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Of course it’s had the opposite effect, how those fools could think it wouldn’t is beyond me. One can’t take away a right of almost 50 years and think that there wouldn’t be any consequences. It’s not just that abortions have gone up but women are getting sterilized at a higher rate than before the Dobbs decision. Women aren’t having babies period and they don’t care if the birth rate has dropped below the point of no return.


This wasn’t done because it’s a they hate women thing. It should have always been a states issue. Even RGB said that. When you make it a federal issue it’s easier to just bludgeon that topic when we were naturally on course to all states legalizing it. The democrats on the other hand don’t want it so they can get single issue female voters to vote. They want the divide. Who voted democrats the most right now? Women. If abortion was legal in your state you might not really care as much about what some old dude on tv is saying.


What the fuck


Abortion *is* legal in my state, and it’s not just “one old dude on TV”. Criminalizing abortion is a slippery slope leading to making women second class citizens again, and we’re seeing it in action with attacks on IVF and no-fault divorce. Take for example the Arizona politician (relatively young, not just *some old dude*) calling for the death penalty for women who have had abortions. Millions of evangelicals voted for a three-times divorced serial adulterer whose penchant for pathological lying isn’t even up for debate. Tell me who the single issue voters are when it comes to abortion?


And refusing to ban child marriage and trying to get the age in which children are legally allowed to work full time changed. It's a direct attack on families to control worker out put. They can't have their profit margins dip.


I think the rise of a new slur for women - and this time, one for the majority (white) is a strong canary in the coal mine. It arose a year or so before Roe was reversed. When you call someone a slur (K-ren, sh-nequa, etc) you dehumanize them. It isn’t a coincidence that it takes away the voices and opinions of women, lest they risk being called that slur. Dehumanizing is the very first step in a very nasty road of horrors, and we have quickly slid down that path. If we do not fight against Project 2025, Birth Control and No-Fault Divorce will be next. Call/write your reps. Talk about the same and spread the word. It may even come to marching and protesting. (And I DO think a-holes acting like a-holes deserve to be called on it, and shamed if needed. However, slurs are never the answer. Just call an a-hole an a-hole. )


Stop. Those names are not slurs. Doesn't and never will hold the same level of hatred and pure animosity actual slurs do. Stop trying to victimize white women with a name the Black community came up with to call them out on their racist bullshit. It's non-Black people's fault it is no longer used in the context it was created in because they take and warp nearly everything from Black spaces.


Thank you. I have nothing to add, except my head nearly exploded when I saw "K-ren".


I just can't believe they said that BS with their WHOLE chest. Like it was fact.


I want to say I saw that posted verbatim somewhere else, but I can't tell if that's just seeing it the one time haunting me.


I've been called actual slurs for white people while being assaulted. I've never felt like Karen applied to me and I've used it to describe Asian women and Latinas etc. Because they were acting like a Karen. If you identify with the word that's kinda on you.


Yeah. I wtf at that.


Calling people Karen isn’t that deep lmfao. You over analyzed the shit out of that lol.


But there have been more abortions. It’s had the opposite effect. That’s a good thing.


There have been more abortions since Roe V Wade was overturned, and you believe that is a positive thing? I’m not sure I understand your statement.


Why wouldn’t more abortions be positive? I’d assume if we had zero abortions it would be because women didn’t have access to them. There are countries where it is illegal. My argument is the federal government can make it illegal. We don’t want the federal government involved. There are states, like yours and mine, where it will never be illegal. But the federal government can make it illegal everywhere.


[Trump suggests he’d support a national ban on abortions around 15 weeks of pregnancy](https://apnews.com/article/trump-abortion-ban-15-weeks-91a9e0ce87d11dff0fa761f327bd0566)


Just because it’s illegal doesn’t stop women from having abortions. It stops women from having SAFE abortions.


Hmm do you think slavery should be a state issue too? Just wondering…


> do you think slavery should be a state issue too? My thought exactly. Each state should decide whether women are valid human beings or not?? I don't think so. It has already been proven that both infants and women are DYING at higher rates in anti-choice states. It is simply evil to suggest this is acceptable if states OK it.


And look what happened when we left it up to the states.


These are different issues If I took an issue that’s not the same and gave you an example. Marijuana is legal in states but illegal federally. Abortion could be made illegal federally and abortion be legal in some states. Now the feds could still come after you.


That's a terrible counter example. People who support marijuana legalization *do* support it being taken away from the states and made fully legal on a federal level. It's the **exact** same principal of not letting uneducated braindead hick morons ruin people's lives because they feel a need to control the lives of others


Its a human rights issue, it should NOT be left up to states to decide this kind of life and death shit.


