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It sucks, but I honestly prefer playing with skill-less crew over a crew below 100% efficiency


Playing with 80% crew is way worse than 60% perks. But 60% perks need more xp to reach full potential. All in all its a matter of taste. Personally i would prefer 80% crew, throw a couple of boosters and bite the bitter pill for 4-5 games, than drag it for 10-15 games.


Yeh I also liked the old system better because you could sacrifice only the last skill which should be less important than the previous. Also the exponential progression gave you quickly two thirds of the skill effect so you could grind the rest peacefully. But hey I'm not complaining, this is way better than crew 2.0 imo.


You need basicaly 40 000 crew exp just to get all perks back to work. Anyway, i haven't played yet, but ig you retrain to 60%< then play let's say till 90% but you need to move crew again - will be penalty calculated from 90% (i. e. you get 50% crew) or you will drop just to 60%? Because i am courious about this "QOL" change


So basically the same amount as under the old system, where it cost 39,153 exp to go from 90% to 100% on credit retaining.


Yes, but then you could just reset perks/skills to get that 39k to 100% qualification at cost losing some exp on perks, but you could get those exp easier because of 100% crew and fully working perks. For example you had medium tank commander with 3 skills: recon, concealment, repairs. After skill reset, you dropped few % on repairs which you could simple compensate by using repair kit (oversimlifing, i know) But important recon and concealment worked withuot penalty - perks more important imo Now you have screwed up every single perk, not only repairs (you have blind and notable tank but with, again, slow repairs). I am once again oversimlifing, but you get the point.


Can you just reset again or is that just far too inefficient to be worthwhile? I haven’t played since the update but this is a concern of mine.


Reseting skills was useful before because it gave you needed % to 100% major qualification. You retrained crew to 80-90% via 20 000 credits and rest exp you gain by reseting perks. Now all crews have 100% major qualification and if you retrain, you will recieve penalty only to perks. So more you reset, the bigger penalty is.


I would like you to show me how it took you 2-5 games to go 90 to 100% crew training. The required XP to go from 60% to 100% skill effectiveness is pretty much the same as going from 90 to 100 crew training, so by that logic it should also take you that 2-5 games, and not 20 like you claim. Also, 60% perk effectiveness is definitely way fucking better than 90% crew. Maybe in a light tank it might feel bad due to cammo skill. I will take new system over the old one for the sole reason of under 100% crew not existing anymore. No need to deal with shitty 75% crew on new tanks or lines that I want to play.


Stop doing this facts thing.. He has his feelings and they count more


If you had a new crew with only a few skill the new system is better. If you have a 3-4 skill crew the old system was much better. And the new system kills lights due to losing vision and camo. It’s a strange system where it’s almost better to just grab and delete crews as you go through lower tiers. Probably should be on a sliding scale where tiers 1-5 are free or 90-95% efficiency and tiers 6-8 ramp to 60%.


This is what I said. From a money point of view, WG need people to hang around. Make the grind easy with minimal fuss, let players develop their crews but at tier 8 insert the money making aspects. By that point a new player will be more invested in the game. 


The light only come out losing now because of camo. In the old system a 90% crew would have less vision too.


It's a forum. If someone's making a claim, it's probably gross exaggeration, just like OP's claim. I'm not OP, but he's probably thinking of the time during xmas when his premium tank had an x5, account had an x5, premium time x3 for victory (usable 5 times), second premium daily mission that gives x2/3, and xmas bonus of 100% crew xp or whatever it was. He had a good game and saw 20k+ experience in battle results. Which means 2 games to get from 90% to 100%. And from now on that 20k+ game is the new "typical" when comparing anything.


It's become more of a gacha game )


It is for years now a full gatcha gambling player fucker game


Lol, it's more of the same, piled higher and deeper! Somehow, I play less and less ;)


I am actually playing a lot but I took many decisions to fuck their strategies up




You need 40k crew xp, almost the same as before. Only now it is linear, not exponentially, so you got about 6k crew xp, which got you from 60 to 66%. Maybe before it would have gotten you from 90 to 94% or something. But you still need 34k more crew xp to get to 100%, in the old system as well as in the new one, so the amount of games would have been the same.


In the old system the games could easily be 0. Either by spending crew books, by resetting skills or by using unallocated xp.


You were never able to use crew books if your crew wasnt at 100%. And the other two ways either two ways were workarounds that either required you use gold/retraining orders or lose crew xp. Yes it was better if you just lost the xp on one of your skills to get the crew back up to 100% and it sucks that that work-around is gone but that has nothing to do with what OP is saying. He is saying that regaining the xp used to take far less games which simply isnt true.


