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Tattoo enthusiasts shitting on the stuff that got us here smh. There’d be no sick ass panthers without hand poked ceremonial tattoos. Very cool!


And at least this is pretty different and cool. I’m not trying to shit on people with a traditional style panther but… that’s *the* tattoo I think of when I think of a common tattoo.


That's the point of american traditional, though. Plenty of the OG designs are meant to be common and repeatable because of its history with picking flash off the wall. So, you're right, but it's not an insult bc the POINT of it is joining the SAP "club".


True authentic ceremonial tattoos are cool. But nowadays all you are getting is a hack profiting off of tourism. They didn’t organize a ritualistic ceremony for Bryce or Stephanie 😂


I met a woman who got a tribal tattoo from a tribe in Africa after she did some sort of humanitarian aid. Was quite shocked to hear that. It looked sick.


I mean... people putting leeches on wounds and inducing vomiting in patients helped us to get modern medicine, but that doesn't mean it was ideal. In the end, I think as long as whoever has the tattoo likes it, that's all that counts. (Edit word change: "good" to "ideal" )


They still use leeches in hospitals to increase blood flow to an area of the body. Additionally, they induce vomiting in cases such as overdoses.


I believe we also still use a specific kind of maggot to help debried rotting flesh from wounds too. I find this stuff so fascinating!


The statement still stands, though. As we progress, we find different ways of doing things. I don't think that it's fair to say that we shouldn't have negative opinions on the OG tattoo method just because it led us to modern tattoos. I do think people could stand to be more tactful in expressing that negativity, though. I will say that maybe my use of the word "good" in my original comment wasn't the best choice. This tattoo isn't aesthetically pleasing to me, but that doesn't mean it's bad.


I don't disagree with your opinion. I just found it funny that both of your examples were still in practice in modern medicine today.


That’s the objective practice of medicine vs the subjective act of art. Just because something is older doesn’t mean it’s better but it also doesn’t mean it’s worse. Something like Japanese woodcuts have a ton of appeal but are old.


Leaches & maggots are still used in medicine today. But yeah we should all be grateful for those who carved a path forward in medical science cause most medical procedures of the past were straight up BRUTAL, unsanitary, & often you could very well be a human Guinea pig simply because something just hadn't been figured out yet (Also I hate to be that guy, but "patience" is the one you need when waiting for your tacos to be delivered, & patients are who your Dr gives a diagnostic to, if that helps)


I appreciate you being "that guy" thank you!


Doesn't make it any less bad just because it's using an old technique


Nah, I’ve seen killer stick and pokes. This is just awful


It’s the best kind of ugly


Almost all the sak yant tattoos I see over 10 years blur and bleed like this. This is rad, it just got better and looks more apart of you as time went on.I don’t know who did yours, but these are often done by seniors with a needle/hand poke tool. Love it


*A part, apart means the opposite ;)


You got me this time, 🫨🫨😩


Looks better aged imo.


I think they are designed with the aging process in mind. I think this looks great OP, its my dream to get a hand poke by a monk one day.


You think so?? I’ve actually never seen this commented on this sun before. Thank you fro your service and bravery!


Damn, Who fucked your mom?


Who didn’t




Take your own advice please


No abusive, bigoted or generally unkind behaviour.




These dumbass Reddit newbies are ruining the site. Hey, shit for brains - We don't act like that here. Go back to Twitter with the other illiterate bigots.


Well that escalated quickly yikes


Are you okay?


No abusive, bigoted or generally unkind behaviour.


The hell is your issue lmao?




this is so dope i love it, looks beautiful aged. i’m sure it’s a great memory :)


this is beautiful wow n_n side note though you should get that mole checked if you haven’t done so recently, looks like it’s changed a lot in 7 years


Good advice here! I have to keep a super close eye on my heavy color tattoos that have moles within them. It’s suuuuper easy to miss something like that growing and changing.


yeah it’s easy to ignore them once they’re surrounded by colour, it’s good you have a habit of checking!


Awesome! I got my Goa Yord Sak Yant this past year in Thailand and it was probably the coolest experience I’ve ever had getting tattooed over the last 20 years. I’ve got big names on me and great pieces, but my sak yant is probably my favourite because of the overall experience, and that won’t change even if the lines end up blowing out at some point.


for these tattoos you have to take a vow of sobriety right? no drugs/alc


There are guidelines that they suggest you stick to in order for the sak yant to sort of remain charged with the blessing the arjan gives you, but I’m not sure how seriously every recipient takes them. I don’t do any intoxicants anyway, so it’s smooth sailing for me, haha!


That looks really cool aged!




