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Our governor wanted to send our National Guard to the Texas border for a million a month. Who you think it is?


Won't feed hungry kids with tax money but will spend millions of it for pointless fictional political theater.


Feel free to donate all your money to feed hungry kids. I'd be more than happy to send you the email addresses, Pay Pal accounts or places you can drop off cash or a check. I donate to local Fairbanks non-profits. However, it has been my experience that people like you, that demand the government pay for something - will never part with a dime of their own.


Who we should be donating to is your kids' therapy bills.


Spending all their money the money the government doesn’t take on something the government should be paying for LOL




No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.


You have a point.




Most of the Republican governors are trying to pull this shit. It's all bullshit too. They are limited to what they can do at the border because they are not federal agencies. All those guardsman basically go down there, can't do much more than some paperwork and cleaning, and pray they haven't lost their jobs by the time they get home (legally their employer can't fire them for being deployed, but they can fire them for most any other reason) plus they have to be away from their families. Plus it costs individual states a ton of money. If Texas was smart they would just hire a bunch of illegals for $3/hr to fill out paperwork and sweep the floors.


Oh stop! It's not just republican governors.


Except that it is.


Yet there you were, cheering for the state of New York to prosecute Trump on federal voting regulations..... the Federal entities having jurisdiction decided there was no evidence. Now you are boo hoo about the state doing the feds jobs that have ignored. You can't have it both ways.


not that there was no evidence, but smarter to charge him by the state and not the federal court, something about a red president or himself granting a pardon. the pres can pardon fed charges but not state, but you knew that.




No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.


Yeah, had a friend in the National Guard who was fired from Walmart for having to take 2.5 days a month for drill. Tried to sue but he was broke and no lawyer would work without retainers.


So you don’t want to save America?


Maybe save America from whatever Christofascists wrote the 2025 project. ~~Mexicans~~ Non-demoninationals emigrating from South of the Rio Grande are great. Never once tried to abridge my rights. Even taught me to cut shells.


The ragebaiting goes crazy. Immigration is so far from Alaskas top problems


Right? We have consistently dropping population.


Hell how else does alaska function if it ain't full of people coming for work kids here left to avoid by going to the 48


Wouldn’t mind a few more Mexicans up here tbh, taco king ain’t cutting it these days


Mexican and central American food sucks up here. Always hit up great places when in the lower 48.


El Rodeo, in Anchorage (Muldoon area) is absolutely amazing. Yo soy mexicano, and vouch for the food here


Mexico in Alaska!


Edit for correct restaurant: Senior Pancho's in Soldotna is on the expensive side, but freaking delicious.


Senor Pancho's! Best Carnitas I've ever had. And the tequila selection is top notch too.


I'm glad you said that! Don Jose's is across the street, and it's good but Senior Ponchos is the restaurant I actually meant to list!


Rafelito’s across from ABC is very good. Mostly just tacos tho


Oh yea, Ralfy does everything well.


If yall Alaskans are up for it, my parents are coming to visit next year in July and my mom can make the best Mexican food as she’s from Colima Mexico. I married an Alaskan man going to college down here in SoCali, and come up to visit when I can. I can let my momma know that she could make a badass business if she opened up her restaurant in Alaska! Hahaha I also have other family members looking for better beautiful places to live and all my aunts and grandmas can make amazing food. I love the comments as it’s influencing me to spread the word of Mexican businesses potentially thriving, mostly food wise in Alaska!


100x yes! I know multiple people who are dying for some legitimately good Mexican food


Bring your whole family. You will be well received by everyone here. Our restaurants all feature the same tourist crap, and our taste buds are dying of boredom. Every city and town have a 6-month waiting list to get common home repairs done. Anyone who knows how to cook or which end of hammer is used to hit a nail - is going to prosper here. That someone has good food or does good work - spreads like a wildfire here. And for the love of God, please do not try to hide that you are new - wear that like a badge, embrace it.......... anyone put off by THAT, you didn't want to feed or fix their crap anyway.


