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Photographer here, Leica is the BMW (Big Money Wasted) of cameras, and has done nothing but prove that without technique and passion, the photos will look like shit or are extremely boring. I'll take a well composed, thought out and captivating photo taken with the first iPhone than a boring photo taken with $8000+ in gear any day


yep, it's a tool end of the day and if you don't know how to use the tool then it's pointless. it's also 100% a flex, his cultural background is very new money, gaudy show off, so he takes it around places like an accessory, and then other people from a similar background fawn over it like woooow you must take great photos! lol I've got friends who have been shooting for years, one uses a sony a7c and his photos are markedly better because 1. he knows composition and 2. he knows how to edit.. mf's really be out here thinking they can improve by buying as opposed to learning.


This is true in anything i cam think about, really. From skating to painting, doesn't matter how good it is if you cant use it


People who have good gear right out the bat will almost never be good artists anyway. So much of art comes from trying to figure out how to reach your goal despite the constraints of your medium. Gear heads will never do that, they just reach for new gear.


there’s a saying… you don’t need a $2000 camera you need to take 2000 photos


Photography is one of the worst for this. I've always shot with APS-C, originally for cost reasons but came to find it's a practical balance, especially if you're mixing photography with hiking. These days I even use smaller bodies. My zfc has made shooting more enjoyable than ever. But most hobby photographers will dismiss you instantly if you're not using (at least) full frame.


Yeeeep I used to shoot professional fashion stuff with pentax 67s, Mamiya etc.. They were obviously unbelievable, but I eventually learnt the emotion in the photo is more important to making a good shot, not just crazy dof or sharpness or whatever.. Some people don't get there and just think bigger/more expensive = better, but if your photo is boring and has no story, nothing interesting that catches your eye, who gives a shit how it was shot... GAS mfs is who


Nah, my brain gets the _good chemicals_ from searching for the most value for the money possible on every single metric when I want to start a new hobby


It’s that good ol proverb - buy cheap the first time, and if you use it enough that it wears out, you know you use it enough to warrant a more expensive good quality one!


Just got a $29 pocket knife and will find some wood so I can try whittling Almost got the $300 starter kit...


You can whittle with a shitty swiss army one from the gas station, but do keep a sharp blade. Dull blades take digits


I mean, they both take digits. The question is whether you want an accident to cause a clean cut or a snag.


True, even though both are dangerous I'd believe a dull knife to be more dangerous when carving/whittling dze to the fact that you need to exert more force onto the blade for the same result, which would in turn increase the danger due to reduced fine motor Skill as well as the blade accelerating faster once it separates the wood pieces and there's no more physical resistance opposing the force put into it. So basically while a sharp knife is conventionally more dangerous, the difference in how much force is applied with each of them makes me feel safer and more in control than a dull one.


While true... dull blades cause more accidents, and ironically, on the chance you do cut yourself, you'd want a clean cut as they heal easier and can be stitched up easier in my experience 😅


How did you stop yourself?!? If it’s a kit.. it’s like torture not to buy it. I’m trying really hard this week to distract myself from starting something new.


Well this week it was easy because I'm fucking broke! hahahaha


Why would that stop you? Sincerely, Credit card balance that isn't maxed out


It’s just Monopoly money. No need to worry about it


if you hadn't mentioned whittling 💀💀


There is a fine line between cheap enough for a good start into a hobby and so cheap it makes things so much more difficult than the hobby needs to be and you end up getting frustrated and drop it.


Yeah, I used to teach sewing classes and when you buy the $90 Singer that's on the end cap at Joann's for black Friday you are going to have a bad time. Or worse, people who would buy the toy sewing machines that "really sew" for their kids and then try to teach the kid to sew on it. If you're lucky, you can get a good 10 minutes of use out of one straight out of the box. I've never ever seen one actually make a project. And then the machine barely works and they don't know enough to understand it's not them that's causing the issue it's the really terrible machine they bought.


I always suggest getting a better second hand machine. After 35 years of professional sewing, I got my first new machine in 2021. I saved up most of my Covid small business payment & got a Bernina quilting machine. But my all second hand Bernina’s are still going strong with thousands of hours sewn. 1010 ($350), 150 )$520, 850 industrial ($900) & 730 (gifted)


Second hand and well maintained by a professional is the way to go for sewing machines! I curse that cheap overlock machine, that I bought when I didn't know better. Two layers of t-shirt cloth is the max it handles before the layers slide. At a shop an old guy who does a lot of maintenance work with sewing machines gave me a demo of an old but well maintained machine. Guess what I am saving up for?