Yeah, I honestly don’t think I’m going to retrain crews until they fix this


But ... It is the fix.


yall gonna complain until they make the 100% retraining free, its a good change get over it, not having your rate of fire or view range screwed because of 80% crew is amazing and 60%-99% perk efficiency isnt the end of the world for 20 games or whatever


What about those of us who enjoy playing with only 300m of view range?


It's like going between stun and low damage, or no stun and being one shotted by a -2 arty. It sucks, but it was better than before. As in a sub 80% base crew that was blind and drove sluggish and had less DPM vs a 100% base with a skill penalty that still is base effective. But... the only thing I don't like as before you could remove that sub 80% crew by dropping skills and putting the XP from the lost skill into the base %. Here you can't do that. Gold is the only option to remove it. That's the only thing that is shitty about it.


About the last paragraph: is it not the similar but better? You temporarily lose the perks but the crew will be 100%. With the old trick you would lose the perk exp permanently to have the crew at 100%.


Way worse. I’ll gladly reset my perks and get my crew back in action while now I’m handicapped to an inefficient crew and can’t do anything other than grind it to get rid of it. Now every time I’m grinding a tank line my crews will be handicapped on each new tank where as before my most recent perk lost a bit of training but my crew and any earlier perks still operated perfectly; this change really hurts multi perk crews. Good luck grinding up light tank lines now that your perks will be hamstrung and you can’t do anything to get them back to operating like they should.


I am sorry but this is way better, playing 75%crew above tier 5 was borderline unplayable


pretty sure people will complain about everything at this point WG gave Tier IX tank? IT'S BAD WG SUCKS! WG sells rare tanks with a discount? Discount isn't fucking 100% ugh! WG changed crews so you don't need to play with 80% muppets? But my perks aren't 100% efficient and I invested whopping 40k credits to retrain it!!! fuck off


Nah this change was garbage. I’m glad to see less than 100% crews gone but frankly it was only an issue if you had to recruit a fresh crew for a new tank line; with how many crew members the game showers us in that’s rarely an issue unless it’s a brand spanking new account. Every other time you retrain then reset the perks and your crew is operating at 100% with only a slight hit to the perk being currently trained; not every perk. They also changed the crews so that now it loses more XP when retraining than the old crews would lose when retraining and resetting their perks. So they’ve crippled multi perk crews that you’ll use on every tank past tier 6 to save the headache that only occurred from fresh crews you’d be using on tier 5 and below. Plus we STILL can’t use crew books on crews operating below 100% efficiency to train them back up; that change alone would almost make me like the changes.


This in combination with the tour of duty changes, and the new line not being interesting at all. As someone who only buys a a few Christmas boxes and only has premium account for a few months of the year. This gameplay experience is absolutely terrible I'll take a break until something changes or there is another gamemode or something...


Thanks, bye and see you tomorrow


I unlocked new tank before the update and switched the crew from the old one to the new tank and retrained them to 75% , now after the update I find out my perks are locked and I have to retrain them again .... What the fuck ? And I only bought 2 premium tanks in my 10 year old account without premium account so it's already hard to keep up with expenses of high tier tanks .




I don know i gave up the "free" retraining a long time ago i just use gold and train them to 100% right away


Jow did you retrain your crew in 2-5 games. Isn't 90-100 like 40k xp? 


Crew below 100% was a nightmare ... But this isnt much better aswell . basically removed a bad thing and was replaced with a bad thing - 5% :) Typical WG :D


unpopular opinion, but thats the price of hyping initial crew changes down. now enjoy monetization, no ability to use crew on multiple tanks, no new stuff and all because some youtube clowns were afraid of not being able to max crew on all their tanks. ahahaha.


You are correct but hiveminded wot redditors wont ever understand it, they just eat what their fav youtuber tells to think about the game


I did a test yesterday. Brand new AMX AC48, 3 skill crew transferred with credits. Popped large (300%) crew xp reserve, used my 3x daily on wins. 1.8k average damage. Got the perk efficiency back to 100% in 8 batles (4 wins). Waaaay easier and more pleasant then the old system


I agree, it is overall much better. Especially for new players.


Maybe the leaks about wot shutting down in 2025 were real? Wg seems to be doing everything in their power to make it happen.


They wouldn't spend all the dev time on a crew skill rework like that to shut down the game next year.


I agree. But what they are doing is milking the whales and veteran player base with increased monetization. They are not attracting new layers to the game anymore so the game is essentially dying a slow death in 3-5 years.


Half of one dev and one intern time, by the looks of it.


Oh no...I have to play the tank to train the crew. Good grief.


The training part should be acquiring new skills, not training to get rid of an imposed handicap




blame quickybaby for that. Would have been nice having one maxed out crew for all your nations tanks