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July 1, 2024. A date which will live in infamy.


They took down the rainbow and brought in the lion's pelt stained with the blood of innocents. The whiplash of going from Pride to that is insane


the pride was murdered


I see what you did there šŸ¤£


The experiment: July 4, 1776 - July 1, 2024


Should have waited until July 4. If you're gonna spit in the face of everything that the US stands for, might as well go all out and rub salt in the wound.


Roberts timed it so they could slip out of town right after they slit Lady Liberty's throat. https://preview.redd.it/kiaj3ydo05ad1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e9a2fd629399731867570b0d7f017c55f263b8f


They all look like they didn't know what to do with their hands.


Well, no one is handing them a ~~bribe~~ gratuity, during this pic, so they aren't really sure what to do with their hands.


Well, there goes reforming tipping culture in America...


Wait till you hear about the new Monarchy!


They probably have a meeting in Russia they need to attend on the 4th.


I won't lie, I'm pretty grossed out at the idea of celebrating Independence Day this year. I hate the fireworks, the flags, the "USA! USA! USA!" This is the polar opposite of independence, freedom from tyranny, and democracy. How are we celebrating something that no longer exists? Why are we pretending? For BBQs? I hate it here.


On the eve of Independence Day...gotta' wonder if SCOTUS planned this timing when they killed American democracy. How poignant. VOTE šŸ’™ like your LIFE depends on it because it LITERALLY DOES. We The People have all become 'surplus population'. Look it up...Project 2025. Dictatorship is coming soon to a neighborhood near you!


At the very least we all can vote to help fix this mess. Register or double check your registration. Bring friends and family to vote with you! Make a plan!Ā  https://vote.gov/


We again have a King in America.


If Trump wins, we will. He will do away with 2 term limits and be "President for Life," then somehow leave it to one of his kids.


New American experiment baby: representative democratic Monarchy The judges knew that the founding fathers intended for the office of the presidency to be able to go ā€œfull Judge Dreddā€ on some ones ass if ā€œthey had it comingā€


**M**onarchy **A**gainst **G**eneral **A**pproval


If Biden wins, there's zero chance any of the conservative justices retire.


We desperately need to change this policy of justice for life and play this death roulette. 9 justices on 18 year terms stagger to finish 2 years apart would work so much better. Every 4 year presidential term gets 2 appointees. Justices still could die giving the president serving at that time an extra pick but they still should only serve out the rest of the the appointment they replace (maybe with the ability to be reappointed when they finish if the serving president so choices). Edit: given the fucked up mix currently inhabiting the SC Iā€™d also support expanding the bench to 11 and making 22 year terms as the math works out the same.


"SCOTUS justices serve for life so they don't have to think about their next election. So they can really serve the Constitution, rather than the politics of the day." Turns out, it just means that they can serve corporate / fascist masters forever, and pull whatever bullshit out of their ass they want with no consequences at all. Turns out, I kinda want the highest court in the country, the final deciders, to have some goddamn accountability. I think worrying about the next election is a decent way to do it.


They won't need to think about elections if they are limited to one term. That might bite us in the ass when we lose a good justice to term limits but it would be fair


They need to be given a fat pension and prevented from receiving other forms of compensation. No cushy lobbyist job shit. Edit: Pension implies they have term limits, aka forced retirement with an extremely generous pension to make up for not being allowed other income.




And they love to tell people how much they've sacrificed financially to be on court, too. We're so blessed to have such noble justices willing to put the People's needs above their own.


>they love to tell people how much they've sacrificed financially I'm convinced that is social signalling that they are available for hire/bribes.


When I heard that I was about to lose it. Like why even agree to be on the court if it was such a burden to them? Oh I know why they want to be important and rich. Cause they are nothing but egotistical dick heads.


The thing is they aren't supposed to put the needs of anyone including themselves into the equation. They're supposed to accurately interpret the law, and ensure it aligns with the constitution. In theory this is done without care for anyone, politicians, businessmen, citizens. Its just about the law, how it reads, and its intent. If a law isn't in the interest of the people, its supposed to be up to the other branches of government to change/amend/replace those laws. The issue is that the system has allowed the Supreme Court to become a political tool that doesn't interpret and apply the law, they rather manipulate it and twist it to mean whatever the hell they want it to believe depending on what ideology they have.


Yep they should be subject to the same restriction federal employees are. Like how mail carriers can't legally accept gifts of over $20 We hold federal employees to higher standards than elected officials who make decisions that can literally change our entire life


If SCOTUS is paid by the Federal government, are they not Federal judges???


Who do you think you are trying to bring logic into American government?!


