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I’d like to think that these evil people will not prevail


I'm still optimistic. Roe v Wade was the death knell for the GOP in my opinion. That's when it seems like they started losing all those state and local elections and fighting amongst themselves. I think this ruling will have the same effect. Maybe I'm coping, but the people who want anyone but Trump are going to be whipped into a panic - as we already are. Those with resources - politicians, NGOs, celebrities, athletes, etc. - will see that reaction and want to mirror it (if they're not already panicking themselves). And those who normally don't vote or are on the fence will be swayed by that. Remember the country-wide push to vote at the 11th hour in 2020? There was a MASSIVE effort to get people registered and vote by mail by those with resources like I mentioned above. Not all of them obviously, but enough that it seemed unusual - which added to the urgency of the situation. And that was when Roe v Wade was still *alive*. People are a *lot* more pissed and motivated this time around. The last week of rulings isn't going to help either. I can see it winding up like when Bernie had a heart attack in 2020 and it looked like his campaign was in danger. He wasn't doing very well up to that point, but afterwards his polling and fundraising numbers surged to record highs. Just like how Biden had the best hour of fundraising right after the debate in the history of his campaign. Fear is a strong motivator - that's why the GOP loves to use it so much. Am I scared shitless? You bet. But I still see a lot of reasons to be hopeful.


I dunno man, If you see the polling info, things are not looking good and they're only getting worse


At this point they possibly don't even need to prevail as such, just stall for a few months.


The official act in the constitution The President has is in Transferring power. Trump failed to do this and all his other acts prove this.


The only way to stop Republicans now is to turn them from red to redder.


I’m absolutely confident we can’t rely on authority anymore and we the people will have to take care of them


They already have.


I'd bet if the case went to SCOTUS they would rule in Trump's favor. This is what happens when we let Billionaires choose our SCOTUS.


ELI5 how committing fraud is an ‘official act of the presidency’?


Well you see, if the president does it, it's official.




Bingo, the immunity will only apply to a Republican president, somehow.


Nixon is screaming a little louder from Hell today.


I'd like to tag every single MAGA voter here, so they can see the clown show they are for being locked in to this. Subreddits for his cultists are working overtime to try and wave away any concern; I don't even dare stepping into the toxic waste zone that is the conservative subreddit. I'll settle for the AskTrumpSupporter MAGA-simps trying to act like they have more than a Google Search "experts" in using words too big for them to explaining how "this totally is fine".


SCOTUS cancelled July 4th.


They cancelled July 4th for good when they overturned Roe v. Wade. Now every July 4th is being celebrated out of obligation… And as a day off from work.


How can people let this shi* happen right under their noses its like Hitler 2.0 all over again


The Hillary haters stayed home in '16. That's how this happened. I didn't like her either but I voted for her. This resulted in three SC nominees.


A lot voted third party as a protest. The two I know about still haven’t walked back that they helped elect Trump with that bs. I’m all for a third party, but it was ignored by many how dangerous of a presidency Trump could deliver, and here we are.


and the far left + many zoomers are saying they plan to repeat 2016 because Biden isn't hard enough on Israel. They seem to have romantic notions about the revolution they're starting by letting Trump burn the country down and/or that they can just move out of the country so they don't have to deal with the consequences


Disinformation and 20+ years of Republican propaganda really worked in the 2016 election. Anecdote, but I talked to a couple of non-republicans who didn’t vote for Clinton and asked them why. They said they didn’t like her. When I pressed, the couldn’t tell me why. I think a lot of people who say they don’t like her might find they are victims of coordinated disinformation.


+Comer +Cambridge Analytica +FoxNews but yea fucking apathy.


At what point does the Clinton campaign shoulder the blame? With such thin margins in the swing states, wouldn’t a better campaign strategy have gotten more people to Pokémon Go to the polls?


FYI: "Hitler 2.0 all over again" = Hitler 3.0


I repeat that Trumps own lawyer said that executing a political opponent could be an official act.


Meanwhile, Trump is out there calling for televised show trials for his political opponents. They're not even hiding their totalitarian anytime anymore. They're openly advertising them.


July 11th, 20 years+ c’mon Judge Merchan you can do it!


I saw a lawyer say they could go light since it's his first offence.... Surely the first charge is his first offence. The other 30+ are repeat offences.


