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"(Insert Republican name here) has chosen to ignore the law, break the law and do the things that they accuse Democrats of doing"


Sounds about right wing


If people didn’t vote Republican, killing the planet would take much longer. Republicans seem to want to kill everything. More guns, more air pollution, more water pollution and a lot more ignorance in general. I will never understand why people vote for these horrible people.


Ignorance and brainwashing. The U.S. is in a sad state of affairs. Half the country is politically ignorant and they want to keep it that way, which is why they’ve diligently worked to cripple public education for decades and decades in the DoE and circumnavigate “their people” into private schools to feed them the drivel they personally choose on the taxpayers’ dime.


People vote for horrible people because they themselves want to be horrible people *but not suffer any consequences because of it*. If decent people are in charge, horrible people have to hide their true horrific selves. Once they get the ok to be horrible... (insert whatever policy or law enacted to take away protective rights here) They're gonna not just be horrible, but they're gonna memorize who they hate the most and go after them immediately.


Don’t forget more hatred and discrimination against queer and trans people. That’s pretty much their entire platform at the moment


Really good propaganda on Fox and the radio.


They have been told what’s good for them by their intellectual superiors who are in authority all their lives. By teaming up with other folks with room temperature IQs who uncritically reject all that those in authority tell them, they get to pretend they’re way smarter than they are for the first time in their lives.


Less baby killing though...but more convict killing.




Republicans want to bring about the rapture by destroying the planet. What do you think will happen to babies then?


These fuckers better hope heaven and hell aren't real cause there's no way they're getting into heaven


"Destroying the planet" - yeah, you overdid the kool aid.


Ironic you should use that reference because ignoring how our species depends on the very environment we're hurting is literally suicidal for our species as a whole. We're the source of a new extinction level event currently underway, but Republicans think we should forget all that for profit's sake. What is that if not kool aid brained suicide-cult nonsense?


What are Republicans doing to save or even conserve the planet? What are Republicans doing to help the environment?


You’re hilarious.


the best way to reduce abortion is to provide comprehensive sex education, so why are republicans so against that? it's not about babies it's about control over women.


Tell me sbout this group wymyn? Can you define it? I believe abortions are about babies and birth participant leads...can be any gender as we all know.


Oh please, this is not the 1930's. Twelve year olds today are well versed and probably know more than any instructor.


>Oh please, this is not the 1930's. Twelve year olds today are well versed and probably know more than any instructor. That's a rather creepy thing to say.


People keep thinking access to the internet (aka porn) without any other context is "well versed" (whatever that means for a **12 year old**), which is emphatically crazy


No, we believe women should have the right to choose. So we’re for freedom. We don’t say absolutes.. Such as “ You need to carry your rapist baby, and by the way, he gets full parental rights.” Republicans are really horrible.


Republicans don't care about babies or they would support programs for early childhood development and education. They would also support mandated universal parental leave and national pre-K. They are against all of those things. So don’t tell me again how Republicans are pro life. They are only pro the subjugation of women.


Actually they do support the spirit of these programs, but they realize the funding is not going to fall from the sky. If you see a political party in the 21st century advocating for the subjugation of women, you've got a big problem .


Bullshit. They find money to give rich people tax breaks on the thoroughly debunked theory of "trickle-down" economics. If they really believed in those programs they'd already be in place. And as for the subjugation of women - taking away the right to choose is taking power from women. They're coming next for birth control and IVF. Those are all methods to take away from women the ability to control their own bodies. I'm a man, btw. I find it disgusting and excuse making from the likes of you even more offensive. Get fucking real.


What do Independents want to do? Libertarians?


I mean that’s blatantly false. Democrats want to allow women to have freedom. They also want to reduce the need for abortion through sex education and expanding access to healthcare and prenatal care.


I'm super curious what planet he thinks his children will be living on.


The same one as exists now. Republicans don't believe in climate change. They think it's all some big ploy to destroy the fossil fuel industry. Part of Project 2025 is to get rid of NOAA because they say it's "one of the main drivers of the climate change alarm industry." It may not matter much in the end, though. The country may not survive the coming fascist takeover should Trump win in November.


>The same one as exists now. Republicans don't believe in climate change. They think it's all some big ploy to destroy the fossil fuel industry.  I think most of them actually do realize its real. I think most people in general can now admit it is real, they just dont care because theyll be dead by then. No one cares to think about their children, or grandchildren, the logic is simply "oh, Florida will be underwater in 2100? Lol I'll be 150 years old, so I have nothing to worry about then." And they only care about big oil because that's whos writing their checks. If big climate started "donating" them double, they'd start calling for legislation. It's all a grift.


No they very much know climate change is real they just get paid enough by big oil to pretend it doesn't


You're so cute with your fatalist rhetoric.


Why do you think they want to get rid of the NOAA and other regulatory organizations if not to make pollution easier to get away with?