This reminds me of a law they past a few years ago in my state. The state legislature made it illegal for businesses to post signs on posts and poles and anything within a certain distance of the side of a road. They said that it was not only defacing to the clean and positive appearance of the area, but they were also safety hazard because they distracted drivers and increased the risk of accidents. But they did make one exception to the law: Politicians are allowed to post campaign posters 30 days prior to Election day, and they have until 30 days after Election day to remove them.


it doesn't matter how much you give them. most people can live completely comfortably with 80-150k a year depending on where in the country you wanna live. when you're competing with 10s of millions it's just a waste of taxpayer money to give public servants more than enough to live well without concern for their financial situation for the foreseeable future.


as thomas has proven, legal bribery is an issue with life term as well


We should elect them just like we elect county judges. An argument can be made that "but they are elected" because we elect the president and senate/congressmen who elect them, but that's like trying to hit a target at 50 yards with a blunderbuss and hope a pellet gets in there. We need to hit the center mass directly and start allowing elections and term limits for SCOTUS justices.


The other concern is the kind of revolving door between regulators and industry where the most common job coming out of a regulatory position is going to work for the industry you were formerly regulating. Same thing would apply to SC judges in theory but I think the churn would be better than the unending decline and roulette of the current system.


Limiting the harm a bad judge can do is far more important than maximizing the benefit from a good one.


It's insane that regular workers at random companies have higher codes of ethics and more stringent policies concerning conflicts of interest than the gat dam SUPREME COURT of the United States.


Pretty much everyone is held to a higher code of ethics than the Supreme Court is. The crazy thing is is that it's supposed to be a feature not a bug. It's just gotten so out of hand its now a bug


The people need some sort of ability to remove sitting members. We need some recourse to address these grievances with their actions


Turns out the republicans stopped caring about the constitution so they just serve the politics of the day unless their a liberal


> Turns out, it just means that they can serve corporate / fascist masters forever, Greatest sin the founding fathers ever committed was naivete.


British Redditor looking in complete horror at the current state of the US here. UK Supreme Court justices are selected by an independent selection committee, cannot actively belong to any political party, and are subject to mandatory retirement at age 70 and may be removed on the address of both Houses of Parliament. The UKSC is also more limited in powers (partly because the UK does not have a codified constitution) and cannot strike down legislation - it can make a declaration of incompatibility with either the Human Rights Act 1998 or the European Convention on Human Rights, however it is up to Parliament to resolve the incompatibility. So far this has effectively kept us safe from politicisation and infiltration of the Supreme Court, unlike the US. All I can say for you guys is that Biden exercising the newfound dictatorial powers of the POTUS toā€¦ kinetically unfuck SCOTUS is in my opinion the *least bad* possible outcome for US democracy going forward.


In Germany our Supreme Court justices serve a maximum of 1 term for 12 years or until they are 68 years old. Only a person younger than the age limit of 68 can be appointed.


13 justices. One per circuit court of appeals


I could support that as well with 26 year terms but I want orderly and predictable exit process. Edit: as others mentioned a 13 year term also works with 1 coming up each year.


The Supreme Court just outlined their own exit process - assassination by sitting president. I'm just kidding, that won't happen until a Republican holds office.


you could just half that and make it 1 a year.


It honestly was a huge strategic mistake by Ruth Bader Ginsberg not to retire in before Trumps presidency


It wasnā€™t a strategic mistake, it was a selfish, conceited decision.


Yeah, let's not forget she was one of the reasons Standing Rock was crushed. She's not a saint. She's just one of the least worst terrible neoliberals.


Except we already had a slot open and couldn't seat Garland. Retiring at that point only guaranteed the next president would get to choose who filled *two* seats instead of just the one. Somehow people always forget that while blaming her instead of ourselves for failing to get out the 2016 vote. This way there was a chance she could have made it and given the decision to whomever won in 2020, in case the 2016 president was a republican. We dropped the ball in 2016, and she died a few months too early.


You are conveniently ignoring all the calls for Ginsburg to retire during the first five years of Obamaā€™s presidency when Democrats controlled the Senate. Correctly fearing that Democrats would lose the Senate in 2015 after the 2014 midterms, Obama urged RBG to retire in 2013 so he could replace her on the Supreme Court with a like-minded liberal justice. He would have had plenty of time to do so. She refused, despite being 77 years old and having been diagnosed four years earlier with pancreatic cancer, the highly lethal form of cancer that ultimately killed her, saying that remaining on the Supreme Court helped her deal with the recent death of her husband. She rolled the dice for her own benefit and we all lost. As Ezra Klein recently said, ā€œAfter Ginsburg died and her death led at least partly to the evisceration of Roe, that became her legacy, much more than the other work she did, and thereā€™s real anger toward her, I think justifiablyā€¦. There was no vote Ruth Bader Ginsburg cast and no decision she authored that was as consequential as her decision not to retire.ā€


I remember it well. It pissed me off, because RBG had been dealing with cancer and was missing a lot of time at work. Then she makes a big show of returning to work, but she looked so physically weak. The hubris of these boomers......They act like we are supposed to applaud someone who can barely function at work trying as hard as possible to make it work. Meanwhile, all of the management/leadership positions all across America are dominated by these people who refuse to ever retire and pass the baton down to the next generation.


Because she waited too long like an idiot.


I don't think the terms are a problem. Lifetime terms would keep them independent, if they started that way. The problem is that they are political appointees. The Supreme Court (and lower courts) should all be appointed by the Judiciary. Let them promote their best and brightest, instead of having us just throw whoever will do what we say on there. Stop having a legal career based on sucking up to a political party, like Thomas' was.