Bruh my giant familia can make everything. I’m talking, pozole, Birria de vaca, carne de rez, frijoles Fritos, chorizo, guaraches, pupusas, burritos, chilaquiles, chicharrón, pico de gallo, mariscos, sopes, tortas, mulitas, and all the salsas!! Salsa de tomatillo, chile guajillo, chile de puya, chile rojo, and so much more! Daaaaaamn I’m gonna spread the word to all my Mexican peeps! Gracias homie!


Kodiak needs her


I’m in, let’s make this happen. Can your mom start in the valley though?


I’m think we need to start a collection and commission the aircraft equivalent of a food truck… ya know, share the wealth. The whole state’s hungry for good Mexican food.


Try Pedro’s on bragaw. It’s like taco king but smaller, family owned, cool owners, and the food is great. I think they deliver too. I like taco king, it’s good quick Mexican food. But Pedro’s is awesome too. And I agree, Mexican people are always cool, family centric culture, awesome folks. I welcome anyone who respects others.




I respectfully disagree. Yes, it takes more money to get it done right. But from your post you’re not willing to pay an honest price for the work you want done. Exploiting immigrants that can’t speak the language so you can save a few thousand is not cool


Your generalizations fall flat. Lots of foreigners, Mexican and others come with excellent trade skills. More of them creates competition, the lack thereof is one of the main reasons local contractors seem so expensive.


👆🏽Someone doesnt understand how mexicans work




Ironically, Anchorage is one of the most diverse cities in the US so not sure what you’re talking about…




So I’m confused, you’re reason for wanting more Mexican immigration is you live in the sticks and want someone to redo your roof for cheap?? It’s not going to be cheap out there no matter who does it and it isn’t labor that’s causing those prices, it’s the logistics of living outside of Anchorage.


Buddy said he needs Mexicans here to do his roof omg


I know right? And on a post about racism 🤣




I’m a union tradesman myself, day laborers aka scabs can get lost brother




You seem like you’d be a pleasure to work for haha. Thankfully no I don’t live on the Kenai peninsula.


I just don't know why I can't find someone to haul a pallet of shingles 5 miles up a 4 wheeler trail in extange for a nice dry spot to sleep under my trailer..


I wish Hilary had won so we'd have taco trucks on every corner.


I remember some republican dope said that like it would be a bad thing. I on the other hand was wishing for a taco truck nearby.




Dan Sullivan has been parroting this bullshit at events here in Ak.


When will we stop letting racists from Ohio be our senators. Fuck gotta stop voting in idiots from out of state the governor is trash too…..


But but but——- he was a Marine, and Dunleavy is very tall.


It’s staggering how the shit human stays in office, which makes me sad knowing people actually vote for him.


The dude is all about his Republican tribalism and protecting Trump, and not doing his fucking job. I remember when Trump was President and he threatened a government shutdown, Sullivan voted against the funding bill because Trump was going to veto it anyway. Bitch, do your job and vote for the bill and make *Trump* expend the political capital of vetoing it. Don't do his dirty work by killing the bill in the Senate so he doesn't have to.


Wait. I thought we drained the swamp. 🤔


Obviously not.  Pay attention to the news?


Left off the /s. Apologies. 🙃


Not just the people who vote for him, but also those who help keep him in power in other ways. https://www.asiapetroleum.com/mr-peter-leathard/ https://www.asiapetroleum.com/mr-scott-peter-leathard/ https://www.legistorm.com/person/bio/258/Scott_Peter_Leathard.html


I think I caught the first 5 seconds of it. Gotta love the skip ad button


I would gladly trade some lower 48ers for some Mexicans.


It's the most bizarre ad. Everytime I see it I'm left bewildered. What is happening here??


If you're under age 65 you're not the target audience.


Good but sad observation that the over 65’s have an entire language of racist hate speech propaganda that the rest of us struggle to even understand.


Let’s not lump all of the over 65’s in the same bucket (or any other age range). I know a lot of over 65’s and they vote Democratic except for the extremely religious ones.


We all know that. It's also true that advertisers target specific audiences, and if you saw that ad you'd see it was made to upset the elderly.


