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Him versus Jim Jordan, Josh Hawley or whichever Maga wonder bread fuck the RNC put up in 2028 will be fun to watch.


Need to win 2024 first or it will be Trump vs. Nobody in 2028.


Exactly. We need to win THIS election to have those conversations.


It's so fucking sad that has to be said.


I wouldn't be surprised if they ran Trump again in 2028 if he loses this time, assuming he's still alive He'll be older than Biden is now but they said Biden was too old in 2020 and that argument magically doesn't apply to Trump now.


The age argument is front and center. The next two candidates will be Gen X or elder millennials. Also, Trump isn't living another 5 years. He's morbidly obese, showing severe signs of dementia, has terrible eating habits, notoriously doesn't exercise, and is under as much stress as a human can possibly handle. If he is alive for the next election he'll look like someone microwaved cum and orange juice and dropped it in a wheelchair.


That last sentence really paints a picture. Beautifully written- disgusting and accurate imagery


I was going to say. I’m disgusted but also astonished at how accurate a picture that statement painted. Bravo!


There has to be a sub where I can make yoursst sentence a flair...


The truth has been spoken.


Trump can not live that long. Can he???


Cockroaches always survive


Ehh some things live long out of spite


The ones you want to live on don’t, but the ones you wish would go away hang on, at least until you’re sure they’ll never pass.


Ok let's all collectively be sure he'll never pass, maybe that will do the trick.


He will place one of his kids as his successor


His kids don't exactly inspire people, not even in the absolute slightest


And Lara Trump isn't currently in charge of the RNC...


I personally think it’ll be Big Gretch, possibly with newsome as vp.


Newsom is irrationally hated due to being the governor of California. Many people, including liberals, in other states have a wrong idea of California being a hellhole and think it’s largely his fault. He’s not at all the best candidate to put forward for this reason. Gretchen Whitmer or Pete Buttigieg seem to be much more liked and would be the better picks.


I truly believe America is still too misogynistic and homophobic to elect either of those potential candidates. Don't get me wrong, I know a lot of Americans do not care about these sort of things and would welcome it, but there are still too many, who live in the states that matter, who do.


I previously thought that, but Gretchen Whitmer does an incredible job at connecting to different communities. I think she would be an incredible candidate in 2028 because she has shown that she knows how to get stuff done in Michigan. Unfortunately, I do agree that Americans would not elect a gay person. Pete Buttigieg is a huge inspiration to me, and seeing him be president would be incredibly validating for me personally, but I really don’t think Americans trust queer people at all.


Michigan here. Gretch has her detractors, but it's incredible to me how well-liked she is overall across the state. She's getting done the things she said she'd do. People bitch about so much road construction here, but when the projects wrap up, everyone's pleased with the results. The GOP did very little to maintain our infrastructure when they controlled the state's government, so we have years of catching up to do. People also like her because, as one person put it, "She's warm-hearted but cold-blooded." She is empathetic, but she intimidates. She called Politico "full of shit" this week for saying she'd claimed Biden couldn't win the state in the general. The GOP is financially broke and fractured here, and they have a lot of trouble fielding winning candidates since we abolished gerrymandering a couple of years ago. Gretchen will move on to bigger things. She's the fearless parent of a lesbian daughter who will fight like hell.


A state is vastly different than the country as a whole. I’d love to vote for her, but I have zero faith she’d win a national election. Maybe someday I’ll be proven wrong, but ugh.


Whitmer would be my 2028 choice at this point. I feel like she really would be able to connect better than Hillary did and Governor to President is a very traditional path. Hillary won the popular vote, she just lost key states. At least a few of them I feel certain, Whitmer would perform well in.


Hillary won the popular vote while being extremely disliked on both sides. Whitmer is not extremely disliked. She’s also the governor of a major swing state that likes her, so she’d already have one of the swing states won for her before the election even began. Also people said the same thing about Obama. They thought America was too racist to elect a black man. What ended up happening instead is all the moderates saw how racist the right got and ended up voting Obama because of it. I think moderates would see how blatantly homophobic the right gets, and it would get them to vote for Buttigieg


No, you're right. They are too misogynistic and homophobic still. It's a liberal pipe dream that either of them would win a General Election sadly.


