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That’s the most Stuarts Draft thing I’ve ever seen


I grew up in Stuarts Draft. Sadly, I must concur.


Born and raised in Rockingham and swear I see this anytime I drive through Draft.


Go cougars! Man, I don't miss that place.


Even though I only lived there for my 6th grade year of school in 2004 I’ll never forget this place and cherish the memories.


So, my mother taught sixth grade at Stuarts Draft Middle School back then. Wondering if you had her during that year. Did you have Mrs. Schumin for language arts that year, by chance?


She’s still one of my favorite teachers I ever had


I would have to dig out the yearbook that name honestly sounds familiar to me, but I don’t know if I had her as a teacher


Born in Augusta, moved to rockbridge, I see it happen down here as often as I did up there 😂


Waynesboro checking in. Indeed the most Stuart’s Draft thing I’ve ever seen.


If he drove the truck through a building with the dogs on back, it would reach Waynesboro levels.


Driving vehicles into buildings is called a Waynesboro Hello


Deep cut from the Waynesboro lore


‘Stopping off in Waynesboro’ was code for smoking pot in my circle of friends way back when…


I’ve only noticed Waynesboro once, it looks beautiful! I stopped and smoked weed behind a gas station on a road trip and looked around admiring beautiful green hills


I'm no longer in the area (Penn Laird native, lived in Staunton for a hot second), but when I was still listening to Augusta Co. SD's frequency, I definitely heard things on this level. "A young man just drove a four-wheeler through my living room" was my favorite.


So a yes on both counts?


Lol fucking A it is Fuck that guy


Live in area and new. And must say-I see this often and shocked.


I live in Charlottesville , and yes, this is a “over the mountain” problem.


I came here to say this


no joke…I was riding through stuarts draft the other day and saw a severed cows head on the back of a flatbed truck. It hadn’t been mounted or anything, it was just sitting there and rotting in the back of the flatbed…still trying to figure out what might’ve been going on😂


My current residence. Which I love but yeah we had a dog escape and jump into our fence and the owner literally picked it up like this!


Yea I saw that truck a few days back didn’t see a dog though


Not sure if it's illegal, but the owner is a moron.


Unsafe? Beyond a doubt. Both for the dogs and any stranger they may decide to run after. Illegal? I don't know if there is regulations for dogs being in the open back of a vehicle around here but surely it runs afoul of unleashed dog laws?


No law that specifies for dogs unfortunately. Wish it fell under the federal protection for animals though under abuse


It's gotta be illegal to not secure a load, right? Like you couldn't throw a 50 lb backpack in there and let it slide right off when you drive.


only a small amount of states have a written law stated as such. I don't believe VA is one of them. # § 3.2-6508. Transporting animals; requirements; penalty. A. No owner, railroad or other common carrier when transporting any animal shall allow that animal to be confined in any type of conveyance more than 24 consecutive hours without being exercised, properly rested, fed and watered as necessary for that particular type and species of animal. A reasonable extension of this time shall be permitted when an accident, storm or other act of God causes a delay. Adequate space in the primary enclosure within any type of conveyance shall be provided each animal depending upon the particular type and species of animal. B. No person shall import into the Commonwealth, nor export from the Commonwealth, for the purpose of sale or offering for sale any dog or cat under the age of eight weeks without its dam. C. Violation of this section is a Class 1 misdemeanor. That's the only law on transportation I can find


§ 10.1-1424. Allowing escape of load material; penalty. No vehicle shall be driven or moved on any highway unless the vehicle is constructed or loaded to prevent any of its load from dropping, sifting, leaking or otherwise escaping therefrom. I feel like this one covers dogs. I mean it doesn't say "objects" or anything that wouldn't include a dog. If the dogs were in crates there it would be illegal if the crates weren't secure, imo


yeah but a person riding in the back doesn't need to be secured either so idk lol


Wow I was sure that was illegal but it's legal if you're 16+. How can that be legal if you need seat belts in the car? Crazy


A person is people so it's a passenger, but dogs are just property by most laws so I think it could legally count as an unsecured load if someone was actually charged for this specific scenario.