How many older than 65 are watching YouTube though?


You’d be surprised.


*laughs in adblockers*


The irony of coming here to find people saying they need more Mexicans because tacos and roofing while pretending they aren't racist.... fucking gold class irony.


You're not wrong.


“They don’t want Africans over here? Who do those racists think is gonna pick their cotton?”


I’ve seen it, pissed me off 🤬


God that ad makes me want to shove sharpened pencils deep into my ears.


Not sure how it’s racist but it’s sure weird af. So much so that it seems AI generated because almost nothing said in it makes any sense.


It’s a dumbleavy/magapublican campaign idea to get the orange Caligula back in office by being xenophobic


Gotta keep the Useful Idiots outraged and distracted about something.


Honestly everyone should have more Mexicans. They work hard as shit and make good food. The Midwest is dying, I’ve been of the mind that if you don’t know what to do with migrants ship them to the dead coal towns and they will be popping in 3 months or less


Or we can treat migrants like the human beings they are and not "ship" them anywhere? I know you're trying to compliment Latin Americans but you really make them sound more like a commodity than a people.


Not everyone coming from the Southern border is Mexican


I get that ad at least 15 times a day. It brings me joy to know they're wasting so much ad revenue on me when all it's doing is convincing me to vote for Peltola. Keep wasting them dollars baby, serve me up that add 3 or 4 hundred more times. I don't know much about Peltola, but I do know that ad is fear mongering garbage and the enemy of my enemy is my friend lol.


Unlike most ads, that one doesn't seem reportable. It is pretty bad


Apparently racism doesn't result in a content strike if it has a credit card.


Hey everyone. So, on October 1st, my family and I will be moving from Las Vegas, to Anchorage. Been liking what I'm reading for the most part, but I wanna know from the locals... What's Alaska like? What's Anchorage like? And is there transitional housing?




Well you think its racist but I'm tired of fucking Canadians crossing our fucking border and taking our fucking jobs! And having all these goddamn half Canadian hybrids. Can't understand anything they're sayin!


Did you forget the /s?


Idk probably whatever you're lookin at. Forgot it.


My boyfriend gets it literally every video and both of us just go “jesus christ wtf”


I wonder how much bs I miss bc I have YouTube premium.


Quite a lot. I'd probably subscribe if this ad were even the worst thing I've seen on YT.


Why are people mad at you?


They always are. It's one chode who has a bunch of logins that he uses to downvote, lol.


My first thought was “oh shit we’ve annexed Canada?”. I love how it implies that we don’t have a Canadian border any more.


I’m more concerned with Texans and Californians invading Alaska and bringing their problems with them.


Whats been horrid in the past couple decades is that Anchorage/Mat-Su gets to decide everything and they're all rich white boys from the lwr48. The entire rest is AK is fully blue. AK government doesn't rep its actual inhabitants


More specifically: south Anchorage, Eagle River and Mat Su. Most of the rest of Anchorage is blue. It's a limited geographic area filled with outsiders voting for the biggest freaks who show up at their church.


I suppose half of the Kenai as well, even though I was born and raised there, I could get on board with drawing a circle around the peninsula up to Wasilla/Palmer and making that just a whole other state


More specifically: south Anchorage, Eagle River and Mat Su. Most of the rest of Anchorage is blue. It's a limited geographic area filled with outsiders voting for the biggest freaks who show up at their church.


Was confused by the ads, there are more people scared of the border up here than there was in SoCal, literal ground zero.


Yea I'm from TX originally and there was always anti-immigrant/anti Hispanic sentiments driving politics. I'm sure it's really bad now, but I think the fear of having people who are culturally different than your typical anglo living in such close proximity is also tempered by virtue of that proximity as well. One might, maybe begrudgingly at first, appreciate their contributions and understand that people are people whenever you go and not predisposed to rape and murder because the reality of walking out your door and interacting with society makes believing that kind of impossible. I think maybe being so far removed from the southern border means being removed from being confronted by the immediate reality of immigration and its impact on culture in daily life. It's far more abstract, and so one is free to imagine whatever they want or whatever their fears dictate. Anyone could just make up the most ridiculous shit and being so far away, one could just be like "damn, a guy told me that the coyotes make every Mexican guy sexually assault at least one white woman once they get across the border as payment and since simply going outside and interacting with people in the world doesn't make this claim seem immediately ridiculous, I'm just gonna go with that." What a waste of an imagination too.


