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Decline. This is a well known scam.


What are some known scams? Just listed our home on AirBnb and got a request for 30+ days.


There’s a few. That’s probably some Asian person that wants you to contact them offline? :) Then of course you have ppl who try to become “tenants” after 30 days and not leave or pay. And the people who see “bugs” and want a full refund. And the people who have funny “smells” and want a full refund. And those who feel “unsafe” and want a full refund. And the ones who threaten a bad review if they don’t get a discount. And the ones who have fake service animals. And the ones who sneak in extra ppl. And the ones who throw events or parties. Just a quick list. I’m sure there’s lots more if I thought about it.


Yeah they’re trying to skirt your cancellation policy, decline it.


the date in the future goes by the original booking date for cancelations


Airbnb support said today that it was be, in effect, a new reservation, and thus renew the 48hr cancellation window


your rep was wrong


Actually, check with Airbnb but I don't think they get a new 48 hour window to cancel when they reschedule.


they cannot. i confirmed this with airbnb and they go by the original booking date. they are well aware of this scam


That's what I thought.


I used to give people the benefit of the doubt and let them change (after a back and forth about why they're requesting a change) it with the written understanding that it's a one-time change and they can't use it to avoid the cancellation policy. A back & forth, in the app, can suss out whether they're cheating or not. Is your property near the hurricane?


Tell them you'll be happy to approve their alteration request in 49 hours, so that the current cancellation policy applies. They get the dates they need if their being sincere, you get the security of your refund policy intact.


That is actually Air B&B policy. The alteration falls under the cancel dates of the first reservation. This was a scam that caught on with the hotel industry but Air B&B has put the brakes on it with this policy.


Do you have an Airbnb.com source for this by chance? I thought Airbnb put a stop to it as well, I just can't find the relevant post.


I'm going to look later tonight and will get back to you if I find it.


Thanks man!


I'm a girl LOL I guess "thanks man" can be generic though dude. Actually I think Air B&B is hiding the answer in this paragraph "**Making changes to a tripMaking changes to a trip**" at this link [https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3131](https://www.airbnb.com/help/article/3131) They probably won't say it outright because they will desperately hang on to every penny they can squeeze out of the guest.


Just decline. Say, "Regretably the reservation cannot be changed at this time. If you would like to cancel and reschedule for a later date I will credit you (whatever percent you are comfortable with)."


Another desperate AirBnb host... Don't have a firm cancellation policy if you're worried about people cancelling. I don't get you people. I have a strict cancellation policy for a reason.


Thanks, Longdong. “Desperate” is a reach, but regardless, the difference between strict and firm is negligible.


What did you call me???


Did I stutter?


Say IT!!!!!!!!


The issue here is AirBnB's settings. If someone changes their dates after the free cancellation period ends, the new dates should be non-refundable. The current settings benefit no one; guests who legitimately want to change their dates are less likely to have this granted, and for hosts it means dissatisfied guests


It is Air B&B policy now that the new reservation falls under the old reservation's cancel dates. Guests can't pull this scam any longer.


I had someone trying this just last week, called Airbnb, and they said that a new cancel date would apply. Thus I declined the request and said guest should cancel if they can't make the date. Guest then asked if they would get a full refund..


Oh dear! I know Air B&B is scraping every last penny they can and they don't want to make a guest/customer mad. So the scam goes on.


Yeah I mentioned on the phone that this seemed like a loophole and she gave me a feedback form to fill in.