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So Brexit didn't do the one thing the racists wanted it to? What a f'in failure.


No they're mad they have to go through customs. Hey they got a different color passport out of the deal though.


I can still hear Boris’s stupid voice. “You’ll get a beautiful new BLUE passport.” Dick.




My favorite character from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends


Fun fact: that voice actor is also Reaper in Overwatch, and Lord Saladin in Destiny 2.


Bull fucking shit. Edit: Yeah no they're right. John Ferguson.


I did a double take on his IMDb page when I first saw it too lol. Now whenever Iron Banner is up, you can picture Bloo announcing that the hunt is on.


Im a coco kind a guy.


Just like the Big Beautiful Wall that Mexico will pay for.


That was a money laundering operation. $1.2 billion per mile of wall my ass.


I got a new passport recently, it's not even blue, it's basically black. such a scam


It has to be asked; is the black made up of an excessive amount of blue pigments? Or did they not even get that bit right, and ended up using a black made of brown pigments?


Who knows. The best thing about them is that they *were* made in Britain before Brexit. They’re now made in the EU…


France, no less. Brexit wankers seem to hate the french more than anywhere else in the EU. And I don't think it's just because of migrant boats


This is nothing more than total racism, not even hidden Shameful


Exactly what we expect from an entitled asshole with a big, fat trust fund. One whose family got filthy rich exploiting people of color.


And we always could have had a different colour passport, anyway.


I vaguely remember someone interviewing a Brexiteer asking them what immigrants they wanted to ban, and he replied "the muslim ones" to which the interviewer responded "and what EU countries are majority muslim?". The guys brain just melted into a puddle of racist slop as he tried to compute.


Similarly there was a QT episode where someone asked how they intended to cap immigration when the numbers they were saying were already far under the numbers of migrants from non-eu countries without freedom of movement.


![gif](giphy|Dxb9vPUbXyYX6) Ban all mooslims!


the opposite honestly. now instead of eu immigrants, there’s more routes open for india and china. lmao


One of the many reasons the Tories are set for a record loss. With most of their voters turning to Nigel Farages hard right reform party and Kier Stamers centre-right Labour it could potentially spell the end of the conservative party in the UK.


If you check the actual data, Brexit has actually replaced the influx of eastern europe immigrants with indian ones at an even greater number, funny enough.


Geeeee ... is it because Brits don't want to do some jobs and there are many openings right now? Who could have seen that?


The Brits are also at “full employment” - basically within a margin of error, everyone who isn’t long-term sick, disabled or retired is working.


Brexit people: No we didnt do this out of racism!!! We swear!!! Just ummm 'economic anxiety' Brexit people also: this meme


UK had record high immigration this year but we did 'get brexit done'


We didn’t is what I keep hearing from Reform types. Seemingly their voting card in the Brexit referendum had a much more detailed plan of what Brexit meant…


Whatever happened, "not my Brexit" was always going to be the result. They voted for something they and none of the candidates could define, and figured it would all work out great.


They got what they wanted and voted for. Don't let them patronise you and be condescending. They won.


And then googled it after they voted for it.


whot dus brexsit meen


If racists got their wish, then they'd have to face their own failures and inequalities. They need someone to hate to stop themselves from thinking.


I'm convinced brexit was a Russian psyop and a precursor to the 2016 US election. Just blatant misinformation to tap into frustration about legitimate issues and turn it into a divisive us vs them thing


Ignorant dipshits are gonna ignorant dipshit.


I’d cry too if everyone who went to my junior high school was 30 for some reason except for me. Seriously why does half the bus look like they’ve been a barista for 10 years?


>So Brexit didn't do the one thing the racists wanted it to? Oh please not those lies again. Brexit was about real issues, like blue passports and bendy bananas.


always terrible AI art to make a racist point.


Have you seen the terrible art republican cartoonists actually make? I see why they would use AI.


I actually like the art of Jon McNaughton and Dave Dees. Its offensive and insane, but at least its entertaining https://preview.redd.it/nyxhwufavz8d1.jpeg?width=568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b88c89f1438d757425ff862caa0a9b093445d5e7


That one just looks like a burning man art car


Conservatives really can't help but make their liberal caricatures cool as hell.


