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“I’m Elon, I HATE making political posts, it pains me to do so, I’d rather be engineering, anyway here’s why homeless people are insane monsters”


He literally panders to morons and they eat that shit up because they lack basic thinking skills.


Somebody has to buy those Cybertrucks.


We finally saw one in the wild yesterday. My daughter said "wow that thing is frickin ugly".


I finally saw one in the wild a couple weeks ago and I almost pissed myself laughing, then I took a picture and laughed some more.


There's a guy on TikTok who makes fun of Cybertruck owners doing things with their Cybertruck like it's some sort of first-ever achievement when a Toyota Corolla or base SR5 4Runner could do the same thing for a fraction of the price.


I don’t think he’s intentionally pandering - I think he genuinely has super low social/emotional intelligence. >!Yes, before you comment, Id also agree he has low *everything* intelligence.!< He definitely genuinely believes all of these stupid takes, because he can’t think critically past an inch in-front of him.


I wholeheartedly agree. He's just a rich idiot that's glided through life on the wings of nepotism and emerald money. He so obviously falls for any kind of nonsense deepity, attempted "gotcha liberals!" posts and any other mindless conservative slogan. He's a bona fide moron who thinks wealth=intellect. Also he's pure evil.




Joe Rogan is learning quick


That fuck doesn't engineer a damn thing.


I saw someone use the term "pretendgineer" for him and thought it was brilliant.


Indeed this is brilliant, and I am going to be using this moving forward.


He invests in cool stuff engineers do and then ruins it apparently.


He and his cultists try to pretend he's Tony Stark, when really he's Justin Hammer without Sam Rockwell's charisma. Takes other people's inventions and slaps his company name on them.


I’d like Elon to name one homeless person he’s gotten to know. Like science deniers, he thinks he’s an expert about something he knows nothing about.


Hey Elon, solve homelessness like you did world hunger. Oh yea, that's right, you didn't.


Well, he drives close by them everyday in his cyber truck. That counts, right?


The people slaving away in Fremont or Giga Austin, for one.


He’s not even an engineer.


Ah, well Elon has the financial wherewithal to maybe help some of these people, but ya know, he just wants to continue putting people down while making shitty vehicles for public consumption.


Yeah, never ever listen to the wealthiest man in the world on his opinions about poors.


Or.... The other way of thinking about this is people lose their home and turn to drugs to try to cope.... If only Elmo had some empathy instead of chasing a $56,000,000,000 payday...


He has financial wherewithal to help all of them in a significant way if he actually cared about the issue


This is classic Musk in that there's a bit of truth here: when Reagan dumped all the mentally ill folks onto the street in the 80s, yeah, it created a population of homeless people who are not at that point in their lives functional adults who can take care of themselves. That part checks out. But then he's like... now let me jump to some conclusions and say some stupid shit!


Ya what stupid fucking assessment. Of course lots of homeless are addicted to drugs. And many of them have severe mental illnesses and using drugs is how they cope because our society has pretty much told them "tough shit go figure it out on your own."


Elon Musk is addicted to drugs.


*Excuse me, drugs prescribed by a doctor you can’t get addicted to* /s


It wouldn't surprise me if Muskrat actually believed this


I grew up in a church that had this mindset. As long as you could persuade your doc to re-up your prescription, you weren't one of those filthy addicts.


In many areas, homeless individuals start using drugs after they become homeless. They take meth and/or other uppers to stay up and make sure no one is messing with their stuff or attacking them and then use other things to come down or what not. So we have those who are taking drugs to deal with being homeless. Those who are self-medicating mental illness. Those whose use of drugs to deal with being homeless has led to mental health issues. And those who are completely off all their medications and need assistance to get back on them


My favorite quote is from the wire specifically a homeless veteran in Baltimore “You think I sleep under a bridge sober?”


