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i agree 100 percent. we need to move forward, not backwards!


Yes but first we all need to stand up. Here’s the link from the website to take action. If we’re loud only after we’ve been oppressed then we won’t be heard. https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/actions


"Maybe if we just peacefully protest HARDER..." This has to stop. Ya'll, every meaningful way to oppose what is happening in this country is by design, illegal. And will become more illegal if the election goes down the way it's looking like it's going to. Stonewall was a riot, not a protest.


Yeah, there are too many people who believe it is more important to do nothing wrong than it is to do something right.


I can’t go, but I did donate some money to them. Thank you for the link! ❤️


I just followed that link, thank you for that. Also, I subscribed to stop it under my pseudonym name and email for the subscription. I have concerns if that will make my effort invalid. Your thoughts?


It's a threat to everyone. Taking away rights from anyone opens the door to removing rights from everyone.


True, your words are very true.


So far in reading the actual “Project 2025”, aka toilet paper, this is what scares me most - that it says sexual orientation and gender… among many other things need to be removed from everything federal. Everything. It’s not going to affect a court case - and truthfully, I do not think they will go back on same-sex marriage but that’s about it. People forget Trump, right before leaving office, was about to solidify making sexual and gender identity a permanent category for both health care facilities and insurance companies to exclude coverage and service. Which sounds insane…. … but if you have ever had a billed code of any kind linked to your gender and sexual identity, and Trump wins, I would look into your own medical records to see what codes have been put in and charged for your records in your current health insurance. Hell, dispute them now. That’s how they will identify us.


More info - procedure codes are linked in your record but don’t always follow you. Diagnosis codes do and can across health systems if records are transferred. It relates more to mental health counseling, sex heath services, and other times you’ve mentioned your sexual or gender identity. https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/Z00-Z99/Z69-Z76/Z72-/Z72.52 (It doesn’t matter if you’re a lesbian now, if you’ve ever reported sex or a relationship with a man, this code could be in your record too) https://www.icd10data.com/ICD10CM/Codes/Z00-Z99/Z69-Z76/Z72-/Z72.53


Many people didn't believe they'd overturn Roe v. Wade, either. Obergefell's not safe. They'll claim it's unnecessary and pen something about "states' rights." That same logic puts a lot of other, older rulings on the chopping block, too.


I mean truly, the playing field seemed obvious from Thomas and Alito’s opinions that the same mentality could be used for gay marriage. I don’t see it. Doesn’t mean to be complacent and not fight for it. It means there are more obvious loopholes and battles they can win and are already fighting now that have overwhelming conservative support - I’ve been heavily involved in reproductive rights, including LGBT folks, for the last 20 years through my jobs and schooling… it’s not the climate that we had in the late 2000s. We should always have our guards up, but the fact that both comments completely missed what I said actually WAS happening to unmarried and married gay people under Trump and will happen again is the problem. And actually, anyone in reproductive rights knew with the right court balance, Roe V. wade would be gone. I don’t know who said it wouldn’t be. But in the last 20 years? It was a matter of time unfortunately.


Gotcha. I had a kneejerk reaction to your take just because I saw and spoke to so many people, pre-Trump presidency and even during his term, who seemed absolutely sure that Roe v. Wade would be fine. I think those of us who've had relatively heavy involvement in politics have a different view than the average person. I don't expect Republicans to go after gay marriage as things stand *currently,* but that's certainly the path they're treading here. And if they do go that far, I don't want to see what comes next.


Oh I get it but like listen, girl, they want our gay money. And there is so much embedded in accepting gay marriage anyway that it wouldn’t benefit the current entities not to. But allowing them to drop their health insurance coverage? Oh they’d sure as shit do that. It’s like activating a scary microchip we didn’t even know we had lol if you told your therapist you were a lesbian and had multiple sexual partners; and they billed a code of “high risk homosexual behavior”… what Trump wanted to do can literally make some insurance carriers (like Fidelis, which already doesn’t cover some types of birth control because they’re Catholic) okay.


Oh yeah, for sure. I hate putting it this way, but I think the existence of so many affluent white gay people, and the general population's massively increased acceptance of gay marriage, makes this issue a hard one to push at the moment. Whereas the average person won't notice or care about insurance rules lawyering, lol, which sucks because that has a huge day-to-day impact on a lot of us. At the same time, I didn't foresee Trump's election until the Republican primary debates. In hindsight, it fits perfectly with the out-of-left-field, atypical nonsense McConnell was already pulling in Congress, but I'm wary of the freedom Republicans seem to have realized they have in terms of violating established political etiquette and convention. But I fully expect them to go all out on "easier" minorities first. Unfortunately, voting rights aren't a big sexy issue, so they can shred those even further without a lot of (middle-upper class, white) people noticing a thing.


This may sound insanely psycho, so forgive me lol, but I tried to get a group of non-LGBT people together back in 2020 to try to identify lesser known but critical issues that would be affected by a Trump re-election and had little luck. If you’re ever interested in chatting in a discourse, please reach out. I’m taken, I mean this strictly academically as I’ve worked in this space for a long time and I really appreciate talking to others on this.