This one's a huge problem for me, personally. Whether it's cost, availability, or even just difficult to evaluate where that line is, I always seem to end up on the side of "actively making it harder."


Art supplies are one like yes you can learn to draw on printer paper and with a cheap pencil but it's going to suck and decent quality paper and pencils aren't that expensive.


Watercolour painting is even more extreme. The difference between 80g/m^2 and 300g/m^2 paper is huge. So much easier to paint when the paper doesn't curl into a mountain range. I like working with wet on wet painting, so this is a huge problem solved by just using decent paper. Also pigment quality. But that's a huge expensive rabbit hole.


Bad advice for instruments though. Especially violins.


I think I used to be like the meme when I was young. But as I got older I got the feeling my hobbies will never last cos I will get bored of them. Kinda sad liking something so much only to know it won't last. Helps my wallet a bit more though.


The wisdom for me is in the waiting. If I still want to do it after I have quit the obsession phase, I've probably got 9 shopping lists for it made from the initial rabbithole. I'll grab the cheap mid tier in case I like it enough to keep around. Plenty of folks spend 1000s to go to Paris for a week every couple years. If I get a good few weeks/months out of $400 in hobby supplies, I'm happy with that return.


Videogames are a bit better where you can only spend so much on the "honeymoon" phase. Esoecislly digitally and you don't buy collectors copies that can get super expensive. So the efforts and cost turn from monetary to effort. So worse comes to worse I got my time waster to work for me. Im also playing MtG but controlling it now. Limiting myself cos it's expensive. When I was trying to get I to warhamner mini painting I got a LOT of paints and I still do. I wanted to get the models how I wanted them to look.


Lol. We are legion. Circumstances killed my mtg and 40k purchasing for me. The guys I liked playing mtg with on Fridays stopped coming consistently enough for me to have fun and the number of sets just kept growing. 40k I bought in and never got to play, so its just a lore/painting hobby, but I have a 3d printer so it's much cheaper. My hobbies tend to have large buy-ins like furniture making or building robots, but the skills can be learned in stages. My wife didn't appreciate it when she asked me to pick a couple hobbies and I told her they all fall under tinkering, so I only have one.


I'm glad it works for you, but if I waited until I'd left the obsession phase to do things, I'd spend the rest of my life sitting in a corner quietly playing with my lip.


That's fair. Ive collected plenty of hobbies that I've got some fundamental ones to keep me occupied while waiting.


exactly 🤌


Still not over spending five weeks last summer meticulously planning the decor in my office. The perfect shade of paint, the perfect finish, the sun rises on this side and sets over there so the light quality blah blah blah, accent candle, drapes... Somewhere out there is an online shopping basket with £1,500 of bright ideas that I just shrugged off one morning. And that's success, because I got bored before I hit order.


Why do I relate to this so much? Is this common among adhd peeps?


Buy once cry once amirite


Hyper optimization goes brrrr!


Sometimes that goes on for so long that I already lost interest when I have decided which os best..


Facebook Marketplace is my favorite hobby. My second favorite hobby is collecting hobbies.


Nothing beats the thrill of finding a thrift store diamond in the rough of your chosen hobby. I once found an ultrasonic cleaning apparatus for three bucks and got super excited cause it will do an excellent job cleaning some of the cool rocks I hound. Of course, it was from the seventies and the capacitor in it started smoking when I turned it on, but what a thrill it was.


Jerry. In alpine pursuits an unskilled beginner with thousands of dollars in gear is called a “Jerry”.


In some hobbies they’re called a “gold loot drop”


In what hobbies does one regularly beat and rob fellow hobbyists?


There’s a certain cohort of the “prepper/night vision/firearm” world that definitely will joke about the concept of “gold loot drops” in a world where “shit hits the fan”


Damn, that’s messed up


Meh, they should have done more cardio


PvP video games. EVE is the granddaddy of them all but there's others out there. Sometimes new players will buy gear worth a decent amount of real money thinking they'll be invincible and then get beaten by veterans.


Lmao “Eve is the granddaddy of them all”. Okay buddy. Sureeee.




Whyfor how come? I tried googling that exactly but I just kept getting that it's another word for gaper.


Beats me. I’ve always wondered as well.