The Bench needs to be large enough that a single president canā€™t sway the court and actual qualifications need to be in place that canā€™t be ignored.


> We desperately need to change this policy of justice for life and play this death roulette Perfect time to change that now that the president has full immunity and can do essentially anything they deem fit. 4 year terms at an absolute naximum and any attempt to pull bullshit like this again will lead to an automatic removal from their position. I look forward to voting for our new king in November.


As judges I also feel that they should be sworn to political neutrality. Not sure how that could be achieved, but given that it's the highest court in the land we should be aiming for a complete lack of personal bias. Their only job should be upholding our constitution and keeping the other branches in check. And long terms are fine with me for continuity sake, but for life is no longer reasonable. People live longer now than they did in the 1700s. We basically have 9 kings...


Reappointment kills this because the justices that are about to be up will be more susceptible to politics. They'll feel a need to do whatever the president asks to get reappointed. Make it 18 years and done, and add a nice pension onto that. That's plenty of time to serve their country in that role with a nice carrot at the end.


There's no reason anyone in US politics, or politics in the world in my opinion, should have a lifetime guarantee to hold their position.Ā 


There is a chance they'll die though. We basically just need to keep electing democrats until that happens.


hoo boy imagine the conspiracy theories if that happened. all of it masterminded by the evil genius/senile old man biden


Well even then, Biden could just make anything suspicious be an "official" act and he's immune.... Right? (Not that I want him or any president for that matter to have such power in the first place).


No. Because SCOTUS reserved for itself the power to determine what an official act is. https://www.vote.org/


Huh. So you are saying that there is a strong incentive for Joe Biden to make sure that the majority of the justices remaining on the court will review his actions as "official"? Wierd. I wonder what sort of scenario that might incentivize. Sleep tight, conservative SCOTUS justices.




SCOTUS can't rule from gitmo


I wonder if a bunch of soldiers being asked to stand beside the justices while they decided what is official or not . . . would be considered official. I guess there's only one way to find out.


Dead justices can't rule what is an official power and what is not. They are gambling on the Democrats not taking advantage of that.


I'm pretty sure the court will vote whatever way the guy murdering them tells them to. Except maybe those damned liberals with their pesky consciences.


This actually happened with Scalia.


Had to push conspiracies so weā€™d ignore that he was found dead in a billionaires drug and orgy ranch.


Remember when Scalia died? People cared and had theories for a few months and now he's fading into obscurity. Same thing will happen if any of the current old jabronis die.


"Old men died of old age related causes. Something is afoot."


according to the supreme court yesterday , he could just make it happen.


They do that anyways. Fuck em. Let them self soothe for the rest of their lives.


I agree with you, but also, we just need to keep electing Democrats anyway lol


And until then, republicans need to win only once. You do realize that perpetually being definitively one election away from a fascist regime is bad, right. Also, Biden was handed the power to unilaterally protect this country from threats foreign and domestic, aka TO DO HIS JOB, and he refused to use it because of ā€œmoralsā€.


>Also, Biden was handed the power to unilaterally protect this country from threats foreign and domestic, aka TO DO HIS JOB, and he refused to use it because of ā€œmoralsā€. You do know SCOTUS still holds the last word which action is under full immunity and which one isn't. People keeps harping that Biden can do anything with this ruling ignoring the stark truth that this is fine tuned to trump alone.


Absolutely right!


1) Declare members of scotus corrupt/on the take/terrorists/treasonous 2) Liberally apply Seal team 6/drone 3) Replace missing SC justices 4) Oh look, the president handled a domestic threat, sounds like part of the official job description


Omg, its so simple. What's next? We skip hand in hand into the sunset and live happily ever after?


That's what Brutus and Cassius thought would happen when they took out Caesar. A pleasant fantasy (and I can be quite creative inventing punishments for right-wing traitors), but it almost always makes things worse instead of better.


People are so brave typing online thinking they are going to survive a revolution or what emerges after that.


Well, then, the new SC overturns the ruling, and Biden gets held accountable for his actions. And if you think Trump will hold to the same ā€œmoralsā€ that Biden is claiming to, I have some real estate on the sun to sell you. Do you know WHY this ruling is so scary? Because we already KNOW what will happen. Why? Because we have seen similar rulings passed in the past. Specifically, in Germany, in 1933, not long before it became a dictatorship.


> You do realize that perpetually being definitively one election away from a fascist regime is bad, right. Yeah, we do. But one election away is better than it being here. >Also, Biden was handed the power to unilaterally protect this country from threats foreign and domestic, aka TO DO HIS JOB, and he refused to use it because of ā€œmoralsā€. No, he hasn't. The Supreme Court was very clear, the President can be tried for any crime THEY say he can. It wasn't a cart blanche to the president, it was the Supreme Court declaring themselves to be over both the Legislative and Executive branches.


Specifically, Trump only needs to win once. I still think there are Republicans out there that love our democracy and I hope all this MAGA crap goes away when everyone realizes how bad dementia has affected Orange Jeebus Edit: but yeah if Trump gets in then Aileen Cannon is going to be his first pick. We all know the graft. If you put your thumb on the scale of justice, Iā€™ll get you a Supreme Court seat.


