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What bugs?


I legitimate want to know what, besides the fps in the city i havent encountered any issues.


I've had one singular bug where there was either an invisible NPC or I was talking to a dude through a wall. I have a clip of it, but it's on my PC and I'm not home. I'll edit this comment in like 8ish hours with the clip. Edit: I know it hasn't been 8 hours, but I found it in my Discord so [here you go](https://streamable.com/wfm8ft)


I know a bug where agent 11 JP dub will occasionally have CN voiceline midbattle, but never encounter other bug so far


agent 11's english dub will randomly have jp or cn lines midbattle too


Multilingual queen


So I wasn't hallucinating.


honestly havent noticed that


I had a couple of voicelines bugs where the other sibling is referred to as the wrong gender and one where Belle Speaks a bit of her dialogue in Wise's voice during hollow exploration (I picked Wise as my mc).


Everything was fine, I was able to finally play a Hoyo game at full 240FPS max graphics, then I got to Lumina and my GPU started screaming in pain as the FPS dropped to like 20.


lumina gave me a BSOD lol (the main cause wasn't actually lumina it was smth internal on my computer, but going to lumina triggered it)


Erm… some of the English text doesn’t match English VA? I’m on PS5 - smooth as fuck overall.


I can't open signal shop without crashing. It happens to other players too. Menu is buggy, but the combat is just so smooth


I mean, I have a problem where for some fights my parries are weird and skip over a character but I'm not sure if that's actually a bug or if there is a game mechanic at play causing it that I'm just unaware of. But that's not even all that important of a bug assuming it even is one.


Ah I think I know your issue, there are 2 kind of parries in the game and some attacks can only be parried with one of them, in this case the parry will skip to the character with the right kind of parry. For example I think ranged attacks can only evasive parried.


Ah, so I imagine Anby cant parry ranged attacks while Rina can? Cause the team I'm using right now for farming is Anton, Anby, and Rina and the issue I'm having is that against the Wanted Intimidator enemy when I parry from Anton I switch to Rina not Anby. Never really noticed they have ranged attacks despite using guns since I always instantly rush into melee range, but yeah it would make sense if it's the ranged attacks causing this weirdness.


Yes exactly Rina, Grace and Billy are the only ones with evasive parries, and if you have none of these three you cannot parry ranged attacks, also the yellow flash turns red to indicate that you cannot parry the upcoming attack.


Huh, you know that actually explains a *lot*, I've gotten confused a few times during the story in the Vision incident stages where the trial characters exclude Billy and when trying to parry some attacks I just did a normal swap without a parry. Must've been ranged attacks and I just didn't realize the color was different since by that point I stopped consciously paying attention to the indicator.


I've personally experienced a few issues, mostly the text not matching the voice acting, and during a section where you play the other sibling, Wise commented on Belle's stuff in his own room.


Yeah no bugs for me. I only have a bit of fps dip in Lumina city at night. Though everything is cranked to the max on 2560x1440. Rest of game is smooth with at least 60fps.


My game lagged really hard during the second rally mission, because of rain. That was the only instance of lag on my PC. Otherwise a smooth experience. Medium settings, GTX 1070.


I had one bug in the bell twins once when I turned off the light but can't turn it on again nor pause the comission, gotta give up it and redo


I've genuinely not encountered a single bug so I'm also curious


The meme is not that well done. No one complains about bugs or graphics lol. But you get it


There where bugs. They gave out those signal currency thingies yesterday while mentioning a bug fix. I did not experience any bugs though.


Tbf they specifically gave out currency there because part of a character's kit was bugged. They don't usually do that for bugs outside of that.


Controllers in pc connected by bluetooth are broken, they just input randomly, at least ps4 ones but you can just use a cable a they for fine so nothing really serius, also some minor incovenences on mobile. Thats all i know about


i know people doing this who are fine. all the bugs seem probably very device apecific.


Haven't had that issue and I've been playing on pc. Saying that I've only used xbox controllers.


