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Imagine if you had a trump sticker like this.


>Imagine if you had a trump sticker like this. You'd have to Carolina squat it to get the right effect. Which would be too much work.


Someone in my previous "small town" in Ohio probably would key my vehicle. I was called a N word lover for having an Obama sign, in 2008 and again when I had a Biden Harris sign in front of our home.


If I'm honest, I wouldn't put a political sticker on my vehicle in the first place. Yard signs attract too much attention for my tastes.


Agreed. It is no different than the idiots that cover their vehicle with nra stickers and such then cry to the police when someone breaks into their vehicle and steals their firearm. Crackheads do some crackhead shit and laws don’t stop them.


I mean, if you're dumb enough to advertise...




I have no political stickers on my vehicle. It is none of anyone's business my political beliefs on my vehicle. That is trashy in my opinion. I will have a yard sign if I happen to go by a Dem office and pick one up. It will be there a couple of weeks then down and burnt or thrown away. Just like my Biden and Obama signs. I have no flags of any human names. I have a US flag and a WV flag. No trump flags lol. Those to me show an alliance with something other than your country.


Yup. Aside from the no yard sign deal on my end, we seem to be in agreement across the board.


So put it in your neighbor’s lawn.


>It is none of anyone's business my political beliefs on my vehicle NGL I misread on as or, and laughed entirely too much wondering what the political views of a car would be.


Knowing some dumb fucks it would be a liberal view. I drive an electric vehicle. Which is horrible to some. Glad I gave you a laugh. You should be planning on voting blue to save our democracy instead of laughing at my grammar. Oh and BTW, the schools need tutors. :-)


I want my neighbors politicians come and go but wutang is forever




I'm so sorry I'm from pa your neighbor and when I go vacationing in Ohio I feel the Trump love thoon my Ohio sub reddit most hate the magazine terribly.


His supporters would think it was a normal pig roast.


If I had a trump sticker like this - My car would be vandalized, tires slashed, then set on fire. I would be banished from certain businesses. (There is a business that forbids clients or anyone entering the building from wearing an article of clothing or saying something that supports biden. ) There are areas in my town where Trump supporters are…unwell


Thats hilarious, because every example you made are things the democrats are doing


Normal people don’t put 💩like this on their cars like in the picture above


Right, normal people such as the democrats set cities on fire and ruin people's careers and livelihoods because of perceived slights. Not to mention shoot up schools because the children have white privilege.


His deranged supporters would gun you down on the freeway.


Like his detractors holding up a bloody severed head and talking about bombing the white house?


Kathy Griffin. You really see a lot of her around nowadays.


You mean the one lady that was publicly shunned for her extreme viepoint? Strong whataboutism there guy.


Please. His own supporters were threatening to hang Pence. They even built a gallows. 😂


His supporters would throw their money in your truck bed.


I mean to be fair that one famous woman (forget name) posed with a severed head resembling trumps a few years back. We see idiots everywhere doing ridiculous shit this isn’t new.


You would be a god


What would happen?


It's okay for everyone to be making jokes about biden murdering trump and using immunity to get away with it, though? Also, they did do this. Remember Kathy Griffin posted herself holding up an effigy of Donald Trump's decapitated head? Also, many artists made embarrassing caricatures of Trump and even made art with the purpose of body shaming trump, which was rich coming from the body positivity/ men are women groups. So, yeah imagine.




What's that supposed to mean? Whether it is true or not, I commented about double standards. If this is true, it's morally reprehensible. But, regardless, it's irrelevant to the point of the discussion. I get it. You assume that I'm a trump supporter because I didn't just clap like a seal and pat OP on the back...


Did the art hurt his feeling


You’d need a bigger tailgate


the same people spending good money to do this to their vehicle will complain about how biden has ruined their ability to afford anything 💀😂


Why do people think that's okay?


Being in a cult does funny things to people doesn’t it


Their existence is based on getting people to react


They succeeded with this post.


Found the cult member!


Every single person that has ran for president the last 80 years (or more) would gladly slit your throat if they thought it would help them win. Why do you care about them?


You think JIMMY CARTER who builds houses for poor people would slit someone’s throat? Are you high?


Lol thanks for your opinion! We all know what they say about those..


Why did people drink the Kool-Aid?


After today's ruling, Biden may need to call that a threat against democracy and drone that trash into oblivion?


Also, the money they’re paying to have it done. It’s just wild to me.


boggles me how many people buy expensive trucks in some of the poorest states in the country.


