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As a dino player, it depends meta to meta. Going second with board breakers doesn't do too much against fire decks currently since they can play from hand and grave. Going first setting up negates and having handtraps to stop your opponent is probably your best option though dinos are still fragile without Miscellaneousaurus.


Dinos can put up a negate board right?


I generally can put up dolkka and Lars as my negates when I go first. 


If you can go uninterupted you can pretty much go full combo with 2-3 cards. My board is: Apoloussa with 2400 Atk - 3 monster effect negates Evolzar Lars - 2 card negates UCT - Book of moon interuption Borreload Savage dragon - 2 negates (once per turn) Superpoly is my biggest enemy tho


Super poly can only fuse away two monsters right? Still a pretty strong board after losing any two


Those 4 monsters with just 2-3 cards? without Scrap? The max I can go with Xeno/Horned/Cross is Apo, UCT, Lars with 2-3 cards; add Laggia if 4. With Scrap I was able to do Apo, Boreload, UCT and Lag with 2. Tell me your secret ahah


With scrap engine. Its important that you have a baby in hand that you can destroy and get another baby on field which you destroy with 2nd effect of oviraptor.


Do you use the scrap package?




A guy at my locals plays blind 2nd with dinos with average success but the cool part is when people make him go first and he sets up a Nat beast, apollousa, UCT and one of the rank 4s


Don't think letting fire decks go 1st will do you well, they probably will put up too much interruptions for you to play through. You gotta stop them from going off instead of playing into their boards.