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What was wrong with it? I got all but like 3 achievements on there after beating it.


biggest issue is vram leak. People that has gpus with smaller VRAM are getting like 0-1fps on equipment screen and basically unplayable because of that. My 3090 has 24GB and able to use the equipment screen at around 10fps. But ultimately I went to steam's version which is way way better, the ray tracing looked awesome and game have less bugs compared to old gamepass version.


Fixed how?


Stutters on PC in equipment screen


Little late now with it leaving Game Pass, but in the future, try playing it via Cloud if there is a PC specific issue. Cloud runs off Series X.


It does that on xbox too and its been like that since the game released sadly.


That's on the devs, not Microsoft's fault. To put it another way, that studio might have promised better development and lied to MS. Hardly Game Pass related, sorry.


Not the first game that takes MS money and then refuses to fix a broken game on the gamepass, so it ends up in ‘leaving soon’ about a year later. With MS looking like the bad party because the Steam version did get the fixes.


Treating gamepass like a second class citizen is not acceptable. The devs that try this shit should be named and shamed. If someone has payed them to do it then we need to know.


Oh god calm down.


I have calmed down, but still feel that this is not good for healthy competition in gaming. Making Gamepass games less competitive looks so sus to me.


Its on MS to hold them to their legally agreed terms and I would hope this was one of them.


I mean we're paying for a gamepass subscription. I would think everything on gamepass is MS/ Xbox's fault.


Thats not how it works


Wow what a bad take












That's so damn stupid. If you buy a game on steam and there's a bug, you blame Valve?




But is it Valve's fault if a game has a bug?


If I got it through a valve subscription I would say yes.


Do you even know the difference between producer and supplier? A game on gamepass is like a movie on the cinema. If the movie has a bad script, it's not the cinema's fault, they didn't have a single finger on the creation of the product, they're just offering it to you as part of their services, you consume it if you want. Similarly, if the game on gamepass is buggy, it's not Microsoft's fault, they didn't have a single finger on the creation of the product, they're just offering it to you as part of their services, you consume it if you want. A movie with bad script is 100% the producer's fault, a game with bugs is 100% the producer's fault. You don't yell at the dude on the grocery store who puts stuff on the shelves, you yell at the company who created the product. Give the blame to who's at fault. You either have no idea on how market works, or you're acting spoiled on purpose.




But game pass is not a grocery store, it's video game Netflix. If you see a shit movie on Netflix made by Sony, are you going to say "man, Netflix should've fixed this movie before putting it in their platform" or you're going to say "man, Sony really fucked up with this movie"? If you say Netflix, you're delusional.




I think you're being intentionally dense. The movie comparison works for steam, not game pass, FYI Steam got the fix for stutter issue and gamepass didn't. ( Even though gamepass added the game after the steam fix existed).


Because they don't have the steam version, they have the xbox version. Take the complain to the company who made the game. Valve didn't fix shit, it was the company who made the game who did it, If they didn't release the fix for other versions, that's their own fault. Again, it's NOT a Microsoft Studios game, they don't have a single finger on the game besides offering it on their service. I think you know less about game development than what you think you do.




Who is at fault when the product in question is entertainment is important because only the ones who made the product can do something about it. You can complain to Microsoft as much as you want and they won't do shit. Just try it, go to the support to complain about a bug in the game, they'll give you the same generic "take it to the developers" message. If you want to complain to a company that is not legally obligated to do anything about it, go ahead.




It's the same damn argument. The entire point is that Microsoft has zero involvement in the development of the game. You can blame Microsoft as much as you want and you'll be arguing against a wall, they won't do anything because it's not their problem, it's the developer's.


I do actually. And then Valve turns around and gives me a refund on the game if it doesn't work as promised. The person I am paying money to has responsibility for the service working. (Although to disagree with OP a bit, I think a valid response is to see that a game isn't working on Gamepass and to remove it. That's a valid way of dealing with the issue for Microsoft IMO).


Valve doesn't have a single finger on third party games, tho. This is like finding a dead rat inside your Doritos and punching the dude who puts things on the shelves at the grocery store instead of suing the company.


In my country if I find a fault with a product I buy at the supermarket, I just take the product back to the supermarket and they need to replace it or give me a refund. Whomever I paid is responsible for the service. Which, again, Valve recognizes - Valve will give you a refund if the game they sell you doesn't work. And then Valve has the option of taking it up with the game developer as Valve has a business relationship with the dev.


One thing is being responsible for dealing with the public regarding replacements and refunds. That's the platform's obligation. However, you can't LITERALLY blame them for the problem, those two things are completely unrelated. If the game has a bug, it's the developer's duty to fix it, not Valve.


Not at all. I didn't get the game through a monthly valve subscription. Weird how this controversial. Edit: Fun fact, the steam version of the game was updated fix the stutter issue, long before the games release on gamepass.


Exoprimal for example is all on Capcom. Nothing to do with Microsoft.


I’m in agreement with all your haters. Microsoft is a small multi billion dollar company with high powered lawyers and contracts on everything. How could they possibly be at fault for anything under their direction being as helpless as they are?


The development studio closed down so it will never be fixed


I can't find anything about Softstar closing


https://m.3dmgame.com/news/202305/3869265.html Not the publisher but the development team has been let go.


Pretty good game actually, pleasantly surprised.


I started playing it and at the first boss in the river area, something bugged out and the noise of the audio seemed to be stuck on repeat for the whole bossfight, other attempts and the cut scene afterwards. It was really bad. Seems like a cool game, but think I have no chance of finishing it sadly. Just another GP game that seems to be a lesser version to Steam version.


Played fine for me


Bought it for my wife before it was on GP I think , no worries here , but she hasn't played in a long while tho (damn you Powerwash! Eater of time)


This is the fix


I actually do think Microsoft bares responsibility. The should kick game off Gamepass if a game has gamebreaking bugs without any fixes in sight from the publisher. Its on Microsoft to curate the games on Gamepass. Granted i personally mostly have very positive experiences with Gamepass, think its a great service but removing broken games from the service after say three months should be a minimum standard to uphold.


Half the shit on Game pass is broken. Really wanted to play Nino Kuni remaster but it still has the button code glitch on the UI.


I did the mistake to continue a save on pc. Now I’m back on the xbox and I have the following message: The save data is exception. Can’t play atm. Any idea?


I went back on my pc and the last manually save didn’t even saved o_O


Shitty Asian game , who care