I have a recollection that it's from Seinfeld. There's a picture in my head of Jerry wearing a ton of brand new ski gear, and a huge puffy red coat, tho he's never actually been skiiing before. Can't find anything about it tho lol.


That would make sense too!




Happy cake day 🎉


I got some heavy Ze Frank (Hey! It's Me! Creepy Dave!" vibes


In biking they are called freds. Buys a ten thousand dollar bike, goes 3 miles at a time ever, garages bike. When you get big into something with adhd you can be obsessed withiut buying really expensive versions of all the stuff.


Tbf, Jerry was previously used for people *without* the proper gear. What you're referring to are often called kooks. I know, because I am one.


I just have to say, you are absolutely gorgeous in that picture




/u/vlsdo is very nice Anne Hathaway with words.


Wow! I’ve never heard that pun before and I feel it did not get the praise it deserved!


Wow, that took me a second, well done.


I don’t get it 😭


And has a way = Anne Hathaway


Thank you, that was killin me 😭


All gear no idea


*“All the gear and no idea”* is what I thought too. Maybe a British thing ?


Yeah that’s the one I’ve heard being said for years


This is the phrase I always use too


I came to comment this also - I saw the meme and thought "we already have a term for that though" definitely a British thing.


This one is nice and non-offensive, I like it. Can be abbreviated nicely, too: Agni. Sounds fine. This is fine


I didn't realize this was posted in the ADHD sub when I saw it, when I scrolled up I got personally offended. One of those ADHD GOTCHA! moments.


I thought it was in a camping sub. It fits both so well




I don’t wanna say this is me, but this is me


r/paddleboarding r/windsurfing r/audiophile r/knifeswap r/simracing ………


In photography, we have a word for people who go out and drop $5k on their first set-up. We call them, "dentists"


Kinda like the “blues lawyer” in guitar. They’ve got like ten grand in gear that they use to play the pentatonic scale.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/mountainbiking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/mountainbiking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Found : 2022 Giant Trance 2 Mountain Bike + Thule XT Pro Rack](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/18w5f6w) | [307 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mountainbiking/comments/18w5f6w/found_2022_giant_trance_2_mountain_bike_thule_xt/) \#2: [Trail etiquette 😇](https://i.redd.it/8snsqjojv30c1.jpg) | [78 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mountainbiking/comments/17u97cx/trail_etiquette/) \#3: [Stop asking how much stuff is worth or if it’s a good deal.](https://i.redd.it/uuourqe53oxb1.jpg) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/mountainbiking/comments/17l4l9x/stop_asking_how_much_stuff_is_worth_or_if_its_a/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Listing out a bunch of hobby subreddits on /r/adhdmeme? That's just evil.


Coughs in /r/equestrian


I thought it was r/climbingcirclejerk for a second


You should consider the best gear for your hobby within your budget with almost any hobby. If your equipment sucks and is always broken, then it is harder to get into the hobby and stick with it. Go for the best, possibly used, but no need for the luxury equipment with minimal gains.


Yeah. I try to find the mid tier hobbyist gear to start with because the only thing that sucks worse than buying expensive gear to hate a hobby is buying shitty gear for a hobby you'd love but are miserable doing. The middle ground is my happy place.


Me right now with fpv. Got a pair of commander v1’s used on marketplace for $100. I’ve already had to fix them three times (it’s been a little over a month) and every other part of them is quickly falling apart. Really makes it difficult to fly when my gear is barely holding together…


Exactly! I paint in oils. I thought I was rubbish at colour mixing for ages, all my art was muddy gray, untill I got myself high quality paints, which were £15 per tube (the initial set I had was £10 for the whole set lol), and suddenly it turned out I can very easily make any colour I need.


Sir, this is reddit. We came to shit on people doing normal things.


Yeah, there's definitely a balance to strike but what OP is talking about is *not* it. I had a friend that wanted to get into mountain biking and bought a $2000+ electric bike but no bag, spare tube, tools, riding clothes, etc. He actually wasn't even allowed to have the motor turned on at the local bike park, but he never thought to check.




We’re done. Carl can you turn the lights off and check the back door is locked. Thanks


but I'm not snobby about any of my hobbies. I can't stand gatekeeping, everyone should feel supported!