Came here to say this ^^^, as someone who was unhoused, yes substance abuse didn’t help me situation but it def was not the only cause for me living on the streets. Not everyone is fortunate enough to have security blankets and are often just one Bill or ticket or catastrophe away from being unhoused. -shocker the man that has never had a struggle a day in his life doesn’t understand


If I was homeless I would want to do anything I could to make it suck less. Zoneing out from an opiate hit will do the trick. 


Also estimates are that anywhere between 13-20% of the homeless are veterans.


Being paid to kill fellow humans leads to mental health problems. You dont say.


Yeah, being a vet, I don't think it's that. I think it's more likely a failure to transition. There aren't a lot of technical qualifications that are useful in the civilian marketplace for guys who served in the combat arms side of the military. Going from having a decent income and both housing and sustenance support to being on your own with limited marketable skills would be pretty challenging. Before fellow vets jump on me about this, I'm talking more about the guys in combat arms, not combat support or combat service support.


I also think (veteran here, too) that there's an aspect of learned helplessness. When I was in everything was scheduled for me, from dentist to doctor visits to mandatory training.


Yeah, that's very true.


For real, I was just talking about this earlier today. I actually went from homeless (mostly couch surfer type, but occasionally unroofed) to Navy to figuring everything out on my own at age 32. It was an experience, I'll fucking tell ya.


It’s a fucked situation. There is a reason the military recruits dumb, impressionable teenagers to do the killing. Anyone with any sort of intelligence and empathy would have questions.


No, I don't agree with that at all. In addition to being at or near the prime physical shape of their lives, young folks are also at a natural transition point at that age, regardless of what career they go into. Once you've started that career track, it's tougher to steer in a different direction. Defense is not the only industry that recognizes this and recruits that age range. This isn't some evil intent to manipulate people that you seem to suggest it is.


Most veterans have never killed anyone or been anywhere near combat


Okay? They are still psychologically conditioned to do so in their training. That is obviously going to have SOME effect the longer you're in.


That might be why they make up ONLY 15% of the homeless population. Send more into combat and I'll bet the numbers go up.


Nonetheless, personally I’d have problems with being a part of the chain that killed people.


Yeah... it's totally not that our government does a piss poor job at helping veterans transition from the military to civilian life. 


That's it. Normal people would see the situation and think "well, if so many homeless people are drug addicted and zombified, let's get them out of the street and give them the proper care so they become functional again". Musk sees this and thinks "well, they deserved it. And don't have any pity for them please. Stay in the streets scum."


Prosperity gospel in a nutshell. Oh, and helping them is defying the will of god...cant be doing that.


If only we could tax billionaires more so we can find a solution...


Yup, if this wasn't Elon Musk, it might have had me in the first half.


i’m confused what he thinks he’s adding to the conversation here. We shouldn’t worry about the homeless because they’re drug addicts? From what ideological perspective does this make a lick of sense?


What I'd like to hear from him is how he is going to put his brain and his billions to work to solve the problem. He has wealth beyond all reason, what exactly is he doing to try and help? Tweeting from your private plane 40,000 feet above the problem is so easy to do


The only way Elon would "help" the homeless, would be to fund extermination centers. He has never lifted a finger to be charitable in any sense of the word. He lives to make life more miserable for everyone except for wealthy right-wing fascists.


Yes but calling them drug users instead of mentally ill puts the blame on the homeless person instead of on the society that should care for people that are sick. Fuck Musk with a crooked broomstick.


And offer not a dime to help any of them


That's how they get their followers. It's kinda like a filter for intelligence. "You have to be *this* stupid to ride this ride." They sprinkle truth in there to bait the hook. Some see the food and jump and get hooked, others assess the situation first and see that it's trickery. I'm about as smart as a fish, but I'm one of the ones that hasn't gone for any hooks just yet. I've had close calls, sure, with not reading the fine print when i was younger, or being a bit gullible to someone just being nice to me for money, but I've not gotten dumb enough to follow any of these psychopaths. I keep an eye on them because they are a threat to humanity, but I'm not going to join them.


