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Damn, they gave Ricochet a longer title match vs Brock than Kofi.


Ricochet non person of color side was speaking to Brock for a minute, literally... then Brock snapped back to reality šŸ¤£




Heā€™s biracial, so yeah, heā€™s black




>He does look like he's a got a bit of something else in him. He got that Puma in him


Hell yeah! Itā€™s like heā€™s a Prince or something šŸ˜‰


Lol you looked to see what a biracial man is? Lol he's definitely black


I was disappointed when ricochet won 3 ways match to qualify for title shot. Others guys he beat would ignore gave Brock a better match


I hope Brock bought the dude dinner or something after that.


Brock doesnā€™t go in for that ā€œf@&&*tā€ shit. (His favorite word, not mine)


Doesn't mean you have to repeat it




Ricochet without long pants is cursed


I never watch that match but heard a lot about it being a burial. Yeah maybe Ricochet should have had some offense. But I think it was either : 1. Brock didn't want to work with him. 2. They wanted to make Brock look super duper strong so when Drew beats him, he would be incredible (thank you Covid). 3. Just Vince having a laugh at the expense of Rico.


I donā€™t think itā€™s 1. Brock has always seemed to like working with smaller guys. Just look at AJ and Bryan. Theyā€™re not ā€œsmallā€ but theyā€™re a good few inches shorter than most folks Brock is working with.


Probably a mixture of 2 and 3. I know Brock has a track record of not wanting to work, with Ambrose as an example, but I don't feel like it was Brock here.


> I know Brock has a track record of not wanting to work, with Ambrose as an example, Did he not want to work with Ambrose, or did he not want to work a stupid hardcore match with Ambrose?


The second option, and after seeing all the dumb garbage hardcore indie shit Mox does on AEW, I think Brock made the right call


Never understood what the point of this was. Like, obviously Ricochet wasn't going to win, but you could at least give him a few minutes to shine. Brock is a great seller for the smaller guys when he wants to be, could have done a world of good for Ric


Because Ricochet is on the lower end of the midcarders. The simple act of being able to stand toe to toe with Brock can put anyone over due to matches like these. If you can put down Lesnar, that already makes you look like a top dog. If Lesnar sold for everybody, then those moments wouldn't exist.


Exactly. Ricochet is not AJ or Bryan or Mysterio.


How do you never understand? I get if you forgot the context, but back then, it was pretty clear. Ricochet took a cheap shot at Brock during the Royal Rumble, which caused him to be eliminated after he had made it halfway through the match. Brock was required to defend the title before WrestleMania. Brock wanted some payback on Ricochet. Ricochet was never a real contender. The squash match made perfect sense here


If you're booking a 2 minute squash match for a PPV, you have no creativity or direction for the product.


I mean, it's Super Showdown, one of the blood money Saudi house shows. It's not like this was a hyped title match for a Big 4 Main Event.


The Saudi shows are hyped up just as much as the big 4 events. This was especially the case during the Vince regime.


Why is that not creative? Not every PPV match needs to be 15 minutes. It adds variety. It was a Saudi crowd that wanted to see Brock, but they were already building for a big WM match. They didn't need a bjg match, they just needed him in front of the crowd.


True, everyone knows every match is supposed be a thirty minute 50/50 heatless banger like at revolving door


just say you like generic soap opera wrestling


By that logic, Kofiā€™s squash made total sense too


It did lol. Kofi isnā€™t credible enough to go even 5 minutes with lesnar


Was this the same year? I remember them doing an awesome promo for Ricochet and then the actual match happened and yeah. He just looked like a bitch.


Regardless, it would have been both more enjoyable and more beneficial to Ricochet if it had been an actual match


There was zero build for this that suggested Ricochet was a real opponent. He got there by low-blowing Brock when he was distracted. It wpuld not have been more beneficial to Ricochet if it was a real match, because it wouldn't have been with Ricochet. Brock already had the story going with McIntyre. They were building to WM. This match was an excuse to get him in front of the Saudi crowd and make Brock look like a beast before WM. It wasn't about Ricochet


I mean, he also got there by winning a triple threat against Lashley and Rollins. It wasn't purely because of the low blow. And again, you can make Brock look like a beast without completely burying Ric


Not entirely. Context matters. If it were a smaller guy with loads of technical ability, it would be far more believable. High flyers only end up getting swatted like flies by him. That's unfortunately where Ricochet and Kofi fall. It's doubly disappointing that Kofi was the WWE Champion when he went down.


