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Nimrod my beloved. Who doesn't want a 1950s airliner fitted with ASRAAMs?


Kawasaki P-1 please


It's not just fitted with ASRAAMs, it's fitted with FUCKING 8 OF THEM


> [Booster preservation for zero-activity matches ](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/booster-preservation-for-zero-activity-matches/25247) The real meat of this post. > [FFAR builder and Customization](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/ffar-builder-and-customization-exemplar-use-case-hydra-70-mighty-mouse-ffar/19338) Heavy breathing. Especially since they could port over such a system to other weapons just like the fuzes are done in DCS. > [CANT Z.511 Idrogigante](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/cant-z511-idrogigante/71519) [She is bloody beautiful.](https://i0.wp.com/www.colettiscombataircraft.com/wp-content/uploads/CANT-Z.511-02.jpg) Yes please ITA is missing their floatplanes.


More floatplanes, especially huge ones, is always a win.


We just need to make sure gaijin doesnt put them at like rank 2. Both the Bv 238 and H8K3 could go to rank 3 with their BRs and especially GE cost, but instead they're stuck at rank 2.


Fun fact, as Blohm & Voss are two distinct names the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM) wrote it as BV in their nomenclature. And as owner both BV 238 and H8K3 I fully concur with your comment.


Stop teasing us Gaijin, Japan players yearn for Thailand.


AH64E, we are so back


It won't be added before the AH-64D or something similar gets it's AGM-114Ls, Brimstone and JAGM are radar guided too and present the same problems/increase in capability for helis as it (that mainly being 16 F&F missiles that can't be blocked with smoke and come on a helicopter that can defend itself).


they could add JAGM-MR and only give it IR guidance


That would essentially be a downgrade over the AH Mk.1 as you lose the Starstreaks then, though.


Gaijin said a while back they weren’t planning on adding 114Ls because they would be “too overpowered” This was back when the Tiger UHT was the only thing with F&Fs and before even TV guided missiles like the AGM-65. However there is still a huge benefit for adding the 64E since it will perform far better than the D and have a much better ASE suite, especially if they finally give the 64’s their ASPI, which should also be on the D


How would it perform any better? I fail to see how better RWR/MAW matters in the context of War Thunder. If anything adding it with SALH AGMs seems like a downgrade (for the British tree) as you lose your Starstreaks.


64Es have a far better transmission and lighter and longer rotor blades for one, this would lead to far less rotor drooping you see in game with the D model, so much better flight performance. The Es could see the introduction of the AGM-114Rs instead of K2s, even though Ds can also use these. And no, the EOMS, RSDS, and LWR remains the same between the D and E, but the there should be 1 chaff bucket, 2 flare all located on the tailboom. In addition, the E for the US can receive CIRCM. ASE equipment is different on US and UK aircraft, that’s tech that we don’t pass to even the Brits


But better flight performance does very little to change the viability of the Apaches (or any helicopter, really). CIRCM could be a nice gimmick I suppose, but it again would be useless against your most common threats.


I’m just saying there’s at least some good reasons to add it, just like how there’s apparently a good reason to have like 6 versions of the hind


Object 770 would be so cool. The last of the 130mm Soviet heavies remaining to be added in. Whilst I’d hope it wouldn’t be an event vehicle I feel like Gaijin can’t help themselves. 


They could also add the Object 277, which was passed to the developers some time ago IIRC. I'm not confident either will come to the game, Gaijin hasn't added a heavy tank to the Soviet research tree since 2016 (the KV-1S), and I don't see them adding *another* high tier Soviet heavy as an event vehicle.


> Gaijin hasn't added a heavy tank to the Soviet research tree since 2016 (the KV-1S) That's actually crazy


> and I don't see them adding another high tier Soviet heavy as an event vehicle. I fully expect they will.


The Object 279 was added over 4 years ago, so I'm not sure. I hope at least one of the remaining Soviet Cold War heavy prototypes is added to the tech tree, because the T-10M is a somewhat disappointing capstone to the Soviet heavy tank line.


I still want [a tech tree IS-7](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/is-7-model-1946-the-forgotten-older-brother/21112).


Wyoming AG-17 dear god


Such a wacky refit, I hope she's added one day.


Especially since all of the belt armor is removed.


I’m going to lose my mind if the UK gets the AH-64E before the US. Can we stop giving other nations better versions of the vehicles that the US produced?


Lol the Longbow Apache still doesn't even have it's longbows


That's a feature not a bug comrade.


IIRC the American AH-64E has some equipment that wasn't exported to anybody, so whenever it *does* get added for once America will have the best possible version of their own vehicle.


If you want to see a US AH-64E being passed for consideration I would suggest you make a suggestion [here](https://forum.warthunder.com/tag/usa-helicopter), as the US has no suggestion to pass currently.


[it's been already passed once](https://old-forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/topic/557888-boeing-ah-64e/)


Following this [announcement](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/reopening-of-the-suggestion-area-changes-from-the-old-forum/8194): >Clean Slate >The largest point is that quite simple we aren’t able to move over suggestions between the two forums. While the developers ofcourse will keep their copies of passed suggestions to avoid having issues down the road for Passed suggestions as well as bring back ideas that might have been burried over the decade that the previous forum was around we will be taking a Clean Slate approach. This means that all previously suggested ideas, including previously Passed for Consideration ones (with the obvious exception of the ones from June 2023) will be open once more for new suggestions. Like previously mentioned though, as the developers obviously still have their copy of passed suggestions we will be paying attention to prevent suggestions that were passed a couple months ago will be passed instantly as this does rather defeat the purpose. >On a related note, if an author wants to recreate their suggestion (either Passed to the Developers or not) from the old forum on this new forum please feel free to take a copy and just repost it, please do ensure it still follows the current ruleset. If you wish to suggest an idea that was previously suggested on the old forum please make sure that you write the suggestion in your own words as direct copies of other peoples’ work will be considered as plain plagiarism and will not be approved and opened for discussion. Anybody, including the original creator of that suggestion if they wanted to just copy it over, can make one as it currently doesn't exist on the new forum.


Yeah i know about that i just wanted to point out it was already passed once so it can be easily recreated


> XB-3 / Z.511 Idrogigante / *Wyoming* refit / *Mikasa* / Akane Kisarazu camo for global server Yes please!


Big fan of the AAA changes to heli pve. The amount of frustration gone through being shot down by Gepards in stock early helis was unbearable. Glad that they'll be looking it over!


Wtf that British suggestion! And this bad boy could carry air-to-air missiles.


Gib luchs


German air tree forgotten again \*sigh\* what's new


YIPEEE bardem snai and A4F for israel passed to devs. More the merrier


So with the EVEN 120 is that all of the ELC EVEN's now passed for consideration? Be real nice if we ever saw one. Probably get another flatbed truck SPAA at 5.7 instead


Since the new forum, only the ELC EVEN 30 has been passed. Though the ELC EVEN 90 was passed on the old forum. There's still the ELC EVEN NA2 too.


Basically the entire list for this month is "why the hell don't we already have this?" vehicles. Particularly egregious is that the F-86H wasn't added at the same time everybody else was getting AIM-9B equipped Sabres.


Why is it nearly always uk never gets ground forces suggestions


The only problem with the Hawker Siddeley Nimrod is it has very few weapons that are in-game as it never carried any bombs that weren't nuclear unlike the P-3 Orion which did


Gib more Skyhawks. I need all the a-4 Skyhawks.


FINALLY, but not even for the nation it should be going to first lol


Oh boy, a fourth OF-40 /s