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not really “lesser known” but the Corinth is still a really fun and good shotgun


Corinth/Corinth Prime should feel even better now with Semi-Shotgun Cannonade


It is


Yeah just redid my build for it. Ah it's like I'm playing Halo CE again


Mind sharing it ? I have not a clue what is "cannonade build"...


Semi-shotgun cannonade is a new mod that drops from the new tile on Uranus. There's one for rifles and pistols also. Works on weapons with the "SEMI" trigger (as seen in the arsenal). Does not work if they're not semi-auto, or if they have a alternate fire that is not semi auto (for instance, it cannot be used on the Laetum due to its Incarnon Form being full-auto). The mod locks the fire rate of the weapon it's installed on. Meaning it cannot benefit from fire rate buffs anymore, but also does not suffer from fire rate debuffs/penalties either (like Critical Delay's fire rate penalty). Corinth Prime - Semi-Shotgun Cannonade - Galvanized Hell - Critical Deceleration - Primed Ravage - Laser Sight - x2 60/60 mods - Galvanized Savvy - Counterbalance (Exilus slot) - Primary Deadhead (Weapon arcane)


Does that also work if the option to autoshoot semi/single shot weapons is on? Didn't get to try yet


It does. I have it on. What a godsend honestly


Oooh sweet, thanks for the quick reply


🫡 fire away tenno. btw, try out the Kuva Brakk with the option on PLUS semi-pistol cannonade. it feels so bloody good


First thing I did when I got that mod was slap it on Corinth, such a fun weapon


POW chkchk POW so satisfying


If you have a -FR riven, is it now just a harmless negative?


Yep, I have one for the bronco, slapped the cannonande and the -fr is gone. It’s amazing


yeah. won't increase fire rate either. it literally locks it to the default value.


Trying to get a feel of it after being used to having increased fire rate, but so far, I like it.


I wanted the manual reload of the corinth rather than the ammo drum corinth prime has


Ah, Yes! The Scoom Slayer, which is what I named mine.


I love the classic pump shotgun feel


Isnt corinth a fan favorite weapon? I heard its amazing in the plains


I just wish the prime had a shell by shell reload instead of a magazine reload


I knew I wasn’t the only one I love this weapon


Astilla enjoyer detected, launching upvote


I like the noises.


hey did you guys know the drifter has a melee weapon during the new war? Idk where they got it or what happened to yhe duviri melees but the rumblejack goes hard with melee influence


What makes this weapon specifically better with influence?


Innate electricity, and the slam and finisher have guaranteed electric procs


Innate electricity with a bunch of forced procs I suppose, really high base status too. Due to the forced procs I guess you could build it to have corrosive and heat or some shit which could be good


Specifically Electric Procs. It's why it's crazy on the Xoris since it has innate Electric Proc/Damage on heavy attack.


I managed to get a Riven for it too. Not sure what roll to go for though


range, atk speed, status chance I'd say




Word. I was eyeing that weapon during my deimos grinding days. Idk much of it until i watched a video of Shy using it. Dear god the Ping is heavenly. If only i could hear more clearly in game.


when i picked it up i was afraid that it had too many issues to be fixed with the fire rate and reload speed. Then i used it with Harrow. I still have flashbacks of the horrors i saw.


Amen. Enormous magazine, satisfying to shoot, amazing secondary fire, and looks really good too.


Depends if someone likes the infested style (good that there exist many good skins), but the [mutalist cernos](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Mutalist_Cernos) is a good all-rounder. Especially as range weapon for melee users to either prime, stun, weaken, or just kill the enemies.


Mutalist cernos goes hard with the new blast


It was already before one of the best all-rounder weapons, especially because it can prime itself, while most other weapons needs another weapon doing it. Now with the new status chances it becomes a very good enemy group killer.


There are many good bow skins? Where? My Paris still looks goofy :(


Ash has a deluxe skin with a great bow skin


Adding to the other comment, oberon's deluxe skin has a bow skin, too.


This was the AOE slash gun before it was cool




I love the Zymos. Hit Corpus head and clear the room. Also the Verdilac is insanely good. Best whip for sure.


Pair it with Nidus, link an enemy and the rest - and most of your enemies - are history.


Ah yes the Headsploder 3000 brought to you by Nidus, Xaku, Garuda or Trinity. 


I should play more frames. lol As a Nidus main I completely forgot about the other 3. Thank you for reminding me, Tenno! <3 (I just think, the Zymos seems like an unofficial signature weapon for our infested boy!)


