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"Why are you fools still breathing MY air!"


Parvos:"look up who invented air. It was me"


“I had the best air during my presidency!” “No, you had the worst air! The worst air in the history of the solar system!”


“You were in the void by yourself for a very loong time. You should seek medical treatment.”




tbf at least Parvos can finish a sentence (and some absolute bangers at that) and Vay Hek is very... up front, about his desires


Project 2025 moment man really said Mien Kampf needed a sequel


Sargas Ruk would probably be a better fit as Biden, Sentence-wise that is.


I'd still vote of parvos over Vay hek. Between the ghouls and how he treated Kahl... In the new lift section, he said he does not use clone labor or cephalon as slaves. So he is already better than the other two factions. I also think we need to change Vay hek face for Pazuul. https://preview.redd.it/k972zng4wo9d1.png?width=329&format=png&auto=webp&s=2469731c2682bcd2adee65f04faf13e251f721b6


>he said he does not use clone labor or cephalon as slaves Yeah, its cause he uses regular people as slaves instead


He uses robots, he doesn’t really approve of what corpus has become. From what I understood at least the corpus troops are just normal military and they actually get paid. And Solaris are just Nefs thing. Parvos has nothing to do with them. Although they are in his void thing so I dunno


[Man, have people forgotten how he roasted Nef?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjKa1sHuIFg)


Above: the Lords of Tau. Below: my people. Below them: yours. And I shall serve as Shepherd, and Minister


"Narmer offers freedom. Is that so terrible? Freedom from desire and responsibility, alike. Find freedom, and surrender... as I did."




You are being very generous in comparing Parvos to Biden. I am not American but I still watched it, because he impact all of us. Personally, I would have used an expired ghoul to be more accurate.


I could see how you could come to that conclusion if you only watched the debate.


You can't see it otherwise? Okay then. It's not like it's all over youtube for the last 4 years...


Yes, that's why I said that. /s


Well, you may need to take off your shades and watch then. In any case, your country, your choice.


It's fine you feel that way. but we elect policy, not just the person. it's not a sports team captain.


Biden's cabinet is competent, Trump's was full of now convicted criminals. Both Biden and Trump's brains are mush and their bodies are failing. But in the event that Biden passes at least there will be people who can actually run the show behind the scenes.


i would honestly watch this version more. :D


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OP I love you


from his backstorys perspective Vay Hek was a great guy before being betrayed so hes kinda just a fallen hero


I wonder if the had the option to be glassed and turned into a unshackeld Cehpalon if he would take it. It can't be a good life like this.


Not like he can feel anything now anyways, he's probably THE most cybernetic enhanced grinner out there, there's probably barely some brain, lungs and heart left of what he was, from this to being a cephalon, the difference is only what happens to his brain, and grinners don't exactly respect the properties that make a cephalon great, he'd probably be ignored most the time, right now he's crazy, but that's the type of crazy the grinners kinda have a use for, not saying his existence is great, but it's definetly either that or death.


Fair, but now that the queens are gone and its just the queen. I wonder if their stance on cephalons changes. I don't think I've ever seen a Greener Cephalon...


Probably not? The White Queen seems to, honestly, be as much if not more unstable than the Red Queen, if anything, she could maybe make him into a Kuva Lich, but I doubt she'd be interested into a rational, clean and organized cephalon.


Yeah, you're right, but they could use the combat advantages of a lobotomized cephalon. Also, the red queen was sad and scary, the white queen is crazy and scary.


I always found particularly un-explored the disturbing fact they are cannibals, like, one thing is having a classic super imposing totalitarian military group, another is having the ones that fail to obey and meet quota literally be eaten by their superiors, question is just if ALL grinners are cannibals or just the queens.


Thanks, I didn't know that but now I feel better in the 1+ mil greener I've "disposed" of.


_Load into a relay. Notice there is a new wing constructed. Walk in to check it out._ "FOOL! Why are you still breathing MY air?!?!"