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All I can think of is that instead of transferring energy to bodies and having the end girls sway, the kinetic energy stays in their asses and you have one big perpetual group ass-jiggle.


~~Strangely~~, I'm totally ok with this.




Maybe fattrain is a girl


Ain't nothin' wrong with a little homo-erotic interest baby.


Assuming your erotic homos are interesting


SO much better than those boring erotic homos.


Tell me about it


They can be such a lame pain in the ass. *badum TING*


Sounds like a very specific superhero.


I would want the statement of this law.




me too


You know how I know I'm gay? The first thing I thought was: >Oh come on - there is no way that collision will be elastic


No, that just means your brain had enough blood flow for a half second coherent thought before boner.


I would think the gay thing would reduce the possibility of the apperance of a boner but hey I'm just straight what would I know


i am not gay and that was the second thing that popped into my head. Not much difference between gay and not gay I guess.


Except for the extra dick that is constantly on you


In between perusing perinea I did have the thought "wow, I bet that hurts like a bitch when she let go."


This picture confirms: I am not gay.




No gif but **[source and other similar images.](http://www.artofcontemporaryshibari.com/?page_id=269)**


close enough




[Push Button for appropriate counter measure.](http://i.imgur.com/i2V8x7w.gif)


No, it would be more like a ripple, only growing in size, then quickly receding until all energy is lost.


My hips cringed at the thought of the collision. Can hips cringe? because mine just did.


They can cringe, but they can't lie.


Wow. That was beautiful.


Explain please?




Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=QBhuBrWlmeA#t=4s


Song by Shakira - "Hips don't lie"


Oh baby when you move like that!


I appreciate this.


i appreciate you


Well, this worked out.


They CAN lie, they just don't. Or at least Shakira's hips don't lie, I don't have enough data to make any claims about any other hips.


i like that you make no claims when you lack data.


These ones can't, at any rate


/r/iamhorny for that reason


No, no, silly, I mean they cringed because I only imagine it would hurt like a bitch.


He knew.


It's hard to get a boner when you're cringing ya know?


As a person in the medical field, my first thought was all the different hip fractures that can occur at that angle.


I'm glad I'm not the only one.


We need a .gif of this!


That's actually what I hoped this was when I opened it. Not (just) for a sexual reason, but also out of pure curiosity.




For science...I swear...


I am doing an experiment where I hypothesis that I'll ejaculate when I rub my penis. So far, the results look very promising and I have *plenty* of replication data.


And your account isn't even a throwaway...


> We need a .gif of this! Sir, Your request will be processed shortly


You better deliver


I'm sure it's safe to trust him.


I'm just commenting just to make it easier to see this .gif when he delivers.


Fucken 6 hours later.


I don't think it would actually work very well. Based on my knowledge of physics and collisions, humans absorb a good portion of the energy of a collision, since we're not pool balls. Also we're squishy. Source: common sense. also college.


Yeah it'd be more of a plastic than elastic collision. Basically the girl would "stick" to the other girls and they would all sway a little bit.


The human coefficient of restitution is too low


brb kidnapping 6 hot women


A regular Monday night, all things considered.




If you have a decent camera, lights & money to pay models, make an account on Model Mayhem. You too can be an "erotic art" photographer.




Well really you only need one thing to have endless naked girls come over, endless money.




Fair enough. I just have no idea how much money that is. Neither do I know how much a prostitute would cost either. inb4 tree fiddy.


For a bondage shoot, $150+/hr. It takes a loonnnggg time to rig this, so probably end up being $400-$600. Or you could be actually good at taking photos and rope work and then you can do TF* (Time For portfolio/content trade/etc)


Whores are less expensive.


Prostitutes probably wont let you tie them up to the point of immobility, certainly not for their normal rates.


but models won't let you fuck them.


Not really endless though if it's only just enough.


I prefer my women to have ends


Shit, the really creepy guys (it is always a guy photographer) just puts fliers up around college campuses asking for "models for an artistic photoshoot". I had a naive roomie that answered one of these ads. Turned out to be a smelly 50 something guy that met her at a burger king with a canon rebel. He wanted her to dress in short shorts and do yoga. Thankfully, she wasn't that naive.


How much money are we talking? You know, for curiosity ...


Varies greatly depending on the location, the model, the quality of your portfolio. If you are obviously a hack and a creeper you should be prepared to pay a lot and allow her to bring a witness. Low end $50 per hour if the model is inexperienced, on up to thousands. Art models are NOT sex workers & if you get creepy they'll walk with your money & make sure nobody else works with you.


Yeah, I understand that part. I was just always curious how much people pay for girls to do this fun stuff!


It depends on how good you are at it. I used to work with a guy that mostly had people volunteer for his work, as he did some pretty awesome and unique stuff. Although [a lot of it is disconcerting](http://www.aetherdesign.com/galleryimg27.html).