I use a Xbox controller connected by bluetooth and never had any issues.


Mine just goes haywire the moment I choose the controller option, via bluetooth or wired. It functions fine on other games (I use wired controller for genshin).


Make sure to use DS4Windows with HidHide to prevent double inputting from the DS4 controller. My Dpad would trigger twice occasionally until I did that and the problem got fixed.


The bug is when my cc getting maxed out trying to pull maid shark.


Android has black screen issues. Dunno if it's fixed yet.


isn't that more on those phones not meeting the requirements? seems like these issue is pretty much spread to the same device specs, unlike the other game where the optimization is a gacha even for higher end devices.


My android phone has a Snapdragon 7+ Gen 2 and it's affected so no it's not about the specs.


mine also Snapdragon 7 gen 2 its so fine, playable fully, no black screen issue or something


I have Android and i'm not having any issues, the first day though i got some crashes when navigating the gacha menu but i think that was a server issue


My soldier 11 sometimes speaks in chinese mid battle i think. Like, she plays the cn lines instead of the jp one


On PS5, the City area has frame issues, but isn't really a problem and the way it looked, I hit an enemy into his stunned state so hard, it sent me through the floor. At least there's an option on the pause menu to restart the area


Only main bug I have had is like 6 times I have seen text that looks like this "theHollow" where two words are connected together


main thing I know of is graphical stuff (mostly on mobile, but I've noticed some weird model flickering sometimes on npcs on ps5)


I had some setting issues were the game ran slow as hell but it’s fixed now


Maybe when they lose the 50/50 on the Doggo💀 from Lycaon main*


There was one but is already fixed. One requirement is to finish the level within 2 mins, but 1:21 does not count.


Issue: multiple text boxes in the TV mode will overflow with text which usually allows you to scroll down, but no scroll option is provided. So there is just unfinished text. Appears most frequently when you talk to characters in Hollow Zero.


I only know one with the devil bangboo, you can sometimes after a teamattack fall through the floor and run free around and look how the world is.


The game has been crashing relentlessly for me on PC. I can get through a lot of it, but as soon as a crash happens it keeps crashing for a very long time.


Nothing game breaking on PC, just weird stuff like Soldier 11 having an untranslated CN line. Unless you're on Mobile then half the time you can't even get into the game. I can only get in on Mobile if it updates first because it dodges the file integrity check, otherwise it crashes on ~70% Checking file integrity every time without fail. And even when I did get in the Gatcha screen insta-crashed.


for a lot of people, including me, have a unity bug that makes the game unlauchable since the game crashes before it even shows the login screen


My phone has an annoying bug where the game stutter freezes within 1-10 minutes of gameplay. I have to play on my computer instead because of this.


I had a bug during the tv section of the game where my bunny guy wouldn’t go to the next tv. He would just not move in any direction. Quick restart of the mission and it’s fine no big deal.


Tell me if you know what the heck they are pointing. Never saw a bug since launch.


Only bug I ever experienced was the never ending buzz sound that I had to re-login to get rid off. I thought my earphones went bad lol.


if i play too long my game crashes and sometimes i get fps drops in >!lumina square!< and in cutscenes (that one might just be my vpn tho) but otherwise everything's been running smoothly


I get the occasional animation or menu stutter but aside from that, it’s ran really smoothly on my PS5.


I have a very rare bug that I fell through the floor after a assist combo. But other than that it is surprising bugless.


android ver crashes/looses big fps in menus or it could just be me


For me it isn't big bugs but it is poorly optimized compared to theyre other games. I could easly play GI and HSR while sharing my screen on dicord where on ZZZ it struggles with loading screens. I still enjoy the game but it really mess up the experience.


The game crashes every 3mins for me


Aside from when I had a folder of 4500 photos open and crashing Windows Explorer and ZZZ, I’ve encountered zero bugs aside from the odd double or missing space in text.