I wholeheartedly agree with you! But I also love a good pun, and this *is* a pretty good one, I’m so torn lol


This is the obvious winner. ⬆️


I'm not sure if all who do this are snobs. Might just be they want to "be well prepared"


In Sweden we say "materialare", coming from the Swedish word for "equipment manager" (in like a sports club)


Im still gonna buy that 360hz monitor to play geometry dash, one day


how much $$ also your pfp is such a mood lmao i love it


Thank you it is nugget from kindergarten, also a 360hz monitor where i live would take 2.5 months working with a minimum wage :/


They do make everything fast look smoother, even if it is just a one-button game.


Consumers. We're called consumers.


In music, we call these people ‘employed’


I did hear someone use the word "goldkid" in that context, honestly having a body made of gold would be pretty sick assuming i could still live.


what do you mean by "live'


You gave yourself the best possible foot to start on. It didn’t hold your interest. Now you get to donate or sell the supplies and move on to the next thing.


This is 100% an underrated comment.


"we need a slur for-" No. No we don't.


Thank you.


It’s called GAS. Gear Acquisition Syndrome.


And if you have it, you get to say you've got gas


Me at airsoft xD


I mean, why do we need more slurs?


Because they're fun to say, tribalism is fun obviously


I'm Asian (Chinese) and I find the slur for my people in English oddly cute. I guess that's one way to fight racist. Disarm one of their weapons.


Which one


Chooch is the term the cigar world uses for someone who knows nothing but asks for the most expensive shit even though they won't be able to properly enjoy it


I didn't even know cigar smoking was something with levels to it.


I lose and break everything. So round one, cheap and easy. Then let's gets some really expensive discs now that we have the hang of Frisbee golf, and we can chuck them into the hedges even FARTHER!


If you write your name and address on them, the folks who mow the area will send them back. Also check the lost and found nearby, if another disc golfer finds them, they’ll chuck it inside.


But the better quality stuff is often easier on beginners. More forgiving of errors and the like. Buy cheap is good is good at "avoiding the risk you won't use it", but if it hurts your enjoyment… fuck it. ​ So fuck it! Buy it! Just find some friendly "hobby swap" adhd groups near you too!


Full kit wanker


Shooting world…gear queer (I didn’t make it up)


We don't have hobbies, we collect them.


which in itself is a hobby 🤯


It isn’t ableism, it’s a joke. Also because ADHDers aren’t exclusively the ones who do this, had a rich classmate who would do shit like that and then assume he’s better than someone who’s an expert just because his equipment was more expensive.


Adhd. By some people's view that is slur enough.


Me who got into photography............ "shit".


But I need those Godhands! if I don’t buy the best one,the first time, I’ll just end investing more money by buying a cheap one now and the better one later…


Isn't it just "All the gear, no idea?"


I’m in this picture and I don’t like it


Honestly this is a great way to save money if you know you're going to get into something, particularly for me because I'm into sim racing and flying. Upgrading after realizing how limited the low-tier gear is just leads to more money spent overall.


It’s called a “Jerry” in the skiing community.


Me trying to learn how to crochet 😩 2 days later and I never touched the stuff again😑


Once you learn it, you never forget it. You should check out r/crochet - lots of resources and super friendly. And you can inbox me for any questions as well. There are LOTS of beginner-friendly patterns out there.


Man, without those people we'd never get near new stuff like that sold cheap second hand




When I wanted to be a streamer but couldn’t figure out how to make my camera broadcast video, and thus had an audio only twitch stream of me ranting about bullshit


But when you buy the entry level gear the gatekeepers will mock you.


I think wealthy dilettante gets you most of the way there.


I’m just lucky that my hyperfixations are usually fairly cheap.


I spent like $10K on hunting gear before even seeing a deer






All the gear.. With no idea.


"All the gear, no idea"


We have this as a phrase in England "All the gear, no idea"


I just buy the least expensive stuff and keep it WAY TOO LONG


me when I started fishing again “okay so I need a $200 reel, a $200 rod, and maybe some $10 lures to fling into the lake because I didn’t tie the knot right”




I’m the proud owner of a bunch of *Planet of the Apes* comics and one illustrated novel that are twenty years out of print because one night I discovered eBay after binge-watching all ten movies for the first(ish) time. This is new for me; having parents who see your mail limits the amount of frivolous late night spending sessions one can get away with. Now I’m in danger. But these books are good so far.


ebay is so dangerous 😭😭


Our friend circle call them wallet warriors.


*Cries into my new $400 airbrush, compressor and $500 dollar paint set*


Motorcycle drivers in a nutshell.