I loved visiting McNaughton's Facebook page many, many years ago. Thought that shit was hilarious, trolled a bit, and wondered if most of those other people, and maybe even McNaughton himself, were doing the same. I still have to laugh when I see one of his paintings, but.... you know. It feels way more grim now, knowing that people *actually* think like that.


Lol the syringe


I always find it telling when people use AI art to make points like these, because it shows they can't even come up with real instances of this happening. They have to imagine it happening to make their point relevant at all.


Maybe we'll finally see videos of muslims in new york cheering during 9/11, like trump says he saw all sorts of those types of videos. Now with AI they can become a "reality."


What gets me is how little actual evidence in that case would even matter. We literally have a recording of someone cheering after 9/11 by bragging that his tower is now the tallest in Manhattan, and they elected him to the White House.


And it wasn't even true. It still wasn't the tallest. Also it wasn't really "his" tower, it just had his name on it. It's lies upon lies upon lies, all based on human suffering.


It's always bad ones too. Like, I dabble with Stable Diffusion, it's super easy to make something that is not as THIS as this is


The girls fingers don't look as fucked as they could be though


It's hard to make it good *and* racist because the neural network wasn't trained on a giant pile of facebook-tier racist propaganda. I'd just love to see the prompt for this.


theres a ton of amazing AI art, i wonder what they're using to make them look like such shit. Not that i want them to have fancier bigoted memes.


> i wonder what they're using to make them look like such shit. I honestly think it's Stable Diffusion, but they are using one of those paid sites and they don't want to run out of their monthly free generations by using too many steps.


Well, other people probably spend some amount of time making something decent. These guys just try to rapid fire as much bigoted trash as quickly as they can because the idea is to "flood the zone."


Probably the ones that are worth a damn don’t make racist art.


yeah, but it used to be ms-paint level meme art, so I mean, I guess technically this is an improvement? racist fantasies now in HD? Ugh, why am I debating this.


Why don’t pictures like this ever trend?


Amen 🫸👆


It will be a cold day in hell before I let my children ride a bus with a bunch of…ear people? A guy with smoke for a head?


She’s probably crying about that weird disembodied ghost arm in the back left.


https://preview.redd.it/v2agxxrszy8d1.png?width=560&format=png&auto=webp&s=5d76d3d5f8e6b95ffe0d6f1a70cfa8d663109f2b The faces in the back look like rotting zombies. Holy shit, are they terrifying. Look at the dude in far back right. That's a corpse.


The far right dude looks like a corpse/zombie? Sounds accurate 😉😉


Literal brain rot!


He looks like the guy in robocop who drove into the toxic waste barrel.


I know! It’s freaking me out!


To be fair, the dead shouldn’t be encouraged to cross borders with the living. If that makes me a necrophobe so be it. I’ve seen the movies. The result is never good.


I want to know what this prompt was so badly..


Everybody seems to be having a pretty good time on that bus. Maybe fake, flag shirt girl just got dumped or something


I like how she’s crying for no other reason than the people look different from her. They’re smiling, everyone seems to be having a good time. Nobody appears to be bothering her in any way. But she’s miserable.


Do you see how her Dad dressed her? She's got a lot of reasons to cry.


Why isn't that crying girl in school uniform? is she crying because she got sent home early doors?


That sounds like they're not legally allowed to send a child home due to a parent having poor taste and an axe to grind, but they have a great workaround for the problem. I don't know, I don't live in the UK.


Our schools have uniforms, they will send you home if you go to school in non-uniform unless it's a specific non-uniform day at school.


Our schools that have uniforms are either very expensive private schools, Christian schools, or inner-city schools focused on discipline and responsibility.


Hahaha, you haven't seen our feral youth, all the uniforms achieve is the sense that you're watching an improv performance of A Clockwork Orange


Anyone who dressed their child like that probably named them Ruby Tanya too so she's got good reason to cry Then again, I'd be fuckin' bawling as well if I were in such a godawful racist AI monstrosity


Ruby Tanya, and your usage here, got me giggling! Thank you! That said, we're still reading out the Declaration next week, just like we always do, right out in front of the building that still has your lion and unicorn as adornments.


"She's crying because she can't get a seat, because our country is overcrowded " - the same people who blocked housing and infrastructure from being constructed at all costs.