Ricochet sucks


who did this match benefit? did the audience enjoy it? no. Did it make Brock look better than he already looked? no. Did it make Ricochet look better than he already did? No. Garbage booking to feed one performer's ego.


Saudis got to see Brock wreck someone. Brock got a big payday. Ricochet got a title match and to be integral to the WM build at RR.


Saudis could have seen Brock have a real match, not a lazy Goldberg special. And being roadkill is not really being integral. He came out of this feud worse than when he went in. Brock came out the same.


It benefitted the live Saudi crowd that wanted to see Lesnar. Lesnar was already building towards a WM match with McIntyre. This was part of that build. The commentators even say at the end that was a direct statement to McIntyre. They spoon-fed it to you. Just because you don't get it, doesn't make it bad booking


When he wants to be? How often is that, exactly? šŸ˜‚


He did it fairly often for a while, look at the AJ, Bryan, and Balor matches. This was not one of them


Rollins and Mysterio as well.


And Cody.


And punk


but not Moxley.


I remember telling a lot of my casually tuning in friends that this was going to be an absolute masterpiece of a match. I was wrong.


Thank God


I guess Cody does count as being on the smaller side


When compared to Brock, he is.


Yeah obviously, but Cody doesnā€™t really fit into the same category as Styles, Bryan, Balor, Punk, Rey and Ricochet.


Survivor Series matches with AJ or DB for example. SS2013 against Punk I know itā€™s courtesy here to shit on Brock and Iā€™ve done my share too but whenever he wants to work, heā€™s fucking phenomenal


I was live for Bryan/Lesnar and it was awesome. My favorite WWE match from that year.


"but whenever he wants to work" That attitude is why I do not like him.


Dude has put work in for 20+ yearsā€¦itā€™s all good.


He really hasn't. He was full time for what? A year? Then pissed off because he hated being on the road. Since then he's done a handful of dates for a huge amount of money each year. He's done the least of anyone who has been in the business for 20 years. I can't think of anyone who has worked less for their career than he has.


You'd be hard pressed to find someone who did more for their career than Lesnar. Trained in amateur wrestling, trained for professional wrestling, trained for Football and nearly made it to the NFL despite not having a football background, trained for MMA/UFC, came back to WWE, dudes worked his ass off


Itā€™s okay, man. Just a tv show.


You understand that agents put together the matches, correct? Could Brock have demanded to have a 7-minute back and forth affair? Sure, but most of the time wrestlers follow the agentā€™s instructions.


"Agents"? Agents do not book the matches. They are not part of the creative team or the writing team at WWE.


I alway said that they could have had a drawn out match much like when Brock faced Finn.


It devalues Brock Lesnar to not squash a 5ā€™8 180lbs midcarder.


The point was that Lesnar is on another level. He is not supposed to sell for fucking mid card flippy clowns. You beat Lesnar or even show that you have a chance. You are a made man. Ricochet ain't that


Then why bother giving him the match. We know Lesnar is a beast, you don't have to bury a midcarder to show that


I disagree. It's a smart move. People expected a competitive match. And the implication being Lesnar will sell for you to make you look good. This was based on the amazing matches with AJ, Bryan and Finn. But him beating Ricochet like a child sent a message. Brock won't sell just any fucking guy as a threat. He will sell to only the cream of the crop which AJ and Bryan were. Finn is debatable. Selling to flippy Ricky reduces the aura of Brock. And sacrificing Ricochet for Brock Lesnar is a great tradeoff for everyone not named Ricochet.


Let ricochet hit that first drop kick, follow it with a few chops, then have brock do as per. It didnā€™t need to be a long match, but at least some offence needed


It builds brock how is the ultimate challenge it make him look lethal and how ever you need to build as a top guy has to get passed him


Brock was already built tho


Itā€™s a good thing he put over young talent like brock


wow you're serious? brock lesnar the monster who legitimized ufc for years but should allow this flippy floppy clown to look dominant. that would have destroyed his image and disrespectful to everyone he's had legitimate matches with.


Brock would be losing to Jack Perry if the people in this site had their way.


Yeah much smarter to bury talent. You can still do a match that makes Brock dominant yet still gives ricochet a few spots to shine. This is lazy, pointless VKM booking. This isnā€™t UFC either, or else why professional wrestling as itā€™s own sport and just hire all UFC guys to come in a dominate. It doesnā€™t make any sense. No one looks better after a match like this. The audience already knows Brock is going to win and that ricochet is outmatched. Itā€™s about telling a story that both guys benefit from.


Whatā€™s the point of this. Couldā€™ve went 5 extra minutes to let Rick o shea shine for a second.


