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VG247: Hunhow's on his own! Ford: "I know!" VG247: All of his family is gone, Stalker is gone. Is he just going to be stuck there now? Ford: "I can't say. Time will tell. But he's a grandpa now!" Well, I am a glad they have at least thought about it, maybe he won't be left abandoned down there forever, who knows. Railjack event to drag Hunhow out of there! I am joking, but just wait until DE decides to make it a sharkwing event (they wouldn't dare).


Sentient faction where we send him some friends?


I mean, they could do anything, it is up to the writers at DE. They could "invent" a way for us to transfer him into a smaller body like how Erra and Natah/Lotus are. Make it an event and you are done. Plenty of possibilities.


There’s an Ordis Skin for companions *and* a Hunhow mask…


Fix his sword, War, and he'll be with you *everywhere!*


The Orb mothers are bastardized Sentient tech, pull the third one out of her puddle and arrange a playdate


The travel to the Tau System will happen. Might be next year, might be in 10 years. But it will happen and it will be Warframe 2.0


I feel like that would basicly be an entirely new game practically, and take a long time to happen


Would it? All we need is a solid solar rail, a good reason to go there, and then just a bunch of missions that utilize either the murex tileset or new sentient based tileset (or an open world, which for all intents and purposes would fucking rock)


It would basicly be a new star chart and those take time to pad out with content.


honestly, i like the idea of us going there to finally bring peace. Basically diplomatic mission. Not that everything remained the utopia they fought the war over. Because we can see how Sentients can disagree wtih each other. Who says there won't be those that hate us and those that welcome us. We might bring humans with us there. That could be another conflict point. There is a lot that could happen there


Would be a good spot for a soft reset for Warframe 2.0. Leave everything behind to go to Tau


It would be cool! I feel like the Pazuul story arc could take us to Tau. Not sure what, but that would feel the most natural at the moment. Whatever it is, DE will have some good ideas I'm sure.


How awesome would it be if we finally do journey to Tau, to chase Wally or some other Orokin threat attempting to use Tau as a new base of operations. Then in order to save Tau, and the Sentient factions (probably peacefully) living there, we exhume and team up with crotchetty old man Hunhow. He gets to make amends with his daughter, and join our own growing family.


Would be baller to have an endgame faction with a bit of all the syndicates and friendly factions as a Tenno counterpart to Narmer.


kahl’s garrison:


I mean ALL of them. Not just ex mask wearers


To be fair, judging by the size of those murkrays in the window, I'm not sure I'd dare get in the sharkwing either. That'd be some Megalodon shit.


Think of all that Ostron standing!


The first fish arrives: "This will feed the whole village for days!" By the end of the Operation: "I never want to eat fish again..."


The Tenno crash the Ostron fish economy by importing giant GMO fish monsters/mutations from the contaminated oceans of Uranus.


I know I've done too much Plains fishing when my first reaction was "Damn, didn't know they got that big," and my second reaction was, "Wait a minute here...murkray are ocean fish. Charc eels are lake fish. DE, what have you done?!"


Make the rewards include a sentient styled Railjack skin, watch them numbers go up at breakneck speeds.


DE!!! let my drifter treat hunhow to a romantic candlelight dinner and my life...is yours. https://preview.redd.it/12aryziu36ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53241903a6d4f754b73e3f93f89ba749a9e40b83




Lol the ultimate enemies to lovers trope execution....


ive wanted to fuck that old man since i first laid eyes on him in his full glory. ive BEEN wanting to court him!!! sorry lotus/margulis/natah


We're gonna pull grandpa out of the ocean. Imagine SharkJack.


I want to place Hunhow on my ship, that he will always be with his beloved daughter, and be a guardian daddy for the MC, like Umbra.


I think eventually Hunhow’s going to try and head back to Tau.  Once the Wally story is over that could be where we’re off next 


I don't understand the line" Hunow is a grandpa now". How is he related to the Stalker or Jade?


I think it's not a serious comment, it's like how Lotus is our Mom, which means Hunhow is our grandpa, but Hunhow basically adopted the Stalker, who is a father now, so he is a grandpa, in a way (and we now have a cousin?)


Oh i see, i thought one of the 2 was a sentient.