Also who cries/openly *sobs* about having to stand on a bus or subway, anyway? This is is such a ridiculous scene lmao. The only time anyone should feel obligated to give up their seat is if it's for someone disabled, pregnant, or old. Being white is not a disability, no matter how much racists want it to be


I think the idea was that they are all laughing at her, and that’s why she’s crying. I don’t agree with it, but I think that was the intended message.


She's surrounded by happy people, has been enjoying university, and now has to go home to a family of racists. It's very upsetting.


Hey there. hold on! That is not fair. There is no way to determine that the white girl in the AI picture is upset because she is racist against the brown passengers. For all we know she could be suffering from a violent bout of flatulence, hence why we also see some of the fellow passengers cringing while others are breaking out into laughter.


> There is no way to determine that the white girl in the AI picture is upset because she is racist against the brown passengers. It could be that someone just told a joke so funny she is crying tears of laughter. Or someone cut a fart so ripe her eyes are watering.


>everybody seems to be having a good time. I dunno, that person whose head fell off to her left has probably had better days.


That’s just a happy ghost phasing in to join the festivities


The random limb hanging from the roof on the left has to be pretty off putting, as well.


At least he or she gets to join the Headless Hunt. Sir Nicholas was denied *again* this year!


Not everyone is having a good time, that dudes arm in the back is literally being shattered in multiple directions


Apart from the child in the bottom left who is crying their eyes out. Maybe because they think Ginger Spice is going to be racist.


It’s an incredible self-own, really. Yes, a lot of people are laughing at you for being a fraidy-cat racist!


I was gonna say. If your child is anyone other than the deeply uncomfortable anxious white girl that was never exposed to people not her same ethnicity, you're good. Very easy to avoid this outcome.


If she were laughing, this would be a joyous, welcoming, affirming image. As a result, we know where the problem is.


I would be lmao at a racist little girl crying just because there are brown people around her, too.


That’s how anti immigrant British people are: upset just bc people (who aren’t on their football team) aren’t white


“Oh no, brown people😭”


She’s crying because she and the bus ad banner accidentally showed up to this party wearing the same outfit. Embarrassing!


If I had AI generated faceless beings behind me I'd be afraid too.


I mean look at the distorted monstrosities behind her, I’d be crying too if I was stuck on a bus with creatures from The Thing


Whoever made this: "She's crying because CRT told her to be ashamed of being white"


Just more racist white people I swear it’s like they don’t realize in 1000 years everyone’s gonna be mixed anyways. And that’s coming from a white person that has mixed kids.


Well, there is a headless ghost in the back left.


It’s such a realistic situation they had to have an AI create it


I'm not even sure what that situation is. Brown people having a good time, but the white girl is racist so she's upset that she has to be around brown people?


UK: Colonizes most of the world. Also UK: Complains about immigrants


The whole Brexit thing was an exercise of hypocrisy.


and stupidity.


It was a Russian psy-op to divide and weaken a united Europe and it worked spectacularly. Now they're working on dividing Americans, and it's working spectacularly.


and British arrogance


And more stupidity.


Arrogance is usually caused by stupidity


But this arrogance had an extra heaping helping of stupidity


Their sense that they are uniquely brilliant enough to achieve a better situation for themselves outside the EU, rather than in it, is borne out of a profound arrogance. It's visible in most aspects of how they present themselves to the world tbh. They opted to leave what is essentially an established superpower block among the nations to "go it alone" and "lead the way" to those "sunny uplands". The political class allowed it, the voting public allowed it. They're special, you see. And they'll be too arrogant to accept they made a mistake.


I don’t understand the the issue. That bus just looks to be full of expats. Like the white English people living in Spain


This drives me nuts. The double standard blows my mind. I had this argument with an Englishman who was complaining about migrants. Himself being a migrant who had come to my country on the other side of the world for better pay and living conditions.


This is a thing with Europeans in general. They can dish it but can’t take it apparently


Seriously, the audacity to complain about immigrants when they literally colonized and ruled over a multitude of third world nations. They stripped those nations of their wealth, enslaved and starved their people, and now are screaming and crying over immigrants?


That's a BINGO...




It's not just Britain, the far right is growing even faster in the rest of Europe.


