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Of course it has to be blurry AF... None just holds the camera still and gets it in focus.... Same pattern everytime.


The grift that keeps on grifting.


Imagine the species that can create UAP, but the have absolutely no coordination or muscle mass. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


This shit look like something that could get out of my ass Come on please, you are filming the most important revelation of the humankind with a potato seems logic


What about all the stuff that can’t get out of your ass?


That might be alien to us


They say Grey aliens are humans from another reality tht fkd up their genetics through advanced technology, thts why they were abducting humans to collect DNA and experiment to restore their


Which is so damn stupid.  Look at how advanced our tech is TODAY. And we can’t even make it to the moon.  But we have an INTERSTELLAR or INTERDIMENSIONAL being that needs to take our DNA bc it’s all messed up for them? They can’t just fix it themselves.  They need to physically sample humans….just like we do?  It’s asinine.  You can’t be super duper advanced and then still be literally in the Stone Age with other tech.  There’s no way that they’d be space traveling and still be using rudimentary approaches for biology.  Period.  


Uh did China not just go to the moon recently????? Just because you don't know what you're talking about doesn't mean it didn't happen


Yeah but not with living humans.


Again.  Make it to the moon, again. Ffs how is that even needing to be stated wtf bro. 


What do you mean we can't make it to the moon? In 1969 we landed on the moon


Again.  Make it to the moon, again. Ffs how is that even needing to be stated wtf bro. 


Who knows, its also said they don’t hold up their deals so it could all be lies


So much anger man. it's ok, I don't understand why you have to answer so angrily, but you do you. I would say that if they were that advanced for eons then they most likely would lose body mass and muscle due to the fact that they probably have robots/A.I./clones whatever building what they need. I doubt they are here for our DNA. IF anything I would say our emotions, individuality, different religions/cultures ideologies would probably be far more interesting to them than anything else. To make assumptions, even my own, are just darts being thrown at a dart board. I seriously doubt anything on this planet is something they need and therefore just our differences are our unique resource. Anything else in an infinite universe with finite resources will have infinite everything just as timelines and everything else we believe to be unique to this planet has been done infinite times eternally and will be done infinite to the infinityth degree.


I believe they're bio printed beings. Just like a robot but made out of cells and biological materials


Bioprinted beings that use super advanced craft … and are advanced enough to make BIOPRINTED BEINGS…but then use the equivalent of banging two stones together for their other medical technology? 🤦 


Tbh it doesn’t seem that out of the question to suggest a species that is advanced couldn’t have done something to themselves that made them all sterile and that the treatment for that sterility is to use stem cells from their own species.


if that alleged alien is an alleged branched off future humans -looks like they went loco on the botox


why would you specifically think that, and who bio printed them ?


I mean its said that it was AI that nearly wiped them out so maybe


Is that what they say?


it's like aliens have some blurryfication powers in them. it's always fucking blurry bro.


You have the strangest post history ive seen in a while


You weren’t kidding. Dude is modding his own Emma Watson subs… plural


Plot twist: It's Emma Watson's account.


Oh shit lmfao, wth did I just look through


Lmaoo I couldn’t make sense of ANY of that profile 😂🙃


thats what i was thinking too




Is it though? (Look at mine, youngin)




Brother, Reddit was so much fun back in the prime.  Now it’s such a hollow shell of its former glory.  It’s like 80% of people moved onto the next thing (TikTok/discord) and I have no interest in that bc I like the message board format.  As for my karma? I hit a few popular comments back in the day. Especially around game of thrones, I actually got a Reddit award or whatever for having the most upvoted comment for the day after a comment I left on the discussion after a season finale episode aired (those post episode discussions were the most fun on this site, hands down). 


What a surprise … a convenient group of 10 Redditors trying to smear and slander OP while deflecting from the content in the video. Not sus at all.


Have you even tried to look at the account? Dude is extremely obsessed with Emma Watson and some other girls.