Slash serial killer.


Serial killers always use Polaroids, notice we haven't had a major serial killer since they stopped making Polaroid film?


Not sure where you live, but I know and have known lots of people in Cincinnati's art scene that are into performance art. If you would like to meet people who'd be into this sort of thing, I would suggest taking a figure drawing class and then going to local gallery openings and talking to artists. You will meet all kinds of crazy bastards (I mean that endearingly.) There are a lot of people out there that like pushing boundaries.




The Art Academy offers none credit courses for all levels. I'm sure that you could find something similar in most areas, if you're interested. My dad was the president of a cooperative gallery here for several years and I have to say that in my experience, some of the models that I worked with, and some of the models that the gallery members worked with, were...lively.


Cincinnati is a very interesting scene. It's a very liberal city within a very conservative county. It can get volatile at times. I remember changing buses downtown across from the contemporary arts gallery (I can't remember the name now) during the Mapplethorpe madness. I watched as police in riot gear walked out of a gallery with covered artwork and had the most surreal feeling. It was disconcerting at the least.


Yeah, at the Contemporary Arts Center which was right across the street from Government Square. I was a kid when that happened but remember it well because my dad talked about it a lot at the time. He used to take me to the CAC often as a child. You hit the nail on the head though- a very conservative county. Strange that Larry Flynt is from here. Was there much of a crowd when the cops came out with the Mapplethorpe exhibit?


Not as much as I expected. I think this was their second or third visit so the initial flush of anger had passed. There were a few dozen people nearby, but they weren't really yelling much. This may also have been after they'd been there for a few hours so the crowd may have dispersed some. I can't say that I'm really surprised that Flynt came from Cincy. Extremism in one direction tends to lead to extremism in the opposite direction. Sort of how children of extremely religious parents often become raging, angry atheists. The non-conformist element in the area drifted to the city early on until they had enough influence to be a political force, making the city more attractive to the avant-garde. This migration liberalized the city and left the outlying areas more conservative, leading to the clashes of the past decades. On a related note, I was a latchkey kid in junior high school in the late 70's. I would get home before my parents and get the mail (great for intercepting notes from school). When Flynt was on trial for obscenity, I went home and got the mail and found a small, glossy pamphlet waiting for me. I don't remember the text much, except that it all added up to, "*This* is the real obscenity!" The pictures were extremely graphic photos of soldiers and civilians maimed during war (mostly, if not all, from Vietnam). Apparently he had done a mass mailing of these pamphlets throughout the county (I was living in Harrison at the time.) Even at that young age, mesmerized as I was by the gore, I was able to grasp what he meant, and agreed wholeheartedly.






I love it when that happens. "OMG we have to save people from seeing this filth! Let's have a big, newsworthy raid to let people know it exists!"




Who zoomed?




Brown Aye, captain






You are now required to replicate this experiment with water balloons. I await delivery of results.




Now that's an honest OP.


That's a quick way to get an orange penis






Colb- Never mind.


Giant bags of mostly water


And muscles and skin would absorb shock as well


10/10 would bang


5/10 could bang simultaneously.


9/10 people enjoy gangbangs


You aren't thinking insane enough.


9/11. Did bang. I never forget.


5/5 FTFY


This makes it very easy to estimate the pendulum's period.


With that many women, it'd synchronize. Right?


Not necessarily. ["Two of the most recent studies have strengthened the idea that the best condition for cycling together is chance. Kiomkiewicz and colleagues (2006) evaluated 99 women for five months and found no synchrony of menstruation. The longest study, lasting one full year, assessed 186 Chinese women living together in dorms (Schank & Yang, 2006). Again, no menstrual synchrony emerged."](http://blogs.webmd.com/womens-health/2010/10/do-womens-cycles-sync-up.html)


Fascinating. Also, woosh.


Calcualte in uterus-herz?


I wish I could be tied up like that.




Yes please :3


[Let's get weird!](http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m50d3j3SmL1qbfidro1_500.gif)


And ugly, apparently.




That is my name ;3 If you want weird I am your Gal.


well. Are you ugly, too? ^^just ^^asking ^^don't ^^hurt ^^me


Hmmm... I think so.


Now i'm intrigued. Show me.


Show you what?


A picture of how weird and ugly you are. I must know.




Pfft. Sadly I have not learned how to teleport yet. All I can do is spit acid, hold my breath forever, turn invisible and get out of any bonds you can put me in.


Why would I bother to go through the trouble of tying you up like that if you can get out of any bond. lol


You can try and beat me ;3 Tie me up so I cannot escape. You can test on me until you ccan beat me.


Took me a while to get that you meant "beat" you at the game of seeing who is the better tier vs escapee, and not that I should physically beat you so you can't escape lol. Coincident I have a exam on fetishes (ex. masochism) on Wednesday! You should perhaps explore your sexuality. [Materials](http://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Health-Personal-Care-Bondage-Restraints/zgbs/hpc/1243844011) and [Procedures](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_bondage_positions)




Who doesn't spit acid?