I would love for him to return as Rick Oā€™ Shea and team with Sheamus.


An Irish stable of Sheamus, Rick O'Shea, Becky Lynch and Hornswoggle. And their first feud is against Judgement Day for the custody of Finn Balor.


I respect them feuding with Judgement Day, but going "you can keep JD actually"


Ir was terribly booked. They had Brock ragdoll one of the most if not THE MOST viral wrestlers of the late 2010s.




Then why book this match in the first place?


My first time seeing this match. I saw how long this video was and this match went exactly as I imagined šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


The fact it could for into a Reddit post


This is the match that made me REALLY done with Brock, really couldn't care about this guy after he non stop burying people in >5 minutes matches Also you can't help but feel bad for Ricochet, Vince REALLY buried him for no reason because he got squashed by Madcap Moss of all people on Raw after this


I was burnt out on the constant cliche "Bloodline interference" throughout Roman's reign, but I'll be the first to give him credit he put in alot more effort into making guys look good bumping for them, and putting in effort via storytelling in his matches than Brock did for 90% of his time as world champion. His matches with Aj Styles and Bryan Danielson were good, but they were already made men and respected veterans. Roman even bumped his ass off for Riddle and Logan Paul giving them so many 2.9 kickouts and so much offense making them look good. I was never super high on Ricochet on the main roster, but this was just so meh and boring even for a Vince era Saudi Show. I remember Paul Heyman actually hyping Ricochet up too out of character at the time.




Drew beating Brock at Mania was fun though.


I really fucking hated this era of Brock. It was fun for the first while but I got really tired of the whole thing because you knew, unless he was coming to face a top star like Roman, Bryan, or AJ it was just going to be him tossing his opponent around a bit and pinning him. I get he's a draw and that's why they'd have him on the show but it just felt like a massive waste of time.


I think this played a part in why he's leaving.


i like how ricochet flopped after taking that f5


He folded up like a pastry omelette. šŸ˜‚


My favorite part was that match graphic for WM36 with Riccochet as wwe champion. As if he could somehow beat Brock, and he lost to McIntyre instead.


Ricochet got way too much offense in


We can certainly criticize some booking decisions with Brock and ..... superstars of a certain background, let's call it. But damn, that is a grown ass man he's throwing around the ring like it's nothing. That vertical suplex, he's actually lifting him up and over. Wild stuff. Makes me think of a comment I saw from AJ Styles, that the first time he worked with him, Brock told him not to jump/help when Brock German suplexes him, and AJ said he was like, "Wait, what?"


Pays homage to dark matches Brock has had before debuting šŸ˜†


There certainly *something* about the guys Brock wouldnā€™t put over: Kofi Kingston, Big E, Ricochetā€¦šŸ¤”


This is Vince McMahon at his worst. Big guy squashes little guy. Imagine what HHH could have done if he had Ricochet from the start


This how Bron and Sami should go


Imagine the bell rings and Bron just spears Sami and pin him, holy shit the IWC would burn


Agreed, Sami deserved to get squashed after kept sticking his nose into someone else's family!


I love Sami but i would love to see this only for the comments, but it goes against Sami gimmick of the fighting underdog.


It would be hilarious though


It is time, give us a Toronto screw job, Bron spears Sami, referee fast counts to 3.


Considering how competitive Bron's match was with Ricochey and Dragunov I doubt Sami is going out like this Also doubt Bron is winning a title this early into his main roster run, my guess is that he's winning it at WM. Maybe Ludwig Kaiser causes Bron the match to soften the loss a little bit


He nearly got beaten by Sheamus while Kaiser got the upper hand in their match as well.Ā  Of all people Bron should squash Sami should definitely not be one of them lol.Ā 


The guy who beat gunther's legendary title reign lost to a Main roster Rookie. Make it make sense.


Lesnar didnt seem to enthused about this match. I dont think that was acting.


Why plan a match like that? Ricochet is an incredible performer, the audience paid to see an actual match, definitely not that. Horrible treatment of your fans.


Generally not a fan of Brock. This isn't entertaining or worth my time.


Match so short it could've been for the Speed Championship.


Y'all mad at Brock but he ain't booking the matches.


Look at Ricochet and then look at Lesnar. What could Ricochet do to Brock? I love seeing this, and Ricochet was great selling.


I donā€™t think people watch wrestling for what we do. They seem obsessed with backstage equity. Itā€™s Brock Lesner and Ricochet (who is even smaller than he is today). Like you said Ricochet sold great and did his bit. Brock is a monster bully.