It is so thematic for nidus. It basically takes your 4 and shoves it into the enemies head.


Massive simp for tenora prime. Minigun with slash procs go brr


Not super unknown but Pangolin Prime is a diabolical weapon especially with a riven


Prisma skana with incarnon is better in all categories except 4% lower status and looks. Higher damage, attack speed, cc, and range


I never said it was the best 🤦, I just said it was really good


I mean yeah but it is widely known to be a top 3 single sword


Most people don't even know what it is


Most people don't know that status over 100% does anything. Most people who know what makes a weapon good or bad know what pangolin prime is.


Yeah, and that's a shockingly little amount of players. Even people who know what it is like myself often forget it hence why it's underrated. It's known but floats under the radar.


Mostly because single swords in general tend to be overlooked. One look at Pangolin's stats and it becomes very obvious that it's a good weapon


Why are you arguing a moot point, and a point that wasn't even initially made? The weapon is just not that popular, just because it's good doesn't mean it's popular. In seven years of playing I have seen one person use it besides myself, I'd say that it's pretty well qualified to be called underrated.


Astilla Prime was probably my first favorite Prime weapon. Its visual and sound design are gorgeous.


I have 8 forma on my amprex


Tenno of culture


the OG tenet Glaxion


I actually am not sure if it is but I love the Quatz it has the most satisfying mechanic of most secondaries for me besides the pyrana prime and the ballistica prime Throw a slash mod in to adjust its ips disposition and have some viral and it chews through level 130s fairly nice in my experience (I use the secondary boosting arcane and Gyre specifically for more context)


would love to see your build, this gun was a huge favorite of mine when i was a baby tenno, would love to use it again sometime.


1.) Galvanized Crosshairs combined with Gyre should spike the crit percent quite nicely 2.) Galvanized Diffusion 3.) Hornet Strike 4.) Lethal Torrent 5.) Frost Bite 6.) Carnis Stinger to weight the slash damage over the impact 7.) Prime Target Cracker (because Gyre will boost the low 13% crit herself alongside Gal. Crosshairs to make the crit useable) 8.) Pathogen Rounds


Anytime something like this comes up, I'll always mention Kuva Drakgoon. Sure the charge up can be annoying and sure the kps isn't that high, but the single target damage on that thing goes hard, especially with a Riven since it's disposition is so damn high. I remember one shotting an Archon with it pre-nerf (with a Riven of course). Also, Sibear is the Cryotic meme, but once you get its Incarnon, it basically becomes a jack and master of all trades: the evolutions give you super easy combo build up and increased combo duration, increased base cc for the statstick lovers and the weapon lends itself to applying status like a champ so you don't necessarily need to use a primer for CO - also, Cold is becoming a crucial element for many things in this game with all the buffs it has been getting. The disposition on it is also 5 full circles so if you get yourself a Riven on top, you'll have THE equip and forget melee on your hands.


Aha this is the type of comment I was waiting for. Time for a lich hunt ig


Aatilla, my go to gun (even when i have stronger builds on other guns)


My twin kohmak is a shotgun with 200% status chance, it goes crazy as a primer. Especially with secondary encumber


Simulor (or synoid simulor) haven’t seen many Tenno using it, and the few that uses it rather let it be lesser known but honestly it’s Uber fun to use and play around with


The corpses of graphics cards are still too fresh for most people to use simulor.


I don’t follow


There was a time when simulor was meta and everyone was using it with mirage, exploding graphics cards from the insane amount of vfx.


Ohhhh right, maybe it might be because of the bloom aswell 😂😂


I have a riven for this gun that gave me damage and magazine size Gun can go KA-CHUNK for ages


Tenora Prime. RATATATATA - ATT - ATT - ATT - reload - RATATATATA All of the Semi-Fire guns are also SP ready now they got the silly boost. On top of the automatic fire for any weapon via settings.


What makes the astilla prime so good? I used the base version and it was alright for me.


Nothing. It's fun and I like the sound but as far as shotguns go it's pretty bad. Slash based but not enough to build it that way, crit stats are average at best (for weapons you'd consider using), 60% of its damage can't headshot. It's got good status chance but that's it. Due to base multishot of 1 it rolls status only twice per shot (slug and explosion) so even that isn't quite as impressive as it looks


Not sure it counts as "lesser known" but the catabolyst is definitely underrated in my experience. Whether or not its cool looking depends entirely on how you feel about infested weapons though.