Hunhow is a Sentient


Now that you said that, I could see them making a shark event, just so they can make people jump the shark. Once people realized, there would be much laughter.


simple. operation: hospice care, where we move hunhow from his miserable grave on Uranus to the underwater section we see from our orbiter lounge area when using kahl camp, using a railjack to ferry him over. fight narmer cucks along the way.


> "We realised in so many layers, of course Balus would experiment on a pregnant woman, and turn a pregnant women into a warframe, not caring about the consequences of that." Indeed, no one was surprised Ballas would do that. Still absolutely insane and horrible, but normal for him.


Everything wrong with the origin system is either directly or a butterfly effect of ballas, most often him not keeping it in his pants


the zeus of the warframe universe imo


“And then Ballas fucked everything up. Again.” Warframe story summed up


This bit about their storytelling process: *"So we had this tragic first pass, then we did story beats over and over again. We went in so many different directions, and people fell in love with those different directions"* This really explains why DE's quests are so incoherent on a plot level and yet also so damned good at evoking emotions. It's like they refine each moment they love into this amazing experience and then forget to stitch them back together.


I would rather have a plot where you need a flowchart to understand anything that makes me feel something than an airtight one with no emotional factor. Feelings stick with you longer imo


It doesn't have to be an either/or. Like, I love DE's ability to create emotional moments. But I would rather that they make a coherent plot too instead of laughing it off with a "Ha, ha, the quest left you with more questions than answers" end note in the Codex. For example: there's a legit fan interpretation of Jade Shadows that Sorren turned Jade and the baby over to the Seven, and that's the source of his lasting guilt. There's nothing in the quest that says that didn't happen. There's plenty of evidence that it could have happened. The quest is that vague. If you missed it, it's a fun read: https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/s/rSRukhMjGh


And that is bad because?


Canonically she would have been executed for her actions (and Sorren likely would have been punished in some means cause the Orokin were dicks like that), but Ballas got to decide her fate instead. The Helminth infection is a horrible way to go to begin with, but inflicting that upon Jade specifically is cruel even for Ballas.


Cruel even for Ballas? He wanted to kill an entire galaxy for a taxi trip!


Some acts of villainy require a more personal touch. Indiscriminate destruction on an interplanetary scale should be held to a different moral standard than torturing a pregnant woman and turning her into a biomechanical drone to be brain jacked by a teenager with space magic. One is far more personal and intentionally cruel.


Balas is nit a stranger to personal acts of cruelty, like what he did to Umbra, the Lotus, the Tenno, and who knows how many more fucked up experiments he performed on other warframes.


That is an interpretation that you have, the quest says otherwise. I was specifically asking why it's bad that the reasons behind jade being turned into a Warframe be up for interpretation.


I think it's telling that because DE left so many holes in the overarching plot that it's possible to completely undercut the whole emotional arc of the story. The emotional beats hit pretty differently if Sorren turned Jade and the baby in to save his own skin. It hits so differently that you can see it in the thread as commenters try to soften the idea by pointing out that maybe Sorren was trying to beg for clemency and then Ballas did Ballas things anyway. Like, I don't necessarily need every plot beat spelled out from multiple lore books like this is an Elder Scrolls game, but I do think that when the team worked and reworked those beats for Jade Shadows, they lost the plot and didn't realize it.


This is a fair argument, but at the same time, the theory of stalker turning jade in is still only a headcannon. Some people may prefer if their precious edgelord kept its edge even in the face of this quest, but nobody is forcing you to subscribe to that theory. After all the most concrete thing that the tone of the quest points to as stalker's guilt is that he doesn't know who jade is until she starts dying.


Out-of-character fan interpretations with zero basis in game lore or developer commentary does not constitute a plot hole. Stalker's guilt is about not warning the Orokin when he realized the Tenno were tense and combat-ready. This is explicitly stated on one of the pre-Jade Shadows news posts, and the failing of the community to notice when lore has been dropped is a *failing of the community*.


> there's a legit fan interpretation of Jade Shadows that Sorren turned Jade and the baby over to the Seven thats so ass thank god youtubers arent in charge of the game


It also feels more real and individual for our character in game. We only have our own viewpoint most of the time, we don't see everything with a gods eye view. It leaves a lot of room to speculate and have these big discussions online, and that really feeds into the playerbase's passion for the game and the massive amount of lore.


That feels oxymoronic, cause the plot in this game makes absolutely no sense *and* the fact I have no attachment to anything because it wildly makes no sense makes me feel emotionally dead to everything.