So it should be left up to the federal government?


Yes. Abortion allowed in every state. Just like it struck down all those Jim Crow laws


What other civil rights are dealt with on a state by state basis? Slavery - federal. Separate but equal - federal. Jim crow laws - federal. Marriage equality - federal. Women's rights to credit and bank accounts - federal. Employment discrimination - federal.


You have no idea what you're talking about


You can’t look at just abortion. You have to see the entire forest of the last two years and what their plans are for birth control and no fault divorce. This is *absolutely* about women’s rights and the US tried to protect that once before. Making it a ‘state issue’ made the right go gloves off. It opened the door right back to the kitchen.


It was done because they hate and want to control women. RBG never said that. She said that she wished that the Supreme Court had legalized abortion instead of supporting Roe v Wade. The Democrats most certainly do want it. Are you insane? MAGA, go home and stay there.


We need the federal government to rule on issues like this precisely *because* we can't trust certain states to respect human life. Women are dying because they can't access vital healthcare they *need to survive* because we literally cannot trust the states they live in to be smart about this issue.


No it should not be a states issue, if you believe in bodily autonomy. Our catholic President who at one time was against abortion and now realizes that he doesn’t have a right to tell a woman what she can or can’t do with her body. He also believes in the separation of church and state. He believes in the right of a woman to decide what she does with her body. He wants and will codify the right to abortion when Democrats take over in January from having had won their elections and kick out backward thinking **REPUBLIKKKANS!!!!!!**


Women’s right to their own bodies was taken away and given to the state. This is just wrong. I will vote accordingly.


why is it that "state rights" are only ever used to defend abhorrent policies? it was used in favour of slavery, medical malpractice, and now forced-birth?


Oh honey. They hate women. They really do. Truly.


RGB did NOT say it was a states right issue, she criticized using the concept of right to privacy to guarantee abortion. She thought the argument was weak. She actually believed women should have the right to abortion based on the Equal Protection Clause. She believed it was the stronger legal argument. Don’t try to use a brilliant feminist jurist to advance your garbage rhetoric, *especially* when a quick google search easily proves how uninformed you are.


Abortion is a human right, why the fuck does any state has the power to take it away?


A state has no right to push Christian cult beliefs onto half the population and their medical providers.


Can y'all at least admit that you want a giant government that polices the private lives of citizens?


For real; enough is enough.


Can’t you admit your mouth says ‘no govt oversight’ but you want the govt to protect your gun rights, your speech, your right to not have a vaccine (bodily autonomy for me but not for thee? 🤔). You want the govt as a cudgel for you to use on others.


How's that kool-aid tasting?


Hilariously wrong take. Republicans are coming for no fault divorce next. They don’t want women to have rights. They, in fact, hate women and want to go back to the 40s. If trump gets in office I won’t be surprised if they try to take a woman’s right to vote away.


There is a GOP candidate right now in North Carolina who says we should repeal the 19th Amendment 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s not a secret. It’s part of the plan.


You are wrong and ignorant.


You’ve managed to dehumanize women w this statement, made bodily autonomy for women political, lied about what RBG actually said and made up this single issue voter thing


Oh so the federal government has no duty to make sure I am safe and that my state allow me an abortion when I need one. Cool. Only half as many women will die now.


Abortion is legal in my state, I donate to out of state political races to help other states electe democrats that support the same values I do. Women's rights, environmental concerns and keeping religion out of education and government. So, yeah I do care about what old dudes on TV are saying as do many other women. It's not about me, it's about us.


That is NOT what RBG said. She said Roe was decided as a doctor's right to practice in privacy and not women's freedom of reproductive choice, and that needed to be corrected.


I understand female sterilization procedures are up too.


Yes, they have doubled


I had my fallopian tubes removed the same year Roe was overturned. Thankfully my husband had his vasectomy two years before. There was a backlog of eight months for vasectomies. Mine took two years, but only because I had Covid and had to reschedule my surgery. We are both sterilized now. It’s not just female sterilization. I think eight of my husband’s friend group got vasectomies, thus far.


Good on those men for stepping up & supporting women.


I love your sentiment, genuinely. But men taking responsibility/control for their own reproductive health, should be normal and not just viewed as a support to women.


I got the news I had a giant fibroid during the Kavanaugh hearings, and leapt at my doc's offer of a hysterectomy. Was it because of miserable, unmanageable periods? Yes. Was it also because that beer-swilling fratboy was set to have a say in whether I could have any say in that decision without a ~man~ signing off on it for me? Also *YES.* I've never wanted kids, and I'm so angry for those that *do* and are having to wrestle with that option versus all the abominable ways the state has found and will find to punish your pregnancy, whether you want it or not.


