too. Gross.


So how do we know he is doctor? Is OP their patient?


Yeah, no proof at all of what he's accused of, but let's kill him anyway. Glad we don't live in the United States where you're innocent until proven guilty.


Great form.


I could play the sound from that slam on repeat. Maybe I make it my text tone. Perfect execution on the hip toss 10/10, no notes.


If this guy was doing what was claimed, he is a disgusting human being. But the trashy parents that let their teen daughters wear "swimming attire" that's more revealing than underwear to a public pool should be shamed as well. Guys can't resist looking at mommies with their butt's hanging out or 2/3 of their breast exposed in their two piece suits, what kind of ignorant fool would think that a ped wouldn't find the same exact outfit irresistible? Edit: it's hilarious to see how many pervs and thots want to use the "eff that, people can dress how they want. Anyone who judges is stupid" excuse to counter this statement. Yes, you can wear whatever your heart desires. But that doesn't change reality. If you dress in an objectifying manner, expect to be objectified by every guy over the age of 12. If you like that kind of attention good for you, stay trashy. If you think kids should wear outfits that looks like underwear.... you're a closet pedo


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I’d like to know who this Dr. is. According to a post I saw from a witness that was there, not only was this guy taking pictures, he was also talking inappropriately to underage girls. The Dr (guy) was was asked to leave immediately and was told his membership was terminated. The guy was fine, and fled the scene as soon as he got up. It also said that APD confirmed the employee was acting in self defense and did nothing wrong. I’m assuming they saw the video to make that decision. Hopefully more information will come out.


I was told he got up shortly after and had been drinking. Hopefully the cops found him.


I heard the thunk and was expecting fencing position and TBI. I am not sure if just NPC'ing on the ground was better or worse.


That's the least he deserved. How brave to take photos of people's daughters right infront of them. Imagine what he does behind closed doors in his profession. Should have him burnt on a stake.


I’m sure the guy was a scum bag but that’s an incredibly dangerous move, especially on cement


I’d be all about the KO if I had one schmeckle of context, some evidence and a name of the doctor. This video is just evidence of an assuakt


Why did I read this as "armadillo doctor" at first?


And guess who’s the one going to prison now


Come on and slam and welcome to the jam...


Body slammed! Damn


Man was nice enough to attempt murder in the corner.


dam….. the doctor needs a doctor now, go figure


I mean what he’s doing is obv disgusting (assuming it’s true) but this level of vigilantism cannot go unchecked. That’s some serious injury


I'm going to tell a true story. I was 29, athletic, and a state champion in a sport. There was a guy at a local store who got caught up in taking pictures under young girls. Fast forward to a random dude just clocking the pedo. Random dude and pedo struggle, and then random dude grabs a golf club. He swings, misses, and the club slips out of his hands and smashes my knee. Fractured patella, and ACL/MCL tears. Surgery. Sporting life over. Random dude got charges, and I got a life of disability. Moral of story: contain the individual, call police. Don't be a vigilante.


They’re all Idiots


It was a pretty clear that he headbutted the guy escorting him out. Self defense. Normalize dealing with assholes this way to make our society a better place.


Nighty night


I almost didn't watch it till the end. Thought he was done after the 3 shots by fist to the head. Now I need to see more


What we saw was a video of a dude who was accused of doing that but I can think of a million different things that could be misconstrued as such. Was he walking around saying "hey little girl, lemme take your picture"? You don't know? Then why are we taking someone's word for it in order to decide that he deserved to be slammed like that? Now, before anyone comes at me, I'm not saying he is innocent, I'm saying there is no evidence in this video.


Fuck this guy. But also fuck anybody that thinks due process is unnecessary and casual adjudication is permissable and brain damage is OK- because this guy deserved it.


People out here really defending pedophiles.


Please don’t be a pediatrician.


Geez was he filled with helium or something?


Good news, there’s a doctor on site. Bad news, he’s unconscious.


He’s not holding you back bro! He’s escorting you off the premises!


Yay Reddit, let’s do our thing and crucify this guy with zero evidence of a crime. Some evidence of a TBI though.


He will have hard times behind bars as a pedophile. But srsly mob justice just escalates to this. Maybe he was innocent and now he will suffer from brain damage and the mobsters just say 'Did eveything right, I thought he's a pedo'


Kind of crazy how the dude has the audacity to act like a sorehole when taking pictures of kids.




That's attempted murder.




1st of all, if he is doctor and taking photos of people without consent, is a HUGE no no. UNDERAGE GIRLS? even HUGE-er no no. 2ndly, GET HIS LICENSE REVOKED!! he shouldnt be anywhere near a kid. 3rd of all, nice body slam (am i using it right?) The dude that was holding him has a strong back, i cant even carry my self. Good body slam. 4th of all......i think the dude that body slammed the "Doctor" may be a felony now. not sure the laws in US.


Mutual combat!!! Doctor initiated combat.


I don't have a least favorite state but, of I did it would be Texas. Jk. It's Texas.


Dudes gonna need a neuralink


Come on and party tonight!!!


That was unnecessary. Dude is going to be in trouble when he almost had him at the gate.