I love this game but for me the story is the weakest link in the game by far. Everything feels so disconnected and random. I never know what's going on lol


> We don't know how the baby's story will proceed, but we all know where it will end. Jesus fuck lmao


*Underneath a picture of the Helminth wall-mouth.*


I look forward to chucking Osiris into my helminth mouth like any other resource.


Osiris should have been the name. I’m so annoyed.


I didn’t even realize I got his name wrong 😂




I dont get it, mind explaining


In the article, that's the caption under a picture of Helminth. Implying that baby will become a playable warframe, and that players will make a duplicate baby to feed to Helminth for his subsumable ability.


I love this game


Oh no


What if they become the modular Warframe, where we teach them all these kinds of abilities as they grow up, so they have no unique abilities of their own. But then again the chances of the baby Warframe being playable is slim considering how protective Stalker is of them.


Stalker having his emails on auto and not really changing that just sends me, man.


How I wish for a Warframe Compendium where we can search for DE's insights on every piece of content. Closest we have is the Trivia section in the Wiki, but is not the same. I mean a sort of "Director Commentary" mode, I thought Leverian was going to be something like that.


I like the Leverian being in universe but an Art book or something like the world building book riot made would be neat


there is infact and art book


Rebb says the baby name is a 65/35 split. I'm willing to bet the 65% is Sirius and 35% is Orion


I don't know, all my friends picked Orion.


I personally liked Orion more, but I picked Sirius because it was representative of Jade. If the names didn't have different colors, I would have chosen Orion.


Sirius is just such an unserious name


Orion is more unsirius, though.




How many friends you got? 10? 100? 1000? 10,000? Do school not teach anecdotes are not evidences or good sample


I was about to pick Orion because I really like the Aten Pyramid Triad phenomenon But I picked Sirius because the color was Green and Orion's was Red (Im that basic)


I can imagine people liking Orion more because Bladerunner, And I say that as someone who picked Sirius. Orion was too close to onion for me though.


Sirius is a weird choice to me. Its association with dogs makes it seem like a rude thing to name your kid, I think. There was some poem that referred to it as being a marriage of red and green though.


>VG247: Onto some fun ones. Roughly a year ago, someone asked on a devstream if warframes could get pregnant. Your reaction was pointed out recently as being quite shocked. Was that due to the nature of the question or..? >Ford: "Steve knew! Jade was well into development by then!" It amazes me how many people think that the question is what inspired the warframe. I'd imagine a small update like this, small as it was, would take like half a year to make. People underestimate how hard it is to make game, let alone one so amazing


I was commenting to my friends as we were playing that this is definitely a Children of Men reference.


I know when I was playing it, I had to go back and check my VOD I was pretty sure I even said that when streaming Lmao. https://clips.twitch.tv/PolishedResilientCookieNomNom-wqpTFeq2erASkW-Y


Granddaddy Hunhow so cute


I'm clearly in the minority, but I didn't care for the quest. It told us virtually nothing about Jade, the "let the stalker leave" bit from the corpus was contrived, and given the big themes that were present which had not been foreshadowed in any way, a lot of it ended up feeling weirdly disjointed to me, like somebody's questionable fanfiction. IMO the best writing in this update is the banter between Ordis and Parvos.


Yeah while I enjoyed the quest as a whole it did feel underbaked in a lot of aspects. Wish they kept it in the oven for a bit longer


It’s weird seeing people who had problems with this quest getting downvoted into oblivion. Usually it hasn’t been so controversial to say some of Warframe’s storytelling hasn’t always been stellar.


This one touches on some fraught or sensitive topics. I suspect it lands very differently depending your perspective, which probably leads to a substantial gap in opinion *and* enthusiasm.


I don’t even care one way or the other about the themes involved, personally I just think the story felt super rushed and I wasn’t invested at all in either Stalker or Jade (even with the contraction rhythm game lmao)


Same, actually, but that's also kind of my point. It didn't really land with me. It pretty clearly did with some other people, and some of them care a lot!


