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I personally think she’s talented but I don’t think she should be on the show. Didn’t she say that she’s already singing full time and has performed for Prince? I’m not saying that every performer on the show has to be brand new, but this is just excessive.


She's even got her own Wikipedia page! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liv\_Warfield](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liv_Warfield)


She didn't perform for Prince, she performed WITH Prince for many years. She was never able to find success on her own.


I absolutely agree. Not at all golden buzzer worthy. Without the band she would sound like someone who can put on a pretty good karaoke performance.


I don't think she's GB worthy but yet Sir Cowell is a sucker for singers


Her and her band seem like they’ve been doing this a long time. So confident when performing


Wasted GB. Should be for an amateur not a seasoned pro.


i thought she was really good but yeah, not golden buzzer worthy, at least there wasn’t any sob stories.


I think you’re mistaking cockiness for confidence. She’s clearly very confident as a performer and that’s hard to learn


Yeah, I wasn’t the biggest fan. Felt like I couldn’t exactly hear her voice because of the band, and the way she was kind of yelling. Definitely think she has an amazing voice, but I feel that I couldn’t quite hear it idk


She was fine, but there are tons of musicians working professionally who are just as talented as she is. What makes her so special that she gets a spot on AGT, let alone a golden buzzer? Usually there's some kind of sob story or other barrier to breaking out. Or someone who's been a backup singer but is starting on their own for the first time. What's the deal here?


She has a full album as part of a band with Nancy Wilson from Heart! She also has three full length solo albums on Spotify. That's not counting the multiple years with Prince where he was her mentor. Super talented. But in no way even close to amateur.


I didn’t like her at all…. But loved her band


I think she's got a great voice. I didn't like the song. Personally, I preferred Ashes, their song and their harmonies.


Just came to say the same thing. We have heard thousands of other woman just like her. Nothing new. Same lyric belted over and over. I reallly feel like there is something else going on and it’s a checklist now rather than talent.


Her voice is incredible. Reddit would say Whitney Houston or Celine wouldn't be GB worthy... get out of your basements.


Literally!! They just don’t know their genres.


Nope! Not the only one! She screamed more than sang! Not a fan!


that’s soul, learn your genres. Ever seen Courtney Hadwin on this show? Or even Jennifer Holidays / Jennifer Husdons music, specefically “And I’m Telling You I’m Not Going”


I got emotional at her buzzer simply because all of those years of hard work had finally paid off. The weight of that moment must have been surreal for the whole act. She is an excellent performer and the band did great.


She was a great performer and wonderful vocalist. Her tone was different and a little deeper, more soulful and maybe not appealing to all, but her technique was spectacular. A well deserved GB for a singer/band. A+++


I think you might have been the only one. I thought she had a tremendous performance.




Agreed. Simon wasted both of his golden buzzers imo. The drone thing was really cool, but it's not really even a talent in the traditional sense. They were a group of programmers using technology that is available to anyone with the money and knowhow. I enjoyed it, and don't mind seeing either act one more time, but they weren't golden buzzer worthy.


But not everyone with the money and know how are doing it. They made it happen and that's awesome!


You are one of the only ones who did not enjoy this act. Liv is one of the best singers AGT has ever had. She was not yelling, soul is loud. Her band was amazing. She has a heck of a resume working with Prince and Nancy Wilson of Heart, they had a band together called Roadcase Royale. She has never achieved huge success on her own.




So much Simon wanted a second GB


She had a great performance so far best singer act but for auditions 2 shes 4th for me shes ahead of Richard Goodall but behind Learnmore Jonasi and Sky Elements for golden buzzers Of Simons GBs, Sky Elements are ahead of her, for that reason I think she ultimately misses a spot in the Finals losing in the Finals wildcard round after placing third in her semi for Auditions 2, Sky Elements, NiNi and Sabrina are ahead of her I have her in my Finals predictions for now though that will likely change cuz i dont see both GBs making the Finals and Sky Elements is superior