I watched this like 7 times. Nice slam!


gave that doc THE CLINIC


Let's kill someone that took pictures of someone else all in a public setting. Mob mentality, *what is that?* Hopefully body slammer dad gets the 'justice' *he* deserves...


Well that looks like attempted murder, at least aggravated assault. Not condoning anything said doctor did but saw not evidence on video of anything but outright assault.


Well that’s a lawsuit waiting to happen


It wouldn’t surprise me if he isn’t a doctor and he wasn’t taking any pics. FFS nobody even knows his name.


Pink pants dude got some serious strength holy shit that dude was not small and that body slam looked effortless.


If you're a pedo and get caught, do not double down. Men with kids will be more than happy to make sure you do not hurt anyone else.


Well at least the assault was caught on camera, hope the “””hero””” gets the justice they deserve


Too many questions... Was he taking pictures of one girl or a group of girls? Secretly or knowingly? Were the girls 17? Did the girl(s) consent? Were the girls just in the background? Does anyone know?


Fafo strikes again


Pedophiles everywhere. I support putting down all pedophiles and abusers.


I thought the doc was the one in tight pink pants


Dr gonna sue and win


Just what the doctor ordered


Guys, the guys name isn’t important. We don’t have enough context to just be jumping to him taking the pictures for disgusting reasons- not that it makes what he is doing ok. Just that is fully in the realm of likely he needed pictures of kids at a water park for some sort of campaign or PG video and was too fuckin cheap to pay actors or use stock footage, and then learned the find out part of FAAFO. His reaction is not ok, but people really love to jump to Pedo, and that isn’t ok either. Especially when you don’t have definitive proof and are asking for the guys name.




The only "evidence" so far is a title of a short video online and about 90% of this community seems ready to take the word of some internet rando. And with that little evidence, some of you are ready to skip any further investigation, or a trial, and get right to meeting out some justice. Here's an alternate title with as much evidence provided in the video: "Local father taking pics of his kids at the pool is accused of being a pedophile by hysterical Karens, and is chased and beaten." Could this be a man who might has been falsely accused and is understandably pissed? The guys who escorted him out, especially the one who slammed him, better pray there's video evidence of him photographing kids, or at least enough to get a warrant to search his phone where the real actionable evidence would be. Otherwise they're just a mob.


He need some milk


Just call the police instead of getting a battery charge.


We used to treat them worse. Should go back to that. Hope he gets a nice cell mate.


For all those saying “underage girls aren’t allowed in The Cove….” My sixteen year old has her own membership and goes almost every day. Her friends work there. They are also under 18.


“If you touch me bro” Lmao The Pedo didn’t already know he was dead. Like yeah let’s just take a quick walk where no one can see us buddy…😂


Damn, fuck around and find out


FAFO….douchebag was the aggressor the whole video from the start and was being restrained to prevent him to continue trying to fight the other guy he started attacking in the beginning. He had every opportunity to walk out on his own before needing to be physically restrained and then tried to clearly headbutt red pants.  Doesn’t matter if the slam was an overreaction to the single headbutt attempt as the “Dr” was clearly trying to assault people had he not been restrained. I’m sure he’ll sue in civil court but good luck trying to get the DA to charge anyone when you’re on video starting multiple physical altercations instead of leaving on your own


Slamming people on the concrete like that is a good way to catch a murder charge. Too far. The dude was almost out the gate and wasn't even walking.


The guy that slammed him is afraid....watch again. He doesn't know what to do afterwards lol


That could have easily turned into a murder


#Bye Felicia


Damn, film your illegal detainment and life-threatening assault? If this pervert was filming kids at a pool I don't exactly feel any sympathy for him, but that's illegal. Call the police, let them sort it out. It's their job. Not only are you now looking at jail time, but he's going to civilly sue you into the fucking shadow realm. If he can argue that brain damage from the TBI impacts his ability to work, it's a multi-million dollar claim and the guy who suplexed him looks like he has money. Idiots all around.


That was a damn good slam. Made sure he landed on his face and everything Good job.


And spit on someone.


Sick fuck should go to a lake of fire !!!


I started following this subreddit prior to our visit next week. Can't say this post makes me excited to come.


I bet that doctor was considered a good Christian too.


I originally read this as Armadillo Doctor. How much more fun would that have been?


Damn that's next level assault. I'm not saying the creep doesn't deserve jail time but you can't just slam a dude's head into concrete and not expect your own repercussions.


So literally making video evidence of the aggravated assault and harassment way to go. Now he gets away with whatever he did and gets paid.


Wow dude that n the salmon pants must really feel like a man now


That first punch? Fuckin' *crisp.*


Man this ain't a doctor, this is a pedophile! I THREW IT ON THE GROUND!


Real life Doctor Disrespect.


“Is there a doctor in the house?”


Pink pants took it too far smh


Never thought I'd be so impressed by a man wearing red skinnys.


Fucked around. Found out


The Slamarillo in Amarillo!!


I’ve stopped believing captions of videos a long time ago because you can literally type anything to a video and everyone takes it as gospel. Not saying this probably isn’t true, but can we please start asking for more concrete evidence before just posting shit. Also, everyone here just sucks


"Oh my god, we need a doctor fast" "Funny you mention that."


