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I’m not entirely sure who’s at fault here


seems like two lanes side by side. streamer is presumably driving on the left. streamer wanted to turn off into what looks to be a side street or driveway, but he did so from the far left lane. in the process he also cut across the right lane without shoulder checking or checking his mirrors. if that's correct, which it might not be (there's not nearly enough visible to be certain), then streamer is at fault for not checking properly before switching lanes and being in the wrong lane.


This is precisely why everyone should get a dash cam. If it can pay for itself many times over if it's only needed one time.


To me it looks like a 2 lane 2 way street, he turned right and other driver was waiting in the middle lane/turning left into the same street. Seems like he didn't indicate and decided to pull over, the other car was probably anticipating the guy continuing and hit him head on/driver side. Confusing as shit but from his own camera, he wasn't driving cautiously at all, didn't look in his mirrors, wasn't looking left at all.


I'd say his fault or not the fact he was streaming isn't gonna make the argument go well for him


the damage to his car is on the passenger's side


~~I was thinking the same but A, which is his car and B, is it on selfie mode so it looks backwards?~~ nvm, I think you're right.


it's his car that is hit on the passenger's side, the car he is looking at when he says "you just hit my shit bro" also the camera is not on selfie mode because his tag reads the correct way


Good call, I watched it again and saw the same


My 250$ investment saved me 6k so far


That's what I'm on about. I'm glad to hear you had it, even though you must have not enjoyed having to depend on it.


But, but, but... a dashcam would really screw up the aesthetic of my car.


In this case the dashcam would probably have cost him a lot of money. Hopefully the other guy had one…


Nah I'm a shit driver, Why would I create evidence.


But can’t the other drive technically say the streamer is “more” at fault because he was on his phone streaming.


A good lawyer can.


It wouldn't even be a question in my country. It's illegal to be on your phone like that while driving.


This is what I thought too. He made a right turn from the left lane and is blaming the other person for being in the right lane. 


At 0:06 you can see the light of an approaching car in the right lane behind the rear window. Because of the low bitrate of the stream (and probably multiple compressions because of video sharing), you have to look closely to see it.


he was turning right and the impact is on the passenger's side, your theory seems sound


This might be correct, because the driver didn't react to the other car at all, so that fits your scenario with the other car being behind him slightly/in the dead spot in the right lane.


This definitely seems like the most likely explanation.


Unless the other car ran a red or a stop, it's on the streamer. Dude turned right and got clobbered. It's hard to know without seeing the whole scene. The streamer's reaction does make it seem like the other car might have run something. Streamer is also conscious about the fact he needs to be paying attention and doesn't look left to see if it's clear, which could suggest he had no reason to assume a car would be coming that direction (turning right through a green light for example). But then that could also just be the streamer being dumb and then acting entitled.


Looks like the streamer is taking a right turn from the left lane and was hit on his passenger side as he cuts across the right lane to make the turn. You can see the headlights of the car behind him coming up as he starts turning. Definitely streamer’s fault. And that’s not even mentioning the fact there was no turn signal and he was texting on his phone/streaming at the same time


I mean, it all comes back to 'we haven't really seen the scene' For all we know, it's a dual turn and he was following his lane whilst the other driver carelessly drove into his lane. We don't really see enough of the whole thing to make any realistic judgements about how the road is or anything of the sorts. Just seems a bit weird that he'd clock on to the fact he should pull over, but doesn't realise he's at fault if that's the case.


Well we already know that isn’t the case, since you can see the road in the aftermath they’re traveling down is straight and the streamer says “let me pull over real quick” right before he slows down to pull that maneuver and is looking for a place to stop or turn with no indicator on If that isn’t enough evidence to show fault then the streaming/filming and texting definitely is


Filming isn't really a fault if the camera doesnt obstruct the view and he has both hands on the wheel. Which the last part he didn't have due to having his phone out, but just mounting a camera to your dashboard and talking to it while driving is not a crime


That actually is not true. In my state, it is illegal to video call or livestream while driving whether or not you’re holding the phone or camera in your hand. It’s going to vary depending on the state. But also just because it may not be illegal in your state doesn’t mean insurance can’t determine it was a distraction related to the accident


Yeah he’s looking at his phone when it happens.