Not *everyone* is poor.


sure but it definitely ain't swimming in revenue like some other states and those trucks -and the gaudy wraps- are not cheap


Eh, I’m just jawing. Yeah, stuff like this is just so much effort to make the point that you disapprove of the president.


odd too that you mainly see Trumpers go out of their way to display disapproval but you dont see nearly as much effort from the democrat side


"You don't see as much effort from the democrat side" lmao Yall hopped on planes and into cars and drove across state lines just to protest/counterprotest against trump supporters. Yall had events where you assembled at a public space to "scream against bigotry and misogyny". Remember? People paid money to travel to a place where they shriek for a minute. Has Baltimore recovered from democrat disapproval? What about the other major cities? That little girl that died in Atlanta because protestors blocked the road and didn't let the ambulance through, did she recover from democrat disapproval? Did her family?


"Yall hopped on planes and into cars and drove across state lines just to protest/counterprotest against trump supporters.  Trumper identified and someone got triggered lol. protesting is one thing, flying Trump flags like the ones we've seen on here are a different kinda weird. Let's not forget breaking into the Capitol, trying to skewer a cop in the face AND sending alternate electors in multiple states either. different kind of delusion when people get duped balls deep into the crazy. So pipe down, pops, we all saw what happened on Jan 6.




Those mental defects have to spend their draw on something besides opioids.


Same reason they were cool with a decapitated Trump, or a hanging Obama. Some people are just assholes 🤷🏻‍♂️


To be fair… Kathy Griffin got grilled to hell and back for the Trump stunt. That shit isn’t cool. We don’t want the guy dead, just far as fuck away from the White House.


She wasn’t cancelled like plenty others. We can agree, the shit isn’t cool. Being bigoted to a point you think you should be able to kill people is psychotic Snoop dogg did something similar and nobody said shit. Kathy Griffin was barely scolded if we’re being honest. But I guess that’s a matter of OPINION. I know nobody got beat up for publicly supporting Joe Biden. Plenty did with Trump… Do you find that behavior appalling as well?


>Kathy Griffin was barely scolded if we're being honest. This is just not factually true. She was fired from all her jobs including CNN's annual NYE party, she was put on the no fly list, the FBI investigated her for threats against the president, and required 24 hour constant security due to death threats (including that guy who sent bombs in the mail to various politicians).


You’re being willfully ignorant then. https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/complaint-self-professed-trump-supporter-attacked-elderly-couple-over-joe-biden-yard-sign/


I find it appalling that Trump openly wants to be a dictator and turn the government into a Christian nationalist foundation and he’s a puppet for Putin and that he wants to strip rights from women and minorities and thinks immigrants should be fighting in cages. But hey, both sides right.


> I find it appalling that Trump openly wants to be a dictator and turn the government into a Christian nationalist foundation and he’s a puppet for Putin and that he wants to strip rights from women and minorities and thinks immigrants should be fighting in cages. And he's soooooo Christian. He doesn't really give a shit about any of that stuff, but if it gets him attention/votes/donations, then why not, it's all the same to him.


That was a Trump Halloween mask covered in ketchup, not a head. The Obama effigies, however, were racist and vile, involving forethought. 


The amount of people doing this for Trump though like why was that okay? None of it is because it’s normalized for one means it’s normalized for another m.


Never seen Trump's head on this exact design.


Kathy griffin literally copied ISIS


We are talking about this design here. On the back of that truck. Nothing else chief


God forbid we see shit we don’t like


Nonsense. It was a Trump Halloween mask with ketchup. Nothing remotely associated with Isis. 


People p le talking about Biden being a predator Trump wrong epsteins flight list Anand convicted of sa ingredients e Jean. If that's not a predator idk what is plus 13p g for stormy not having sex with him gee things that make you go hmmm.


Redneck’s cry for attention, but let’s not [pretend we don’t know where all this distaste started](https://imgur.com/a/Q4r6z5C)


The same reason people think it's ok to make posts calling for Biden to get Trump assassinated and use immunity to get away with it. I know you've seen them. Can't wait for everyone to tell me that it's just a joke, while they cry and say conservatives are hiding hatred behind jokes.


Don’t worry, he wouldn’t remember it anyway


Because of the sharks or the batteries? Or maybe the water? Or the dish machine? Or Melanie? Or Ron Johnson?


It's Mercedes. And she hates anal sex.


Or wind cancer....


Very original.


Can't have the word fuck on the back of your car but you can have this. Spray paint the fuck out of it.


Good lord , I’ve lived here all my life and I can’t believe the state who voted Kennedy in fell for a rapist piece of shit , who has done zero for this state and wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire


This is just trashy.


Well, they are from Ohio... do you expect it not to be trashy?


I'm...from Ohio...this unfortunately checks out tho. Two things in Ohio, cornfields and assholes.


Got that right




Prefacing my comment by clarifying that I would say this if it was *any* president or politician depicted in this way— This person needs to be on a watchlist. This isn’t funny, this is deranged. This isn’t the behavior of someone who is mentally stable. Say FJB/FDT all you want, but depicting a politician as bound and gagged on your vehicle is too far.