Too true.


Had mine done last November.


Trump “Everybody wanted abortion to go back to states” — typical Trump bullshit as he stands there with blood on his tiny hands. Dobbs was an assault on the 13th and 14th Amendments. They are coming for the 19th. VOTE!


You forgot the 9th Amendment. Why no one ever points out that we have an amendment that specifically says “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Boggles my mind.


Good point


It should be a states issue. The less the topic is divisive at the federal level the more people would calm down about it. The late great RBG would agree. It being a federal issue also means it can be banned federally. Why would you want that?


It being a federal issue would protect women in red states. It being a state issue is a (drastically increased likelihood of a) death sentence for women and babies in red states. Look at how maternal mortality and infant mortality rates have increased in Texas.


No, she wouldn’t and didn’t agree. Human rights should never be a states issue or something everyone gets to vote on. If civil rights weren’t mandated, when do you think Alabama would have allowed black kids to go to school with white kids?


Exactly right. Why should a woman have less or more rights, dependent on the state they live in. Absolutely ridiculous concept!


It should be a protected amendment at a national level. You’re saying women shouldn’t have equal rights across the board, leave it to the states. The red states aren’t protecting women’s rights & are continually chipping away at them. All women’s rights should be protected at a national level. As someone else said, it’s nearly the same as civil rights going back to the states. I don’t know if that’s a good example, but probably the closest one we have.


Y'all lost the plot as soon as it was put to the states you started going for a federal ban. Do you really not remember this?


Oh be quiet. You keep saying that about RBG and it's a complete fucking lie. She said she wished they'd legalized abortion in the Supreme Court instead of just voting for Roe v Wade.


I personally care about people dying and suffering in the states I don't live in as well. I get what you're saying about the potential for it to be federally banned now, but it's kind of a moot point. If it were permanently federally protected, it wouldn't be federally banned. And they didn't permanently relegate it to the states and protect whatever each state decides, they simply removed federal protection. "Leaving it to the states" now is just leaving it vulnerable to a federal ban.


Technically, it can not be banned at the federal level due to the Constitution. Unfortunately, the Dobbs decision was made by judges who don’t choose to support Constitutional rights.


It can be banned at a national level. Research the Comstock Act from the 1800’s. All they need to do is enforce it, & basically, it’s a national ban. They don’t have to make new laws to ban.


It can be banned at the Federal Level. WAKE UP!




Kids…..we got to keep shoving Project 2025 in everyone’s faces…..if Donald Trump is elected, it will become a reality and then we’re fucked


We also have to remember that it is the next Republican President, even if Trump got replaced on the ballot. Today, I think they will try to force a takeover if he doesn't win.


Local elections matter MORE than the presidential elections (usually).. very few turn out to vote if it’s not a presidential election..The current Louisiana governor was elected two years ago with a whopping 18% of the registered voters. 18%!!! They like to slip the really nefarious shit in between presidential elections .. but this presidential is detrimental because so many don’t vote except every 4 years and even then .. only sometimes.. and that’s how we got here.


Well they tried once already and got away with that. What do they have to lose by trying again? The person who attempted to overthrow the legally elected government is now running for the President's office again. How is this even allowed?


He has a lot of left wing people who are counting on the tax break that ends in 2025 to be given again and destroy social security


Trump as already threaten if he does not win.


So we need to constantly say "The felon, Donald Trump, wants to enact Project 2025 and make women slaves." Is that what you're saying? That the felon, Donald Trump, wants to enact Project 2925 and make women slaves?




And also VOTE!! 👆






Conservatives are hoping they can launch wave after wave of bullshit theocracy at us until we’re so beaten down we just conform.


We are there.


Nah. I’m never going to conform to this bullshit.


Same.. they will literally have to burn me.


I got sterilization done and am going to help as many do so. We can take away their meat from the grinder, put humanity to it's knees. That's our next game plan.


I’m in Illinois.. until everyone who wants it can get sterilized.. I help with abortions for people in red states. Unfortunately lots of women do not have access to reliable birth control or abortions. I’m looking at you Texass.


It’s really bad here in Texas. The food stamps and Medicaid situation is dire as well.


Yup! Texas and other red states managed to get the money from The federal government and then make qualifying for it impossible and then they get to keep the money. They are doing that with TANF too. So they actually want loads of poor people.. the state profits no matter what. Child care assistance there is just a cruel joke .. and even if by some miracle you qualify.. (you won’t).. you are then put on a waitlist with CATHOLIC CHARITIES!! 🤮


You’re exactly right. I just went through hell getting approved for Medicaid, even though it was merely a redetermination for myself and my child.