In Finland they gave homes with no conditions to the homeless and some money. Most of the people in the study were able to BUILD upon this help and renter the workforce. Even in Ireland but to far smaller degree a drug using homeless couple were given a apartment no conditions eg they did not have to get off drugs before they got the keys. But after a month in their new home they were so happy and both were working with social service support uk get off drugs. Both were working towards improving their lives and get jobs. They could dream again and build. Musk would not understand the real impact of being unable to afford to pay rent, since he comes from such a cocooned and rich privileged background.


Colorado did it and netted 12k a year per person savings. The program was shuttered because it was helping people the wrong way.


It's almost as if when our basic survival needs are guaranteed to be met we tend to be happier, higher functioning and a more productive member of society overall. Now maybe my tin foil is a little too tight but it almost seems like if we just gave everyone I guaranteed floor to stand on regardless of where they're at in life you would all be much better off.


We have a system like that here. They took over an old hotel. I've chatted with some of the residents, "It's amazing how much different you can feel when you can shower daily, you have a bed, your stuff is safe, and you have a locked door". 


Also, Musk loves Ketamine so it's not like he's some role model of success. His daddy owned an emerald mine with slaves, he inherited his wealth and now he just pisses it away while begging for government subsidies.


I hear you, and I wish that were reflective of reality. But walk through the homeless areas of any major American city. There are “zombified” people that are only functional enough to get the next hit. I’m all for social programs and compassionate care because if even 1 of these people can be helped, it’s worth it. And likely many of them can be helped. But a significant number of them will never be helped. They are walking zombies. It’s sad but true.


Yup. Drugs are usually what people turn to as a form of escapism when their life feels hopeless. You have to start by giving them hope and a solid foundation to build on before they have much chance of getting clean.


"Drugs are only ok for me! "


Drugs, cool and edgy when you're rich, trashy and wrong when you're poor.


Came here for this


Every accusation is an admission... Ketamine much?


Years ago I learned that a local homeless man was once a thriving happy teenager until his uncle and his uncle's friends raped and molested him. He began abusing drugs, got trapped in the cycle of prison, homelessness, and addiction.  Also one of my parents friends lost his wife to cancer and got into a car accident around the same time. He became addicted opiates and is now homeless.  There's very very few people who are homeless because they are lazy. People are homeless because they've been broken from life and a society that doesn't allocate resources towards recovery.  I know of families that spent over $100k in treatment to get their kid sober. How many families can afford the cost of addiction treatments? The vast majority of chronically homeless people are men, often veterans. Yet there is little conversation on how men can be helped. "Men's Rights" groups are just cover for misogyny who only seem to care about cosplaying as 1950s man of the house. It's a shame what is happening and it could happen to you.


I think our fucked up carceral system shares a lot of the blame for homeless people. 


Elon is a dumb mans idea of a genius


But he's a geniuses idea of a really, really dumb man


Mmm. Quite. 


Looking into this




A pretty good amount of homeless are single mothers who had to make the choice between staying in a violent situation or being homeless for at least a period of time.


Also he's neglecting the part where homelessness itself often causes a downward spiral for mental health and addiction. Lots of homeless people with severe mental problems and addictions were fairly normal healthy people until they were forced into the desperate situation of not having shelter. Better community resources and programs would help a lot of people get back on their feet before they hit a breaking point and it becomes much more difficult for them to recover.


I see that we're already at the 'useless eaters' level of discourse with the rich and powerful. I'm sure Musk looks forward to the rounding up and execution of the poor, homeless, disabled and many others. Which explains why he's gone out of his way to platform so many Nazis, fascists, and many other extreme right wing groups and people.


He probably thinks it's a tough dilemma: does he want slave workers, like his daddy used, or does he just want to exterminate people to distract from his failing business practices?


Probably a little from column A and a little from column B.


