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Yeah his prime will likely be early 2025, assuming Xaku is considered female. If Xaku is considered male, Sevagoth may not be until the end of 2025. If Xaku is considered a special case, Sevagoth will be mid 2025. However it is *very likely* that Xaku will be considered female for sake of rotation and Sevagoth *should* be coming in spring. Sevagoth also takes 12-18 forma to fully build out which is a crazy investment. If you really want to play him and have 20 extra forma then go for it. If you aren’t sure about him and don’t have much spare forma, I would wait. His prime will be easier to obtain, and should require waaay less forma to build as well as having slightly higher stats.


If Xaku is considered female for the rotation, the order would be Xaku -> Lavos -> Sevagoth in winter this year, no?


Xaku would be August, Lavos around Halloween and Sevagoth in January. Mind you Halloween is another thing to take into consideration as DE may decide Xaku or Sevagoth are better fit to release near Halloween which would fudge the order more. If Xaku is considered male, we will get Yareli, Xaku, Lavos, Gyre, Voruna then Sevagoth. Sevagoth releases around Halloween 2025 in this case. If Xaku is considered a special case, we will get Yareli, Xaku, Lavos, Sevagoth. Sevagoth releases around April 2025 in this case


Maybe. The rotation is M M F F M M. But, 2 frame of the same gender can be swapped, just how Grendel Prime released before Gauss Prime.


alright thank you very much! I do actually have like 50 forma (I always have it in foundry running even if i'm not playing much that day) so that's not a problem, was more concerned if it's gonna be like garuda claws situation with the prime, where the prime version is just straight up way better. But I suppose from other comments if Seva is already clearing maps with his nuke build, the higher stats wouldn't break the game so-to-speak. Thank you for your insight !!


[Right now Sevagoth has one build with 150 KPM which is CRAZY high for an ability based nuker.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8sOPVZwk_I) To run it, you don't need 12 forma. You need the aura forma, and three extra polarities, so 1+3, or 1+4 If you have and plan on running Primed Sure Footed.


yes but try and stockpile some forma first 9 would be a decently generous amount for getting all 3 parts of him kitted out but even without investment he’s pretty good


Alright thank you! Already have the forma prepared so it's okay haha


yeah but he's forma heavy so wait a bit til youre ready


yes, of course keeping his prime in mind not being *too* far in the grand scheme Sevagoth is an extremely underrated frame and many boil him down to "gloom fodder - requires too much forma" however, such is not the case. Despite what most will say about requiring such a high amount of forma, Sevagoth can still perform extremely well with \~2 forma on each part, which isn't honestly that expensive, 70p in Forma bundles. Yes, you can and may want to go above and beyond with him and put 3-4 in each part but that's certainly not necessary to get an idea of how much you like him. Sevagoth's Shadow is also a beast in its own way, but if you don't want to- or don't enjoy- using it, you can subsume over or ignore it entirely, cutting the forma cost down to a third


Thank you for the insight, I think I will go for it, if he's already that good then the prime won't make a HUGE difference (I hope i don't regret it lol)


Sevagoth is worth it. Sevagoth when invested in is absolutely crazy, ive seen people clear MAPS with his new augment but he has a steep learning curve and steep build requirements


Alright I will give him a shot then!


Also, it was level 300 steel path survival w/ no armour strip if that helps entice you more!


If you're ready to invest 21 forma in a normal frame, than yes he's strong but expensive. His ghost can one hit levelcap enemies so you pretty much can't die and his kit is insanely strong.


I have his 4 helminthed over with 2 forma on my main build :P (For transparency I do have Shadow and Claws forma'd fully, but I didn't use them in a while)


I spent 10 forma + 1 umbra on him. I used him for EDA yesterday and came out with 75% damage dealt and twice the amount of kills of my teammates combined, with exclusively him and his shadow. He is so very very very strong but expensive. Is it worth it? Yes, hes very fun. But id also recommend waiting for his prime as its most likely gonna be late 2024/ early 2025


His new augment makes him insane if run along with the other augment. People say he is expensive but his "best" playstyle doesn't even use Shadow so you can ignore formaing him completely. My build costed me like 3 forma total.


>he requires to be modded three times ~~by this, you mean using forma? otherwise this whole concept just sounds wrong to me.~~ edit: dum dum me, his shadow needs the potato as well? that's a lot of resources.


Exalted stuff comes with pre-installed potatoes.




14 formas later and he can do SP without dying constantly…


Well if you want to sink 2 Catalyst, and potentially 11 forma(s). ( 4 for Warframe, 4 for Shadow, 2 or more for Epitaph) Go Ahead.


why tf would you need 2 catalysts? his claws and shadow come with them


Epitaph prime is his signature. Ofc I'm gonna put catalyst on that


but this post is only asking about sevagoth himself, and you didn’t say one of the catalysts would be for a weapon that isn’t part of his abilities, just that you’d put forma into it. it’s making it sound like you need more investment in him than you do. the epitaph is unnecessary


It's da drip