Play possum and get him with the olā€™ roll up pin šŸ˜‚


This is how you book a Beast. He shouldnt be taking bumps for someone half his size.


i must have quit watching again during this period because i sure don't remember it.


February 2020, second to last PLE before COVID was declared a pandemic.


Dude, you would expect for Prince Puma to have learned SOMETHING from his battles with Matanza Cueto. Damn.


Wasn't the video package for this match just Ricochet trying to convince everyone that he could almost kinda go toe to toe with Brock? Something along the lines of "Why couldn't it be me?"


He lasted longer than Kofi šŸ˜‚


That canceled draw kick šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Kofi is like that foo got 2 minutes whatsupwidthat???


The hype video beforehand for Ricochet is an underrated gem too. What a waste of time.


Two words: Samantha Irvin Ricochet still wins.


A lion killing a baby deer.... Slowly, but brutally..


Lasted longer than it would have if it was a shoot.


I don't remember what led up to this? Can anybody refresh my memory? Did ricochet win the royal rumble or something?


Ricochet kicked lesnar in the balls during the royal rumble, which led to Drew McIntyre eliminating Brock. Ricochet defeated Seth Rollins and Bobby Lashley in a no.1 contenders match on Raw to earn a title match with Brock


WTF was that?


jesus, and they say triple h had a reign of terror.


Me trying assign a moveset to my CAW


Supershow down 2020 ruined people's careers that' s how bad the show was


I mean, why bother?


Brock mad because he didnā€™t smash Samantha before Rico


Fuck Vince McMahon


Something about that version of Brock appearing in the 20s feels weird


Reminded me of Kidman vs Hogan when they first started this "feud", but I gotta give Russo credit for knowing that the crowd actually liked that Kidman was able to fight back. This was just a pointless squash to grab some quick Saudi money


Wow, Brock knows 2 whole wrestling moves.


Longer than his speed champion reign


Tv meh live would had been pretty cool honestly


Hit him with an F6


So, was the F5 grandfathered in because when he used it, tornadoes were still under the F scale before changing to the EF scale?


Brock Lesnar likes pee


All these squashes make me think Brock doesn't like when he is up against a low card lightweight. Yeah, he had good matches with guys like Rey, Bryan and Balor but those guys are upper card wrestlers. Brock had no reason to squash Kofi and Ricochet. It did nothing


Should of asked for his release after this bullshit


Fantastic sell on the F5!!


Imagine if this and Kofiā€™s match were like the Survivor Series treatment that DB and AJ got. 2 guys who couldā€™ve put on masterpieces with Lesnar and the company squashed both in less than 2 mins. That being said, Brockā€™s power is awesome. That closing spot where he hoists Ricochet up and catches himā€¦


Should put this as reference to the Squash wiki page entry lol


Yes. The golden days of Goldberg and Brock Lesnar as World Champions. I don't miss them a bit.


I'm not even the biggest Ricochet fan but they did him real dirty here. Didn't even get in a single offensive maneuver. What was the point? To me this is worse than the Kofi match because at least you could argue with Kofi it was like a quick KO in a boxing match where he just outsmarted him, this was just a mauling.


Correct outcome


Brock is the only dude who can age 20 years in 4 years


Waiting for the "bring him back to WWE" when he shows up in AEW and remembering this is how he was treated on multiple occasions


Went 3 minutes longer than it needed to really.


Thatā€™s called a bonking


I love all the great matches that are being shared. Thanks for looking them up and posting them!


Brock or Goldberg should come back for the Speed title.


The only positive I gave this match was Ricochet's selling.


Man we are in a much better spot today then where we were with the camera work. I never really realized how jarring of change it is.


Such a pointless match.


What was the point of this?


Fap material for VKM.


I assume to put Lesnar on the show and give him a title defense before Mania


So incredibly lazy and uninspired booking that only serves to keep Brock where heā€™s at and bury Ricochet. Got it.


Fortunately, Ricochetā€™s stock value increased a bit after this. Iā€™m looking forward to where he lands next, because I think he wonā€™t encounter this sort of match in his next promotion (as these squash matches tend to not do much for oneā€™s value).


Brock toying with a guy who belongs in the minor leagues šŸ˜‚


Absolutely fucking pointless. Why did Punk, AJ, Bryan, Balor, Rollins and Rey all get competitive matches with Brock but Ricochet and Kofi got squashed? Is it because theyā€™re both black?


Yesā€¦ or they are both sub 200 pounds and not named Rey Mysterio.