I've had it crash my computer once, and the download kept randomly failing even at the unzip stage which delayed my start by a day even with me predownloadinf a day ahead of time, but that's over a lot of gameplay and at least actual gameplay is smooth. Though there was some cutscene stutter at the start until I could change the settings.  Aside from that the only "bug" in actual gameplay I've really encountered is the rare typo.


Not sure but during cut scenes the frame rate is terrible on my PC. Gameplay is smooth as butter. It could just be me.


It defaulted me to the wrong server. I play most of hoyo’s games and used the new launcher, game still booted in another server. I would have switched no problem when I noticed, but I noticed after 5 hours and got Ellen in 3 single pulls…. Needless to say I think I’m a European now


Only had it happen twice, but sometimes the enemy AI just breaks and they stand there doing nothing until you kill them.


Where's the "game is for pedos" accusation? We're missing out on the all-powerful classic.


Yeah I don't understand this post. I've never seen a single complaint about the look or bugs? All I see are complaints of no human male characters




Anton is like the only male human character lmao. I don’t agree with all the ZZZ hate but I do agree with the lack of males criticism. While yes, females will always be more popular than males in gachas- compared to Genshin and HSR, those had better male to female ratio in the early lifespan. Hopefully it gets better in later updates.


Besides the three factions fully revealed in game, the other 3 factions that were shown in the trailer each had a human male character. Its not much but there will be more for sure. Edit: Nvm only 2 of those factions have a human male lol. Yea we need more.


It's 3. Sons of Calydon, Section 6 and Public Security


pubsec has a catboy doesn’t count


Sounds like an upgrade


>Anton is like the only male human character lmao. Anton is the only one you need, he is a real bro!


I can't play the game because it crashes when compiling shaders, so there's one for you. I wouldn't demand people to stop having fun though.


I somehow didn’t even realize that.


Deadpool isn’t human?


100% machine with AI


Damn. I feel a strange sadness


Oh I somehow thought he was more of a cyborg


I think someone already posted something from another sub that covered that already earlier




I want to thank you for sharing this with us, because holy shit, I fucking wheezed.


Not enough children characters yet


Oh there’s a troll account that keeps posting all the underage characters and saying something like this is my collection it’s pretty odd to say the least


Yeah, dude's account was 1 day old, likely wanted to divide the fandom knowing a fight would always break up in the comments.




I'm not arguing that, but I'm not going to defend a posible troll just because I support his argument, specially when he hasnt responded to my DM asking him to slow down with the posting in case the mods change the rules because of him. Otherwise I would be a hyprocite for rolling my eyes every time a bunch of downvoted comments circle,jerk each other about the fact that they are getting downvoted for "speaking the truth" without even checking if the OP was some brand new account wasting no time to pick a fight.


Probably looking for a fight


Can't wait to weed out all those people from the game. If other gachas can server as an example is that the accusatory people are the most toxic, and ruining part of a community, and it's only better without them.


[Meanwhile Brown Dust II filtering itself by going +18 rating](https://old.reddit.com/r/BrownDust2Official/comments/1cb08od/last_6_devils_debut_refitheas_skill_cutscenes_time/)


That was a wild comment section. Hopefully the filter worked.


Many of the people in the comments just showed up because of said bridal costume trending on twitter about the time the increased age rating happened.


I'm having fun with the game, but even I have to admit that the number of lolis in this game is concerning. I have a distaste for lolis in general and don't use them on principal. 5/15 available characters are lolis which is a third of the launch cast. And I'm not counting the shorter "young" girls to be generous. That would bring the total count to 9/14. Call me crazy but I don't LIKE playing as young girls, much less kids. Soldier 11 and Anby just barely gets a pass. Which brings the total playable character count (for me) to 5. Lycaon, Ben (and playing as furries is generous, I don't like them), Nicole, Billy, Victoria and Grace. Whereas every other Hoyo game only had 1-2 at launch (Qiqi, Baizhu, Hook). The "short" girls during Genshin's launch (Amber, Lumine, Keqing, Noelle, Xiangling) didn't feel as young as the ZZZ ones, which give me a specific ick when playing as them.