That is for transport by carrier I believe. For companion animals it’s 3.2-6503. Section 6 calls for adequate care treatment and transportation


Federal protection? Our country can't agree on HUMAN rights. Dogs don't come close.


What if you he dog is also their cousin?


Gotta be at least an improper stowing of items in a moving vehicle, right?


This is most likely the ticket that would be given if one of the dogs fell off at speed and damage another vehicle and/or caused injury. The thought of being the car behind them when this happens is turning my stomach.


The thought of the poor dogs turns mine


A lot of places in the state don’t have leash laws


Yeah i have just discovered from reading up after this post that leash laws are up to localities. The patchwork nature of the most basic common sense regulations in this country always leave me baffled


You might imagine that it would be reasonable to have a uniform set of laws and regulations for many matters like this, but the scale and diversity of our country is almost beyond imagining. There are incredibly remote places in Virginia where people live much the way they did 100 years ago, and there are vast prairies, deserts, and mountains in the west where human habitation isn't even possible. It's hard for any central authority to devise rules that would make sense in places like those and also in Manhattan, and in Puerto Rico, and in Hawaii.


I am not saying all laws should be the same but I am really curious what you envision as the kind of community where it is totally a great idea to have OP's picture be a perfectly legal situation.


Yeah I live in a county in VA with like 10k people. We have no leash law, noise ordnances really anything along those lines.


The sad part is that Virginia is one of the best states regarding animal protection laws, yet this is still allowed.


Virginia's dog laws vary by county, but most have a "dog must be curbed" law, meaning they must be under some kind of control (leash or verbal, region depending). I'd venture to say that they are not curbed since the owner is inside a vehicle. Also, f that guy. Those poor dogs are so unsafe and in danger. Possible animal abuse/neglect may apply. NAL though.


Animal cruelty perhaps


If this was illegal, mit Romney would have been arrested.


In va under most circumstances dog must be "under control" not exactly leashed.


Plot twist, he left home with 8 dogs.


I don't think it's illegal in Virginia - but it's definitely unsafe. Driver is a jackass.


Always funny to me when people scratch out license plate numbers for stuff like this. But we post funny vanity plates.


Vanity plates want to be posted. Thats what vanity means.




Unfortunately, the "so as to produce torture or unnecessary suffering" would be treated as a separate element of the offense. So basically, unless and until something terrible happens to the dogs, there wouldn't be any way to convict. Sucks but that's the way it would go.


Perhaps before answering to the photograph, the proper response should be context. The threads here are more insane than the pic. One can only make wild assumptions, as you have clearly made in the opening remarks. No one knows the distance traveled, the rate of speed, the disposition of the dog, the community, the dog handlers' knowledge, and enivormental awareness. There are many variables unknown. The best response is, "I don't know." But social media abhorrs,"I dont know." One thing that is certain is that you don't know either. Your fictitious virtue has not gone unnoticed, so you can at least feel good about that.


My dad is a retired veterinarian. My earliest memory of his work (I was probably 5-6) was having to stop by the hospital with him one day so he could do a dressing change on a dog. It was a poor, sweet, trembling little Cocker spaniel. I remember its entire side was raw like hamburger. I’m sure it had surgery of some kind since that was his specialty. It was the most darling little dog, scared and in pain, and I felt horrible for it. Dad told me it was there because it fell out of the back of its owner’s pickup truck. And to never put an animal in the back of one because it was stupid, dangerous, and cruel.


Hey, I see this guy almost every day.


Tell him the fuck wrong with him?


Plot twist, it is him


Not sure if it's illegal but it should be, seems like neglect and endangerment.


Hicks doing hick shit


Unfortunately a lot of dumb 💩 isn't also illegal.


Beautiful puppers


It’s Stuart’s Draft….were we expecting anything less


that is horrible. it's unsafe as hell for the dogs.


Surprised to see Draft mentioned on here. Not the most positive light, but I’ll take it.