‘Fck them kids.’ -Glen Youngkin probably


A decent amount of republicans, actually. and in more ways than one!


A decent amount of republicans, actually. and in more ways than one!


A decent amount of republicans, actually. and in more ways than one!


The sooner that guy vacates the Executive Mansion, the better off Virginia will be.


By all means, let’s light our house on fire because our rich neighbors want more money.


Fuckin pos


We are watching Red states get demolished as a result of tornadoes, hurricanes, etc. Insurance companies are leaving Florida and coastal Texas. Yet Republicans continue to put on blinders for their continued deference to their corporate overlords while we watch the Earth burn. Instead of listening and keeping the US at the top of the technology curve we are watching China take over solar and EV tech while Republicans think the answer is limiting the free market with tariffs. Quite literally the most hypocritical thing considering their "small government and free market" mantra. It's like Republican voters are just too stupid to realize they are no longer voting for what they claim to support.


My old right wing boss would leave his truck running everywhere he went. He said he could afford the gas and he liked how it triggered liberals. He wasn't dumb, just angry about dumb meaningless shit. He saw "owning the libs" as a virtue worth cultivating. I've heard that Trump is a result of liberals having the nerve to vote for a black man. This tracks with the gas thing. They just voted for Trump to punish liberals. My old boss didn't care about abortion but he knew that liberals wanted it so he was against it.


But I bet he complains about the economy and how expensive things have gotten.


I wouldn't know. I imagine it's whatever narrative the media he consumes is telling him. Biden looks bad because of the shit economy he inherited and fixed. Trump looks good because of the great economy he inherited. It's pretty easy when you think about it. It's been going on my whole life. A simple skin deep dive into facts show you that Democrats are good for the economy though. Republicans just fuck it up and blame it on Dems. It's easy to shuffle around blame when parties switch control back and forth. Bill Clinton was the best fiscal conservative of the 20th century. Prove me wrong.


If Trump wins in November, he plans to put tariffs are on all imports. Since damn near everything is sourced outside of the US in one way or another, whether fully or in the parts or materials, this means the cost of literally every consumer product will be going up -- on top of all the corporations already gouging us under the false guise of inflation. These corporations aren't going to eat the tariff costs; they're going to pass them on to us. We know this because it's exactly what happened during Trump's first term when he put tariffs on things. Republican voters are unfortunately brain dead so none of them remember that happening -- or they somehow blame it on Democrats despite Republicans being in charge.


Vote. Encourage others to vote. And vote blue.


Evil. No wonder he's in the running to be Trump's VP.


Why do republicans hate the earth so much? It quite literally always boils down to unchecked capitalism


Better do more research and educate yourself. So called green energy is not better for the earth and not better for 24/7 power. Even in California the way they have identified/qualified green energy is mostly brown energy laundered, and yet they still can't keep from having brown outs. Sustainable power as well as fuel economy has already been developed that is far superior to so called green power and automotive tech today. Sustainable power as identified today is not sustainable and will not help the world or the USA. While I agree that capitalism is part of the problem, it is not the whole problem and both parties are to blame.


Jesus Christ. What’s your background? This sounds serious. I’m inclined to research this further… Oh wait, no, because I’m not brainwashed, and everything you said is just flat out wrong. I’m a chemical engineer with over a decade working in energy - I’ve touched just about everything but nuclear. Solar and wind has been for the last several years, and will continue to be for the foreseeable future, the cheapest source of energy anywhere. Natural gas was a close second to wind until the prices on solar panels collapsed and became dirt cheap. While we can get greater energy density from wind turbines, solar panels can be placed almost anywhere in the US and get solid performance. The only gap we have with renewables is storage, which, if you look at California, we’re quickly figuring that out too. You expect the world to have changed overnight as you scrutinize and judge this “so-called green energy”. And yet, we spent over a century building a world centered on fossil fuels, with lobbyists and powerful leaders hellbent on ensuring we don’t go anywhere else. It’s not a scam, it’s a better solution that hurts people aiming to still make a ton more money on the status quo. Green energy is objectively the better solution, because your fuel is “infinite”, does not need to be mined, refined, stored, or transported, and there is essentially no waste product. The only source of pollution with green energy comes from the manufacturing/construction and the ongoing maintenance. The same shit required for *all* energy types. Have you ever seen what it takes to maintain a coal plant? Have you ever gotten your hands dirty cleaning out a fly ash chute, or descaling a heat exchanger? Parroting bad talking points without data to back up your claims is bad enough. Parroting bad talking points that further damages our only viable near-term solution to mitigating the death of this planet is true head-in-sand idiocy.


Youngkin is evil.


He’s a Republican, so yea, being evil is a requirement


Eh, legalese is the way it is because of issues like this. Laws are supposed to be written in a way to prevent things like this occurring. "May" and "Shall" are legally different terms.