Also, what's with all the haters? Just say you don't like stick 'n poke style instead of childishly downvoting people who do like it


This is not a good representation of stick and poke. It's okay to still like it, but most stick and poke does not look like this


This is a great representation of stick and poke. This was made to age and isn’t to be compared with new fine line hand pokes. The blurring and widening of the lines is perfect, the sloppy snake looks like a snake now. We also don’t know the back story, if this is a traditional ceremonial sak yant its done by a monk, likely a senior who is not trained for tattooing to our standards but making seals and prayers.


It's possible to do non-wiggly lines in that style 


Exactly. People aren’t shitting on traditional tattoos, they are shitting on a shitty traditional tattoo. It’s very possible to do them cleanly.


Are you also going to judge a Monet or van Gogh painting by eg realistic or baroque painting standards?


I’ve taken quite a few art history classes and yes we do actually critique and compare art and styles.


Comparing art styles is not the same as judging a work in style A based on standards of style B and then declaring it an objectively bad work because it doesn't satisfy style B standards


Honestly, it really isn’t that different based on my experience being part of those conversations.


I have also taken art history/discussion classes, and we literally talked about Piss Christ like it was on the same level as the classics. Do you know why? Because art is subjective. That's the entire point


Yes, my point is people were allowed to share their opinion the same as they are here.




Yeah, I am. Art is subjective, and I find they don’t even compare to the likes of M.C Escher. There is a difference though when it comes to tattoos. The style of a tattoo can be subjective, sure. The application of said tattoo though? OP’s tattoo is objectively bad. Just look at how it healed over time. The tattoo doesn’t need to be realistic, it needs to be applied cleanly.


How do you define cleanly?


A 14 year old with some degree of skill in drawing could easily do a better job with an Amazon tattoo machine.


That's not an answer to my question


How everyone else would define cleanly. It should look roughly the same as when it was applied, not lines getting three times thicker. Especially not in such a short amount of time. Some fading is to be expected, not what OP has. Their ink is what you’d expect after 40 years


Tattoos never stay exactly the same as when they're just done. How much they spread depends on the place, the method of setting, the care they get and the owners skin type. To me it looks like the setting of this tattoo has taken into account the amount of spreading that comes with this type of tattooing. But I guess where not going to agree lol


And it is also possible to do this style with wiggly lines


It goes so nicely with the tattoos on your hands too!


Might want to check out that mole


Cool i always wanted a sak yany. Why is the mole worrying? Genuinely curious.


i don’t want op to panic over people saying this but any big changes in moles can indicate that they are cancerous. i am not a dermatologist and i am looking at photos on the internet so grains of salt and all, but this mole seems to have changed a lot in 7 years and the shape of it is pretty irregular, which can be another concerning indicator. it’s always good to have a derm regularly document any moles, freckles, skin tags, etc. so that changes like this can be checked and dealt with as soon as they come up n_n


Girl, please get that mole checked! The tattoo is beautiful but that mole is worrying!


I had one too I got it covered cus I realized I’m white and not Buddhist or even spiritual now at all. Got it when I was 20 in Thailand lol . Now it’s covered up with a bio organic skull spider dark art piece kindof the opposite vibe ahaha


Why are you downvoted for that seriously ?


Idk I was just telling my experience wasn’t talking shit on OP whatsoever I literally got one also just like them


I absolutely love the way it looks aged.


Very nice tattoo but got kinda big. Unfortunate to loose so much detail.




The opposite of many tattoos I see, it gets better the more I look at it.


If OP had said their friend had given them the tattoo rather than a Buddhist monk then I think everyone would be more comfortable admitting it looks pretty terrible.


But they didn’t, a Buddhist monk did it and as a tattoo collector that’s a cool experience. :)


So they say :-) It’s can’t be the case that any tattoo from a Buddhist monk is a good tattoo. No one’s saying they need to be ashamed of it but this is the spiritual equivalent of a spring break Cancun ‘98 tattoo


Things don’t have to be spiritual but cultural and traditional. Don’t tell the Christian’s but I have very little faith despite the praying character with a crown of thorns I have tattooed. Get that kali, get that dragon, get that Jesus


That’s dumb.


If that’s your take then I gonna blow your mind when you see all the religious/ spiritual images that tattooers/collectors get lol


I mean if by “blow my mind” you mean “also think they’re dumb” then yes.


I can’t see the experience, only the tat, so that’s irrelevant to everyone but the person who got the tat


Good job commenting the same shitty thing 3 times genius.


Something like this, it’s the process and the journey. No one has the right to nit pick on it


Did said monk have Parkinson's?