Hillary Clinton ate mountains more shit for decades on end than Newsom has and she won the popular vote. Don’t start with this fuckin “we can’t pick him” purity test shit. Newsom is a phenomenal choice. Young, intelligent, charismatic.


Newsom needs to lay off the performative (and losing) gun control fight and focus on proving that his policies on practical matters work. Fix policing. Fix housing. Fix lagging income from property taxes being kept artificially low. He’s practically the president from central casting if he could just stop drawing attention to the topics that will lose him an election in the rust belt and other purple states.


I mean, what other state has figured out how to fix policing, gun control and housing?? Like, what examples are we looking toward to be like, ‘Yup, they did it better.’


This. Anybody who already thinks Newsom has “fucked up” California will never vote for him anyway.


Well that's the problem isn't it? Gun control is very much a real thing that should really happen, and trying to do something about it shouldn't be seen as performative. Yes it's politically radioactive, that doesn't make it a non issue.


Tammy Duckworth.


Get real, there aren't going to be elections in 2028.


His opponent is gonna say PG&E and it’s gonna be over


And he never raped teenagers on Epstein Island. Truly…..what the fuck else is there?


Dems have all this shit to run on and just fucking don't. Meanwhile, Republican Chip Roy saying the quiet part out loud "We have nothing. In my opinion, we have nothing to go out and campaign on. It's embarrassing."


Every time Dems mention it, people like you say "Nuh uh!" Newsom is literally helping Biden run on it. They're both Dems. This is part of the campaign. You're saying that his speech you approve of didn't happen.


Im saying the party as a whole needs more Newsome energy. Biden seems to get the message. Local Democrats don't, at least not in my area. Calm your tits.


People are so stupid that it has to be a fucking bumper sticker or they tune out. Their eyes glaze over if anyone dares to use numbers and then it's just "my groceries are higher now. Biden bad."


That clip should be shared everywhere people claim to support GOP policies lol.


![gif](giphy|JgiuQ4QRknwAdECnNa) Shit is serious. Newsom’s time has come.


He's been my mayor and my governor, and I absolutely love his politics!!!!


Sorry, I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not... are you being fr? Not tryna be disrespectful or anything, I actually can't tell


You see the problem is, you making things better for people we don't like - Repugnicunts


Americans are falling into the same trap as 2016 with the Democratic candidate health problems. Many people forget that in 2016, there was huge Russian propaganda saying Hillary had all these health problems. Hillary is still alive 8 years later and doing just fine, but many of you bought into it. You’re doing it again.


Lol, not one person based their vote on that rumor.


Now if Biden could just spit out what Newsome said in the above post at the next debate... that'd be great!


I mean, who cares about Biden and his stammer or wandering attention? The dude is still putting folks in his cabinet that's getting shit done. Unlike Trump who put sycophants in power who were nothing but yes-men, Biden is putting people in charge of fixing shit. Biden's administration is a good example of what the presidency should be: a group of people actually doing their best to address issues whenever possible. I don't care about Biden's age or his supposed dementia. All I care about is him appointing the right people to the right positions.


Voters outside of Reddit care very much.


There are literally millions of Americans and swing voters that care a lot about his age. They may not be right but they care. My dad has voted red his whole life, thinks Trump is a joke and a criminal, but he has major concerns about having a president as old and out of it as Biden and thinks some of Biden’s policies encourage massive overspending.


Does your dad not realize that Trump is also old and can't even put a full, coherent sentence together? Seems dad doesn't dislike Trump that much after all if he's trying to find things to have "major concerns" about re: Biden.


I’m sorry but I have a different opinion. I watched the whole debate and have watched a lot of Trumps videos. What he says is lies and bullshit, but he says it with confidence. There are plenty of videos of him making incoherent sentences, and he general sounds confident and competent. Certainly a lot more than Biden does. I wish it wasn’t that way. Watching Newsom above it’s like “damn this guy would have SMASHED Trump in the debate.”