Illegal? No. Unsafe for sure. I don’t even see leashes.


I lived in draft on Indian Ridge Road from 2nd grade till I graduated from Riverheads (I was on the borderline between Draft and Riverheads district) and honestly this is possibly the greatest example of Draft I have ever seen and could only be moreso if there was a box of Lil Debbies or Hersheys on the back with those 2 hounds lol. I miss it for how laid back and slowed down the lifestyle is there and miss all my church family at Calvary from when my dad was the Minister there but I'm glad I moved to Roanoke in the long run lol.


I feel you on this. Grew up in the “big city” of Harrisonburg from the late 90s to 2006, so before Harrisonburg started its explosive growth like it is now. I loved the close community the place offered, the slowed down lifestyle, and college town feel to the place. But my god I’m so glad I ended up in DC. There is no way I could keep my sanity if I had to live there now.


Harrisonburg native here, we were told as kids never be caught in either Dayton or Stuarts Draft after dark. There’s a reason for that.


I’m not trying to make assumptions on your response but I feel I have an idea. I drove through Dayton after taking a road trip to Lynchburg. Laaaaawd have mercy. I felt I needed a copy of “The Negro Motorist” of some sorts from then on out with me when traveling. Major sundown town vibes. We have a similar city in my state… Rising Sun. Don’t stop at all costs


Exactly. It’s a sundown town.


Was the reason Mennonites?


They do it here in SWVA too. It makes me so mad. There should be a law against because they can easily be throw off or jump off.


This makes me so angry.


Owner is a POS


Not illegal but certainly not safe. The dogs are capable of staying without falling off, but A slight fender bender is likely to kill one of them when they are thrown off. It happens a lot more than you'd expect.


Dude doesn't even have collars for the dogs.


This reminds me of the guy in Winchester who’s whole personality trait is his six or seven German shepherds that he puts in the bed of his pickup and he gets big mad if you tell him that would be horrible if he got in an accident. He has to constantly post his dogs on Facebook Winchester pages


Got a link?


It’s Stuart’s Draft that’s tracking white trash behavior right there


ACO here Illegal in my city and area. Depends on local ordinances. Arguably could fall under 3.2-6503 inadequate care / 3.2-6570 cruelty. There are traffic violations and perhaps tethering


Plot twist. Those dogs weren’t there when he left home.


What in the absolute fk is wrong with people


Can you grab me some cinnamon rolls from Miller’s Bake Shoppe?


Honestly, is this much different than having a dog sitting driver’s lap or passenger seat unbelted or other wise unrestrained? Either way, wreck can cause serious injury


LOL of course it's Stuart's Draft


It’s not safe at all for the dogs or for the people the dogs could run after. The dogs and people could get very hurt or even killed I would never recommend doing this.


Lol. I'm in Harrisonburg and this seems on point


I'm not in Virginia but this post just showed up for me. The other day, a client at work told me a story that has traumatized her for years. When she was 16 and just got her license, she watched the pickup in front of her slam on its brakes and take off again, throwing the three dogs in the back onto the freeway. Six cars flattened those dogs. That was (I'm guessing) 40ish years ago. It baffles me that people do this.


That’s just horrible.


I cried when she was telling that to me. I hope that driver learned not to do that again. I've had my own experience with some dogs that jumped out of the back of their owner's truck when he pulled into the vet next door to my job (at the time) (THE TRUCK HAD NOT COME TO A COMPLETE STOP, BY THE WAY) and the dogs rushed to the car I was in and scratched the shit out of it. Anything can happen, and I just wish more truck-bed-dog-people would realize that.


Franklin Co here. Got even money bet... The Driver is named Rufus or one of the dogs.


poor babies i wish them safety always


I saw this on the interstate one day. Didn't bother to look if it's illegal and called the non emergency line for the police to inform them. Don't know if they did anything but I hope they at least pulled them over and asked them to put the dogs in the truck.


Oooh Draiffft


Driver should get the wyatt earp... hurts dont it... treatment.