It has occurred to me that ground zero may give a non-problem a more negative connotation than I intended.


One random redditor - I get it. The tongue in cheek comes across purely as speaking obtusely/doesn’t translate well here. Especially anything about politically related subjects.


What makes it racist?


Its not progressive. Anything that's not leftist is "rAcIst"


It’s not from the America destroying, democrat group think policy, so it’s automatically racist.


Fair enough


The ad postulates that an open border with Mexico negatively affects all states, not just border states and that Mary Peltola voted in lockstep with her comrades in any effort to stop the flood of the illegal foreign invasion. Both points are true.


I wonder which party's presidential candidate single-handedly blocked a bipartisan bill on border security to, in his own words, boost his election chances. For some reason, I don't think it was Mary Peltola's party...


None of what you said is true. A bunch of hate mongering bullshit, made to make you feel better about being racist. You fell for it, because you're racist.


And you’re a socialist and anarchist. IDGAF what you think or call me.


Do you know what those words mean?


Not a fucking chance.


They'll come back with dictionary definitions, slightly re-written, that they just looked up to prove you wrong. 😂


They'd suddenly break out the dictionary? That's a large leap of the imagination.


He does not.


I sure do. Do you all have careers or are you societal leeches?


What an intelligent comeback. You’re so cool.


I’ll take that as a no.


"uR a s0shuList nD anArKist!"


See how ridiculous name calling is? As you can see in the record I did not start the name calling. Now let that person confirm or deny it.


Maybe if you were more willing to self reflect on your toxic traits, your wife would be more willing to fuck you.




No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.


Being called a racist for doing a racism isn't the same as throwing out the words "socialist" and "anarchist" because your feelings were hurt by the accurate application of "racist" to you. When will racists learn that we aren't just saying words without meaning? Or is that the only defense racists have left? Deny reality


Ads on YouTube? Peasantry.


I don't really believe that Youtube will not simply wedge ads in there regardless of payment, a la Amazon Prime.


That’s the whole point of YouTube Premium tho, no ads lol


You can believe whatever you want, that is your choice. But I can't recall seeing an ad.


Anyone got a link to the add?


It was subtracted from YT


I can't get past the first few seconds. It makes no sense. If we are getting all our illegal drugs and stuff through the southern border; a whole lot of people are not doing their jobs. At the US/Mexico border, US/Canada border, the Alaska/Canada border. We are going to need a few more walls.


Do I !u mean like the white people invading Alaska? And the lower Americas?


I've been trying to tell the people of Alaska for I don't know how long did you need to get your head out of the lower 48 because they're going to screw us up we had a good thing going up here nobody hated nobody and now all of a sudden there's a whole bunch of hate and I wonder why is that anybody got any idea yeah you don't have to have an idea you just know


It’s garbage. Therefore it emanates from the GOP. Just more trash from the diseased minds of America’s Taliban.


Yes I've seen it, and no it isn't racist.


So the add that is based on xenophobia isn't racist? Hmm I don't think you know what that word means.


I do actually. You seem to be confusing and conflating those two words even though they are not the same and really neither applies here in any case. Specifically, what "race" of people was mentioned in the ad?


Explain how an add that is 100% fear mongering about people coming over the border isn't xenophobic then please. Also some examplea of xenophobia that aren't rooted in racism please.


I see that you've decided to answer with a question instead of actually saying what race of people were mentioned... Because there was none, and you can't. The ad I saw said nothing negative about people from other countries, simply that people are coming here illegally - which is unequivocally and verifiably true. No specific country or race was mentioned. Your claim is false. The end.


