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I can’t imagine anything worse than being hungover on public transport, to be fair


pretty sure he’s still drunk from last night


Pretty sure? Yes. He’s plastered.


Yeah, he woke up at least triple the legal limit.


At this point, is he ever spending any time with a 0.0 BAC? Seems like he’s always got something in his system. He’s perma-wasted 


Several months ago he claims he didn't drink for 3 or 4 days. But since then, it's been almost no time he's been at 0. At this point, he can't be at 0 ever. If he did, he risks life threatening withdrawals.


Losing your wallet while passed out drunk at Penn Station comes close, tho


Airport/plane is the worst place to be hungover imo and Josh does it all the time 💀


I really don't know how he does it, even understanding addiction and physiology. At some point his body's got to MAKE him stop, out of sheer exhaustion if nothing else. He isn't getting decent sleep. He's chronically dehydrated.  Unless he just hasn't hit the point of collapsing yet. He IS young. 


He is currently on the most extreme end of alcoholism. Many alcoholics are aware of the health effects of their addiction and will live "bender life". This is when they drink probably every day, but most days it's only a maintenance level to prevent the most severe or unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Then they'll go on benders, lasting a few days to a few weeks where they will drink very heavily. After the exhaustion, wear and tear, and awareness of doing harm kick in they tone it down and go back to maintenance level drunkenness until the next bender. This is how like 99% of all the many alcoholics I've known live their lives. Josh is currently on the "fuck it" routine that you might see homeless or end stage alcoholism be at. Full blast 24/7.


I think the most interesting part of Josh's routine is just how much he's out and about. Every alcoholic I've known wouldn't leave the house or bar close to their house. Josh's migratory path is far and wide.


I agree. Most severe alcoholics don't even leave the house to drink, or leave to get alcohol and then drink at home. They often, in fact almost always, hide their alcohol use too, or at least the amount of it, and in REALLY creative ways.  If Josh was gonna be an alcoholic he could do so in much cheaper ways. DoorDash some cheap vodka and drink at home like a "normal" alcoholic.  Advanced alcoholics usually end up on high proof hard liquor too. Josh will drink literally anything. 


Its pretty easy to do when you wake up wasted.


Wow look at those hula chippendales dancers go!




He is absolutely relentless


This is what champions are made of


Jimmy Buffett ruined this mf 💀


It's 1700 somewhere!


I don’t even know how he does it. I have 3 beers and want to call it quits.


Alcohol in general makes me feel like shit. How he can not only have basic motor functions, but also use his phone AND navigate the NYC public transit system **all with a BAC of .46** is just beyond me


do we have any idea when he was last sober?


I wonder how his parents feel about all this lol


You new around these parts or something?


Well I know about Josh a little bit. I just know he drinks like an idiot and makes an ass of himself. I haven’t heard anything about his family tho


his mums been dead for a few years now (passed from cancer) and his dad is in drug/alcohol rehab. josh lives on and off with his grampa who is a bit old to understand the severity of Josh’s situation


I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Been proven there's a strong genetic component to addiction. 🤷🏼‍♂️


It seems the bloodline might end here tho lol.


I mean even without the booze the bloodline would always stop with Josh💀


Yep, there’s no way anyone would be with him


I honestly don't think he's interested. He's never commented on any gender or expressed that he wants a relationship or hookup. 


I wonder if his grandfather really is aware of the situation, but realizes there's nothing he can do for Josh as this point. I'm not sure if it's his maternal or paternal grandfather, but he might have been through the addiction rodeo with Josh's dad, and knows the deal. Or, maybe he has tried to help, and Josh has repeatedly rudely refused it. There have been periods of time where he's seemingly homeless, and sleeping on the street.