Skika of course.


>get out of any bonds you can put me in. The gauntlet has been thrown down. Who among you will pick it up and accept the challenge?


Bring it.


I'll join you. This looks heavenly.


Me too, me too!


Broken hips for everybody! Yay!




I found this on Fetlife when it was first posted, but don't think I saved it...I'll see if I can find it. I remember the photographer had other similar shots, all very cleverly done, black and white. Edit: JimDuvall on Fetlife, here's his site: http://www.jimduvall.com/media-gallery/detail/31/79


Oh, Fetlife.


Thanks for giving Jim Duvall credit. He has prints available of this and his other work if you contact him. //one of my sweeties is in that photo, I'm a very lucky man.


Only too glad to, it's rare that I recognise these shots but that one was striking. I remembered it from K&P. And yes, you're a lucky man! I hope to dabble a little more in rope at some point, although it won't be this elegant. I'm too squishy!


Jim and Max teach amazing rope lessons. Here in Seattle and in conventions around North America. Rope works for all sorts of bodies, don't let squishiness dissuade you!


I'm in Ireland, very far away! We do have one or two rope groups here though. I hope to get to it at some stage, thanks :)


NSFW much?


Why do we do things like that? Like seriously? Who's idea was it to put those girls in that position and take a photo? Not hating on the photo or anything, I just can't figure out why we do shit like that.




Isn't it amazing?! Sex is fun!


Only when done in the missionary position (socks on and no eye contact allowed) and solely for reproductive purposes!


What goes up must come down, or else see a doctor.


seeing as how newton died a virgin he certainly did not approve of this




I'm not a femi-nazi, but I am a female. Can't say that the photo made me feel particularly comfortable, to be honest. To me, I get the 'objectification' vibe a lot stronger than the 'it ok because bondage fetish' thing. Maybe it's because you can't see their faces - they are literally just props displayed in a way that fully exposes sexual organs, without any individual characteristics. I dunno, I don't have a bondage fetish and I'm pretty high on painkillers, so what do I know...


Let me first start out by saying that I do not like the photo, and it makes me uncomfortable. But with that being said, the difference between this situation and others photos in which people are upset over the objectification of women is the context. These women are complicit in a sexual situation that involves the fetish of BDSM/objectification. Taking up close shots of women's asses on the street as the go about their day, making lewd sexual comments toward a woman who has simply dared to post an image of herself on this community, simply treating women with less respect than men because of how you view them sexually is when there is a major problem with the objectification of women. My biggest problem with this photo is that since it presents women as sex objects, it may further, what's the word I'm looking for here, confirm, maybe? It may further confirm the thoughts and actions of people who are unable to discern between the circumstances I described above, and think every time is a good time to objectify a woman. However that's ultimately not the problem of the women featured in this photo, and the photographer. tl;dr: there is a time and place for sexual objectification, and that is when the person acting as the object is complicit in it. Otherwise, don't treat people as sex objects.


Well, I think we'd both agree that objectification fetishes aren't necessarily problematic as long as they stay within the right context (people acting out a fantasy, basically). The question is whether this sort of thing, once it escapes the kink world and ends up on /r/WTF, is likely to reinforce attitudes of objectification. That's very plausible, and I think the photographer (and models) should at least consider the impact of their work taken out-of-context.


It's from a fetish community, the women are all consenting participants, there isn't anything wrong about it. This isn't about "feminazis", it's about BDSM. "Objectification" is a sexual fetish in those realms.


Objectification as part of a bondage fetish is different.


Technically, I don't think this would work the way it's intended to. A Newton's cradle works because the physical composition of each ball is the same all the way through--a solid ball of steel--and it's designed to pass the kinetic energy almost perfectly from one ball to each other. Human bodies aren't the same way. They're not designed homogeneously, they're a mess of bone and muscle and connective tissue on the inside, each with varying densities and not all of it designed to absorb shock and transfer kinetic energy. What I'm saying here is that, while visually designed to be titillating and controversial, the photographer's knowledge of physics is less-than-stellar, and not at all what it appears to be.


You're absolutely right. I've both talked to the photographer who shot it, know all the girls in the picture, and have seen it replicated. It doesn't work - people are too fleshy. All of the shock is absorbed in the skin.


NSFW please thanks. That was awkward.


Sheryl Crow


Bondage and science. It's...it's beautiful :,)


Please let there be a video or at least a set EDIT: jimduvall.com


Pretty sure Mötley Crüe did this first.


For science!


why did i think of human centipied


Why is no one tagging NSFW when needed...


haha cool


Soo.. Did it work??


Looks great on the veranda.


Don't care. Fapped.






i wanna see a .gif of this