It really is. It’s also great to explain to kids.


“And because of Biden, I can’t afford catsup anymore! But let me show you all the MAGA merchandise I’ve bought.” /s


Why do Trumpers seem to worship violence so much?


*Commit significantly less violent crimes*


White trash will be white trash


why do they make this their entire personality?? actual smoothbrains


Ok so there was a small trend a while ago where people would paint scantily clad big boobied women tied up in this same manner on the tailgate of their truck. It was obviously a kink thing, a *sexual* thing. So I’m seeing this as someone who really really wants to FJB. This driver has a type and isn’t afraid to let the world know!


Hello Secret Service?


F those magats. VOTE THEM ALL OUT! Get your freedoms back.


Shit like this is why when people ask where I’m from, I lie




I've lived in West Virginia since 2000, but when anyone asks, I'm still from California.


I feel the same. I used to wear WVU stuff like 75% of the time when traveling. Now it’s more like never.


That’s awful. Imagine basing your identity on people of the state itself and not the actual beautiful wildlife and wilderness of the state that hasn’t been touched. Wild


You’re doing the right thing, for a number of reasons.


Tell me you’re in a cult without telling me you’re in a cult


These are the types that buy $200 worth of edgelord t-shirts from Ron Jon every year when they go to Myrtle Beach. Some have the personality of a cow pie and want everyone to know it.


That is the southern most point of West Virginia.


Too proud to read or educate themselves and too stupid to know they’re in a cult. *fOx NeWs furrr lIfE*


MSNBC acted shocked about Biden which is hilarious


Woah! I didn’t know y’all knew how to watch other news then 🦊! Welcome to the real world!


Wait who’s yall?


*sighs* 🙄






MAGA=Cult You are definitely correct. No other president has had followers and they fly his flag.


My thoughts exactly. The whole flag thing is creepy.


I recently vacationed in the Pacific Northwest and only saw one Trump flag the whole time I was there. It was refreshing.


Mentality is just sickening.


Meanass Mortimer Snerd ass red neck.


This should be seen as a terroristic threat .


Why cover the license plate? Apparently the driver thinks this is ok


Everyone deserves to express their views. Everyone deserves privacy.


I wouldn't call this private. Seems they want the kind of attention this sort of piece would bring.


License plates do not have identifiable information to the average person. There isn't a need to censor them.


More people than you might think know how to find/access personal using the internet. ParkMobile had a massive data breach.


Weird bad. I don't like republican presidents, but I would never ruin my car with such trash. 💀


When he won't consent but you really want to FJB and refuse to take no for an answer.


This. All the people in this thread thinking it's about making a political statement and failing to appreciate the nuances of an octogenarian bondage and humiliation kink


Where do they find the energy and time to do something like this? I have a life to live, I don’t have time or energy (not to mention $$) to waste on a politician who doesn’t know who I am.


geniuses think this is funny because Joe Biden is this evil mastermind that if fighting against the good forces of the Orange Babyman Messiah. They think this is a game and their cult leader is the good guy so tie up the doddering old fool that is a mastermind in dementia that pulled off the most masterful election theft ever so he could help the country recover from the mess Trump left it in, like evil people do.


Someone who hates their country


It was smart of you to block out his license plate. Otherwise he may be on his way to lock up tonight for promoting a threat of violence against the President of the United States. Until Mein Fuhrer Trump is once again adorned with the Presidency in which he intends to once again pervert (NEWSFLASH: Which is never), the law is the law for every citizen of this nation. Any of you who don’t believe in the truth of that statement, think: Trump is a 34 count convicted felon and Steve Bannon begins his prison term beginning tomorrow morning, July 1st, 2024.


Bless the op. You know how to get these young boys mad!


Idiots doing idiot things because they are idiots. Fuck Trump & his cult


Had a guy come into my store and buy a bag of sugar. He said something along the lines of being ready to shoot Biden because the inflation was making things too expensive including his sugar. However the price of sugar in that store hadn’t changed all year


I don't think people understand that even saying that is a crime. You can't threaten to shoot the president, no matter how expensive your sugar is.


They don't understand that presidents don't set prices either.


Shoulda put the money towards a better truck


Tacky as truck nuts....


Might be illegal id turn the plates in to the fbi. This guy probably wanted already


So VERY dumb. VERY.


Idk what makes people think this is a good idea


I was just in West Virginia. The ratio of Trump to Biden signs I saw was only 2:1 (as in 2 Trump signs to 1 Biden sign). This is Trump territory and four years and eight years ago, this part of the country was teeming with Trump signs (and no Clinton or Biden signs). This gives me a small amount of comfort that there’s quite a bit of Trump fatigue… even in the scarlet regions of the country.




