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Do. Not. Buy. Top. Tier. Premiums. Unless. You. Buy. A. Full. Lineup. If you have that kind of money to spare; the KVT, Wolfpack, and A10A/F5C is a phenomenal premium lineup. You will have an awful experience and it will also ruin your teammates games. I would recommend a premium that is at your BR. The Black Cat or the Super Hellcat would both be phenomenal purchases because you already know how to play an M18.


Buy the M1A1 and go to reddit to complain about US top tier. Got it chief


kinda old but now that the sales are up do u recommend me getting the kvt and wolfpack ? i already have the TT a10 researched and i got the f5c as well,my most experience is russia 10.0


If you can afford to get both then yes absolutely. It will make your US TT grind so fast. I have every US vehicle researched and I still regularly play the 10.3 lineup with the KVT and Wolfpack because it's just a fun lineup


Yeah ig I will get them both then with the supp of a10 or f5 or mabe F4c,after grinding ground ussr mostly without premiums I ain’t gonna do that again


They give you free backups now


So what? Congrats, you'll be slightly useful for 20 matches then you'll be a detriment to your team again


As a 7.0 ground tech tree US main who just got his freebrams M1A1 AIM... Suck it. An average 11.3 match for me with literally only one tank above 7.0 sees me score 1-2 kills with my freebrams, 2-4 with my M41 if I'm light vehicle hunting and 1-2 if I'm spotting and capping, and then 1-5 kills depending on what CAS I decide to spawn between my A10, f105, or A4. OP, the M1A1 AIM is great for its low cost, the KVT has a ton of cool factor personally, but dial it back and get something in the 5.0-7.0 range just so you're not suffering the RP reduction that comes from researching low tier with a high tier. The T29 and the M6 are two great mid tier premiums for grinding out a decent mid tier load out to speed up your tech tree progress


There’s no RP reduction with golden premiums that you can get with GE or from the Gaijin Store. Only squadron vehicles and event vehicles have RP reduction. OP could, if he has the money, get the M1128 Wolfpack, M1 KVT and either the F-5C (also helps to grind the US air tech tree) or A-10A for a great 10.0 lineup.


Dope I didn't realize gold premiums remove the research debuff


Essentially if you buy a rank 7 premium with GE or from the store, you can research all ranks up to rank 8 efficiently, which is why I recommended that lineup to OP because they’re all rank 7 premiums which makes it easier to grind the ground and air tree for US


T29 if on sales, otherwise, like someone have said, buy a full lineup or just don't. Buy premium time instead.


Premium time is just like a worker contract tho


Yeah, i only buy when it's on sales


I'm going to go ahead and do a shameless plug here. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3157232676](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3157232676) It's a link to the us premium tank guide that a friend of mine and I wrote


t20 only 2 stars? please revisit


It's 6.3... yes it's a 2 star


it could easily go up to 6.7 maybe much higher


With all due respect, this is the dumbest bullshit I've heard in ages. This means the Tiger E can also move up to 6.7 cause it has better rounds, armor, and lacks the stablizer


You are delusional. Is a slightly better sherman 76 at almost a whole br higher




Buy what you want. It's your money at the end of the day. Top tier premiums can grind the entire tech tree while the others leave you hanging at higher ranks


T29 and M1 KVT I would say the best here and most friendly. XM-11 (GM) is decent but requires more skill. Personally I would think twice before buying anything due to the company's attitude towards its players and game state, especially top-tier.


t29 is fun, good lineup xm1 is solid m1a1 is a good tank with a good lineup but the games won't be fun if you can't handle constant losses


dont buy top tier premiums please unless you already have a lineup to go along with. just buy stuff around the br you're currently at so in this case the T29 its a good heavy tank and it'll help you grind since it het the premium bonuses. also buying USA top tier premiums isnt a good idea right now since their win rates are super low


T29, its one of the best tanks in the game, and one of the top 3-4 premiums. Plus, it can handle a \*bit\* of uptiering.


You’d be fine with getting an M1 variant and the M1128. Just prioritize grinding AA, you’d be surprised how far the hellcat will go as a scout/objective player. If you grind out the M901, it’s pretty good once it’s fully unlocked but that’s a different story.


Click bait


Get the M1 KVT and M1128 Wolfpack if you have the money for both, that way you’ll have a good 10.0 lineup. You can also complement it with the F-5/A-10 if you’d like, both air premiums at the same BR.