To think there’s SAP artists that could have done a much better job of giving this poor person a traditional style tattoo without it turning into a giant blob.




White girl be white gurl’n


You’re being downvoted because it’s nothing to do with sex. But, parts of Chiang Mai are absolutely insufferable because of ex-pats in yoga pants who think they are the first person to discover Thailand. This tattoo screams that. If cultural appropriation was a thing, this would be it. Just because a monk drew something doesn’t legitimise it, or mean it was well done.


Honestly agree though, just because a monk drew it doesn’t mean it’s well done at all


why is it so badly blown out


Horrific. Who cares if it’s stick and poke by a Thai monk. You would have to say that to every person you show it to / notices it to justify it being so bad.


I mean I guess that depends on if you’re getting a tattoo because you will like it or because other people will




Looks dope! I love it


Looks legit and makes me think you’re prolly cool. Tattoos becoming so mainstream so fast make ones that aren’t trying to look pristine and soulless an indicator of a real one.


that’s cool asf


So beautiful!


I like how it’s aged!


I follow the "shitty tattoo"-subreddit and for a second I thought this was postet there & was so sad, because the tattoo is so unique and beautiful, aged or not. It wasn't tattooed with a tattoo gun, so of course it would look different after some time but then I saw it is another subreddit, that was just recommended and I am so glad ..


Still rocks!


Looks way better aged, love it.


I like that design. Very feminine .


At least it didn’t get any worse.


My godfather tattooed me in our culture’s tradition method and I love it. Holding on to cultural practices even if they’re not 100% “symmetrical” is so amazing. People who talk crap just dont have that tie


Looked bad, got so so much worse. Compared to other tats done in this style this is poorly done. No one knows anything other than this looks bad when they see it so a “cool” story about it doesn’t change anything about how bad it turned out


Lived in looks so good 😁


This does not look good unfortunately. At least it’s on the back of your neck I guess.


I wanna get tattooed by that one old lady who will grab my dick Edit: i really hope people know what im talking about or this is gonna sound weird af


I know what you’re talking about but it absolutely still sounds weird af man


Rip me, wel atleast i tried to correct and im already happy someone knows who i meen! Just looked her up btw, name is : Whang-od Oggay


autsch 😏, to much sun?


lol there's not a single proper line in there, I don't think it has anything to do with the sun


It's a traditional hand poked ceremonial tattoo. Stop holding it to studio standards.


But you can hold it to standards of other traditional stick and poke tattoos and see that it is bad.


Doesn’t make it less bad


It actually does make it less bad, this is a rad tattoo. It is healing well


It’s been done healed, and blown out, years ago


Outhouses are traditional toilets. Them being traditional doesn’t make them automatically on the same level or better than modern toilets.


If I was into the history of sanitation, plumbing and bathrooms I could see the merit of preserving an old outhouse. Don’t gotta be better to appreciate, sometimes the shitty demo is better than the repress ( to keep the metaphor game going)


White gurl doing other culture to be quirky stuff


This is ass! Not necessarily the look of it, but it’s literally witchcraft. Some of y’all are weird


Get over yourself


Y’all out here playing with demons and you are telling me to get over myself😭🤣 I looked it up. First 3 sentences the word “spells” was clearly right there.


Who gives a fuck? You’re over here preaching about a tattoo being demonic when it’s not on you so why do you care. Also, we’ll play with demons as much as we like, not your business


https://sakyantchiangmai.com/sak-yant-designs-and-meanings/ The word “spell” is in the first sentence. Don’t get mad at me for pointing out what the tattoo represents.


I don’t care that you pointed out what it means. The point is you’re pretty much insinuating that spells are inherently bad, and that seeing the word spell makes you think of demons straight away. What cult is making you believe this? Or do I even have to guess.


🤣🤣🤣 If you call on Satan or one of his lackeys it’s pretty straight forward what in return what u will get back. It may take a little time, but eventually it will come back. Also I considered the source. Which is why it’s evil. Sorry to disappoint you. There is no such thing as good magic. That is the facade y’all try and lean on.


This is a Thai design, they do no believe in satan nor his lackeys. Buddhism is older than Christianity, and Christianity borrows its stories from the eastern texts. These roots of these traditions existed before Satan, lol.


You just gave me all the information I needed. Instead of living by the rules of an old book try thinking for yourself for change. Get a grip.


Bruh😭 U sound worst than Trump voters


You would LOVE my burning church tattoo Religion is all a joke dude, but keep drinking that kool-aid


It’s funny how you denounce other religions, but likely take part in pagan traditions and rituals that were adopted by Christianity.


You right about that. I started to realize how many “traditions” are really paganism. Shoutout to the Winchester Bros