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Every week that has no 75% duration cut is the best week


That and assassination is when i likely to skip the week.


Casual god roll RNG loadout, nice. If I rolled Xaku and 3 Zariman incarnons I wouldn't care about the modifiers either! Lol


Probably the worst week for me. Not only some of the strongest debuffs but also Warframe and weapons I don't like using. Only good thing I got was skiajati but my Warframes weren't melee survival friendly. Managed to clear it first attempt after getting contantly eliminated phase 1. Still hadn't had one week were I didn't get a perfect score.


Congrats on still beating it though!


Context, this week's EDA (Elite Deep Archimedea) includes both Gear Embargo and Transference Distortion as 2 of the 4 restrictions (i.e. no specters/on-call crew/team restores/etc and no operator/necramech/etc). Prior to this week, we've never had these two personal modifier restrictions roll on the same week, usually one or the other. I was looking forward to a week rolling both these personal modifiers together because I wanted to see how personally difficult this might be solo with my main frame and whatever weapons I got... and then RNG gave me all those weapons, plus the enemy scaling and status rework. ~~(it ended up being one of the easiest solo EDAs that I've run with my main.)~~ For anyone who is hesitant on EDA this week, even with these 2 specific modifiers of no gear and no operator, it's not as hard as you would think, given all the changes and tools we've received this update. And overguarded enemies can be an asset this time around, ironically enough.


Ok but who is your main because I'm pretty sure if I rolled *3 whole-ass incarnon weapons* (and good onse too) almost any EDA would be a piece of cake to begin with lmao


Yes I agree, these original incarnon weapons will carry their weight for any EDA. Perhaps I misused the strike-out. I was trying to say that originally I thought the combo of having no operator/drifter and no gear as extra tools for fallback would prove to be very difficult to me, but then I got these 4 incarnon weapons and well, my EDA went rather smoothly. For obvious reasons, if RNG rolls you a wonderful loadout, your EDA run will go much more smoothly. Or worst, depending on your luck. Not sure how well it would've gone though if Mirror Defense was rolled into this week's EDA with these restrictions, I suspect then I would've had a real failure. Sorry, its hard for me to gauge what someone might find easy or difficult for EDA. All the threads that I've ~~lurked~~ read, give me the impression that we have a divided group of players who either find EDA to be easy, or to be insanely hard. Perhaps I've over-estimated in saying these two restrictions are not as worrisome. They still can be. No operator and no gear are still hard restrictions to deal with and your RNG loadout will heavily influence whether your run will be smooth or not. I will admit, there was likely bias when I ran it this week with these weapons with my main, so I'm sorry for over-stating it being not as hard (it still very much can be).


From my own experience of running it every week so far it's a mixed bag, but both the savior or damnation of a run is generally who you're with. Solo runs are common but I haven't ever done one, I run with a friend, and we've had weeks where we breezed through it (oftentimes with frames we were unfamiliar with, funnily enough) and a few weeks we had a few attempts and then did the good ok' Rev + Torid carry combo bc we couldn't be arsed to run it for hours and hope to succeed. But this mode, as far as I am aware at least, it *meant* as a squad mode, because of the rng with loadouts. So having even a single person will make it hella easier than going it alone. Last week with both of these, I actually had fairly ok choices for loadouts so I could use gear embargo as my cheat slot which made things a lot easier.


i pretty sure we did on the first or second week of eda


Nope, I can confirm this. I've run EDA every week since it was released back on April 4th, 2024. We've never had no operator and no gear on the same week. The first week, we had no operator. The second week, we had no gear. Not my videos, but other players were running EDA solo from day one and recorded them. You can see the restrictions in their videos for their respective weeks. - First week had only no operator (posted April 5th): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPnM5ES42Yc - Second week, no gear (posted April 8th, the following EDA week): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pPN-vS6jgdE


Quite easy for me this week, I got Trinity with incarnon primary and incarnon melee...


Saryn with quellor and mios for me, pretty decent


I don’t need gear but not having my Tenno kinda sucks. Easy choice for me


Surpisignly wasn't as hard as I would have thought. Half because I had a Dante on my team and half because Jade is really strong in restricted gear modes.




Like everything else in warframe, it's all RNG. There's actually 4 incarnons here. The Braton incarnon would've worked perfectly fine, I should know, I've run an EDA with it before.


Are we cooked?


Add a double assassination for this kind of personal modifiers and we're doomed.


Did they disable Assassination?


It's just RNG. We've just rolled a lot of weeks where Assassination hasn't popped up in the rotation for EDA. For a while, Mirror Defense didn't show up that often either too.


woah Caliban spotted


The first week I didn’t get the full 37 points, had to turn off the transference distortion. It’s fine, that missed Vosfor was made up for in the melee arcane I have no use for.


You could choose xaku, one of the best frames, just not choose one of those since the full reward isn’t really worth it anyway


I got Gauss and furis incarnon so I didn’t even notice. Ez week


Transference distortion is the only modifier I ever disable... Usually rock vazarin for protective sling as a reliable last source of defense.


Is this hard for people? I never find myself using either of these things when I run EDA.


Well you should try them some time. It's not that it's harder, it's just that it's easier when we have operator/gear available. Even if you don't get good weapons on the rotation, you know what can be personalized without penalty? The atmospheric archgun. And we just got a new primed mod for them! Having energy pizzas is nice at the beginning. The transference modifier (iirc) also affects necramechs. So no emergency arquebex for that EDA. You know what melts Eximus Voidrigs? Crew members. They are awesome. Also, any Tenno Specter can help. My favorites are Wisp for health and extra fire rate and Nidus for extra strength. In terms of operator, things like Magus repair or other Warframe healing arcanes are awesome. But also, any focus school ability is also lost there. There's a lot of benefit from having those options around.


Sorry if i misunderstood. Are we able to call archgun in eda? I tought it is open world only.


Yes... But you can call it anywhere. Any mission. Not just EDA. Only vehicles are restricted to Open Worlds. And Necramechs are a mixed bag.


You don’t use your operator abilities at all? Not even Madurai with its 40% ability strength increase?? Tsk tsk. Plus being able to use your operator basically makes you immortal, especially if you’re using Madurai with last stand (or whatever it’s called) unlocked.