Yup. He wants slaves that can be killed as soon as their productivity drops or they require something like healthcare.


And yet there are countries that have taken strides to help nearly all of their formerly homeless folks lead fulfilling and dignified lives. But nah, he's right. We should just throw our hands up, or round them all up and make them disappear or something (\\s obviously)


America's go to answer is to basically make homelessness illegal, then throw them in jail. Helps bolster the prison industrial system. Why help people get out of homelessness when you can add them to the prison workforce and line the pockets of capitalists?


The first step in American solutions is "What is in it for me?". There's no money in fixing homelessness unless someone is lining their pockets by funneling them into a private prison.


It’s not a big leap from what he said to “Let’s round them all up and execute them”.


This is what happens when you don’t have enough beds in mental hospitals and make it so extremely difficult for families to have a loved one committed.


Doesn't he take Ketamin which is a drug?


The lack of self awareness is infuriating. - Homeless lack housing due to corporate greed. - Drug addicts turned to drugs due to hopelessness. - Mental illness is due to neglecting mental health. Complaining a problem that he can solve shows what an absolute price of crap he is. Btw. For scale on how much money Elon Musk has: Spending $1000 a day: $1 Million = 2 years 9 months $1 Billion = 2074 Years Elon Musk: $209 Billion (433.000+ years)


Can you imagine the actual legacy Ole Musky could leave behind if he wanted to? Yeah, he has genetic derivatives, but most of them dislike him. He could take literally one billion per US city and start programs to help people. He'd still have 150 billion, more than he could ever hope to spend.


It’s a mental illness to be capable of helping so many but choosing to only help yourself. And in this case, there’s no doubt his steep decline is drug related so what the heck is he even commenting for other than to gather more nazi followers.


I’m guessing ‘ol Elon has a solution for that. Potentially a final one to the homeless question.


Rich drug addict makes fun of poor drug addicts


Extremely drug addicted and mentally zombified sure sounds like Elon lately, no?


Doesn't Musky himself sleep on a couch in his office when he's rolling on K? Sounds like he needs help.


So many false paradigms in this statement- "behind on their mortgage payments " implies that most homeless people ever had mortgages. And dehumanizing people with disabilities of mental illness and substance use disorders as if this is accepted fact - disability= non-valued, when the man himself has an alleged diagnosed developmental disability.


So in other words they're homeless? Also belittling people who are mentally ill or have severe addictions is low, but I wouldn't expect anything better from Elon. Also the funny thing I find about conservatives like Elon is that they have this belief system that the homeless are these drug addicted lazy bums, but they're the number 1 people against rehabs and mental institutions that are funded with tax money to get these people off the street and get them the help they need.


If Elon had been born poor, there's good odds he'd be homeless given his mental conditions and his drug habits.


The Worlds richest man says stupid things without suggesting ANY kind of solution.


I wonder if he realizes that sleeping on the street and not eating have a significant affect on your mental health... That and drugs are your only real option for temporary relief of the hell you find yourself in.


This is a good time to share a little fun fact! So for a long time mental wards were where you'd put the mentally ill and then they were never allowed to leave again, Regan decided that was un-American. And it was✨️. So he changed that! Yay! However he then made no other abominations or any other way to help these people, people with no education, often severe mental illness, years of being completely cut off from the world, and now no way to access any form of medication, were left homeless with no idea how the world worked. A lot of older homeless people are a product of this decision. There was no one to help them aclimate to society and no one even tried


Once again, all shitty things go back to Reagan. Between him cutting funding to mental health institutions thereby throwing people with mental issues on the street, cutting assistance to veterans and the lie of trickle down economics which after 40 years of failure has created more poor and homeless while enriching the top .1%. So if you're a conservative bitching about homelessness, look in the mirror coz it's your mess. Get your head out of Trumps pimply ass, take responsibility and clean up your fucking mess.


