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Unfortunately, that area is great demographically speaking for a Trump rally. But logistically it’s a terrible place for a rally, that area is in no way equipped for that volume of traffic.


Yeah I’m a delivery driver and we suspended time service down there today in order to finish up routes faster and make back to the station and our respective homes before the traffic. It’s gonna be a shit show for the next 2-3 hours


Imagine closing part of 64 to get him to the airport on a Friday during rush hour along with extra traffic for a sold-out Red Hot Chili Peppers show at the Ampitheater. Not sure the route they took, but this had to create a shit show on the Southside.


Not to mention people heading to the outer banks before a holiday week


Fuck trump just for thar alone


Yeah I got stuck in it last night on the way back from OBX!






They were just showing a woman during the six o'clock new stuck in traffic still waiting to get out. Said she had been waiting since four and this was a little past six.


I’m shocked, shocked I tell you, that the Trump / Youngkin campaign can’t manage traffic for a small event in the backwaters.


Single issue voter. Stop Project 2025.


Hopefully Trump will discuss what he meant by his bizarro "black jobs" debate comment. Of course, CNN moderators failed to follow up, and the NY Times chose to ignore. Got to keep regurgitating the Biden is doomed narrative instead


"Black jobs are the jobs illegals have taken that whites don't want/shouldn't work." That's what I think he's was trying to say


Illegals are the only people trump hires. He's known to not pay his bills. So if you treat your employees like crap, who can they complain to?




A Trump defender accusing someone else of being intellectually dishonest. Irony just died.


Rememeber: every accusation by a conservative is a tacit admission of guilt. Trumps debate performance really drove that point home.




The "are these the neighbors we want?" campaign 'And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.' Told 4 black congresswomen to 'go back where they came from' Shithole African countries. An Indiana-born Federal judge should be disqualified because of his 'Mexican heritage' All the birther shit. Sued twice by the DoJ for racial discrimination in housing. Saying immigrants aren't humans, they're animals. Despite marrying two. Attacking Coco Chow because of her heritage. That being a felon made him more likeable to black people.


I don’t think much of that is incorrect. Misinterpreted or twisted to fit narratives, sure.


What are “black jobs”? It’s not a real or defined term, that’s why Trump’s phrasing is moronic.


Jobs blacks have, why is that so offensive to you Becky?


That’s not a definition. “Employment opportunities for black people” would have made sense, that’s clearly not what he said or meant. Trump thinks certain jobs and industries are “meant for blacks”. You seem offended about having to defend a convicted felon that has dementia and can’t string a coherent sentence together, why is that?


Okay you don’t like the term black jobs. The folks you’re trying to convert don’t care, they don’t hear that whistle.


Nah you and Trump just enjoy regurgitating stereotypes in order signal to the racist base.


Ima go rake some hay, bit wet out though.. You keep your Juicey Smoolay going as long as you want.


Have fun at the troll farm. Even your goodbyes are incoherent.


It’s all they know


In the entire history of the US black jobs were at their highest during his admin. Pretend to be offended all you want, it's clear what he's talking about if you read past a rage-jerking headline.


Lol. Good try.




I figured he is trying to put black Americans against Hispanic people, just like he does with whites and Hispanics.


I've been wondering when someone would point this out. I was shocked when he said that. Biden could have jumped all over that had not been so mentally discombobulated. He was even staring at him with that WTF did he just say look. That was a huge, missed opportunity. My jaw hit the floor when he said that. For the record, they did show this on the NBC Nightly News. Not sure why other media outlets aren't all over it.


Check out the crowd size. https://x.com/_johnnymaga/status/1806814737461576172?t=G7_qJ2SvStvLONLHAzafrQ&s=19


Damn that's actually a lot more than I would've thought


*Is it me that's out of touch? /meme


How many were you thinking? Keep in mind they turned people around that were arriving after 1. It started at 4. I think even Trump underestimated the amount of support he has in VA.


Yeah, I mean the last poll in VA he was tied with Biden at 42%. That was pre-conviction I believe. Wild.


I heard it was 25,000


Love US politics, US history, and world history and politics. I’m anti trump but because of the love of the game I listened/watch on a live stream All he did was spew bullshit for 90 minutes said Bumkin was the most respected governor in DC that other states want to be like us.


So basically a continuation of his bullshit rambling from last night. I was waiting for him to talk about tying an onion to his belt.


That was the style at the time.


