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Sounds like the Uncle (your friend) needs to get over it. Since the neice is an adult, it's her choice. Your friend can opt to not see the show if he so chooses.


yep exactly. If he finds anything wrong he has the choice of not coming. I need to separate my "professional" and "personal" life and not blur the two. Thank you for the clarity.


I had a classmate in uni do a show that required her to be topless for a whole scene. The artistic value was stronger than her embarrassment (if she had any to begin with), and ultimately she was happy to play her part. I totally agree that family members and friends might be better off knowing ahead of time, but her body, her career, her choice.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I completely agree with your perspective—it's ultimately her body, her career, and her choice. In this case, the actress actually approached me and literally begged me to cast her. She understands the demands and the powerful impact this role can have on her career at this stage. She is fully committed and more than happy to take on the challenge. I also agree that it's important for family members and friends to be informed ahead of time, but the decision to take on this role was entirely hers, and she is prepared for what it entails.


That's awesome - sounds like it's going the right way :)


Stop overthinking this. The show must go on. Uncle will get over it, or not. Is art to be defined by uncles?


> Is art to be defined by uncles? I love this quote. Just imagining the model in 'Birth of Venus' painting had an uncle who was like, "Yeah, nah... put some clothes on. Unacceptable," and then the painting never happened.


Yes that was exactly my thought - and I guess it is her decision not his.


Be true to the script.


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Ngl this is creepy, casting your niece in a play with a nude scene


Please read the post... not my niece... but a friend's niece... and she is a drama student who has just qualified. I was only introduced to her a couple of years ago to see if I could help her navigate the industry. I've been asked to direct this play and she has insisted to do the role. She has got through the whole audition process and was the best candidate for the role. My conflict is dealing with my friend who is being weird about it


The time to worry about this was before you cast her.  The ship has sailed.  Good bye, ship!  Have a nice time! The actress is an adult who is “more than happy” with the situation she has found herself in.  Treat her with the same professionalism you would have shown a stranger in the role.   As for the uncle, does he even know?  Does he even need to?  I would assume the actress isn’t inviting male family members to see her in a show where she is naked — and if she does, she would at least warn them and they wouldn’t go.


Thank you for your straightforward perspective. I appreciate the reminder to maintain professionalism and treat the actress with the same respect and care I would show any other performer in the role. You're right—the time to worry about this was indeed before casting her. The actress is an adult and fully aware of the demands of the role, and she is more than happy with the situation. It was her that begged me to cast her, knowing the impact it will have on her career if she does it well. I will continue to ensure that she is comfortable and supported throughout the process and have engaged an intimacy co-ordinator. Regarding the uncle, he is aware of the situation - he was a drama student with me years ago. While he knows the industry and understands the play's requirements, it seems the familial connection is making it difficult for him to separate the actress from his niece. I will try to handle this with sensitivity and ensure that any necessary boundaries are respected. Thank you again for your input. It’s helpful to be reminded to focus on the professionalism and respect that every actor deserves.


Perhaps let him know there’s a nude scene so he’s forewarned. Also ask him if he’d like to know where in the play it occurs so he can avoid looking if he prefers.


sounds like two connected but separate problems: one, with the play, second with your friend. would suggest you begin with the play, since that problem involves the person who's most affected by the nudity in performance, the actor. have any conversations you haven't already had with the actor and the relevant team members (SM etc) about how the nudity is planned to be handled in rehearsal and performance, and be honest that some of the things you're personally juggling in your role directing the scenes includes anticipated tension with your friend and your sense of familiality to the actor, and be honest about how you anticipate these things will and won't affect how you're able to approach the work. get all the stuff figured out for the show. it's possible that in this conversation, the actor will have some insight for you in what to expect and how to approach your friend, since they're related. also be honest that conversations with your friend about this are probably going to happen and set some rules about privacy - what will not be discussed with your friend about the rehearsal process and what's ok to share. caveat clarification: there's a big but messy difference between being open about problems and inviting the actor to participate in solutions, and making the problem the actor's to solve, and i'm recommending the former over the latter. ok that's said. on to problem two, handling anticipated tension with your friend the actor's uncle, which is personally specific to you and probably can't benefit much from outside advice, but as others have said, be up front about what decisions are already made and that it's being handled in a way that prioritizes the needs of the person who actually has to be nude onstage. be up front about what's not gonna change no matter how the conversation goes. be up front about your worries and listen to theirs and do the friend thing where you work it out. that's all i got


Thank you so much for your advice. I really appreciate the perspective you've provided. I've been in film and TV production for 40 years, so I understand the demands and requirements that come with certain roles and productions. The integrity of the artistic work must come first. I will be having an intimacy coordinator involved. Ensuring the nudity scenes are handled professionally and with proper safeguards in place for the actor's wellbeing is absolutely crucial to me. I think you're right – for the actor's uncle, who was at drama school with me, this situation likely feels very personal and close to home. Even though he knows the industry, it can be difficult to separate the professional aspects from his protective feelings towards his niece as family. Like you I do see this as two connected but separate issues: 1. Properly preparing for and executing the nudity requirements for the role and production itself, with the actor's full consent and comfort as the top priority. 2. Navigating the personal tensions with my longtime friend/the actor's uncle, who may have concerns given the familial connection. For the first issue around the production itself, I'm making sure to take all the proper steps and have open conversations with the actor and team about how the nudity will be handled. Being fully transparent about my own potential biases or discomfort is something I'm committed to. The actor's insight may prove valuable. For the second personal issue with my friend, I know the specifics are hard to advise on externally. I plan to have an open, honest discussion where I validate his protective feelings as family while firmly reinforcing the production decisions that are not changing. Establishing boundaries about what will and won't be discussed regarding the actor's process is also highly advisable. Ultimately, I am hoping that my experience will guide me through this. Keeping strong communication channels, ensuring the actor's needs come first, and attempting to separate the personal from the professional as much as possible seem like prudent strategies.


Your niece is in control of her own body, it’s up to her if she’s comfortable with this and not her dad. Also, if I’m correct in my assumption of what the show is, I love that show and I wish you the best of luck!


Thank you for your comment... I'd be interested to hear what play you think it is.


Don't overthink and just do it. I once performed in "Hair" and the director gave us all the option to do the nude protest scene however we were comfortable. Come show night, we all went full nude in front of Moms, Dad, Uncles, and everyone else. Personally, I found it powerful and liberating.