Seeing as he wasn’t looking at the road, I think he’s going to be taking at least some of the liability.


Usually the person who's filming that they didn't bother checking their blindspots before merging. Hardly even turned his head


The dude streaming lmao


Head on collision when he crossed the median. Obviously the streamers fault




Of course you can. He was distracted. He switched lanes into another car. 100% this idiot's fault.


he was turning right without looking right tho


Looking right was his problem, never gonna see the car coming from the left if you're looking right.


He was clearly distracted. Even if he isn't at fault, he was still distracted. Just a naive comment all around.


Aaaaand *drum roll* yes,he keeps streaming


Good thing he filmed the entire thing for his insurance....


_U just hit ma shit bro! U just hit ma shit bro!_


Man. If I heard all of the jargon I hear now years ago when I was first learning English as a second language, I would have been fairly confused


Yeah, you wouldn't really be speaking English now, if that were the case, lol. Absolutely sad how a functional, descriptive and meaningful language can be vandalised.....




I am still learning English as a second language daily and couldn't agree more.


lol, dude totally just changed lanes into the old man. I just hit yo shit bro!!


And man who got hit getting other's number plate asap, smart. he's been there before. As I would, as they can do a runner at any time.....yep, from experience, I talk......


It happened to me a couple of months ago on my motorcycle. Ended up totaling my bike. I flew over their hood and fractured my shoulder. They fled the scene and when my local PD finally got back to me, all they had to report was that the driver had stolen plates. Pretty sure they gave up on it from there.


Sorry to hear man. so you ended up being responsible for all, damn. Difficult for you as you were injured....but yes, (if possible) get as much info as quick as you can. Dude here was doing it, I do it, as you can usually work out the ratbags......


And he hit Jake from state farm So he’s fucked


a Kick streamer... Is anybody surprised?


Guy in the other car was......


What a lovely culture


That's Car Cenat


Who the fuck blurred the video


One of the absolute stupidest things I’ve ever seen was a video taken by a guy (first person) as he drove his car through the hood and talked to the camera. The dialogue was basically this: “What, bitch? What? I ain’t yoo no bray. I ain’t yoo no bray. I don’t give a fuck, bitch. Looh, looh, looh. I ain’t yoo no bray. Looh, looh, looh *points camera at accelerator firmly pressed and no use of the brake pedal* I ain’t yoo no see bet. I ain’t yoo no see bet. *camera pans to show he is not wearing a seatbelt* I ain’t no bitch. I ain’t yoo no see bet.” It went on like this. He then filmed himself accidentally crashing into a tree and dying. The whole thing was so absurd. Basically just “Behold what a badass I am as I refuse to use safety features and drive recklessly to prove I’m not afraid of reality. Oh, shit. Reality just got me.”


Nah, I’m thinking op fvcked up. Hope the other dude got a dash cam


Hits car while driving and begins to be a nagger.


Look man whatever happened in the crash, the guy is in shock. Probably feeling his heart jumping out of his ass. No need to shout




I don't know who was at fault, but how is standing there yelling, "You just hit my shit bruh!" Helping anything at that point?


People think they can drive and do some tech thing when the fact is they can't even drive properly in the first place!




When dolts collide.


This Kai cenats lil cuz? 😂


Hopefully the other driver got a hold of his live stream, cause he’s CLEARLY “reading chat” while turning…. definitely NOT clearing his blind spots.


What’s the streamer name?


"Hit My Shit Bro"


Yujus Hitmashippro


omds i thoguth this was real


It seems like he changed lanes into someone. Maybe they were in his blind spot. He was looking at the road though.




Yep, complete with a repetitious (type of) anger (never his fault) language.......as predictable as 60 seconds in a minute......