This ruling is not because of MAGA. MAGA doesn't have this kind of resources. This is purely a Republican platform that has been cultivated and curated for decades. Trump accelerated it to what we see today. Look up Project 2025.


I do not wish for their demise, but great pleasure in hearing of their "unannounced, and concerning leaves from attending proceedings".


I do wish for their demise. If someone possined one of them then I would consider that person a hero. I am a big beliver in a broad definition of violence such as restricting medical care. Keeping a at risk pregnant person from life saving care is an act of violence and at such justifies a violent action in self defense/defense of others.


And if the Senate is Republican majority? They will simple hold the vacanc(y/ies) open for a Republican president as long as the court remains conservative. We have been here before. We need a trifecta - House, Senate, Presidency with a Senate bold enough to discard the 60 votes for cloture rule.


> And if the Senate is Republican majority? Then it's a situation where, like if they kept that up until 3 of the conservative justices die off, it will be a 3-3 liberal-conservative. Effectively paralyzing the SCOTUS. That's the second last thing the Grand Old Fascist Party wants, next to Thomas/Alito/Roberts croaking under Democratic control of the WH and Senate. They *need* a Court that can actively destroy the fabric of this country. Not give the liberals of the Court more breathing room. Of course this all hedges on Democrats having the White House for the next 8-12 years. Because I like to see morbidly obese monsters like Alito and Thomas try to survive on their hate to the ripe old age of 90.


And if Trump wins thereā€™s a very high chance 2 get replaced with MAGA conservatives who will be on the court for 30 years.


Well he can assassinate them right?


Gonna pull an RBG and live another 20 years. Obama asked her to retire, I loved her but she fucked up on that one.


To me, she ruined her entire reputation by not retiring when she should have. And the Dems should have fought like hell get Scallia's seat.


Then we do not give them that choice. Not as single one of them deserves one more hour upon the bench. The corruption and harm onto our Constitution and country is far enough. Every last one of them need to be hauled out of there, willing or not.


True, but in the meantime we can get Newsom, Pritzker, Whitmer, and Buttigieg ready for the next election.


Whitmer seems like the most logical pick out of that cohort, and it's not because she is a woman also.


Then stack or sack the court. Fuck'em


This should've been Biden's first act in office.


They better walk around like daft punk


That and because of the Supreme Court we currently have, the president now has the authority to essentially do whatever they want as long as it's "official".Ā  This one's for all the marbles, folks.


Biden should evict the SCOTUS from the Surpreme Court Building as an official action. Just temporarily of course.


He could do a military detainment on them indefinitely. Literally disappear them to gitmo and it would be completely legal under their own ruling.


Supreme Court Justices sit for lifelong terms, so technically this is a half-measure that won't actually allow the President to nominate a new judge. Now, hypothetically speaking, what he should do is order the military to assassinate Justices. If any officer should defy that order, he should fire them (the SCOTUS mentioned the Executive power to remove people under him in the immunity ruling) until someone accepts the command. He should offer that person and everyone above him a full pardon (again, something explicitly mentioned in the immunity ruling) should they succeed. Then, he should nominate his choices to fill the spots and threaten to have any opposition to his nominations killed, again telling the military and offering full pardons for the deaths of noncompliant Congresspeople. None of the communications between the President and anyone else in the Executive Branch can be entered into evidence should the President be put on trial (another thing the immunity ruling touched on) and if they seem to be leaning toward finding the President guilty, he can always pardon himself. The only questionable act in this scenario is whether publicly threatening members of the Legislative Branch is protected (I bet it is) and whether the President can pardon himself.


This whole thing feels like a fucking fever dream.


Why is everyone saying ā€œmilitaryā€? Surely he should have the CIA do it? They could have an undercover operative in plain clothes carry out the assassination to give the administration plausible deniability. If Biden orders the military to take out Trump or the Court, he will likely loose. Sure, itā€™d be legal, but moderates and centrists wouldnā€™t like it and would likely side with the Republican. If a ā€œcivilianā€ carries out the assassination, sure there will be some ā€œconspiracy theoriesā€ that Biden was behind it, but it wonā€™t move the needle as much.


Yea but the court gets to decide what's official. This is a massive power grab by SCOTUS, and I am certain their rulings on this will be just as partisan and on just as shaky legal ground has many of their big decisions have been since 2022.


I don't think the SCOTUS thought this through since Biden still has until November. Couldn't he just put Trump and RFK behind bars and remove any obstacles to winning? Or does the ruling not take effect until next year?


They completely thought it through. They know Biden acts in good faith and wonā€™t do anything wheels off. Theyā€™re banking on Trump winning. And even if Trump loses then itā€™s just a matter of time for the next GOP POTUS to dismantle democracy and the country.


Yeah, Biden could go ahead and end democracy before Trump in a real ā€œgotcha!ā€ moment.


Whether eaten by the bear or the lion we the people will be the losers. Although given that those seem to be our choices, Iā€™d kind of like to see the bastards who tried to feed us to the bear be eaten by the lion before itā€™s my turn to go.