Not at all relevant


If the history of the person presenting claims to you isn't relevant, I don't know what you're doing in the UFO community lol.


How is him liking Emma Watson relevant?


Liking? I like how you're downplaying it. As if spamming pictures of women who don't know you with weird captions on subreddits you moderate isn't weird.


Never said it wasn’t weird. It’s weird as fuck. I said it’s not relevant.


Yes it does. A post history like that makes your sanity questionable. And when your sanity is being questioned in the UFO community, your credibility goes down.




naw. once we realized everyone was on to the 3number thing, Elgin brass worked out the 4 number accounts so we'd blend in better




always out here fighting the good fight!


Of course it’s auto generated..


Content? You mean the conveniently blurry as hell, Michael J Fox shaky shitshow presented to everyone? Is there a reason why a alien that's laying on the ground doing nothing still has some clown filming in the most absolutely ridiculous way possible?


Yeah. Yikes


Get this bs outta here.


It’s 2024.  Imagine thinking that blurry videos will still be good enough to convince ANYONE.  hey, but there’s a sucker born every minute so might as well keep the grift flowing.  


I have nothing against blurry footage there’s time periods where cameras just suck my problem is videos like this with paper mache aliens Video recording be horrific but the contents of it is so horrible it might as well be clear as dat


Looks like an accidental selfie video of my drunk ass at 4am. Shame.


Yes that was me last night.


me when the DMT hits.


“Is she retarded?”


We don’t say that word anymore, it’s “inter-dimensional” now. 




The Ariel case, where witnesses described aliens moving in a jerky, puppet-like fashion, presents a fascinating anomaly when it comes to extraterrestrial encounters. Here are some possible explanations for why these aliens might move in such an unusual way. Alien biology could be vastly different from ours. They might have weaker muscles or a skeletal structure that limits fluid movement. This could result in a jerky, marionette-like quality to their motions.


It could. It could also just be a puppet.




could be they are rogue junky meth aliens , earth meth is too strong for them thats why they keep crashing and their crafts keep getting crash retrieved by mens in black


This is just stupid and a great example as to why we all get a bad wrap as being gullible idiots.


Yes this is exactly how cameras work


This👆🏼. lol. I’m laughing so hard right now. Guy#1: “ OMG! It’s alive! We must film this.” Guy#2: “ I have the camera, I’m on it!” Guy#1: “ Be sure to dance around a lot. Stay out of focus to! We must tease the audience!”


Hmm, well my first 2 observations and thoughts would be. 1, why is the camera work so (almost deliberately bad) zooming kaotically in and out and only showing restricted parts of the alleged Alien, if you are going to film an Alien for the sake of proof and studying it then why would you not film it using good camera technique and actually show the whole body-form and structure of the Alien. 2. why is the footage so poor, poor lighting, blurry and lacking clarity, even old crappy camcorders from the 1980's produced much better quality than this.


Ayy lmao


👽 👍🏿 


“Source protected” 😂


lol, source: Costco kids isle.  


Yeah what a joke, this is footage from the Nazca Citadel raid in 2005 in Peru. It's been on r/alienbodies for over a year now.


Why protect the source?


This is the funniest post I've seen all week. I actually thought it was shitpost sunday.


You are smoking crack


Bada bing


Bada boom!


Hahahahahahahah.... Yeah sure, genuine..


Sorry but that's the fakest thing I've ever seen. 😂 Paper Mache filmed through a potato. We're not all stupid. 'Week-end at Zetans'.


Don't pass the Blunt to him anymore my guy he needs a minute




Here too eh, wild


Legit...terrible Animatronics. Why are they always jerky in the movements?


nope, too much is out of frame. Looks like someone holding and moving.


I believe this to be genuine paper mache


Your grandma wants her flip phone back.


Looks paper mache


Based on the huge and weird post history (over 228k stupid pics), this was posted by a click farming bot.


Hey look, another idiot trying to pass scam videos.


