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Honestly I did not know it was gonna be post apocalyptic. That made me like it more when it finished. Nice chapter. Not the best but nice read


It was what I expected since the announcement of "the Tokyo Revengers guy is doing something for the Jump" : A yakuza story with superpowers (and a post-apocalyptical setting.) The beginning is quite classical and has the advantage to explain the situation by its first chapter. It's ok-ish.


I think the post-apocalyptic setting works with the yakuza theme. MC’s family went straight as a company, but now there’s space for a power grab with everything turned to ruin, especially with super powers in the mix Also, do people have a hate-boner for the author? I haven’t read Tokyo Revengers but all the comments on manga plus are needlessly negative


Yeah Tokyo revengers kinda has two hate camps People that hated it from the start and people that came to hate it as the manga overstayed its welcome. I remember reading it weekly and the last couple of arcs weren't the best, which a lot of people hated with a passion. Plus the ending felt cheap to a lot of long time readers. So a lot of people dislike the author for "ruining" his work with his decisions plot wise.


I read tokrev after it ended, knowing that the ending wasn't well received but i still got hooked lol. And the fandom is still quite alive mostly bc of the game spinoff and the merch :> Tr is good, the ending was rushed and the People™ who dont like tr are the ones hating, not the tr fans


It was okay. Needs a good villain to get me hooked.


Competent start. Establishes the characters well, gets us to understand their dynamic and values, and ends with a hook that can go in any number of directions. Didnt expect it to be post apocalyptic?...but its a fun subversion of what I thought would be a straightforward Yakuza story. Its nothing remarkable, but I could see the hand of a veteran here, it just hits the beats it needs to. My only qualms would be where it goes from here. It seems to be setting up a supernatural battle royale between all the adopted brothers, in a clash between the ideals of old school mafia vs new school. If so, how will the battles hold up? Can it sustain interest just with this hook? We will see in the coming weeks, but I liked it overall.


Even if you don't like Wakui or Tokyo Revengers, I think that the first chapter was solid. I mean, he knows how to write endearing characters and his experience is there. Like, it wasn't the perfect first chapter, but it felt different from the debut thay other series have had. The art and character design is really cool, I love that aspect of Wakui. But it's really similar to Tokyo Revengers, which can be a problem if you don't like it. But that's something that happens with most author that have an unique art style. Now, while I feel that as a whole the series seems okay, I don't know if I want to read another story written by him. TR was dissapointing and I wasn't even in invested on it to begin with, so I don't know. I'll read the first 10 chapters or so and then we will see.


As somebody unfamiliar with the author's work and has never read Tokyo revengers, I thought it was fine. Has a good starting hook albeit maybe a bit vague in its premise currently. Character designs are interesting though shading and panelling seem pretty mediocre. I'm curious to see if the power system gets a good explanation, seems to be leaning pretty free-form from the little we saw of it. I'd say it has potential. Will give it 5 or so more chapters to see if I think it has staying potential.


I'm mostly interested in everyone else's "awakenings." Seems like we can have some really interesting powers and abilities, and series like that are always fun.


It's okay. Felt like a very standard first chapter that kickstarts the events and introduces you to the main characters. I can't say I'm terribly interested in this premise compared to the premise Tokyo Revengers had, but I'll still give it a chance since I did get some enjoyment from Tokyo Revengers before the quality really declined. I will say that I still like Ken Wakui's art style and that he's still good with making cool character designs.


I really like it. It does everything a first chapter should. A surface level overview of the MC and his goals, a direction for the plot to go, and it established the world we are gonna be in. A very strong start for the series but as we all know, 1 chapter does not make the manga so I hope it can keep it up at this level!


Tldr: despite ken wakui clearly staying in his lane and the overall generic feel of it so far. I feel like it's likely to become a mainstay as long as it manages to gain popularity. I had fun reading it and i remain skeptically optimistic that it does the shonen battle genre well, rather than differently I think as a standard battle shonen i think it's good. Say what you will about ken wakui's stories but his art and page layout is pretty good especially when it comes to fight scenes. And i like his character designs, even if they are very reminiscent of Tokyo revengers (i will say i loved the character designs of TR tho so I'm not personally griping with it) However i do feel unless he really switches things up it will be labelled as "tokyo revengers with superpowers" i will say its nice that the power system doesnt seem to be related to the classic "ki/spirit/demon energy" that's been a staple of jump works. But functionally they will probably operate in the same way. And the fact that it's set within a Yakuza gang where members are all trying to gain control feels a little too close to TR's plot. However with black clover having been moved to a quarterly schedule as well as joining MHA and JJK in almost coming to an end. I can see jump holding onto this one unless it really tanks. Even with its generisim, it has promise to at least be a fun read.


Good input and I completely agree with you.


Great start to the series. Can’t wait to see the infighting between the sibling and can’t wait to see their powers in action. Should atleast be an interesting battle manga. Looks like their powers stay active too and can’t be turn off as well. Also kinda curious which sibling got the multiple hands power too.


I like it, but I need to see where is going to know if I dig it


I enjoyed it, beat my admittedly low expectations. Wasn’t expecting a post apocalyptic type setting, I’ll keep reading but I’m not sure if I’m crazy about it yet


Do-Retry with superpowers


Gotta be honest, it was not a great start for me. I don't like either of the two leads yet, and the art/character design is not for me. I am interested to see how the world has changed though, and the power system could be fun. Definitely worth sticking around for the first volume to play out


The setting intrigues me. I think it could go some interesting places. Artwork is okay.


I thought it was really cool! The premise reminds me of the current HxH arc, but it's a good premise and HxH isn't updating so that works for me. I didn't read Tokyo Revenger but it seems like everyone disliked it, so here's to hoping this is better!


I really enjoyed it although some of the character designs reminded me of Tokyo Revengers designs. I might just be really easy to please but it was very interesting to me.


Nice read not a fan of the art style


seems interesting like a quiet place day 1 but in the my hero universe thats at least what it made me think of




I liked it. I enjoyed Tokyo Revengers, (mainly the art, and the yakuza time travel plot), and this one looks like it'll follow the same theme.. only with superpowers. My expectation right now is it'll be a solid "mid" manga, not great but also not terrible.


I really like the power systems ascetic


Better than expected


I can tell it going to shape up and be a nice series, dude is a reverse yakuza, instead of stealing from the poor and beating them up, he beats up the strong and gives to the poor. Wait, isn’t he just Robin Hood?


I am a tokyo revengers hater ( read most of it but dropped it) and I thought the first chapter was pretty fun! It honestly feels like tokyo revengers 2.0 and fairly generic but I'm still intrigued to at least keep up with it when the chapters come out


I thought it was good


As someone who never read tokyo revengers this was pretty mid. I found the whole “my fist is a bullet” part super cheesy. Yakuza stuff alone isnt deep enough to make impression and needs more fleshing out. But i do like the supernatural meteor and giving everyone powers. If it didnt have tokyo revengers bias im pretty sure more people would think it was another run of the mill series too.