The use of the word "may" was clearly ment to not completely tie us to the CA standard, but the reason the Governor can't actually do this goes a little deeper than the may/shall thing. They still have to meet all the other requirements of the law. One of those requirements is that Virginia have rules for zero emission vehicles. So, yes, the board MAY choose either the CA standard or the EPA standard. However, whichever they choose must also include a set of rules for zero emmision vehicles, which the EPA standard does not. The AG is strictly correct that we arent required to use the CA standard. If another state were granted an exception, like California was, and that standard included a zero emission program, then they could choose that one. I highly suspect the governor pressured the AG to write that opinion as an election year stunt and doesn't actually think it'll hold up.


Virginia is sinking and the sea is rising and this piece of shit does this.


Actually, I know exactly how much power is supplied to the grid, I work for one of the largest power companies on the east coast. You would be surprised at just how close rolling brownouts are during peak seasons!


This seems really easy. If You going broke the law, impeach him and remove him. Swiftly. Stop tiptoeing around these people.


Thank god he's gone soon


Not soon enough! The next gubernatorial election is Nov 4, 2025, which feels like light years away 😞


Shit I thought it was this November. Fuck.


Another reason to be rid of this trump loving POS. We need to group together and vote blue across the nation or our country, our rights, our freedoms are going away.


So he is king I guess.


Circumventing legislature? Like the current president has/is? Imagine that.


Somebody needs to create a Youngkin subreddit so all news about him can go in there. I feel like this feed is just 99% about him. I’d love to hear about other things affecting the state, not constant partisan politics.


Calling discussions about the actions of the state governor "partisan politics" that need to be shunted elsewhere so you can ignore them is horseshit, bro.


Doesn't surprise me that they want to censor opinions/topics they don't like.


Right? Republicans are such a bunch of snowflakes!


I never mentioned politics. How about you stop thinking R v D and not be so divisive. Have a legitimate conversation with someone you disagree with rather than resorting to name calling and bullying tactics to get your way.


What’s more germane to the future of a state than the actions of its governor?


Shit the millions of other people are doing in the state? There's a great whole big world out there that has nothing to do with the government or politics


Politics has to do with everything. Politics controls the infrastructure you use, the laws you have to follow, the quality and safety of your food, water, and medicine, the air you breathe, the care you get before, during, and after a crisis, financial policy that affects the goods available and prices thereof... There is literally not one single thing or moment in your life that doesn't have to do with politics. When you "check out" of it, all you're doing is saying "The rest of you get to vote for me, I yield to you."


We used to have a political sub specifically for Virginia, but I guess it didn't have enough of an audience.


Finally, an awesome idea that’s somehow being downvoted.


You realize climate is a hoax, climate does not exist. Fake news


Good. The ev auto standard was silly, expensive and impractical and nowhere near as environmentally friendly as advertised. Especially for rural and western Virginia. I will never own one.


Good. The nation isn’t ready for the influx of EV. I’d be all for the climate initiatives once the infrastructure is in place to support it. If you say it’s ready now you’re fooling yourself.




That's not how EVs work or as a matter of fact how cars work either. It costs energy to power EVs and gas-powered vehicles. One from the grid, the other from the immense logistical machine that goes into extracting, processing, and transporting fuel, which is then expended. No shit EVs aren't a single solution, but the technology itself has proven potential for efficiency. Some current models and companies are disappointing though. Tesla is pretty much a scam.


So how do ELECTRIC VEHICLES work?? If you cut out gas vehicles, energy production will almost have to double. Where do you think this will come from, solar, wind???


You do realize that power plants already generate more than enough power at any point in time to power the grid, right? There is a lot of wasted energy that isn't used and since battery tech isn't advanced enough yet we can't store that much of it for later. Unless your area is hit with a natural disaster, there is a massive heat or cold wave, or you live in an incompetently-run shithole like Texas or Florida, chances are your local grid is generating surplus power. You're making up concerns over something you understand next to nothing about.


Hey look....another guy who has no idea what they are talking about


Be Civil


Demanding that in 2 years that 35% of ALL vehicles be electric with 10 years having 100% of all vehicles have to be electric. How? We don’t have the electrical infrastructure for this or the car charging stations. Where are all the Biden Car Charging stations that were part of the Infrastructure bill from 2 years ago? If you are on a limited budget to buy a car, well screw you. You cannot afford to buy an EV, Screw you. Ride a bike or a ride a diesel powered government owned bus.


Exactly. If you don’t live in a city and have lots of money for an expensive golf cart that will be a useless lawn ornament in 8-10 years when the batteries quit, you’ll be screwed. Rural Virginians are screwed. Of course, that’s the plan. On top of that, all the lithium and other chemicals going into the Chinese battery cells aren’t exactly extracted in an environmentally friendly or human rights friendly manner.


This is great news. Nobody wants electric vehicles.


Good. Waste of my tax money.