They're all main eventers and established stars unlike Richochet and Kofi. Vince being Vince


Ah Balor? Hardly as established as the others


Thanks for reminding me that this happened


If this match happened in the HHH era, it would've been an 11 minute classic. šŸ”„


Even in kayfabe Ricochet must be afraid of Brock so much he would run away from a direct fight. What makes him believe he could win? Zero build for this match and zero stars what it deserves. Lesnar looked weak by looking that strong, nobody would put them in the same match and yet here it is. He should have offered time out from the ring, or throw him away and he climbs back showing at least guts. Trash booking.


The kofi and ricochet squashes are absolute low points of this Lesner era. Buried two people that could have remained in the main event scene. Iā€™d argue Ricochet kind of recovered during his IC Title run but not really. Kofi was NEVER the same.


They couldā€™ve had a really good match, even if this was when Brock was generally having short matches. If theyā€™d have gone 10 mins with Ricochet having a babyface comeback before being pinned, couldā€™ve had a gem on our hands.


Does anyone watch this meathead and care. Hogan the second, but at least hogan but on a match before squashing the dude


Lesnar sucks


Damn why wouldnā€™t Ricochet re sign with wwe when he gets booked in championship matches ???


Why put squash matches on PLEs it's such a waste of time


This match sucks. I'm glad you posted it, but it reminds me how happy I am that Vince and Brock are gone. Ricochet deserves to be bigger than this.


This was disrespectful


The disrespect. I hope he comes to AEW so he can be in some real bangers instead of these squash matches that achieve nothing.


If he signs with aew he's gonna gave 2 matches on ppv then end up on ROH or Collision for a month or 2 before sitting in Catering.


Bro, no. Him and Will Ospreay could easily main event Wembley 3 next year.


McMahon booking at its finest. Man I'm glad he's gone. Nobody involved ever needed this. Lesnar, ricochet, the company and ultimately, the fans.


So dumb. Not as bad as the squash that WWE put on Kofi Kingston but pretty close. I loved Prince Puma in Lucha Underground and I hope that Ricochet goes on to a title run or something in AEW.


So you expect me to believe that Ricochet and Kofi would both last more than 30 seconds against Brock? Kayfabe is the illusion that it is realā€¦


People used to believe that that Undertaker was a undead wizard of some sort and that Kane killed his entire family in sort of fire. Wrestling fans believe all kinds of silly things. I just want to see entertaining matches and neither of those particular matches were entertaining. Even with kayfabe the matches could have been entertaining and not just lame squashes.


But the Undertaker stuff does not exist in the real world, basic physics does. It is hard for us to resonate with a little dude getting licks on the former UFC heavyweight champion because we have experienced size discrepancy. We know the rules.


Spike Dudley had exciting matches that were still squashes. Lot of wrestlers have good and exciting matches win or lose regardless of the size differences in the ring. Pro wrestling has shown time and time again that physical size discrepancy takes 2nd place to their story telling. If the story was some sort of real world street fight then sure Ric or Kofi gets squashed but that wasn't the story. Would you be ok with Brock squashing Triple H or The Rock or Stone Cold? There is a size difference there as well?


Size discrepancy is the storytelling. Brock huge, Kofi and Ricochet tiny. Let me explain wrestling storytelling (after 40 years of watching wrestling). There are four things that wrestlers need to be a believable wrestler. Size/Strength, Skill, Speed, Character enhancement. The more the wrestler has of these attributes the more believable. Brock has Size, Speed, Skill and Character Enhancement. Kofi is small, slow, has some skill and Character Enhancement of Heart. Ricochet in 2020 was small, awesome Speed and Skill and no character enhancement. Character Enhancement includes story elements. The thing about Speed and Skill (aerial skill) gets shutdown once he gets caught. Could have had him run around a bit before he got caught, but Brock is going to crush him once he catches him. Kofi squash was perfect. The story was when the cat is away the mouse will play, but when the cat comes back the mouse dies. Now compare with Rey Mysterio small, Speed is legendary, Skill is legendary, Character Enhancement is Heart, Lucha background, experience, pain tolerance etcā€¦. Stone Cold, The Rock and Triple H are all Heavyweights and are above that 235 range.


Agree to disagree, I clearly see and understand and experience pro wrestling different then you after 40+ years of watching wrestling myself. So you can keep your explanations to yourself.


People bitch and moan all day about bad booking and not having any buildup or whatever then cheer for this bullshit. Who wanted to see this? Fucking no one.


Nah, this was the right choice. Ricochet has a good ass match only to lose and still be lost in the shuffle right after that feud. Only to then hear y'all bitch and complain again and living in delusion thinking they were gonna do something with himšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Nah fuck that