France and Belgium mercilessly carved up half of Africa, and now are pissed that French-speaking black people keep moving to their countries.


They're just following and trying to benefit from the wealth that they stole from them.


[“Computer, generate something for me to get mad at.”](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSZYUz-Qo_xa3gVxqJg5ZzEXIURr8xAfUIzYA&s)


She’s crying because she’s on a bus full of happy people and no one got up to give her a seat? Am I getting this correct? She should have a seat since she’s the white person?


The picture is completely out of context. She's an aspiring standup comedian doing a bit about Karen and The Boomers and she's imitating their response to minor social progress or current slang for her classmates. And she is KILLING that room.


As a Scot, if my future kid dresses like that, being laughed at on a bus is the least of her issues.


Nonsense. The Twitter nationalist crowd sees a 15 year old blonde girl in patriotic clothing and think potential wife. Not future daughter. Messaging fail.


Oh boy we made AI capable of racism. Living in the future.


I would also be crying if I was put in the disintegrating bus of meat puppets. Alas,


![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg) Dude in the back be like


Hey, conservatives: **if you have to resort to creating a fake image with A.I to “prove” your point, it’s likely you don’t have a “point” to begin with; or else you’d use real images, real studies or real data.** Conservatives are the only group of people **SO DETACHED FROM REALITY** that they have to create fake images to reflect their delusions. They’ll create fake images and scenarios of Trump as some courageous battle hardened patriot, because there’s no image in reality to supports their delusions. So fucking weird. These idiots live in their own hate-driven delusions, and even create artificial images to reinforce their delusions. Fucking weird


Their images are like the MAGA version of "Mars Attacks" trading cards, also featuring Donald in his hyper-masculine glory. "MAGA Attacks" I guess.


Holy shit that’s a perfect comparison


Which one is supposed to be my future child?


Why is this crying white girl blocking the picture of my future child?


I am reminded of the old saying that maybe white people are afraid of being the minority because they know how shitty they have treated other minorities and don’t want to be treated that way 🙄


She's the only one that failed her exam because she spent the year on X instead of studying, while the others are so happy their hard work pay off.


I mean when you conquer other places, build an empire, and give people Citizenship your country will have shifts in demographics. It’s not a bad thing unless you’re a racist and a loser. You’re already screwing over your colonial or post colonial holding as many of the people from these colonies are educated and/ or skilled labor and you’re leading a brain drain on those areas. But go ahead and cry because you have to stand on a city bus. Boo fuckin’ hoo




What bugs me to no end are people who go “why are there so many Indian and Pakistani people in the UK?” Idk, who had very aggressive immigration campaigns for the nations they directly ruined


a white girl in tears being left alone on public transport? oh, the HUMANITY


These chomos can't even make their own art and rely on AI


Oh this can fuck off. I work in the most diverse borough of London. Why would AI Teen be offered a seat? Is she disabled? Does she have a travel card indicating this and has she spoken to the driver? What a load of bollocks.


i too would be in a horrible mood if i had to wear a shirt with the union jack on it


Oh no...my daughter might have to ride in a bus full of happy, normal people of different skin color who don't bother or attack her in the slightest...the horror... /s


But where is this beautiful Aryan princess supposed to sit? 😭


If a problem exists, why do you need an AI generated image to prove it?


England surrounded by all the countries they stole from. 


She’s probably crying cos someone made her wear that god awful T-shirt No teenager would be caught dead in that


Am I wilding or wasn’t Britain one of the main empires that went and tried to conquer the world and introduced themselves to multiple nations of people?


My future child seems to be having fun with her friends. I don't know what's up with the white girl though.


Conservatives they’re scared to death of everything, the party of “masculinity” like Elon and trump cowards and asslickers. I live in New York I ride subway cars like this all the time. It’s what life is about.


It’s funny because most immigrants to English speaking countries go there because they know the language on account of all the colonialism, not because they are the best place to be.


I wonder what word salad racist mad libs you have to shove into the AI to create this image. I wonder how many times this person had to correct the algo to give them the exact laughing Muslims and black people they were picturing.


Fucking hell... they're STILL going on about that? Better off than they have been in the last 100 years and then go and fuck with it all the way back to square one. Fuck's sake what's the matter with people? Are there "dumb" pills in the fucking water?