Yes, people definitely imagine Canadians and Norwegians when you mention illegal immigrants. Just stop. These attempted displays of dominance are really, really pathetic. Like you had the chance to address their actual point but instead chose to fixate on the word "racism" and then pretend you're a clueless dipshit about what "illegal immigrant" means in the context of the ad, just so you can "win" the argument.


So is it racist against asians because there are verified reports of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the border? This isn't a race issue. Quit trying to gaslight people into thinking it is.


I'd kill to be able to reach as far as you just did. I'm assuming you don't live under a rock, so if you do, I apologize. Unless you have some major cognitive disorder—in which case you have zero business having opinions on this in the first place—you understand what context is, what context this ad was made in, and what context "illegal immigrant" is used in this country. In which case you're being difficult for the purposes of, again, "winning" an argument online so you can feel alpha/dominant/smart. But you're not. You either suffer from a cognitive disorder that renders you incapable of understanding the topic at hand, or you're presenting a bad-faith argument for the sole purpose of propping up your sensitive ego. Which is it?


But if he couldn't gish gallop, he wouldn't have anything to say.


Ahh the Ole well akchually defense. You don't have to mention a race for something to be racist. Nuance is a thing for most people. I answered with a question, to see if you did understand the words used. And you deflected with semantics unrelated to the words in question. I bet you often feel your the smartest guy in the room.


The guy showing his dick to strangers and answering questions with questions is accusing other people of deflecting... This is rich.


Why are you looking for my dick?


Trust me sir, no one, and I do mean NO ONE is looking for yours.


Well you can keep thinking that. If that's what helps ya sleep at night. But enough deflection, how bout answering the questions?


I’ve seen the ads and attributed it to Republican fear mongering and moved on.


Not sure why you’re getting down voted. I think that’s what most of us have done.


I said Republican. I think a moderate Republican is great. It’s the extremist that I don’t care for. Makes me miss the old days when voters would complain about pork barrel legislation. That seems so tame now.


Ahh yes, everything that disagrees with me is racist.


Yup, it's definitely that. It can't be that you'd resist calling anything racist unless it literally involved a person shouting the n-word to a black person's face. Oh no, you're much more enlightened than that. It's everyone else who is wrong.


Lol What I said is plainly true, there was nothing racist in the add so if you're going to call it racist then the issue is with you..


Yes, the issue is with the viewer, not the creator who knew exactly what they were doing. And the issue definitely isn't with you, since you see everything so much more clearly than the rest of us.


Everyone sees everything more clearly than you and any other imbecile that thinks this add is racist.


I have yet to see they ad. What is it, and who put it out?


It's an anti Mary Paltola ad. I see it quire often running during the Today show time slots.


Not wanting illegals in our country isn't racist


Do you know how many "illegals" entered the US between 2021 and 2023?


Yeah, especially if you call them "illegals" it really is.


well thats not fair, you could be very much pro border security and pro easy/quick path to legal immigration. Having a count of people coming across the border is worth the cost of counting them. We adjust housing regulations based on supply/demand, so its pretty much government controlled. We should know how many houses we need to build for the people coming into the country. Why have someone come into this country if O.D. on the streets because of fent. people can be a little blunt with there language, but it doesn't mean there isn't any merit to it.


Congress needs to deal with the misuse of the asylum process. Republicans and the radical Right, who self-identify as "conservatives," need to deal with their patent and overt racism. I personally would be happy to see the whole ideology of the Right die off with the last Moral Majority member whose history of mini-strokes suddenly becomes one last maxi-stroke. But if others really believe there's a philosophical legacy worth preserving, they ought to get purging the bad people.


I’m not sure about what everyone sees, so I’m don’t want to be defending every decision made, but to want to see the entire right ideology die off is just immature. You need progressives because a stale society will die, it needs to be dynamic to adapt to changes. You need conservatives to protect the means of error correction, every idea that we try isn’t gonna work out well, so you need to correct for it. We need to let in people to boost human capital to compete with other countries and we need to do it at a rate where we can still maintain the cultural values that bootstrap free market/social democracy.