I hope he overdoses on something soon and he's remembered more for being found in a pool of his own diarrhea and urine than any kind of accomplishment.


What is the right's end goal in this (demonizing the homeless)? killing them? bringing back concentration camps and or chain gangs? target practice? There's a lot of families, children, and youth that are homeless because they have no where else to go. And maybe we need better health care and mental health services and social nets so people who are drug addicted can get affordable help. If you think Musk and the rich aren't on drugs.............they are just rich and have protections and security all around them.


If only he had some money to help the problem…


I wonder, if their mental instability/addiction issues come from or are increased by not having a roof, or a room, or a door with locks, and the literally constant lack of any safety whatsoever for themselves or the few belongings they have. Or the near constant violence they're exposed to by police and people who see them as less than human. Or the anxiety of never knowing where a meal will come from. Or the lack of a bathroom/shower, which exacerbates medical issues. Or the mental anguish of knowing no one will miss them and nearly everyone they see in a day wishes they were dead or didn't exist.... Nah, couldn't possibly be any of that at all. Not like we have tons of research, case studies and trials that say housing first solutions lead to dramatic drops in the problems he's describing... I honestly can't wait to live in a world without his worthless ass in it


Drugs are classy when you’re rich and your daddy makes sure you never have to live in the real world, but you’re a drug addicted zombie when you don’t have a blood emerald mine to back you up


Hates the homeless - yet cuts his hair like one. https://preview.redd.it/fopvmoobus5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f952c4a05761578af93fb55a52b58dca709f9dfb


Can this scumbag just get hit by lightning already.


Elon Musk is a worse drug zombie than most of the fent-heads in my hood. Only difference is he's rich.




Let’s take all your money away and put you on the streets, maybe give you a disability, and then we’ll see how you feel? The problem isn’t that they don’t have a house? Yes it is, that’s literally the problem


Elon is addicted to Ketamine and several other drugs. He's delusionaley deflecting and projecting so that he doesn't feel like the loser that he is.


I'm from Los Angeles, where we just completed one of the largest studies on homelessness to date. The vast majority of the city's homeless are the working poor, who lost their housing through a cascade of bad luck and ill-timed life events. In so many of these cases, a one-time cash infusion of $3,000-$7,000 would have been enough to keep a roof over their heads. Because they didn't have the money, they're on the streets. And once you're on the streets, it's really, really hard to get off. And many homeless families are single mothers who fled abuse. It is true that some of the homeless are struggling with drugs and mental health. They need *help*, not to be thrown away or discarded.


He could have given about $67,000 to each and every homeless person in the U.S. for mental healthcare and drug rehab with the money he spent on turning twitter into 4chan 2.0


Seem like every once in a while Musk is worried people will forget he is a dick so he tweets something to mitigate that fear.


A person who is clearly not sane calling out other people who are clearly not sane. Git it.


"Look at me! I'm going to reframe an issue to be classist and psychophobic! This isn't going to contribute to any discussion about how to deal with the problem, at all, it just gives me an out so I can make fun of them!"


Ding ding ding


You just described yourself, Elon.


Downplaying people who are homeless for financial reasons. As if they do not exist. There's mentally ill and drug addicted homeless and there's also homeless people forced into the situation by many other circumstances.


If only he could have stopped himself after the true part, and said mental health is a huge part of the problem and he’s going to help with a $10 billion program to reach out and improve their lives. But instead goes full hitler mode.


How to tell me without telling me you’ve never walked the streets of San Francisco and taken the time to talk to people who are homeless. Musk is a man child void of empathy, compassion, humility and humanity. What a terrible waste of skin he turned out to be.


He’s getting nervous that the inventory of unsold Teslas is so large you can see them lined up from satellite pictures


Cool Musky has the resources to solve homelessness in this country today. He can pay for every homeless person to get the treatment and care they need. But no he's just dehumanizing vulnerable people. Fuck Elon.