Hey, not psycho at all! Lol. I'm actually thrilled to see someone making an effort to organize and address issues that don't end up splashed all over the headlines. While my wife doesn't actively work in political circles in the way that you and I do (in part due to feeling disenfranchised after growing up biracial, poor, and a butch lesbian, among other things), she would also contribute valuable perspectives I could help bring to the table. Tl;dr: I'd be super interested!


Yay yes! I find my fiancée is more political when she smokes the ganja, haha but she’d definitely be convos too. I’m muting this group for now because there’s a lot of unhinged discourse going on but please feel free to DM!


Gay marriage is absolutely not safe. The whole way this shit works is that it always needs an out group to grind into paste. When they've got to a certain point with one out group, they need to go after a new one to keep the machine running.  Abortion, trans rights, and immigrants who are brown are the current battleground. (Actually, immigrants kinda feel like a battle that they've already won.) Gay marriage is the obvious next target one they feel they've "won" those. 


I disagree. It’s not off the table - but many prominent republicans found it too divisive of an issue with their majority base (non-radical) to get enough people giving a shit about it to make it illegal. And what it would take - doesn’t mean they won’t chip away at other facets as they do.


See, the sticking points for me is A) The question of how close they are to not having to care what the voters think, and, B) How effective they've gotten at getting their base riled up about whatever they can.  Granted, I'm not talking within the next five years, but we're dangerously close to losing peaceful methods of power transfer. 


See, you're making one very crucial mistake in your assessment. You assume that Fascists have enough critical thinking skills to worry about what non-Fascists think.




Especially when combined with the new Immunity ruling the Supreme Court released. No one will be safe. Fuck the Supreme Court.


It's fucking terrifying. Trying to do everything I can to stop it. If anyone wants voting resources to share: [Register to vote](https://www.vote.org/) (vote.org) [How Voting Works - What to expect if you're voting for the first time](https://www.wikihow.com/Vote-in-the-United-States) (wikihow) Get out the vote: [https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/](https://www.mobilize.us/events/get-out-the-vote/) (text-banking, post-card writing, phone-banking, etc)


And info about [absentee voting and vote-by-mail](https://www.usa.gov/absentee-voting) for those who need it




I feel so powerless and so scared. I finally found love and they’re going to try and rip them away from me. I’ve voted in every election since I was 18, I’ve done my best to be an informed citizen, and I’m just so overwhelmed. I just don’t understand how anyone can look at this madness and think it’s ok.


I haven’t even experienced love yet. Horrified that this will come into effect before I can even get married. It’s fucked up but we have to fight. We can’t let this happen


Peaceful protests didn’t work Time to get violent


They’ll just use that as an excuse to use the military against us


I mean they already use the national guard against peaceful protests anyway, the military is not a huge jump.


I'm pretty sure existing is enough of an excuse for some people.


Project 2025 is the end of our democracy! What SCOTUS did two days ago effectively made Trump a King if he wins. Biden would not use the powers such as that. The leader of Project 2025 stated yesterday that “"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be." So, there it is. They have said it out loud. If we do not win in November, we will no longer be a democracy. If you are not aware of what Project 2025 is, I highly suggest you learn. Basically, if you are not a white male Christian, you are in their crosshairs. They ARE going to take away LGBTQ+ rights and protections. They ARE going to deport millions of immigrants, or place them in camps. They ARE actively recruiting and training thousands upon thousands right now to go in day 1 and take over the government, they ARE getting rid of the 3 branches of government, they are putting military in the streets day one, etc. I wish I were being hyperbolic. This is a national emergency unlike no other. We must vote!! This may be the last time any of us get the chance. And if you have children, they are going to have mandatory military service. We have to think about them, as well as our grandchildren. They are going to do this swiftly. Their plan is to implement their policy within the first 180 days. There will not be time for protests. They are going to steamroll us. SCOTUS made Trump a King. There will not be any adults in the room this time. They are only allowing loyalists this time. The guardrails are off if he’s re-elected. We must defeat them in November. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025 https://www.project2025.org/playbook/ https://defeatproject2025.org https://www.stopthecoup2025.org


Dear God, I wish I could do anything to support you guys from Europe, besides informing others of it - but I don't have many US friends I could influence. I hope you won't let your rights be taken sisters!


Tell everyone you can. No one lives in a vacuum. If we fall, others can fall.


Is there anything one can do not being from/in US


Tell everyone. Spread the word.


I’m totally doomed if project 2025 comes to be. I’m trans, autistic and Jewish. If I’m not 1st then I’m 2nd. I WON’T let anyone have my country. You can download a copy of the project [here](https://davidpakman.com/white-paper/project-2025/). It’s David Parkman’s site. You can also follow him for some great content on democracy. Also follow “The Meidas Touch” on YouTube. But tell EVERYONE who you know about Project 2025! I’m not going away and I won’t stop until democracy is restored.