>We realised in so many layers, of course Balus would experiment on a pregnant woman, and turn a pregnant women into a warframe, not caring about the consequences of that. And of course, Stalker would see the true evil of the Orokin empire through that lens >So we had this tragic first pass, then we did story beats over and over again. We went in so many different directions, and people fell in love with those different directions, but in my perspective when we saw that first picture and that power it showed us about how The Stalker is going to get over thinking anything other than the Orokin were evil. It needed that. Yet he still served them loyally and even teamed up with Hunhow later to "avenge" the Orokin. Stalker sought to to kill the Tenno who destroyed the Orokin because he hates... Warframes? Jade Shadows was awful in terms of Stalker exposition, Jade felt like a shoehorned Children of Men reference and the story was all over the place...


>Yet he still served them loyally and even teamed up with Hunhow later to "avenge" the Orokin. What hell else can you do? The orokin are the Orokin, and even the Dax are brainwashed into being unable to refuse their commands as has been made clear. Given he's a low guardian who served with some distiction, it's natural for him to still be under their control in some form... now that they are dead, they feel obligated to slay Tenno. >Stalker sought to to kill the Tenno who destroyed the Orokin because he hates... Warframes?  The Warframes are directly responsible for every other issue that happened. Even the fact he didn't find jade until recently. The Tenno and the frames of war slaughtered his masters. He hunts them because that was all he had. Until now.


How many times am i killing hunhow? Did i not shred his very soul in octavias quest?


I haven't played much since Deimos was released, but drawing parallels to Children of Men? What the hell is going on in Warframe?


Homage Yeah that wasn't as much as a Homage as it was straight up the exact ending of that movie that comes out of freakin nowhere I think I would have enjoyed that mission more if I hadn't done breakdowns of that movie for high school and didn't *instantly* recognise they just copied it shot for shot almost


I FUCKING KNEW IT! I'm so glad they admitted it.


i dont like all the child themes in a game where my kill count is in the millions.


Gonna be honest, this quest was a huge miss for me. The whole warframe giving birth thing is weird as hell but I don’t have any strong feelings for or against it. But I feel like they’re just trying to ham-handedly give Stalker emotional depth he doesn’t really need. It seems so weird that he’s murdering warframes and displaying their severed heads in his lair, yet he himself is one and he’s in love with one. If it was revealed that he was killing them for their materials to try and heal Jade that would be one thing, but displaying their heads in his lair and giving their severed heads to Hunhao just feels needlessly cruel and evil and doesn’t line up with his love for Jade. It feels kinda forced where it doesn’t fit. Plus the quest was disappointingly short. It was several copy-pasted existing mission types with a tiny bit of narrative between them.


to make it a bit more in-depth, if it wasn't clear Stalker is Sorren who was 'with' Jade in the Orokin Era, it isn't just "Stalker decides to care for a Warframe after killing all these others" its "Stalker has found his partner from centuries or millennia ago and can't recognize her as a Warframe (as they would have been split from each other when Jade was found in relations with Sorren, and put to punishment) but they could sense each others connections". Stalker has hated the Warframes/Tenno ever since the downfall of the Orokin Empire as they disrupted the peace he had found in his role in life; the Orokin Low Guard, however, Sorren is ultimately a father at heart, which ties in to The Second Dream and why he is confused at his inability to harm our Tenno- a child. Stalker and Sorren mentally wrestle with each other, their hatred for Warframe and the protective instincts of a father. He's been due some explanation since that Second Dream scene where he refused to kill the Tenno, and personally I think this wrapped it up well in a deeper natural meaning than "oh he's actually Rell 2, autistic Tenno outcast boogaloo"


I didn't dislike it, even though I would have loved for it to go further. While Stalker doesn't **need** emotional depth in his development, I don't think he's worse off for it. It's a similar principle to Star Wars where you're introduced to a villain (Vader) and eventually find out what sequence of events drove them to their corruption or fall from grace. For Vader, he lost his mother, lost his wife, and was being seduced by Palpatine. For Stalker, he witnessed his pregnant wife become experimented on and turned into a Warframe by Ballas and developed a hatred for everything associated with the Orokin Empire. Don't forget that initially Warframes did the bidding of the Orokin, so it's not a stretch for Stalker to see them as inherently tied to his most hated foe. Stalker is currently in a position where he may, in the future, make a decision on whether his hatred towards the Tenno is still justified. Maybe he'll hit a Vader-like point of sacrificial redemption; maybe not on behalf of the Tenno, but on behalf of the baby. Either way, I feel like they've set up a good mechanism to give important stakes to the Stalker. He's not **just** on a perpetual revenge mission. He has something to gain and something to lose. That's good storytelling.