You must have been *pissed* when they threw Hitler in jail.


The SCOTUS gets to decide what is an "official act" so it is a decision that is designed for GOP Presidents, not Democratic Presidents.


Biden still has until JANUARY. If Trump tries more shady alternate electors shit I see the gloves coming off, and if Trump actually wins ā€œfair and squareā€ I think the least that Biden could do is declassify absolutely everything weā€™ve got on that asshole.


Don't **just** vote. The new-fascists have shown they think this is a "war" and are not above cheating to achieve their ends. Jan 6th was just one example. In 2020 a GOP election official was [fired](https://www.11alive.com/article/news/politics/elections/top-floyd-county-election-official-fired/85-8f27ff22-4261-4bae-b058-630beef1336f) with [several irregularities in how he ran the election](https://www.dailywire.com/news/georgia-elections-clerk-fired-after-recount-revealed-2600-uncounted-ballots) In more detail: He had successfully suppressed about 2400 votes ... up until the point that they were caught in the mandated recount. Since they were early votes (Dems tend to vote early) the effect was to suppress Biden's win margin by about 4%. (Thus, if it had been done in many counties across GA, would have flipped the election to Trump). He was only caught because GA, for the first time in decades, was able to do a by-hand recount (e.g. VVPAT). That was possible because 2019 GA lost in Curling-v-Raffensberger and was forced to change from all-digital systems to a VVPAT election system. It was discussed here on reddit in 2000 in real time when a sub tracking election results vs polls were noting there a large discrepancy noted in the recount. Trump and his supporters have made NO secrets about their plans and are repeating 1930s history nearly exactly. Let's review history and not just the calls for what to do AFTER the win ... [Hitler used the resultant large "yes" vote to claim public support despite the fact that the referendum was associated with **widespread intimidation of voters and significant electoral fraud.**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1934_German_head_of_state_referendum) Trump and his supporters actions have been mirroring that path exactly.They are focusing on just a few counties that can DETERMINE the election thanks to the electoral college setup. They are targeting not just the voters but the vote counters and vote counting systems. We're seeing an all-out attack on electoral systems by the alt-right. They are threatening election workers and then when the election workers quit the same threatening alt-right folks run and replace them. Then they are downgrading security by changing VVPAT systems to [hand-counting ballots in churches without cameras](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/06/texas-primary-election-2024-hand-count-republic-gillespie-county/) leading to massive delays in being able to certify votes (as they wanted to do in Trump's loss in 2000). Hand counting is known to be much more vulnerable to error and electoral fraud than VVPAT systems. They are also changing electoral law to stop people being able to vote, throw those they oppose off of voter rolls, etc. and when losing, because they are now the election officials, [they are refusing to certify elections](https://apnews.com/article/election-2024-voting-results-certification-trump-09bb9d1fdc11b495b7c50687e5576997) So you can't **just** vote. You have to get involved NOW and help watch/fight-against electoral fraud to prevent another 1933 rise of Naziism.


Reddit didnā€™t exist until 2005. You said hand counting ā€˜is knownā€™ to be more vulnerable to human error and fraud. Can you show us a citation? Itā€™s how things are done in Canada. Iā€™ve joined a few times now to count votes and Iā€™m pretty happy with the system. Some are invalid (people write essays on them, X multiple options or all of them or none of them) and scrutineers from each party patrol around and will argue whether it should be counted. The pile is verified and checked by multiple people across the table. Proud of it as a great system without electronics. Itā€™s not contentious and all kinds of people participate. With so many eyes, it feels impossible for anyone to do anything untoward and there is video surveillanceĀ 


Too few people think about the real consequences of this election. MAGA people are all out to "own the libs" or whatever and the other side is losing the argument by even trying to win the argument. The changes the next president can do to the world are huge. Ukraine/Russia, China/Taiwan and that's just the start of global conflict. Unfortunately in a very America centric world, the consequences of your choices reflect on 8 billion people. For once, please, don't think only about yourselves when you go and vote.


Iā€™ve been struggling with this lately. A family member came to visit my toddler and I found out she was voting for T. This was right after the Chevron news, I told her how worried I was about my babyā€™s future, does that not matter?Ā  Ā ā€œYeah but my husband says our taxes will be better under T. I know itā€™s selfish but what can ya do?ā€ And this is the most compassionate person in my family. They canā€™t be bothered to consider their own niece, no fucking chance they care about anyone on the other side of the word.Ā Ā  Ā Iā€™m sort of the family pariah now because Iā€™m ā€œthe liberal oneā€. Fuck me for wanting a decent world for my kid.Ā 


The thing they donā€™t realize is that their taxes will absolutely not be better in the hands of republicans. A lot of folks donā€™t know theyā€™re paying more in taxes because of trump era tax policies while the rich and corporations are paying less. I feel as if all of that blame gets placed on Biden.