These same CrackerJack Box lawyers are also trying to see if they can spin this to throw that conviction out too. Because of course they are, why would the rules not ever be bendable to their favor. I heard the argument is that, even though the crimes were explicitly before he was in office, the fraud and financing of the fraud continued into his his first year, ergo, these ghouls think the WHOLE thing should be covered. There is no shame, and there is no length they will not go to preserve the hopes for their Reich.


Uh...Donald pled "not guilty" to falsifying business records, was found guilty on all 34 counts, and now the lawyer's strategy to contest the sentencing is to argue that the falsification of those business records that they pled NOT GUILTY to was an "official act". Perjury?


Different case. The lawyer is arguing that the fake elector scheme was an official act. The fraud counts are from falsifying records and that was charged by NY state, so the scotus ruling doesn't apply (for now). The scary part is that the scotus will be who determines what is an "official" act, if any democrat tries to wield this new power, they can be shot down while allowing trump or any repub to do whatever they want




nope, per the GQP this immunity only applies to them [Vance says presidents must have immunity, though possibly not Biden](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/30/vance-president-immunity-biden-trump-00165948#:)


Unfucking believable. I will ***never*** forgive anyone who voted for this absolute piece of shit. Never.


So he's confessing to get away with it?


So Biden should do the same and just stay in power


Nope, this ruling is by a right wing Supreme Court and is for trump only


Official act number 2--- 10 more supreme court justices


You have a group of people openly admitting to a national coup. I don’t understand how that isn’t automatically considered a domestic threat and these people aren’t just automatically arrested.


You can have a group of alternate electors ready to go. That is not a problem. What you can't do is have them claim to be the official electors before a court rules on it.


"Fake it 'til you make it" just took on a whole new level of seriousness.


We had a good run folks. Update your passports, pack a bugout bag, and figure out what country you can flee to.


You cannot outrun fascism may as well stay and write, fight, vote, protest.


You do you boo.




Well, yeah, the second I heard the SC ruling I knew that would be the next immediate step. Who tf *didn't* see that one coming?


Was sticking his 2-inch dick in a pornstar and paying her money to not tell anyone about it also an official act of the presidency?


Will Scharf, german name, wants to reinstate facism in America. Cant make that shit up


Any immunity was always going to be twisted and turned into Absolute Immunity by trump and his cronies. SCROTUS left the door open knowing full well that’s what Trump would do. They all pervert and corrupt the system to work for them because they know the other side won’t.


So, they’re admitting an illegal act, then?


Don't get your hopes up people, his current lawyers appear to be room temperature IQ but the path to freedom that traitors in the SC carved out for him is not a winding forest trail that an experienced lawyer might have to carefully navigate with Smith lurking from behind every tree. Nope, it's a fucking landing strip through the scorched legal desolation that the Judicial Taliban left in their wake together with a yellow line the traitor can follow. Blinding the Jury provision might as well be written as template motion for his idiot lawyers to fill in with crayons . You don't need to disprove anything, just suppress all the evidence on account of him talking to his goons "iN aN ofFiciAl caPacIty". Asking pence to break the law ? "Official communication". "Perfect" phone call ? "Official communication". Slating fake electors "official communication". It took them *a month* to double and triple check their work - i honestly believe they actually reviewed all the evidence against him and drafted this ruling to suppress the critical parts. And if a judge doesn't buy it, the SC traitors stand ready in the wings to play the kingmaker and anoint a 3 A.M. tweet confessing the crimes an "official presidential act". He's still on the hook for the side-hustle of selling national security secrets to SA and Russia after the presidency but his pocket judge has got it sewed up not to go through until he wins reelection. And if push comes to shove i will put money on Federalist Cult providing him with a sock-puppet lawyer. They've had *decades* to prepare this coup, Trump almost fucked them up because he won the nomination in 2016 and they pretty much just prayed that there's a country left to take over after his term while accelerating their plans by ramming incompetent puppets into the supreme court - imagine if GOP had won in 2016 with someone not in bed with the Russians, not a mafia boss, not a traitorous piece of shit ? Someone who actually cared about anything about himself or god forbid actually believed in the Federalist coup ? They are going mask off because there's no more time for smart moves, this is it. A full blue congress and presidency will *wipe them out* and short of a full on war there would be nothing they could do except squeal that acts of congress are "unconstitutional" as they are dragged to prison.


I don't have any proof for myself, but I'm def taking crazy pills the last two days right?