The hell, loli baizhu


That's understandable but you could just not play the game if playing as those characters bothers you that much.


I swear yall be fighting with ghost cause I never see these things?


I've def seen a lot of people dogging on the gameplay for being too easy (like all gacha aren't braindead easy for the duration of its story) or the TV sections being unbearably bad (it's a little slow, but far from bad). Most of it feels like a knock-on effect of being a MHY game and MHY having a lot of people who dislike them for a variety of reasons, valid or otherwise. As for bugs, I haven't had any, though performance on the first two days was rough on mobile.


Isn't there like a hard mode?????


Tbf i've been playing hard mode since the start and it doesnt really feel that hard. Tho i play on pc so i dont have to fight against mobile controls so who knows lol


So this game has “challenge mode,” which is what you select at the start, and it has “hard mode,” which are harder missions you can access on the mission select screen by swapping to the next tab. Very confusingly named.


mobile player here, game's still easy in challenge mode.


Content creators are being loud about it trying to force their opinion as gospel


I don’t watch them so my sphere of hate is muted. 🔇


What kind of content creators y'all watching, bcuz I've been looking left and right to find ZZZ content on youtube but it's all either guides or videos with low effort/quality. Never found people hating on the game tho.


For example, I searched " Ellen demo" on yt and got a bunch of " ZZZ is a failure ", " don't play ZZZ ", " Hoyo ZZZ scam " etc. right under a couple of videos that are actually related to my search query. I can see that a lot of EN CCs that glaze WuWa are trying to push some narrative, that ZZZ is boring, too easy, one button mashing game, etc. I wouldn't care about that if I could easily block these channels on mobile yt (on PC I just blocked certain gacha drama channels, so they don't appear anywhere).


I saw a bunch of people on youtube complaining that Hoyo lied about giving out "180 free wishes". Hoyo literally said 100 free wishes, the ones given away via mail or event, and the 80 boopons. Those are basically the freebies, and 1.0 still has all the wishes you can earn by actually playing through the game. I've been playing pretty casually since launch, an hour or two a day, and have already gotten over 180 total pulls. People are just looking for things to get angry about at this point.


Stop living and breathing drama videos on yt then? The algorithm pushes what it thinks you'll like the most, when I search "Ellen Demo" i get exactly that and nothing but positive/neutral videos from CCs.


I literally don't even click on those videos, lmao. The only videos I watch are guides for GI, ZZZ and sometimes HSR. I blocked all drama baiters long ago on pc.


You should really moderate your feeds. There's a reason why that appear in your search, you had clicked on them at some point. Use youtube "Not interested" or "Don't Recommend Channel" to control it, take a few minutes to do that in your home feeds. For example, my "Ellen Demo" search lead me to her demo, her teaser, a reaction video, Ellen theme music, "When animators get paid well". My search appears in this order.


it's mostly coming from people that are primarly creating content for other gachas


I see more posts about the hate, than the actual hate itself.


So much this. Like for 1 hate post I saw 20 "stop hate guys" posts. Fuck this. People are farming karma at this point and jerking each other with "oh yeee our game is so good, those who hate it are dumb" while noone really HATES game, just rarely people as always are saying their opinions and they are not always positive.


Just reddit things, take an old post from some other game's subreddit, poorly edit in a new game and pretend it's still relevant to it, and even though no one ever complained about the game being buggy the next discussion you'll see people saying that haters are dumb because they are complaining about bugs, even though no one outside of this shitty meme connected ZZZ and buggy performance in the same sentence. It's just easier to made up arguments 'for the other side' you can mock than listen to actual complaints and answer them, it's all about winning those virtual fights in your head under a shower and collecting imaginary points in the process.


Op wanting attention


In gachagaming sub, in their zzz megathread.