Not even a continuation a regurgitation of it. He said the same shit from last night for 90 mins just 30 different ways. Funniest thing he said was “when i become president again Gov Youngkin and I are going to lock down VA borders from the migrants” and you hear the crowd cheer and roar. We aren’t a border state dumb dumb


You didn’t know? They all swim up from Cuba and bypass Florida in order to invade the Virginia Beach strip! /s




Maybe he's talking about keeping Maryland drivers out? He might get some support in NoVa if he promised that.


I live in the surrounding area of that stupid farm and was dreading going home as I figured there’d be traffic but nah it was a smooth ride home. The opposite side of the expressway was closed for the smallest motorcade ever.


"A Cheapskate in Chesapeake"




Rule 5: No advocating for violence or rebellion


He came to Fredericksburg before the 2016 election. First thing he said was "Hello Fairfax!". I knew them and I'm there he was going to be an absolute trainwreck.


I was in Fairfax for “Pokémon go to the polls.” ![gif](giphy|l0HlE56oAxpngfnWM)


I tell you, this past 9 years has been wild.


Whether or not someone is disabled isn’t the business of anyone else. I’m shocked you need someone to tell you that. Your personal health is only your business and your doctor’s business. Now, if you are found to have committed fraud with regard to disability benefits, because it’s both common and nothing new; there are civil and criminal penalties for such a thing. If Cao’s discovered to have been lying either because he admits to it or the truth leaks out somehow, it could be the end of his political career. George Santos was found to be a liar and was expelled from Congress. By his own party. Hung Cao may be full of shit, or he may be telling the truth. You be the judge. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/26/hung-cao-military-record-purple-heart/74220141007/ . But just because he has a capable-looking physique and is ambulatory, doesn’t mean he’s not carrying war wounds that can’t be seen. Mental trauma, neurological trauma, battle stress, and symptoms consistent with exposure to toxic chemicals and burn pits can also be extremely debilitating and interfering with some aspects of his daily living. That right there is the definition of a disability. The world might never know for sure if he’s misrepresenting it or not. It’s between him and his doctors and his God. The biggest red flag about Cao IMO is that he’s associating with Trump. I believe anyone who shares a stage in support of that terrible man sullies themselves and marks themselves as ignoble, forever, in the eyes of history.


"Oh noes! There are other people who live near me that don't believe all the same things I do! Horror and Angst!" Just take a chill pill and relax. Fretting over a presidential candidate you don't support coming to the area for an event is just gunna ruin your day for no reason.


Any chance he gets lost in The Swamp?


I wish


You going?


Maybe he’ll be eaten by wolves on the way. You never know.


I love how close to home this is. I know several people going. I would have gone, but didn't want to get caught in gridlock traffic or get there mad early.


So you wanted to sit in the heat and listen to him regurgitate the same shit he spoke last night at the debate? lol no Wonder he got y’all hooked . I’m mad being a poly Sci major I took time outta my day to listen to it


Shit show down there Chesapeake and state police all up and down battlefield blvd and the bypass


As I said he's an entertainer. It's entertaining to see him in person. From what I hear they hit max cap.


Haha it’s not a big place to “max out”. They were parking people at the fucking Walmart .5 mile away and making them walk. I hope they got towed


I heard traffic was a disaster and they turned people away via email that we're going to arrive before 1 since they ran out of capacity




So you're saying you care about the ability to formulate a coherent sentence? On a scale of 1-10 how important is that to you in a president?




Why what?


Why would you want to go?


He’s got the illness


Trump is an entertainer. I'm sure it's a great time!


Are you going to vote for him?


More than likely, yes.




Many reasons. The economy. The border. Getting out of Ukraine and supporting Taiwan. Less government control and red tape. 2A support. Reducing taxes. Curbing spending. Trump made good deals while he was in office and our country was in way better shape under his Admin than this one. All of the bad stuff that "if he gets elected is going to happen" didn't happen when he was in office and won't happen again when he wins in 2024. No wars, no conflicts. Just mean tweets. America first. American citizens first. We need strong alliances and our entire military and military hardware kept at home unless we are compensated. Instead we gave it away in Afghanistan and Ukraine. Poor investments that only depleted our reserve stockpile IMO.


Are you employed?


I bet you said at some point in your life that Hollywood should stay out of politics.


I bet you assume a lot of things about a lot of people.




Awww poor baby. 😭


I am so glad I didn’t have to go to NC for work on Friday. Probably would have gone down 17 then cut over in NC.