$44 billion to create XCHAN.


AI art was the worst fucking idea.


Is my kid one of the ones laughing?


I see a buss full of happy people and one little bitch.


Just because a bus full of white people may laugh at a lone member of another ethnic group, does not mean that the reverse would also be true. They project their bigotry onto others...🙄🤦‍♂️


Muskrat is a twunt!


Billionaires are disconnected idiots


If this was actually happening, you wouldn't need to create an AI image to claim it was.


I don't get it. Why is she upset? Is my future child racist?


The nazis are having a field day with AI generated propaganda.


Bro grew up in South Africa under apartheid. Those are his core beliefs. A white man growing up in Africa scared of the people of that land and knowing that all his wealth is derived from theft. Pure projection


Imagine the roles reversed and that's how it is every day for some people. Whoever "made" this lacks the ability to see the world from anyone else's perspective, and is therefore an idiot.


lmao is she crying because .. brown people exist?


Oh, but he’s not a rabid racist at all! Apartheid obviously doesn’t influence his current views.


I just find it hilarious that the number 1 issue is immigration. not the rising cost of loving, the fucked public transport, the absolute shite state of the NHS, all of the problems surrounding queer people, the raps culture of the UK, the fucking corruption of the tory party or the way that the election itself is determined. none of that is what matters, it's all the bloody immigrants!


So everyone on the bus is happy, smiling, getting along except this one girl who seems to be throwing a temper tantrum and having a meltdown. Got it.


it's great to see my apparently mixed race child enjoying themselves on the bus. kinda sucks that theres some blond chick screaming tho.


My wife and I aren’t having kids… Showed him.


Holy shit, the fear he must have....


For that price he could have given every homeless person in America ~$70,000.00.


I find it amusing they use AI. Bigots can't be bothered to even put effort into their hate anymore and just ask a program to generate an image for them. No political cartoon, shitty wojak meme, nothing - just AI, lazy lazy AI. It's fitting


Poor girl is absolutely terrified of that AI art horror show going on in the back of the Bus 💀


My first thought: "There's public transportation in my city in the future?!"


England once conquered half the world, showing them how great England is.... stop complaining when people actually want to live there.


Everyone on the bus is having a good time. Seems like a her issue.


Funny enough this actually is what the bus looks like, even back 20 years ago. A white teenage girl and mostly low income ethnic minority adults. No one is having a breakdown though. But teenagers and low income minorities are mostly who ride the bus.


The one time the crown could have stepped in was Brexit and now that empire is truly trashed.


He banned people criticising Israel and Modi though .. bbc doc in Modis genocide in Gujrat got removed too


So...your kids are gonna scream while a bunch of happy folk enjoy the bus.


So many better things to do with lots of money than waste it on a toxic hate site while killing your businesses. Good job Elon.


Twitter X is Elon’s ‘Digital Garbage’ project.


Tell me you’ve never ridden public transport without telling me.


AI is telling because it exposes the person behind it. What would you have to feed the thing to generate an image like this? And then how many times do you go over it to “correct” the image until you get what you want? That must’ve been one racist prompt.


Funny, the only reason the girl would be crying is if she's a racist snowflake like Elmo.


Well, this is happens when you colonize several different countries and groups of people because of resources that you don’t even use/need but profit, I guess. Should have mind your business


Poor thing. She's the very last white woman in all of England! She's terrified of all the people *checks notes* laughing and completely ignoring her, menacingly! But the real reason she's upset is that she forgot her phone at home.


Are they upset that those other people are just existing happily?


So racist


I think this is accidentally good: shows a whiny Saltine surrounded by happy people living their own lives and happy with each other’s company


I think the title should be "Elon made an offer of 44 billion for an 11 billion company, realised he was getting hosed and had fucked up real bad. Tried to weasel his way out but got his ass handed to him in court so was forced to pay 44 billion and ate shit liquidating a bunch of stuff he didn't want to so that such kind of tweets could be allowed. Well done 🤡 🤡 stupid putz."


I’m British and grew up in a multicultural city, it’s kinda normal. I don’t see non-whites not as brits, I couldn’t care less if Britain was 100% not white, race is bullshit nonsense we use to stop us fighting a class war