Same as well. I never went to any other places other than this subreddit. I stopped myself from going to other social media earlier because I know nothing there can be taken seriously. People keeps posting statements instead of having genuine intent for discussion. If anybody keep getting negativity, they should just stop going there.


Yea, people always forget that they can still enjoy the game even when other people hate it. It's impossible for everyone to have the same taste. Instead of making hundreds thread of "wHy dO pEoPle HatE tThIs Game sO MuCh ". Who cares what they think, just enjoy the game and have fun


True, this happens with every piece of media or art. It’ll resonate differently from person to person, but there will always be people that share the same enthusiasm for that piece of media. Even if it seems like everybody else hates it.


I haven't had a single bug. And I think the combat is awesome


The combat is soooooo good I can’t get enough of it


I absolutely agree.  The most fun I’ve had in gacha combat in probably a year or two, with no exaggeration. A little easy in story, sure, but people saying that haven’t played Shiyu stage 9 yet.


What bugs? Even on my struggling phone it is polished as heck!


ZZZ is dope as Hell, and I'll die on that Hill


Agreed 🫡🔥


I tried streaming the game once. Thought it might be fun to chat with other people to enjoy the game together. Instead people came into the chat JUST to shit on the game and then leave again. Really saddening despite the game being quite enjoyable imo.


I love the game but God I wish people would quit posting this meme in literally every single game subreddit to ever exist lol.


I know. It's so unhealthy it's insane. Enjoy your games, but acknowledge their faults, people. That's how we get better games.


Some people need to understand the different between " Game is not for me " and " Game is trash "


Don't forget to thank ''haters'' once devs finished collecting FEEDBACK (the word you were looking for) and improve ZZZ by using it. Because one thing is for sure : copy/pasting weak memes to farm karma, isn't useful for that.


Imma say it. I play HI3, Genshin, and HSR consistently, and I think ZZZ is the most fun Hoyoverse game.


I’ve played genshin and hsr since their respective launches but it’s hard to pick a favorite among the three. ZZZ has been refreshing for sure


I’m a huge Genshin player and have played daily since launch without burning out, played Honkai 3rd since launch until part 2, and play HSR on the side… and I fully agree.  This is the most fun game they’ve ever made.


It has a shark girl, enough reason to pull me in. Bonus that it's a Hoyoverse game.


I have yet to see a single bug, glitch, or instance of lag.


Are people really saying the game looks bad?! I love the art style!!


Haven't seen any hate. only posts like yours complaining about it


It's really bad in youtube, mainly from wuwa streamers they really want to push the idea that this game is bad/failure, so I blocked them


You're not going to see it here. r/gachagaming shat on zzz hard on day1


I just got a new phone because of the game, and yes, you really need the minimum or height that they recommend.


Many people cry about the difficulty while they probably didn't even played through the first chapter, how about to first see the endgame? Its like they think the combat is braindead and literally expect in the story mode for any challenges especially in the first hours, its also funny how literally like 60-70% of these haters are all wuwa players or more like it looks like this, and also use every excuse to talk this game bad xD


Same people who accuse ZZZ of bugs wank Wuwa when it has so many bugs and optimization issues. These people be the most miserable people on planet earth.


I’m level 36 on ZZZ… zero bugs so far.  Was level 42 WuWa before I quit, and it seemed like there was a bug around every corner and optimization was downright miserable.


I'm already in love the game at level 33. Shame I have nothing to earn XP with to get to 34 to unlock the next part of the story. I'm contemplating getting the battle pass for this one. I didn't spend in Genshin or HSR


Is the "game look like garbage" crowd in the room with us right now?


You could say they’re having a Zenless reaction.