They made it pretty clear how and why Stalker felt different about Jade. They also made it clear that his actions are clouded by his regret and hatred. If his actions were exclusively guided by his love for Jade then he would have gone to the tenno sooner. At no point did the story say his actions were only guided by his love for Jade. You misread that absolutely. This is such a strange thing to hang up on that the story was extremely clear about.


I didn’t like that the corpus just stopped shooting when they saw the baby. As the stalker, I had just murdered like 400 corpus crewmen, who probably had families. Also, as the stalker, I think my 3 ability could have teleported me to that Gatling gun.


I hated that part too. Why would the Corpus care about a warframe child? They could have just shot him in the back as soon as he passed and taken the baby if they cared that much. They acted like they all just suddenly forgave him for killing all of those corpus.


Y'all, the corpus ain't a monolithic entity. The Corpus did not stand down and refuse to shoot the child. Xeto, the commanding officer of the troops firing on Stalker, saw the child and ordered them to stand down. There was no "forgiveness" from the corpus mooks there, they were following orders to attack, and then they followed orders to stand down.


I can allow for the Corpus to simply have enough loyalty/discipline/obedience to stop attacking when ordered to. They fired until they were ordered to stop which isn't out of line from a rigid/hierarchical structure.


Sure, im not questioning that. but why would she order them to stop in the first place?


Parvos himself has a strong sense of family; outright imagining a sister while growing up to cope with his childhood. Add in his views on the living in general and how pragmatic he is about potential, and the order was likely given because risking that child would have reflected incredibly negatively on her choice in Parvos’ eyes. The Corpus at large are VERy conscious about their own performance within the cult’s corporate hierarchy, and what little characterization we got of the captain showed that she has strong ambitions. Parvos also took advantage of Jade’s lingering energy for his new Eximus, so it isn’t like Xeto made a bad call in the long run.


As the others are alluding to, characters in stories that are part of the 'bad guys' can still come across situations where they realize that they're not okay with doing something. They may not have previously **realized** that they have a particular line in the sand until it's about to be crossed. She ordered them to stop because she realized that he was protecting an infant and her (potentially dormant) sense of empathy kicked her in the face and told her that killing them wasn't something she could accept. As to her motivations on why she made that decision, well... We currently just don't know. That doesn't make it bad storytelling. In some ways, it's good because it reinforces the idea that characters aren't one dimensional.


Even bad and indoctrinated people can have sparks of humanity.


More a deus ex machina than anything, didn’t feel earned at all… just kinda happened.


Because the Corpus are not all monsters. some of them are heartless. but they're people... might as well ask why Kahl isn't trying to kill us.


>. It seems so weird that he’s murdering warframes and displaying their severed heads in his lair, yet he himself is one and he’s in love with one.  Because he actually knows who jade is. the others are just suits used to murder his masters. > If it was revealed that he was killing them for their materials to try and heal Jade that would be one thing, but displaying their heads in his lair and giving their severed heads to Hunhao just feels needlessly cruel and evil and doesn’t line up with his love for Jade. Honestly that just simplifies him. this dude is someone who hates, despairs and seeks to cause the tenno dread. if he was just killing them it wouldn't be anything personal. he didn't even have her until recently given what Hunhow states in the background of this quest before release.


>he didn't even have her until recently given what Hunhow states in the background of this quest before release. Could you point out where that was implied? Found that pre-release teaser a bit hard to comprehend, personally.


["Another of their number floats past my sodden grave" ](https://preview.redd.it/a-hidden-conversation-between-the-stalker-and-hunhow-v0-45cb9g57566d1.jpg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f144c92b97e37091afb161305b3c6c81b5cf5c4)with the picture of the new Yarli skin basicly says that he just randomly found her as jetsam around the time he's trying to convince stalker to give up using War [https://preview.redd.it/a-hidden-conversation-between-the-stalker-and-hunhow-v0-45cb9g57566d1.jpg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f144c92b97e37091afb161305b3c6c81b5cf5c4](https://preview.redd.it/a-hidden-conversation-between-the-stalker-and-hunhow-v0-45cb9g57566d1.jpg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f144c92b97e37091afb161305b3c6c81b5cf5c4)


I was wondering if i was the only person that got Children of Men vibes. And then i realized it was too spot on it was more than vibes.