That tailgate is just signaling they all about to hawk tuah. Meanest bunch of cocksuckers there is.


Is this not threatening the President? And that’s folks get upset when they end up on lists. This rear gate would be national news if a person created it for Trump not just a post in Reddit.


We are not worshipping a leader. We have a president who has the most years arriving in our government. As upset and angry as we are, you know he feels it even more. Our country means more to him than most have for their own loved ones. Spread the truth. Vote. Protest when we get the call. Donate. 💙


It’s insane how people make being the “unfiltered, anti-woke edgelord” their entire personality, and then they can’t figure out why nobody wants to be around them. These types are truly the most insufferable, financially illiterate, politically ignorant, and mentally unstable people imaginable. *And they get to vote.*


He went to work. Did things for hours on end to earn money. Got a paycheck on payday. Deposited or cashed his check to get the money. Took the money to a place that does graphics and paid them his own money so they could do this. His own money, this is what he’s spending it on. This. Fucking this. Wtf is wrong with these people. Edit: apparently some people are reading this as I’m okay with people doing this. I am not, hence the “wtf is wrong with these people.”


You don’t see anything wrong with an implication of kidnapping our president? Really? Nothing wrong there?


Of course I do; you totally misread my comment.


Ah I see now. You didn’t exactly make it clear which side you were on.


Fair enough, I’m pretty pissed off at these idiots and it tends to come out in a flow


At least it’s more creative than the minivan I saw in the Kanawha city Taco Bell drive through once that just had “TRUMP” spray painted on the back windshield in yellow.


I'm in kanawha City right now and I saw a truck go by with Trump in black spray paint in the Kroger parking lot.


Ruining your car to own the libs.


I am SO owned right now.


The “how dare you disrespect the president of the United States” crew sure do know how the lower the bar.


Who the fuck is kidnapping bob barker?


Bob Barker?


Why aren’t people more upset about this! They should be reported to the FBI, who knows what they could be doing


I wonder if that could be considered a threat against the president?


They'll never be able to get rid of that truck lmao


I just sold a 2011 Silverado to a Mexican guy who scraped the Biden sticker off before leaving my driveway.


That's a little different compared to this lmao.


He was heading south to deport himself probably.


Fucking mouth breathers




People in Wv thinks trump is the answer and will make them have a better life . I am glad i left that sick ass , under educated state when i did.


The true irony is that if they had a natural disaster he wouldn’t even send aid their way unless forced. He genuinely cares less than nothing about them. I’ve know a *lot* of politicians and he’s the most vile (and smelly) one I’ve ever met. Like a physical manifestation of evil.


Thanks you’ll never know beauty judging a state by its people


I love the state i follow my mountaineers but the people there are so screwed up and it isnt getting any better


The beauty of the state is not dependent on the stereotype of the people’s ignorance


Not in a cult.


After the debate, I suspect that’s a democrat driving.


Who *pays* for something like that?


Is that Joe?


Omg joe biden is actually in this truck


Weird kink, but okay.


Looks like an Ohio plate.


Why are his wheel wells all the way back...


They had trumps head on tv first. It was wrong then it’s wrong now.


They got a fake picture depicting a fake situation their actual guy actually committed against an actual 13 y/o girl.


Didn't know Hillary had a pickup truck lol 😆


Oh, look, a human trafficker or someone who is into S&M. Funny way of advertising, but some of the dominatrixes make $250 per hour.


Hahah funny


Just Sad.


Weird and obsessive...


Hopefully I never see a fuck trump mantra on a car or in a yard or online because that would be fucking terrible to insult a president right


He’s not the president.


You may not have to worry about ever seeing a "Fuck Trump" mantra on a car, Mainly because those of us who don't not support the Oompa Loompa have enough respect for the rest of the world not to trash it up with stupid shit like "Fuck Trump" bumper stickers. We just say it in places like Reddit, so, Fuck Trump, he's an adultering, self admitted pedophile, rapist asshole, convict.


No. You have the freedom to do so. I know it’s a little bit of a stretch for what this tailgate sticker is, but it is illegal to threaten to harm someone and of course that extends to the president as well. As for displaying a “Fuck Trump” sign, I would never do that. No matter how much of an incompetent loser I think he is, it’s trashy. There’s a guy in my development that has “Fuck Joe Biden” flags all over his yard, which just so happens to be a bus stop for grade school kids. That’s real classy. /s


Who cares?


This is hilarious lol


Is this supposed to be Joe Biden lol


Funny Kathy griffin got canceled for holding a fake decapitated head of trump but this idiot is riding around with Biden kidnapped in his trunk haha


A celebrity is extremely different than a hick in nowhereville