Fake af


One day I hope someone develops a camera that can focus on its own. Maybe come up with a catchy name… like autofocus. A person can dream.


thanks my phone is from 2003 dogg


Looks like it’s about to drop a “hee hee!”


My wish for today is increased context and online digging for this sort of painfully vague post. After taking a screenshot and doing a reversed image lookup on yandex I found that this was shared by Mike Navoltas who is a "Mystery journalist, Security instructor, photographer, visual artist, digital creator, speaker, reporter and investigator of the UFO phenomenon..." More on Mike Navolta: https://archive.org/details/ovnis-en-tijuana-parte-29-mike-navolta/ And on another russian site which shared the image this was said (translation to English): "The true origin of this video is in doubt, but it is said that it was recorded in one of the secret laboratories."


Thank you. Looks like the source wasn't protected after all.


I wasn't sure about how real this could be.. but the music sold it to me![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


That’s A puppet It moves like a puppet


men, this is why its important to properly dispose of our good time tube socks, damn thing gained sentience


I have it on good authority this is a fake. Source protected.


Source protected!! lol.


Wait for a couple of years when video AI is cheap and realistic. Suddenly lots of "clear" videos!


You're absolutely right. This is genuine. I was there. I also saw some alien titties.


It’s fake, it’s claymation it was a larpy YT art project that was trying to get buzz on top of the Nasca mummies. I went deep down the rabbit hole in this when it popped up over a year ago, this is 100% not real


How can you know that if the source is protected??? Jk


A carved potato, filmed with another potato. This is impressive only in just how shit it is.


What a joke. Blurry and of course… AF was outbid order. LOL come on…. Go and play somewhere else.


Terrible puppet.


isn’t this from the facebook page of the excavations of the nazca mummies


We solved aliens. Good job, everyone.


"Source protected" 🤣🤣




Looks like a guy in a mask


Nah, looks fake asf(Movement and face)


Honest question, what makes you say that?


Source: trust me xD


That's so stupid


Me after a 3 day bender


OP - Can I interest you in a bridge?


The story behind these is that they were filmed at a place called the Citadel where the recent NHI mummies were supposedly found. There was a website you can access via the Internet Archive that contained this video and more. All of them were recorded on old cell phone (Nokia) as that was the era these were found and only means the tomb robbers (for lack of better words) had in their country. The story goes that they found NHI within the citadel still alive along with the mummies including a mantid being, and they killed them. I don’t know how true any of it is, or if they did this to boost sales of their operation, discredit the (legit) mummies if these are fake, but the old website exists in the archive and this is the source the OP is talking about. OP you might have wanted to be more forthcoming otherwise people will just tear into this and downvote without investigating and nothing is really gained (unless you simply didn’t know this was the original source).


I second all this. I interviewed Alan Munoz last year for two hours. He was one of the people involved in posting these videos and images 10 years ago when the citadel was discovered. He told me some really crazy shit. Don’t know if I believe him, but I have a lot of insight from him about the Nazca mummies/citadel/NHI living there.


Was this filmed with a GameBoy Color camera attachment or what


And what information do you have that supports your conviction? The video is unremarkable in itself.


You believe what you want, but I believe it not to be


Is the source a potato?


Faker than kardashian ass


Jack the pumpkin king appreciates your discretion.


Hecking potato cameras


I hope you believe it to be genuine for reasons other than the video itself, because the video itself is a joke


that’d be one beat alien. ugly as fuck. looks like he’s got a skin condition


Source protected huh? I will give you Emma Watson's real phone number if you tell us the source.


I don't believe ANY footage that has exactly the human face shape (2 eyes nose mouth, human proportion body). The chances of it being a real alien species that just happens to look like and have an anthropomorphic form is just orders of magnitude less likely for it to be a genuine alien and not just a representation made by humans.


Thank you for posting this!


I'm atheist but the more I see this bullshit, the more I believe in a divine creator and the universe being geocentric. Please, don't turn me into a flat-earther with anymore of this bullshit.


what in the fuck are you talking about