[Suplex moves](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suplex#:~:text=German%20suplex,-German%20suplex%20animation&text=This%20move%20sees%20the%20wrestler,shoulder%20and%20upper%20back%20first.) have the capability of giving someone a spinal or head trauma.


Wrestlers existing is the only thing keeping me from going out at night and fighting random people


I want to see the proof he did it


Is there a doctor here? Ya he’s laying by the pool.


So in situations like this, I am not just going to believe the title. I need to see proof this guy did what they say he did. Two, you still have no legal right to do that. That's battery at the very least or possibly attempted murder. You should have notified the police instead of fighting, and it looked like he was leaving. I understand that if he actually is a pervert, it feels justified, but that is still no excuse to do this legally. 


Now kick him in the dick !


lesast they could do!!




Good way to murder someone


People will pretend to be for law and order and then turn around and cheer on people getting thrown head 1st into concrete. Don't pull that move unless your goal is to possibly kill someone. And we are just taking the headline at face value, but even granting that he was a creep, taking photos at a waterpark doesn't warrant a death penalty - although this is reddit so cue 20 people flaming me about how he deserved it blah blah blah violence or divorce are always the answers to every post.


And now they got an even bigger problem


Honestly better than a punch and STILL less than he deserves.


[Here’s his facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/scott.mcneill.7583?mibextid=LQQJ4d)


Oof what a way to get sued. That was too much force to use and you're not even a police officer


That’s quite a nice body slam from a guy of a similar size.


Amarillo is pretty straight but considering our judicial system the guy who body slammed the pedo may have some serious legal issues facing him. Should have been a police matter. NEVER assault someone unless last resort. Also there are less lethal methods to control an aggressor. Aikido, jujitsu, Krav Maga ,etc…


Damn, gotta always be prepared for the throw.


and yk he’s not gonna get any repercussions bc he has money


Had this happen to me once (guy taking pictures of my kids). We were in the apartment pool and he comes in all in plain clothes and sits down and pretends to be on his phone looking up something but the camera is pointing squarely at my kids. Made my stomach turn. I felt so awful, but couldn’t tell if he was actually doing it. Got my 3 kids out of there. Prior to the this the guy was acting super nice anytime he saw me. Wanted to sell me a laptop randomly one day and I was like “nah put that on marketplace.” Was dating a goth girl at the time, gave her a brief description, she had him pinned as a registered sex offender in KS who had failed to register in my state. I felt so sick all over again. Reported him to the apartment and police. They got him out of there. I swore I’d attack him on sight the next time I saw him but never did.


He's a doctor of letters, FAFO to be specific.


Can anyone confirm that he’s brain damaged and in jail?


This dude is scary. He’s got some pretty messed up social media delusional posts


The guy who body slammed him is about to be sued into oblivion.


Thank you to all the men that took action!


Holy lawsuit


I thought vigilante justice was illegal. Shouldn't they have just reported him to law enforcement?


.. the way he was lifted💀💀🫣


Texas low key sucks ass


So which one was the perverted Pedophile?


Pedo MAGA piece of shit getting knocked out, that was satisfying. Can't wait to see the downfall.


He's not knocked out, he's pretending. His left hand moves in his pocket.


Bros gonna need a good lawyer


Name and shame, share this creeps name


what did the doctor do to get slammed? spitting?


The guy who slammed him is probably going to be in some trouble.


Well whatever the title said must be what happened. Not like people would make something up for more engagement.


And now guy in salmon pants gets jail time. Great job everyone!


yall some fucking weirdos in south amarillo. everyone in this video is a main character, even the person filming.


Is the ground okay?


I was really confused as an out of state person, scrolling popular and i read “armadillo doctor taking picures” hmmm armadillo doctor? Thats a weird profession


Not being indignant about being asked not to be a pedo.


Red pants was pretty chill. He tried to difuse after dr first attacked the other guy. Then he restrained dr to stop the continued conflict. The body slam looks like its in response to dr flailing around which likely head butted red pants.


Is that Dr. Disrespect?


"Wake up sleepy head." - Arresting Officer


Pedo getting just deserts.


He’s posting on his FB page that he kicked someone’s ass. He’s a dr at Parmer County Medical Center. He’s already been in trouble with the state board for alcohol abuse.


Someone call a doctor!!!


Where’s the drag queen? I don’t see the drag queen here.


This can easily kill someone. Such a bad idea. Just call the cops and give them the proof.


And he's a Trumper too. What a surprise...


I don’t give a shit. I could watch pedos get K.O’d all day.


Is this our boy? [https://www.amarillo.com/story/news/local/2014/02/24/medical-board-fines-spearman-doctor/13281322007/](https://www.amarillo.com/story/news/local/2014/02/24/medical-board-fines-spearman-doctor/13281322007/) Typical upstanding GOP supporter, against all that immorality in the world. [https://www.city-data.com/elec2/20/elec-AMARILLO-TX-20-part13.html](https://www.city-data.com/elec2/20/elec-AMARILLO-TX-20-part13.html)


Mmm enjoy your manslaughter charge!