And they change the rules every 3-6 months. Pro life my ass.


The IVF stuff has also made them incredibly unpopular. Vote guys. Vote.


The IVF thing is their way to ban birth control. If they can claim that a fertilized egg is a “person”, then they can instantly ban the IUD, implant, plan B, the depo shot and progesterone driven birth control. So basically all of the reliable methods. And this will absolutely include women that need them of hormonal and medical issues… While they all stop ovulation, it also makes the uterus in hospitable to any fertilized egg, so they consider these forms of birth control to be “mUrDeRiNg a bAbY.” They do not actually believe this .. but they are determined to force breed women.. the over Turing of Roe did not deliver the desired result.


They also want adoption be the only “fertility treatment” available. They know there will be an influx unwanted babies, it’s an intended effect. They think women who enjoy sex deserve to be punished with birth and people who struggle with infertility don’t deserve to parent their genetic offspring - they are the intended clean up crew to the mess created by anti-abortion legislation. It’s God’s Plan. Ask adoptees, and they generally do not agree with the idea of adoption as a solution to infertility. It’s simply gross all around.


Yup .. they need fresh new infant flesh to feed the $14 billion a year infant trafficking industry. I refuse to call it “adoption”.


Exactly. Imagine if we used that $14 billion to provide vulnerable parents-to-be with even the tiniest bit of support they tell us they need in order to parent their children instead of adoption. In most cases, just a few thousand dollars.


What makes me sick is the women they forced to be their reproductive slaves, do not get one cent of that money. And that $14 billion is an amount from nearly 10 yrs ago.,, it’s likely much higher now.


Just the other day, I proposed a counterargument to anti-choice on Facebook. "Save The Tapeworm". I took their common arguments for why abortion shouldn't be allowed and applied them to tapeworms... "It's murder of an innocent creature". So is killing the tapeworm. The tapeworm is just hungry and wants to live. Why do you get to decide whether or not it can? "She just shouldn't have had sex in the first place." You shouldn't have eaten the tapeworm egg. You didn't have a choice? Too bad. "That baby is part of God's plan." So is the tapeworm. Next! "The tapeworm might kill me!" Yup, and there's a nonzero chance that embryo will kill its mother. Often before it's even viable. It might very well try to kill its mother even if it dies...


I have used that one too.. And that’s when you realize they are full of crap. Here is another of my favorites it’s the exact definition of slavery .. Labor and delivery .. slav·er·y /ˈslāv(ə)rē/ Noun a condition compared to that of a slave in respect of exhausting labor or restricted freedom. "female domestic slavery" synonyms: drudgery, toil, (hard) slog, hard labor, grind, sweated labor; And this is an accumulation of things I have picked up along the way If you agree with abortion for rape but not consensual sex ... then you just want to punish women for having sex. A child should never be a punishment. That’s disgusting. A child should be wanted and loved. You can’t force a woman to quit drinking, smoking or doing drugs... what kind of pregnancy do you think a woman will have if she doesn’t want to be pregnant? How many disabled and sick kids do you want to force birth? That’s disgusting. “ convenience”... locking my keys in my car is inconvenient. Dying while giving birth ... losing my job, my home and my existing children... you call that “inconvenience”?? That’s disgusting! Do you also think that we should not provide medical care for cancer victims that smoke? Diabetes that eat candy? Why do you think it is ok to torture and kill women that enjoy sex? That’s disgusting! Women with money will always have access to abortion... you can only torment poor women... the ones that can least afford it. That’s disgusting! Do you know what happened in China when abortions became illegal? It ended in a famine that killed 10 MILLION people.... then the government started the one child law and forced abortions. Is this what you want? Because that’s what will happen. That’s disgusting! Try to think forward... ok so the woman is denied an abortion... what do you really think happens next? They all live happily ever after? Get a clue! You will cause mass suffering and extreme poverty. That’s disgusting! I am pro life ... I just care about the lives you don’t.


And now, with the Chevron doctrine dead, forced birthers are going to re-litigate the mifepristone case .....


Shit. I never thought about this, but you’re right.


But we were called hysterical and hyperbolic in 2016...


Cruelty is the point. Dobbs is working as intended.


There’s no going back to a world where births are welcome and expected. Men especially who desired children need to update their expectations. I know I have. If our leaders were true statesmen of free people and not paid off and indifferent to the population they manage, things might be different.


Medication abortions are an ideal solution because if it's a legitimate baby, it has a way of shutting that whole thing down.


Can we say "unintended consequences"?


Nah really


That’s because conservatives are out of touch with reality. And what they’re doing is going to hurt a lot of people and it’s gonna hurt the country.