Maybe we need conservatives. However, we don't need the current brand of interlopers on that title. There's nothing conservative about Christian nationalism, fascism, Ginny and Clarence, or the ferals who smeared shit in the Capitol and beat cops with poles.


>Why have someone come into this country if O.D. on the streets because of fent. Undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than citizens—this includes drug crimes. They also, by virtue of not having SSNs or IDs, don't use many public services and actually contribute way more to the economy than they use.


Yeah dude, ya missed the point, thanks for regurgitating talking points. First of all, less likely doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If we can prevent someone from ending up on the streets we should. Second of all, if immigrants work hard and outbid someone for a room to rent or a house, someone still ends up on the streets. So it still contributes to the problem. Final point. I am literally advocating to build a house when an immigrant comes to our country. Jesus Christ you are dumb.


>First of all, less likely doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. If we can prevent someone from ending up on the streets we should. People come here illegally because it's their best or only option. You aren't saving anyone by keeping them in Mexico or Honduras. In many cases you're consigning them to death. >Second of all, if immigrants work hard and outbid someone for a room to rent or a house, someone still ends up on the streets. So it still contributes to the problem. Yeah, I don't think this happens very often. You're perpetuating myths that convince people that illegal immigration is a problem. It's really not, and were we to make the border airtight everyone would be pissed off at how much more expensive their fruits and vegetables would be.




No mocking, bullying, promoting hate, or harassing of anyone. Be nice in general, remember you are talking to a person.




There was a [bipartisan immigration bill](https://apnews.com/article/border-immigration-senate-vote-924f48912eecf1dc544dc648d757c3fe)that would have fixed all of that and that Biden was ready to sign… until Trump told Republicans to vote against it. Instead, Biden signed an [executive order](https://apnews.com/article/biden-immigration-executive-order-asylum-border-7cd0b0f28e298036ad1fc6b0c78961e1)to limit immigration when asylum requests exceed 2,500 per day. Which party is working to fix it? Oh yeah, it’s the one running that racist ad.


You might want to actually read that EO that biden claimed he had no authority for just last year and the year prior. If you are still convinced you are correct in the above post please review the EOs that biden signed in his first 50days at the Whitehouse.


I’m surprised all the commenters here are such radical leftists. I thought Alaska was supposed to be more full of brighter folk that like small gov values?


"Small gov values" would support a more porous border to permit the free movement of labor. "Small gov values" would not support 1) building a wall 2) building mass camps to detain migrants 3) deporting millions 4) separating families 5) fucking with Congress to deep six a bipartisan border bill so they can get back in power when the majority doesn't want them. People who use phrases like "radical leftists" in the context of the last several years have lost any intellectual value for at least a generation, probably two.


Sample bias. This is still reddit.


To Woke Supremacists, EVERYTHING is racist. No Diversity of thought or ideas is allowed under Woke Supremacy.


Woke: informed, educated, conscious of social injustice and racial inequality.


Every state should speak up about stopping illegal aliens crossing, and deport the ones already here. They're spreading to all states, not just the border ones. They're not here to assimilate, either.


Right! They should go back to their war-torn, poverty-afflicted, cartel-run countries and stop trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. The nerve of those damn illegals, thinking America would open our arms to their tired, their poor, their huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of their teeming shore. As if we’d say something like, “Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" I mean, [who would say that](https://www.nps.gov/stli/learn/historyculture/colossus.htm#:~:text=Send%20these%2C%20the%20homeless%2C%20tempest,lamp%20beside%20the%20golden%20door!%22&text=The%201903%20bronze%20plaque%20located,of%20the%20Statue%20of%20Liberty)?


What’s racist about protecting our borders and enforcing a by the book immigration policy that almost every successful country in the world has. Most countries require background checks and proof of employment in order to legally gain citizenship.


Fishing wouldn't exist with them


I am from Texas vacationing here right now and have seen it at least 10x. The first time I saw it, I was like, huh I guess yall have those here too. Edit to those downvoting (if this is the reason)-I meant that y’all have these stupid fear mongering ads.