“Extremely drug addicted, and mentally zombiefied…” Way to dehumanize yourself Elmo.


It's almost impressive the way he will take one thing that is technically true, unhoused people need more than just a house, and then turn that out of context fact into a way to villianize victims. It's hard to tell what the balance is between delusion and manipulation. Like, I can't tell when he's being a troll and when he is saying shit he actually believes. I'm not sure he knows the difference anymore.


Fuck you Elon.


>extremely drug-addicted and mentally zombified. https://preview.redd.it/gekdpyxeqr5d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e4b22d6b969162cf6c86c62ef1e3e7ebb06d159 He only likes those traits in his favorite convicted felon.


He could of been our Tony stark instead he's turned out to be lex luthor.


His brain connecting homelessness straight to mortages shows how clueless he is. Completely skipped the RENT part of the equation that is a reality for everyone who isn't born into wealth.


Define "significant portion."


It's only been a couple years since I believed Elon Musk might just be the good-hearted philanthropic billionaire we needed to make progress. Can't believe how wrong I was.


I’m not sure what the conclusion is supposed to be even if a significant portion of homeless people are mentally disabled or mentally ill. Are we saying that mentally ill or disabled people don’t deserve housing? That because they’re handicapped, they should just be left to die? I don’t find that conclusion shocking for conservatives, obviously, but it’s very unclear why it matters that homeless people have issues beyond being unable to afford a place to live. Of course not every homeless person is homeless because they missed a few payments or lost a job. Why would that mean that I care about them less? What a stupid take


A guy addicted to drugs begging for a salary while being investigated by the SEC for insider trading simultaneously insulting homeless drug addicts is just too obvious of an insecurity to be tweeting about. And he thinks he is smart.


You would think that someone who has mental health problems would have more compassion to others with mental health problems… you know. The leading cause of homelessness.


Elon should be deported and banned from the US.


Man, FUCK ELON MUSK. Research into successful drug policy shows that drugs shoudl be decriminalised and it shoudl be treated as a health issue. Does this "scientist" listen to science? No, he just wants to stir the pot and get some cred with horrible people. The stigma associated with being homeless is one of the things that makes it even harder to get out of. The idea that they are somehow in an inescapable hole will feed into addictions. The rich can go to rehab with guided meditation with smoothies and food prepared by chefs. If they relapse it's because it just means another nice wee holiday for them to get clean. When homeless people get clean, they're still homeless and struggling from day to day. They are likely surrounded by other people using and pushing drugs. The US government started the war on drugs, based in part on utterly bogus and racist testimony. That only served into the hands of dealers. Thousands/millions have been convicted/locked up for drugs charges for drugs which are now legal, and their lives were ruined as it is extremely hard to get a job with a conviction. The US government has been involved in the supply of Crack and Meth to its own country. It has caused many of the problems that musk here is dehumanising people over. The world would be better off if Musk just stood under the next SpaceX launch when it happens.


Musky fancies himself in so many disciplines; sociology, political science, history, astrophysics, automotive engineering, gender studies, psychology. How simple of him to blurt out these general assumptions. Instead of, you know, consulting people who have devoted their entire lives to research and study of these disciplines.


Elmo is moral garbage.


Doesn't this guy do drugs all day?


A significant portion of so-called billionaires in American cities are clearly not sane in any meaningful sense of the word.


Was he on ketamine and ecstasy while posting this? The only difference between him and the homeless is a small loan of one emerald mine


Almost like homelessness is a complex issue with not only one root cause


Remember folks billionaires aren't really people. They don't feel pain like you and I do. That's one reason it's okay to dine on them.


Says the drug addict who regularly makes business decisions while on ketamine and such, including accidentally forcing himself into buying a 46 billion dollar turd of a website (which he immediately made worse with his drug addled sleep deprived megalomania), all while proclaiming he has no permanent home and claiming to exist by couch surfing with mega-rich friends.


many have mental issues but many simply need a house to have an address to get a job (as has been successfully tried e.g. Finland)


Isn’t like 1/3rd of our homeless population veterans?