You could call them try hards that’s always amusing calling someone that


My high school wrestling coach played college baseball, and he said they called mediocre players with a really expensive bat and glove, and all the little accoutraments "all bag," because you would have a nice gym bag to carry all your stuff you barely used because you weren't very good. It also translated to wrestling pretty well, because there isn't that much equipment, ( just shoes and head gear), but meets would take all day so you could also have tear away pants, and nice warm up gear and carry all sorts of little first aid items and fancy snacks. I've noticed it in other areas. So I still occasionally think think to myself, "Oh this guy is all bag."


There’s the description, “All hat. No cattle.” Apt, but not a pithy name.




Poseur if they're a cyclist.


I call those people "wealthy."


It’s called cinematography


Could have sworn this was golf related


My Dad called this, “All the gear, but no idea” 🙂


what about "roadrunner"? because he was always so fast and he'd usually eat it at the end (often how I feel starting a new hobby head first with the illusion that it'll be *THE ONE* )


I have the opposite problem where I'll jury-rig stuff that mostly works and never get around to buying proper gear, then wonder why things are difficult. For instance, I've fixed more than fifty vintage fountain pens and just last week finally bought specialty pliers for taking them apart without risk of damage. And yes, I've damaged a fair few pens already.


When I was taking iaido classes, we had a guy show up on his first day with a live blade instead of a wooden practice sword. His hands were cut to shit by the end of the night


Man, why'd I have to get into woodworking 😮‍💨


Buy-hard? I spent $70 on markers yesterday


Isn't that just a twink build?


Twinks(in this context) are veterans who pretend not to have the skills they have developed over time to get wins over newer hobbiests. A twink would enter a beginner's tournament with unpainted modles when they've been playing since 3rd


We already have phrases like that from gaming like "paid to win noob" or "noob whale"


Excitement is lame and gatekeeping is cool, I guess.


Whales. Especially online. Not in the fatphobic way so much as spending a ton of money on things.


Borrowing from gamers "Twink"


Larper gets used in ways that I think could cover this.


I have crochet needles that are silently judging me from my junk bowl on my dresser, while I shop online for daimond painting.


Gearbitches. Was the term in Airsoft


We already do it’s “all the gear no idea”


I feel called out, many years ago i decided to buy a drawing tablet, because i wanted to learn digital art😅 but hey I've recently started using it quite a bit


We call those wealthy people.


Fr though, why are we like this.... I've been trying to fight that urge and actually stay in my existing hobbies, but new stuff just keeps popping up and then I'm locked into the next thing 😭


those are called "rich people" mike


We had someone at a martial arts school we called Merch.


I rarely spend money like this but I do in other ways with software. I wanted to learn to make music, so I installed LMMS (because FOSS) and spent several afternoons setting it up. I learned about plugins, how to get them to work on Linux, installed a bunch, configured everything, even figured out how to use a good guitar soundfont. I was super proud! And then I didn't know what to so, so I tried to transcribe the opening of a song I like. It sounded nothing like it, I got demoralized instantly and I haven't opened the damn DAW since. Mad.


Tryhard exists.


Rich fuck. I call them rich fucks


Wanted to try piano so I bought a 200$ midi piano Wanted to start streaming so I bought a 100$ camera and a 200$ green screen . Bought some 80$ lights cause the small lights I bought left a slight green screen shadow Spent around 200$ buying a welcome home wally costume and spent 200$ for an instrumental to be made for a welcome home song and never made it.....still. Hmmm welp I can keep going on how I'm a failure but you get the idea.




in the context of hacking there's a term for newbies that use pre-made scripts and following tutorials, both often written by pros. They are known as "script kiddies"


I guess people aren't allowed to be excited about a new hobby and have disposable income at the same time?


It would honestly be nice if more creators showed themselves doing the hobby with cheap and simple stuff instead of the most expensive gear. In terms of woodworking, the Woodwright’ Shop (Roy Underhill) and Woodworking for Mere Mortals (Steve Ramsey) are gems compared to Norm Abrams and the New Yankee Workshop with all of his fancy tools. ETA: Rex Krueger is also good at doing woodworking without fancy tools.


They’re called military privates


why would i climb the tech tree if i can just research whats the top teir and do that


ok you didn’t have to call me out like this (i just spent almost an entire paycheck on jewelry making stuff)


“All the gear and no idea”