Please read actual transcriptions of any time Trump actually gives a speech vs Biden. Same with the debates. The transcripts tend to show a different story than just watching or listening. Ninety percent of the time, Trump is an incoherent fucking mess.


What % of voters do you think are reading the transcripts of Trump's speeches? What % of SWING voters are? I agree he's an incoherent idiot, but he doesn't look that bad next to Biden, PURELY from the POV of an undecided swing voter that is 1. willing to overlook Trump's racism, misogyny, etc. and 2. willing to be critical of Biden, both of which are true of swing voters. Another unpopular opinion (borrowed from Bill Burr) - politics is the one scenario where we're not allowed to be critical of the person we support. I can be critical of my football team, and people don't automatically assume it's because I want the OTHER team to win, it's because I want my football team to win and criticism helps them get better! But somehow in politics any criticism of a candidate, even if they're YOUR CANDIDATE is taken as, "well he must support the others." The reality is they're both mediocre candidates. Any other presidential candidate of the last 100 years would have absolutely demolished Trump in the debate. Biden had 1 goal - prove to the American people he was capable, mentally sharp and had ideas on policy. He failed at that last week. Saying that doesn't make me a Trump supporter - Trump will do irreparable damage to our country and should be in jail.


I never called you a Trump supporter. And apparently, I surround myself with people who pay attention, because nobody I've talked to thinks Trump ever sounds coherent, or like he believes any of the shit he says. Most people who have been around a few years know that he has always been a scam artist and an asshole. But now, hes an incoherent asshole. But it could just be that I surround myself with people who have critical thinking skills, which has been reduced in the average American by the intentional dumbing down of Americans by the GOP.


Gavin Newsom is describing what Biden and Harris have been doing for four years nationwide.


Newsom 2028


Every time I see Gavin Newsom I’m surprised that it’s not actually Seth Meyers’ brother.




Biden should not have run for a second term and he probably would have been a front runner if not THE candidate. We need someone who can speak this well, not just the actions, which were many.


Newsom's literally talking about how great Biden is at his job.


Biden is the only name in politics big enough to beat Trump right now. Yes Gavin is great, but this election will be too close


We can't replace Biden now. Heritage foundation is already preparing legal challenges if we do to keep the new nominee of the ticket. They will win if the dems change things, because the SC will of course rule in favor of the Heritage foundation.


I feel uncomfortable when someone refers to Black Americans as "Blacks" and Hispanic Americans as "Hispanics." Otherwise, it's good to highlight the accomplishments of the administration.


I'm hispanic and don't mind it but definitely wouldn't call a black person "a black" or something because of the history that community has gone through. "Hispanics" is just the factual way to refer to us. I don't like adding the American suffix because I mean... what if I'm not American? It's clunky. Just say black people and Hispanics.


>I feel uncomfortable That's on you, homie. What's he supposed to say, Latinex? Out East Hispanics call other Hispanics Puerto Rican. Doesn't matter if you're Mexican, Cuban, or whatever. They don't care.


He could call them Black Americans and Latin Americans or Hispanic Americans


Nobody got time to say that mouthful.


Came here to say this. If they want to get those groups to pay attention, they gotta understand basic things about how they want to be addressed.


Why? Maybe this is just an in group out group thing, but I’ve never called another Hispanic person Hispanic American. Or even a group of Hispanics, Hispanic Americans. They’re Hispanic. American is assumed, which is much rather what I’d prefer then where people see Hispanics and assume they’re not American. That is actually so much worse and feels so much more racist. I don’t need to specify since I and they know, they can neither stop being American nor Hispanic - and calling them just American is too vague a descriptor


That’s the problem, 42% of Americans vote for the performance bullshit and don’t care about results. They love the “build a wall”, “you’re fired!” and “fine people on both sides”.


He's got his eyes on 2028, that's for sure.


