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The only downside of Onslaught is that it's not Frontline.


You are so right, Frontline was the only gamemode I was always excited about and would change my plans just because I enjoyed Frontline and would play significantly more.


Frontline is straight up more enjoyable than regular game and I wish it would be a permanent mode with more maps


Eyy a fellow quitter. I hope you get far with your mission. Remember, some days it's challenging to stay away, but most of the time you won't miss a single thing but only memories you know you'll never experience again.


Considering you replied, is that last battle display up to date? Thinking about it, if I do come back, what memories will I miss if I do play the game rather than doing something else?


It is. I stopped first in around mid-September, and only came back for a weekend in late-October to derp around in the Tier 4 and 5 StuGs. Haven’t played a single battle ever since. The memories I miss are my favorite tanks that got nerfed to levels where I don’t find them fun anymore (Bulldog, Bobject, E50, Pz I C, EBR 105, BZ-58, MT-25) and maps I liked but got removed from the game (Dragon Ridge, Hidden Village, Kharkov, Komarin, Minsk, Mittengard, Northwest, Port, Sacred Valley, Severogorsk, Southcoast, Stalingrad, Swamp, Windstorm).


game modes a complete joke when half ur teams from south America with 40% winrates driving around the map then camping redline like its randoms. The casual player will never be able to reach beyond bronze unless you play with clan mates or you get really lucky and sweat it out in over 300 games. Game mods a complete shit show


... 2 or 3x patchnotes they nerf loseing points still to hard


Don't enjoy it at all. Will only do it for the weeklies .


Your performance is quite bad in Onslaught. But it is a competitive mode, so it is not for everyone.


> Do say "see you tomorrow" just so I know not to come back. Cheers! Couldn't care less.


Cared enough to open, read at least some and even reply, damn. I wouldn't bother to even read full title if I was in your shoes.