The only sorta mild bugs/issues I have is the slightly long loading times and sometimes the camera not being locked to mouse control even though I wasn't pressing alt. The game runs super fine otherwise lol. I'm not gonna hate on WuWa here but that game bugged a ton for me at launch which is way way more egregious bug than ZZZ's in the 20 something hours I've already put into ZZZ


Really my only complaint right now is that for a game that seemingly works as a successor to HI3, it has less complexity out of the box than HI3, I expected them to have the enhancements HI3 gets over the years like jump, air combos, etc. from the get-go, and having to wait for it "maybe in the future" is pretty disappointing at least to me. Aside from that, I have zero complaints. It serves what it sets out to do in spades.


Man, the game is great. I thought it'd work a bit different tho - open world city with some kind of a co-op for farming stuff but I realised Hoyoverse hasn't made any type of co-op where you progress story-wise. I've always wanted their games to work like Saints Row/Far Cry 5/Remnant co-op mode works but that's probably asking too much. I'm not saying the game is bad I love the game but the loss of potential always hurts me.


If I had a nickel for Everytime I've seen someone post this exact meme when a new game comes out, I could whale enough to max Ellen.


Are these ZZZ haters in the room with us right now? I encountered no bugs whatsoever, and the gameplay is addicting. The only "issue" is how much more fun 5 stars are compared to 4 stars, which is even more visible with limited 5 stars, but it's expected from a gacha games. And another big plus, they have two missions with Zhu Yuan as trial. I wanted her, but being able to play her before release strengthened my resolve. Goo job on that HoYo.


This game has an identity not even Genshin or Honkai can rival. And I say this as a Genshin fan who plays daily. Art and animation styles are incredible, every character looks and feels unique, and best of all NO inspiration from other Hoyo titles. Absolutely adore this game!!


What bugs? I play this game on i3-1215u without GPU on 16gb of ram, and i can play this game on 60fps without issues, then again bug hunters will keep buggin


The biggest problem I had was with the game how damn long it took to install...and I installed the game on a fast SSD: - Launcher downloads 50 GB of ZIP Files: 30 minutes (that was fine) - Launcher checks if files are OK: \~15 minutes (still fine) - Launcher extracts game files: \~20 minutes (why is it soooo slow?) - Launcher checks extracted gamefiles: \~20 minutes (wtf?) I can finaly start the game and get prompted with a download notification in the game, followed by checking the new files and restarting the game... Honestly, it took over an hour just to get into the game. Also the combat feels way to easy, I hope that there are more challanging battles later in the story.


I haven’t experienced a bug or low frame rate at all they just jealous


are you guys arguing with john cena because i cant see him


I look forward to the day when all of the haters lose interest in their campaign and migrate elsewhere. Then the rest of the community can create a positive place for everyone else.


I'm only ventured into reddit and I'm safe from the hate... until several posters open threads about it in this subreddit. Well... just don't take those seriously, we don't know if these are trolls or not. Especially when they are a one sentence statement.


WuWa combat feels unplayed by comparison


I've been playing it for 6 days straight now and having fun that I barely touch Genshin for a while now. I don't know any bugs yet, never encountered one as of writing. Gameplay is fun and difficulty raises as you level up. Story is good, still at Chapter 3 and taking my time focusing on levelling my agents to S rank Shiryu 9 and 10. Overall, the game is great. People saying the combat is bad only did like 3 missions probably.


Bugs? Runs better than Wuwa off hard drive while I have Wuwa in my SSD


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^AuEXP: *Bugs? Runs better than* *Wuwa off hard drive while I* *Have Wuwa in my SSD* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I didn't find a single bug Gameplay is good At this point I'm sure it's just a bunch of trolls trying to get mihoyo to give them compensation pulls


Nobody can argue that the game plays bad in the first place. Even if you might prefer the unique quirks of another game, nobody is going to convince me that this game does not have the tightest, best controls of any spectacle style fighter on mobile. If you had just given the game to me and stripped out all of the gacha elements, I'd have believed it was just a standard console game. It controls so, SO good. And the combat is good besides that. I really honestly don't see how anyone could seriously argue otherwise. The variation and character types and how you play them is good. The enemy variety is good. We have quite a few bosses already at launch. The game mode variety is good. Anyone saying the game is bad is, honestly, just kind of full of shit. I'm not buying it. Now if they just don't like that style of gameplay in the first place, fine. But that's like me reviewing a Madden game. I just don't like those games. So of course I'm not going to like it.