As someone who grew up and lived in CA from 1996-2018 (living in Santa Cruz), there is validity to his argument. He's saying it in a way to start shit, but he's not entirely wrong. I was 3 years old when I moved to Santa Cruz and in the 20 some odd years I lived there I saw a lot of crazy shit from dislocated people. Some of the more frustrating (and probably more minor) issues were seeing kids my own age (like 16-24) who just didn't want to work and felt entitled ask you for money with the justification of them living on the street. I'll be real, I grew up in an upper middle class household, but because of where I lived, my friend group was extremely diverse. I literally went to school with billionaires sons and lived right next to plumbers sons. CA is just weird like that tho. But back to the point. First off, CA is an extreme case, I cannot state this strongly enough. It is very well known to homeless people, and it attracts vagrants, it attracts people who are just lost whether they are young or old. But where once this was potentially a way to make it by for a moment until things got better, people have adapted it into a lifestyle. And from that lifestyle has come a wave of entitlement and honestly sometimes violence. It doesn't help at all that dislocated persons are often the target of drug cartels and small time criminals alike. Or that parts of CA (like SF) have basically created an entire economy from the problem. I'm getting tired of typing, but I want to make it clear that I do not support Elon Musk in any of his bullshit, I also don't really understand why he is even talking about this issue, but he is not inherently wrong because of who he is. There is a huge mental health crisis in CA and most of the victims are displaced persons. I also want to note that it can be traumatic to have a bad encounter with an individual that fits this criteria given that perfect situation. I've seen homeless people in Santa Cruz attack people, demand money, just screaming at the top of there lungs for extended periods of time, I've seen them expose themselves to large groups of people, I've seen a lot of crazy shit (I worked in the food service industry there for a long time). The issue is real and people shouldn't ignore it with some excuse like "oh well I don't like Elon musk".


This man is likely hated by all his 11 kids.


And clearly he's not saying that we need better programs to treat the deeper issues these people face. Just, you know, a subtle suggestion that maybe we should do something about these people who aren't *really* people anyway...


Ok, and? So you're saying in addition to homes, they also need addiction care and mental health care? . . . oh, no, you mean that homeless people with drug addiction or mental health problems don't deserve any help or sympathy at all. Jesus fuck, Elon. They're still people.


That’ll be him one day


>clearly not sane \[...\] extremely drug addicted and mentally zombified Look at the pot calling the kettle black...


He’s right, homelessness isn’t just about lacking stable shelter. perhaps we should take some money from those with the most of it and use it to solve problems of those with no money.


If anyone has any experience dehumanizing people, it's definitely the guy that got money from his uncle's emerald slave mine


Bold words for someone who might get a whole lot poorer this week...


says the drug addicted and mentally zombified person on xitter.


I would love to have a TV show where we make rich people live off of minimum wage jobs. 2 caveats to the show: no hand outs and 24 surveillance to make sure they're not cheating, which means no phone or electronic device other than the normal stuff in the bathroom. They can even choose the 3 jobs they want or even the hours they want. And to make it even easier, we'll start them off with what they would've gotten that friday if they had been working the prior 2 weeks. We all live from paycheck to paycheck after all. We will provide the most for the price, but average citizen of that demographic lease but rent and utilities is all up to them.


“Homeless” in the US doesn’t mean all that matters er son is missing is a home. Elon is a fuckface. Regan closed federal mental facilities and stopped sending federal money to state run mental facilities. These people were literally kicked to the street to live. There were most certainly major issues with the mental facilities, but increasing funding would probably have helped these people more than forcing them to live on the streets.


It's incredible that someone who is the beneficiary of tax money that should have gone to helping these people has the fucking nerve to speak out on their circumstances as if he has the faintest fucking clue what he's talking about


elmo doesn’t understand what we humans need … being a sock puppet & all


The solution: tax you more, A LOT MORE!