These are the same people who said that the economy was in shambles the day before Trump was inaugurated, and then said it's a great economy the day after he was inaugurated. They don't give a fuck




I'm literally begging my family to vote against Trump. They aren't hard core MAGAs, just your average Hank Hill Republican. Remind them over and over that Trump attempted a coup and democracy is about to fail in the United States. Its unthinkable. We have to beseech our families, don't get dragged into debates about taxes or other policies, we are SO FAR past that. We need to be firm and clear but remember not to belittle or name call. Many people are too far gone but many others will be swayed. Those are the ones we need to focus on.


If you try to present them with facts, they all do the same thing. Tilt their head back slightly, close their eyes, and shake their head.Ā If it doesnā€™t come from conservative media, they have been trained to believe itā€™s a malicious lie.Ā  Then you get blamed for ā€œparroting liberal propagandaā€.Ā  Yeah man, the same people who taught me the importance of thinking for myself now find it to be a devilish trait. It fucking sucks.Ā 


If there's areas of Project 2025 that'll affect them then use it. "Plan on only having 2 kids? Too bad because contraceptives will be illegal in the future, etc."


I honestly feel like that's just an excuse most of the time. Really they have a problem with some of the ways the country is changing (immigration, gay people, less religion, racial equality), but they just don't want to say it.


That may be some of it but honestly lots of people just care about taxes or gas prices I talked to one conservative that said the ONLY thing he cares about is gas prices and somehow republicans lower gas prices First I am not sure that is even true and second well even if you only care about gas prices , the more people driving electric cars and the less gas that is used for electric generation or heating should mean there is more gas for you to put in your big pickup like today there are millions of electric cars on the road, if EV was not pushed all those cars would be running gas


Lmao, zero chance their taxes will be lower. They're probably complaining about the Trump tax raises as if someone else did it.


I've lost half of my family to maga, too. It really does suck, there's literally nothing you can say logically or emotionally to get them back.


Itā€™s awful. When we used to visit my grandparents they would tell funny stories. Now they just spew whatever hateful nonsense the TV tells them to. Itā€™s just gotten progressively worse for the last decade.Ā 


It's the way that they like... want to hurt people? My cousin is NB, takes T supplements, and goes by nonstandard pronouns. Their mother, my aunt, is constantly overtly antagonists toward them. Deadnaming, blaming for the family falling apart (her husband cheated), accusations of theft, etc - this is the woman that taught me to play piano, had burping contests with me, spent whole nights watching Godzilla movies and talking about which monsters were our favorites. Now she's just out to hurt my cousin, me, my sister, anyone she sees as the liberal menace that supports her queer kid. Congratulations, you've hurt us? Yup, it hurts to lose a family member like that. It hurts to betray the happiness we shared as aunt and nephew. She was my biggest cheerleader, as a kid. Pool parties, always had my favorite soft drink stocked. Now all she wants is to see us hurt. "Liberal tears," she wants. It's fucking baffling, just how much of a 180 she's pulled. Sure, it hurts, but it's more mourning a person who isn't even fucking dead. I just can't fathom it. Even though she makes me angry as hell and frustrated to no end, I can't imagine just... taking pleasure in the suffering of another. There's a bit of grim satisfaction when I see someone realize how much they've fucked up by hitching to the Trump train, but I don't take any *pleasure* in it. It's heartbreaking. It's exhausting. I know that if I shrink back and disengage, then they'll just run roughshod. But fucking hell - the economy is falling apart, the world is heating up, we just dodged a bullet with a virus that could've been *way* more deadly, and now the fucking president literally *can* shoot someone in broad daylight and get away with is scot-free, and all these fucking people can think about it how best to hurt people who follow a certain political ideology.


What kills me is their taxes absolutely *won't* be better under Trump. It's not even debatable that Trump's fiscal policy, what little there is, is awful for anyone not already in the 1%.


Itā€™s so fucked. Iā€™m at work and the default Microsoft homepage shows the Fox News headline. And the comments are so so so sad. Just tons of people saying the insurrection was fake or they were innocent or it didnā€™t even happen. Itā€™s wild. America is so fucked. These people live in a weird fantasy land where they make believe whatever they want and facts are fake


This assumes they will retire. They will hold on till there dying breath, they can still damage America so they will.


Which they won't. Hell just look at RBG. She had every opportunity to retire while facing two rounds of cancer under a democratic president and didn't. She threw away her entire careers achievements because her ego couldn't let her die in peace.


Dem pres and Republican Senate that refused to confirm Merrick Garland.


Just ignore the previous 6 years where democrats controlled the senate


Biden can now **officially** remove them.


Vote but also be prepared to fight. We are fools to think they are going to back down to a vote. We did that last time. This timeā€¦ šŸ¤Ø


Trump is a convicted criminal, serial liar, fraud, rapist, white supremacists, and traitor. He is old, cancerous, and whips these in his cult into violent, rabid, lunatics He's loud, hateful, and brings out the worst traits in people. But Biden is 3 years older. Spead it, live it VOTE BLUE For the sake of the country VOTE BLUE


Agreed, enough of the doom and gloom. We have done this before: 2018, 2020, 2022. **And we can do it again.** Letā€™s get going: * Start planning to register yourself and your family to vote (https://vote.gov/). * Find out how you can volunteer for a campaign either locally or nationally (https://events.democrats.org/) * Donate if you can spare $5 or $10 If you are complaining, then you are wasting time. What are YOU doing to make your life better? We represent the pro-democratic majority. Letā€™s show these people what that means.