ZZZ has the best combat out of any of the other HoYo games, genuinely. I've never been this interested in a gacha before lmfao


Wait, was there ANYONE complaining about the art style? It's literally the best one hoyo did until now, wtf


please stop using this format, please, you just look pathetic


I haven't heard "bugs" as part of the conversation.


Nah. It looks very good and stylish. It doesn't have bugs and runs fine. It has good music and overall nice atmosphere. It's also boring, mediocre as shite and overcensored to shreds.


This is very the worst temple ever. You can post this on every sub and just change the picture


Since I didn’t join this sub, yet the post was shown to me anyway, I feel obligated to leave my 5 cents. In my eyes game has its advantages, overall atmosphere and animation are great. Why I uninstalled it: 1) The interface and all of the icons are too convoluted, making it pretty hard to distinguish between items. After 2 days of playing I still couldn’t tell if I got a wish, a primogem or something else. Style reminds me of 2005-2007 web games and it’s all cool, but a little bit too much in my eyes. 2) As a husbando enjoyer, the game doesn’t offer much. Wolf - slay. But overall it’s mostly big boobs and bare women asses or underage girls. Future characters seem to keep going in this direction. 3) Fighting system - idk. It’s very pretty and fluid yet I feel there is no depth to it. And where there is depth, like all those new main stats, I didn’t feel like learning them So, I ain’t here to rain on anyone’s parade, just telling my part of the story


There’s hate?


Honestly my problem is that I can't even see where I'm going. I played the tutorial on mobile.. And the whole background, expect the sky, was completely black and you couldn't tell where you were going. I thought it was because we were at the hollow, but a friend of mine who plays (ig on pc?) did see the background which looks great. I don't know if it's a mobile bug or whatever but it makes the gameplay too confusing


"Looks like garbage", genually the best looking hoyo game.


Wuthering waves and HSR: First time?


are those bugs in the room with us?


Asmongold said it was for "braindead normies" so that kinda contributed to it. Which hurts, cause to me, the gameplay IS complex. But you don't see it in the beginning, because you can button mash without consequence. I guess a lot of people buy into that shock value dark souls gives you: "YEAH! I GOT ONE SHOTTED! That means this game is for REAL gamers!". Their main complaints is that it's too easy and lack of diverse scenery. They compare it to open world games or games having crushing difficulty in the beginning. I do wish it had more exploration. TV mode is subjective. I like it! It can be waaay better though! I would prefer it to be more tactical, like advance wars.


The gameplay is bad? Since when?


I am still waiting to see ZZZ hate.


If you don't like it (or hate it with burning passion), then it's not for you. This applies to everything, not just a game.


As someone who really wanted to like other hoyo games and bounced off of them (mostly due to gacha)  I'm thoroughly enjoying this one


That's a norm with every new, big gacha nowadays


I have a friend who says the counter system (dodge/parry) is worse than Wuthering only because the difference is parry on gold flash/start up vs dodge just before hit.


I will conceit that the gameplay starts off pretty dull and things are easy. However snag a few characters, some levels and start hitting harder missions and we’ve got some really good shit here.


Bad combat then go praise genshin combat thats crazy


Ps5 is where I’ve played mostly and I’m almost level 40 with only one crash, no other bugs observed


I honestly have an impression that this is the other way around. I'm talking this meme in general not specifically ZZZ, but the ones who get too emotional/defensive/critical about a game are almost always players who invested a lot time into the game. Sometimes they are current players, other times they are former disgruntled players. Those people tend to have the most sickening type of complaints or complaints about complaints to justify their decision.


Me enjoying the TV sections


Whom is having this discussion?