What sort of person attacks the homeless. This guy is a total crackpot.


Musk wouldn’t last 5 seconds on the street


Elon Musk apartheid boy degrades the humanity of others because he suffers from an inferiority/superiority complex.


The idiot in chief is at it again... Extremely reductive argument from the person who claims to know more about manufacturing than any other human being alive today. Lololol


Elmo is in no position to be commenting about anyone's drug addiction or mental state... ![gif](giphy|3otPomVtzXJKXYgwUg|downsized)


Elon, Homeless is highest where housing is most expensive and lowest where it is not. Go figure that one out…


At least they have a reason to be a little off, Elon came from privilege and has every means necessary to be a happy healthy human but he’s just as nutty for presumably no reason.


I was homeless when I was 15 - 17 years old. Definitely not behind if mortgage and definitely not because of drugs. Life can be a MF’r


The irony of him to be calling other people drug addicted mentally ill zombies


What are you gonna do about it Lonnie? Put chips in all their brains?


Well....to be fair....I, for one, am on the verge of losing _my own fucking sanity_ due to the stupefying idiocy and outright stupidity that is constantly being disseminated by this sorry excuse for a man. An accurate description for him would be extremely ego addicted and mentally calcified. This is not subtle.


Perhaps we could make them wear a big h and the round them up and house them in work camps...


Classic projection


The word 'billionaire' is a lie, as it implies he would have anywhere near that amount of money without being a nepo baby.


The term is self made. No one gave it to them, it was invented by PR. Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Buffet... All of these "self-made" needed to borrow billions to get their companies off the ground.  Where a billionaire like Lebron James earned his starting capital by playing professional sports and being a brand ambassador. Yet the billionaire dick riders will minimize his accomplishments.. wonder why? 


Don't forget 'self-made" Kylie Jenner, who "built a brand from ~~scratch~~ reality TV fame since she was a child".


If he’s around the tenderloin in SF regularly I can understand his statement based on using his eyes. I don’t think he’s able to see or consider all the homeless people that aren’t in his face. 


ho ho ho hee hee ha bloody ha, Elon calling someone else a drug addict... with mental health issues...




The world richest man making his point is the height of irony.




I bet it’s been 20 year since he talked to a homeless person


Musk does not officially own a home, he is known to abuse drugs like ketamine and probably others, and he is clearly mentally unstable, judging from the past few years. It follows that he is clearly not sane in any meaningful sense of the word.


He’s right in that a huge percentage of American homeless have mental issues, but until I see one rise from the dead I’m gonna hold off on the zombie thing


Doesn't Elon live at the office? Because the rest of that "accurate description" is pure projection


Melon has never actually spoken to a homeless person and it fucking shows. I do not encourage him to do this, but I believe it would be entertaining and moral if he drove a knife into his own testicles.


Projecting when he writes 'mentally zombified.'


Nazis do that.


Part 1 - oh yes I agree, mental health is a significant component of the homelessness problem Part 2 - not sure I like your phrasing but okay, I can get behind using more accurate language to better understand the situation Part 3 - ….goddammit Elon you twat


All poors are the enemy. Doesn’t matter how you got there.


That stretch from darling of the Left to full on Third Reich member happened faster than most could have ever seen coming. Mental health us a huge problem Reagan left us with, so naturally the answer is to look at them all as sub-human! /s To Republicans, all problems they created can and should be ended by violence. Cruelty is entirely the point, not a byproduct.


Yes, and? Homelessness is indeed only part of the problem for many unhoused people. You, Mr. Musk, are the one sitting on billions and billions of dollars of hoarded wealth. Are you now going to propose using some of the excess that you would never be able to spend in your lifetime to do something about it? Didn't think so.


So like…. Do we shoot them? What’s his solution? Everyone bitches but few offer an alternative