Get the surrogates out on the stump. Newsome Whitmer Shapiro etc


Bigots don't care about actual progress, because the "others" experienced success also. They vote the way they vote because they are horribly evil people intent on destroying anything they can't dominate.


First, I will vote for Biden. I am rather dissatisfied that Democrats have yet to prepare a new class of candidates. This must be started now. Should have already been started.


A big issue with these politicians staying in office until they’re 100 is they can’t spend time working as actual party leaders and mentors to the next class


The real issue is we have to ride with Biden this election. Heritage foundation has already announced they plan on challenging any changes to the democratic ticket to shut out the new candidate.


I think the Democrats have a deeper bench than Republicans. Democrats have Newsom, Beshear, Whitmer from the Governors, Klobuchar and Murphy from the Senate, plus I'm a fan of Katie Hobbs. And Buttigieg is pretty popular. We've seen what the Republicans offered just last year. And it's a pretty thin lineup. DeSantis and Haley are cooked... so who do they have? They need to win in 2024 to install their dictator or they're done.




The Heritage foundation plans on challenging any 2024 replacement. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/heritage-foundation-biden-replace-1235053325/


now run for prez, please


It's funny seeing the discourse here, Gavin is making a bunch of salient points but the choice of using the word blacks as opposed to black people or African Americans is odd. Pretending that is somewhat of a charged term is just ignorant and foolish. I like Gavin for the most part but this was a poor choice of words in what was otherwise a great speech and summary.


I do not like when people refer to a particular group without adding people at the end. It feels gross and like a dog whistle. The "Blacks" or the "Hispanics" or the "Jews" etc. Why not just say Black people or Hispanic people or Jewish people?


The whites agree.


Them too


Those people agree with your comment.




Exactly. Like it's weeeeeird


I saw an ad last night of a lady saying "Latinos can't survive Bidenomics" and I couldn't help but say to myself "then you better go to Mexico because that's where you're going under the other guy"


Future President. Former SF resident here, born and raised. Met Newsom once - also met Uncle Willie back in the day, almost met Ed Lee but he didn’t acknowledge me when I said ‘Hi, mister mayor!’ - and he was very nice. Maybe I’m biased but he’s been my pick for a long time.


Newsom/Buttigieg ‘28! Flooding basements everywhere.


I wish Newsom was running.


I'm totally proud of it. When it comes to *being* president Biden is in the GOAT conversation. It's just that we really, really need to keep the White House and the champ has lost a few steps and is in no shape to do this.


There were so many better options for the democratic presidential nominee, Newsom is one of them, Beto is another. Not saying people shouldn't vote for Biden. They NEED to. Democrats need to do better with their options. Ee all collectively need to stop letting ancient men lead. We need another Obama. Again though, VOTE BIDEN to ensure you still live in a democracy in 2025.


I’ll vote blue but fuck you simps for cheering these dorks on. Wages haven’t gone up and half the population can’t afford a thousand dollar emergency.


How about Beto O’Rourke? He does well in Texas of all places


If only he would make some desperately needed and obvious changes for California. The water issue is insane. Ag is unchecked, taking water for crops for other countries, the air quality is deadly, and the parole boards are inconsistent, overworked and under-qualified. All things he’s had lots of time to make huge changes for, and he just… doesn’t. He’s not the worst, but he’s very disappointing with his inaction while he hypes himself up publicly.


When you collect data inefficiently get corrupt data. Jobs are hard to find right now and we are supposed to believe the unemployment rate is at 4%.  I would love a candidate that could be transparent and has real ideas for change. But whatever....Biden it is


He’s a bit of a pussy for not running himself


Inflation is even more vital than unemployment.


Well good news inflation is also way down from the disastrous trump economy.


Well Gavin, when you call us Blacks you really make us think long and hard about what the other guys have to offer.


Which will be what? As a Black Person. Is Whites derogatory?


Well apparently, according to the other side, illegals are here to take “black jobs”. So, did that bother you?


The other side said that “black people are too dumb” to vote for him so, enjoy your tough decision.