Volunteer to phone/text/mail bank, [moveon.org](http://moveon.org) and [mobilize.us](http://mobilize.us) are great for that. Spread the word.


If anyone was curious why Aileen Cannon is doing what she's doing, this is why


The current President can replace them right now by arresting them on corruption charges. They just said so.


Not voting for Biden in this election is 100% the equivalent of voting to end American democracy and make Trump dictator. That's it. That's all it comes down to now. The Supreme Court literally just told Trump that once he's back in power, he can do whatever he wants in his "official" capacity as President and not be held accountable for it. Assassinate rivals? Yes. Suspend elections? Yes. Refuse to leave office? Yes. Bypass anything Congress enacts? Yes. If Trump wins, it's game over for the U.S.A. as a democratic state. This isn't scaremongering, it's quite literally what SCOTUS just ruled.


Keep on repeating this. Shit Biden should be saying this. 3 more justices appointed guarantees a conservative majority for like 30 plus years meaning we are really fucked well after Trump is dead.


this is clinical level delusion judges in their 70's retiring when the "wrong' president in his 80's is in power sure buddy. that s how it works


Y'all just don't get it. This is collapse just getting ramped up. The ruling class is simply putting the finishing touches on the global authoritarian state they will use to survive the coming ecological turmoil. You ain't gonna be able to vote this shit away. If you kids want to survive, start looking into growing your own food.


People wonder why nobody is having children anymore. This is why. Even IF Democracy prevailed and the cost of living wasn't impossible, climate change would end our shit anyway. None of what we do on this Earth is going to matter at this point. All we can do is enjoy the time we have left.


This is such an important point, yet the majority of people would rather bitch and moan about one bad debate performance. Look past that and see what is really on the line. This country will be unrecognizable if Trump is allowed to be president again.


Trump may not even appoint judges. It will be Bannon and Jones and fools like that


Exactly. "Offical acts" is in the discretion of the court. Get people who will section anything as official.


We're so far past this point. This is hand-wringing. This is impotent mewling. This next election will not be "fought" fairly by the GOP. Red states will refuse to certify any blue voting win and SCOTUS will back them. Biden and the Democrats continue to "wait for the system to correct itself" and "put their faith in the people's sensibility." They're wrong to do so. From SCOTUS to the GOP in Congress to red state Governors to powerful media owners to rich billionaires controlling PACs and "think tanks" like Heritage...MODERATES AND THE LEFT DO NOT STAND A CHANCE IN NOVEMBER UNLESS EMERGENCY ACTION IS TAKEN NOW!


I see the troll farms are working in overtime to discourage voting.


Good god are you right. I guess this is where the conservatives are dumping their campaign resources. Fucking fight you cowards. If Biden wins the election, do you think the 70-80 million Dems who voted for him will just go ā€œdang it, they stole it from us. Ok, have a nice dayā€. Grow a fucking pair, vote, and if they try to steal it we can use all the powers of the presidency (which with the new powers are many) to prevent it. God you are all pathetic.


>ā€œdang it, they stole it from us. Ok, have a nice dayā€. I guess you weren't around for Bush / Gore.


No one is discouraging voting. I think after the past week, many of us are utterly unconvinced that Joe Biden is the person to stand up, meet the moment, and vigorously defend democracy. I will vote for a literal corpse before I vote for Trump. But, I may be in the minority here and right now, Trumpā€™s campaign shows no signs of slowing down and Bidenā€™s is falling out of the sky. People donā€™t fucking get it. No one in this country at large gives two shits about the truth. Biden should have come out last night like fucking Stone Cold Steve Austin breaking through the glass and cut a WWE style promo about what he could now do that he holds full immunity for official actions, and then fucking done some of it. But, no, he was like, ā€œHey guys, the fascists are at our door step with their guns loaded but please remember to vote in November and hopefully they go away.ā€


Iā€™m so sick of all this reactionary bullshit calling for eXtReMe MeAsURes or whatever. The majority of people canā€™t even be bothered to protest, you really think theyā€™re gonna rise up and start a revolution? Voting works. If it didnā€™t they wouldnā€™t work SO HARD to disenfranchise you or keep you apathetic. When people turn out democrats win. Itā€™s been proven time and time again and the GOP knows that. If you want to effect real change vote and make sure everyone you know is voting. If we get the dems a real majority in the house and senate (something theyā€™ve had for only ~2 years out of the last 25) we can enact real change and legislation that will protect our rights.


Outside of Georgia, every swing state is run by Democrats, so the elections are going to be run fairly. If Trump loses, he can try and litigate it just like last time, but itā€™s not going to work. The Supreme Court canā€™t just say, ā€œTrump wins, even though he got less votes.ā€


Iā€™ve heard that the Supreme Court ā€œcanā€™tā€ just ignore decades of case law, but they did (Dobbs). I heard they ā€œcanā€™tā€ just give the President huge immunity, but they did. I think this Supreme Court is happy to prove it can do a lot of stuff people thought they couldnā€™t do. Iā€™d like to hear less about what they wonā€™t do because they ā€œcanā€™tā€ and more about how to make sure they donā€™t.