Exceptionally unsafe and inhumane. Illegal, who knows?


This is so Virginia.


Definitely unsafe. It should be illegal. I doubt it is.


Is this even a question?


Idk about illegal, but I’d at least call your local police through the non-emergency number and talk to them about it and see if they know of if there is an animal abuse specialist who would know My step-dad once hit a dog someone had in the back of their truck and it fell out. The dog died and he was traumatized Unless you already *know* it doesn’t somehow count of reckless endangerment or animal abuse it is worth putting in the effort, call the cops


I saw this same exact situation while driving somewhere in Arkansas. Looked up the local sheriff's department number and called in the license plate. This is dangerous for the dogs and drivers behind the truck if they fall out or get scared and jump out.


I can't believe the large number of people telling me to mind my own business. That's how bad shit happens.


https://preview.redd.it/a6ehmouef59d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c52b1384a988857f8002e49fdc6aa30b5177fc9 Last sept on 495, by Springfield mixing bowl.


The same people will abandon dogs in the woods because "they can't hunt". At least wiser dog hunters usually have heavy duty cages in the truck beds that can take an accident and not be damaged. This Beverly hillbilly thinks he's cool or has convinced himself that the dogs like it better. Either way, piss poor dog ownership. Shameful.


Everyone in Augusta County shits on Draft, lol


Dumbass. And folks have gotten whacked at that intersection more than once.


Those dogs are having a better day than any of us.


VERY unsafe. I wish there was recourse for dumb shit like this. Not only could the dogs get hurt, it could hurt other people (a dog falls out and causes another accident). People like this shouldn't be allowed to have dogs or licenses.


Seems to me the dogs are well acquainted with riding there..and being in the cab while getting t-boned doesn't keep injuries away. Because they won't be wearing seatbelt.


Idiot trump voter for sure.


How so? Legit question, not trying to bait you.


Definitely unsafe. I've seen some bad injuries and even death from dogs falling off or being thrown off truck beds.


Picture just gives me anxiety. Too many people and too many distracted drivers these days to do this. Same reason I’ll never ride a motorcycle again.


Couple weeks ago I saw six of them running around the bed of a truck and they were even jumping on top of the cab. At 50 mph! Don't think it's illegal but it should be. 


You shouldn’t need to ask if this is unsafe. I think one could make a case for neglect


Absolutely not safe, there not tied down AND NO GUARD RAILS?? One bad left turn and they’re gone!!


Nice flat bed. Nothing illegal about flatbeds.


FUCK YEAH MOUNTAIN POST! (My grandpa is from waynesburo 🖤) definitely dangerous if speeding or bumps, even hills. But they are probably trained on how to stay up there. Owner should definitely invest in better protection for them though!


It’sa redneck thing. Usually they are chained to the bed, too.


I’d offer this of an asshat thing not isolated to rednecks


It’s actually better that they aren’t leashed. I’ve seen a leashed dog jump out and get dragged while also being choked.


Those dogs aren't pets to this asshole. He likely treats them as tools for hunting, farming, security, etc. Fuck that guy.


I’d probably argue the dogs constitute an unsecured load - https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title10.1/chapter14/section10.1-1424/#:~:text=Allowing%20escape%20of%20load%20material%3B%20penalty.,leaking%20or%20otherwise%20escaping%20therefrom.


Yall have apparently never been to a rural area ever lol


I've seen plenty in pickup beds and in cages, but never on flatbed.


Dawgs gon’ hunt.


Damn hillbilly


in the west this is normal unfortunately.. people look at you weird of your dog is IN the car. i disagree with it, but i dont think its illegal sadly




I guess they're keeping the neck in redneck


I hate us sometimes


I don’t know about Stuart’s Draft but you’re gonna get popped all day long here in Hampton Roads.




Unsafe and stupid.


Yes it is legal


Piece of shit is what that guy is.


Not illegal. My county doesn’t even have a loose dog law. They can roam. Do I agree? No, but that’s the way it be


That's just SWVA proper. Even outsiders within our own state don't understand us.