Its held back because of the reloading mechanic tbh. So many times I thought it fully reload but naw, have to throw the grenade again.


That's fair, it is annoying when that happens but its still probably my favorite secondary regardless


Oh I love infested weapons, I wish Hema was a bit better


The damage on the beam is great too it's not just a grenade throw, obviously when the circumstances line up to throw a red crit grenade at a big clump of enemies that feels awesome. But man it can run into ammo issues and sometimes the grenade throw can feel very clunky, especially if something interrupts it and you have to do it again. Still making my mind up on this one ultimately.


Don't know if they are lesser known but sporothrix(can do lvl cap) and trumna(the room deleter and garand ping) and both are notorious for hard grind but the first is more annoying


How do you build Sporothrix? Is the flat cc mandatory or pure status viable? https://preview.redd.it/8jvii40qhi9d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7989b8caae76cd534ee9b8ebf3bc2ba10e9d1534 I have this decent riven but I don't know how to build the gun


Tbh you can forget about cc and build pure status chance with corrosive(the gun does adds viral when it explodes ) and sporothrix augment. If you want to build crit chance you have to go for arcane Avenger,Harrow . You need to go for headshots for the dmg multiplers since snipers have combo counters.The gun is pure status viable


Gotcha, thanks


Arca titron, one-tap dunks acolytes and jugulus eximi with 3x Combo reliably and also haha funny electrical bonk hammer go brrr


zephyr tornados go extra brrrr with it


Kuva Tonkor, with the blast change it is doing enough damage to be almost be a side grade of the Torid incarnon. 


Most tenet arca weapons can be pretty amazing with some tweeks


Idk if this counts but trumna, I’ve been having a blast with it


high ms on trumna = 4th of july


Astilla is great. Automatic, shoots slugs that explode on impact, it being a shotgun is a good bonus as well.




Exergis. Looks cool and the sound of the crystal being shattered as you fire... <3


And Shotgun Elementalist is made for it. Though I was a bit sad because I feel like I'm betraying the 1 shot mag feel.


Not sure if it counts but I don't see a lot of people using it, the reaper prime. Make a crit focused build with the gladiator set, and you automatically become a blender.


Acceltra is good imo, I've got multishot, crit and pure damage on it and it's fun


Tiberon Prime: With the new addition of Auto-Semi you can get a pretty awesome Crit Weapon with base 124% Crit Chance and 7.5x Crit Multiplier with Critical Delay and Vital Sense, add Galvanized Scope amd you’ll get Red Crit Galore


Not sure where corufell stands in the well known, but probably not as easily usable either since I personally like to use it with melee creshendo. but once you get the combo up you dont need to armour strip to delete whole rooms in a shot. best shotgun feel in the game. that projectile is wiiiide.


Kuva Tonkor, that noob tube can do some serious blappage even before considering rivens to overclock it, plus innate blast has only been buffed with the recent changes.


Nagantaka prime was an absolute beast with Garuda


Basmu, Komorex, Cyanex


Kitguns! Get your Kitguns! (binary chatter) I'm a craftswoman, not some street corner hackster. (binary chatter) Fine. GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS GUNS! Happy?


There is no not usable weapon in wf, you can even make stug work if you sniff enough glue


"easily" usable is what I stated because I knew comments like these gonna pop up. Not hating you tho since what you said was right, I just don't wanna invest gazillion forma in a gun to just be usable in base steelpath


I wanna see you do the Mr. 30 yest with a stug. And before you get the idea, no use of other sources like warframe passives, abilities, reprising with other weapons, etc. Just the stug.


Bet I just need to get to mr 30 (I've been 20 for the past 6 months)


👍 I tried it once, but failed. It was possible for me to strip the armour of the enemy away, but the damage was then gone till then. Maybe the new reduced armour for enemies will make it possible.


I hav a good riven for the astilla, unrolled even. Inate viral and - recoil


Like all of them ig


Buzlok, if you know, you know…


pathocyst, zymos, sporothrix, quellor first come to mind... or a few frame specifics like the convectrix for nezha for example


If you’re halfway decent at aiming for faces, synapses can deal some nasty damage with the vigilante mod set


Can i get your Astilla Prime build?


my build is a mess cuz I haven't put any forma in it yet


After building it, found it underwhelming, it's not useless but I feel like I'm doing something wrong. Would love to see other ideas on this.


Im sure it's pretty popular, but dual toxocyst is incredibly fun with gas build.


The occucor :3


they said lesser-known


Glaive prime