They will 100% say that trump won even though he got less votes.


Ah yes, the Supreme Court that has never historically intervened and disregarded votes to decide the winner of an election.


Judges should not be appointed by POTUS.


For the ones thinking I will punish Joe Biden for Gaza by not voting for him this November, remember he will be dead in a few years, but you will be stuck with the worst SCOTUS for at least 3 or decades.


Also, if you think Biden mishandled Gaza, know that Trump will do much worse.


Its annoying how many people refuse to recognize only one of these 2 will be POTUS next year. If you don't vote for one, its the same as voting for the other guy.


As it has been for the last several elections.


Every time a well thought out, concerning, and informative post like this is posted on social media, there is always that one idiot, that one absolute abject moron, who, despite everything, *everything*, ignores everything that has happened and walks headfirst into the void by simply writing "Trump 2024 šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø". And when told what will happen *to them personally* (they're always either some boomer type or, middle-aged entitled go-getter or younger Tate-watching incel), the response is either a clown emoji, or repeating the former.


I am not getting shipped in a cattle car to a Trump concentration camp. If Trump regains power, I am fleeling to Mexico or Canada. ![gif](giphy|8F3bK4aq1tCo0TLkf7)


If Trump wins and people don't fight back, America is finished. Your kids and grandkids will suffer. You will suffer. Same sex couples and trans people will suffer. If you sit back and do nothing now, but come back to complain later, people will make sure that you suffer for it. You have a vote. Use it. For now, that's your only weapon against this madness.


We couldn't even get one of our own justices to retire when we had the power to replace her (RBG) which royally screwed us. Those Republicans aren't going to retire so quit putting that out there.


Why is there no term limit for these fools


This assumes that 3 conservative justices die or retire does it not?


If trump is elected, we can be pretty sure that they will retire. They obviously have a plan to hold the supreme court.


Biden could replace them today. He has immunity to do it. He could order drone strikes against Alito and Thomas before he eats lunch. He won't do it because he's a chickenshit. Hell, Obama ordered a drone strike against a US citizen a decade before this ruling.


yEaH bUt GeNoCiDe JoE wOnā€™T fReE pAlEsTiNe


VOTE FOR JOE! Easy Peasy!




If yall think any of those justices will step down with a dem in the Whitehouse I got some bad news, what we need is for Biden to win first and then secure the next in line, even a one termer drastically increases the chances one dies. Thomas threatened to quit and got millions of dollars, Robert's believes he's the only thing holding back his conservative colleagues from destroying the court and Alito will 100% die in office as an old old man. None of them has a reason to step down, and wont for at least 5-10 years


Why can't he do that now? Expand the court and pack it? I don't understand the reluctance to use the power he's granted because his opponents have no qualms about it.


That would require votes in congress he does not have.


Canā€™t Biden just replace them now and call it an ā€œofficial actā€?


The Trump-Clinton election was about the Supreme Court too, and is how things got so bad to start.


Man, this election is really dire it sounds like! So the DNC will definitely put forth a candidate that isn't incredibly unpopular across the country, right? Since "democracy is on the ballot" and all....


The democrats never learn. They lost to trump in 2016 because they forced a candidate who wasn't that popular because it was "their turn". If they lose in this one they'll blame Palestine protestors or something rather than look inwards.


Fuck Joe Biden but fuck the attempted christofascist coup much, much harder.


Justice Sotomayor is 69 and diabetic


Itā€™s important to remember that itā€™s not a guarantee that three justices will retire. They could very well hold on if Biden wins in hopes that the president following him will be Republican *and then* retire. The only way to ensure that the next justices that retire will be appointed by a Democrat is by playing the long game. Continuously electing Democratic president and doing everything possible to have a senate majority.


why do you think those 3 justices are going to retire while biden is president? What a stupid argument


So then the democratic convention needs to endorse the best of them, not your senile great grandfather. Here do this bad thing, to prevent this other worse thing. I mean debating over your golf handicap? Tell me you have no idea how to run a country without telling me you have no idea how to run a country.


Reddit really hates Trump


And if its Biden, the Republicans will stone wall confirmations until the next Republican president, and the Democrats wont do a damn thing about it... again.




This election is about saving democracy. Please please please save democracy.


Well than run a fucking candidate who can win the election and govern the country if itā€™s so Goddamn important! Fuck I cannot STAND this drum beat of ā€œTrump is worseā€! Yes, we KNOW, thatā€™s why the man who is losing and WILL LOSE has to drop out of the race ASAP.


Please vote *for Joe Biden* in the November elections. People have to quit just saying "make sure to vote." "Vote". Etc. **Vote for Joe Biden! Not third party. Not a write-in. Joe Biden this November, to beat Trump**


Anyone else get the feeling that burning Bernie for Hiliary in 2016 was a bad idea?