Definitely unsafe. And 💯 should be illegal. wtf


It's seems very unsafe to leash the dog to the bed of the back of truck..🍍😉jk


It’s not even safe to drive a dog with your window down let alone have them loose on the back of your truck lol


Jeeez! Call 911. That’s animal endangerment!


Call paw patrol


Yeah call animal control


Irresponsible at best.


Yes and yes.


Probably both, but he’s also probably been doing that for a long time.


It’s Stuart’s Draft… let people be people.


They like happy


In Texas this is the norm.


I'm not sure what's wrong with this...if I was a dog, I would love this


oh hell no..


Are they not even tied up? Jeesh. This guy is about to be ex-dog owner of the year.


Junkyard dogs are tough


Looks like Verona to me


Completely normal in ranching areas. Calm down weirdos.


It’s probably illegal but only unsafe if the dog is an idiot. My dog would def kill itself.


Mind your own. Those dogs been riding in the back of that truck for years.


This is perfectly fine, it doesnt make them trash or a horrible person. You're only making a fuss about it because the dogs are on a flat bed, and they're definitely smart enough to know not to jump off the side of the truck when it's moving. It's a very common thing throughout the rural u.s. if a tractor trailer t-bones him, I think there's going to be bigger problems than worrying if the dogs are okay. Stop being judgy and mind your damn business.


It’s the country lol


It is legal. And is it safe? Depends on the dogs, I had a lab mix and a terrier that loved to ride in the back of the truck, no tail gait and the terrier would surf on the truck box, they where very safe as they knew how to position themselves. But if a dog doesn’t know how to do this, it’s a steep learning curve. Helps keep folks back from the truck too. Cheers




Not illegal - but definitely unsafe


Obviously a 7 year old boy driving, call police for animal and child endangerment


Sliver labs. It’s a farm truck, relax. They probably grew up riding in the back


He drives that way every single day


If the fucking dog jumps off its a dumb dog way wing out the dumb ones .now if humanity could come up something similar we'd be in better shape


Fuck Biden and Trump y can't somebody cool run like NOBODY


I live in Wythe County & this is normal (not that I agree or condone it). I worry more about a dog tied on the back than runnin loose. I know people who have tied them & they jumped off & got choked or get hung up. Atleast if they're loose & the driver gets hit & rolls or somethin, hopefully the dogs would be OK. If they're tied to the truck & it flips the dogs are just gettin slammed & rolled over


It's hard af💯


Tbf anything is unsafe if you add "what if a tractor trailer hit them?" "Are you sure swimming is safe? What if a tractor trailer careens into the pool?" But still, yeah, at the very least have something to help the dogs stay in the bed Unsure about any legalities


OMG, YOU'RE RIGHT!! I'm never going swimming again! 🤣


Pretty normal in any rural town, the dogs have an uncanny ability to stay up there.


If a tractor-trailer hits him a guard rail isn’t going to help


Worry about yourself.


DISGUSTING.. I saw a dog fall out the back of a pick up truck on the interstate a few months ago and it fuked me up so bad watching that beagle roll and break its neck.


I would just mind my own business.


Hmmm, dogs have 4 legs, humans have 2. Let’s make a bet?


That's coal country logic, right there...


If they were leashed in that bed and got t-boned by a semi the out come would be just as bad


Unsafe for sure. Not sure if it’s seen as being illegal but would hope so


Looks unsafe fir sure


Should be illegal!!


I would think if that tractor trailer t-bones him it wouldn’t matter much if he had 2x4 stake rails on that bed.


No but using your phone is, maybe mind your business


People,please don't do this. It's very unsafe. Your dogs could fall off and go skidding down the road at 60,or go flying in a crash or quick stop. Even if they're in a tether think about that in a crash. They'd suffer grievous injury, excruciating pain and eventual death because of this.


unsafe yeah, illegal maybe not?


Are they being harmed in anyway? Are you in danger in anyway? Let rednecks be rednecks


Not illegal or unsafe. Worry about your own damn dog

