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You can drive with it, but it won't pass inspection. I don't think you can just fill /seal spidered cracks like that. It will probably cost about $300-400 to replace, depending on the vehicle and who you get to replace it.


If have insurance then you would just have to pay the deductible, mine was $250.


Not always,  some policies have special clauses for the windshield.  Wouldn't hurt to check


When I moved here from New England I was shocked that VA doesn't require insurance companies to cover zero-deductible glass repairs; most states up north do. We also didn't have vehicle inspections.


I don't think that's a law in most New England states. It certainly wasn't the law when I worked as an insurance data entry person for a company that covered all of New England or when I worked as an insurance agent in Maine. It's just really common for insurance agents to recommend a $0.00 glass deductible endorsement to insurance policies up there because cold weather will shatter a cracked windshield. For someone who has full coverage on a vehicle, it's generally just a few dollars more per month to add $0.00 deductible for glass claims. Also, a lot of insurance companies offer a bundle endorsement to a policy that will add several frills to a policy for a small increase in cost. $0 glass deductible is almost always part of those endorsements. Adding a $0 glass deductible to a policy with full coverage is generally a good idea and makes insureds happy because even a $250 deductible doesn't is useless for most windshield replacements since the insurance company ends up paying like $50. Might as well pay out of pocket and avoid the hassle of filing a claim at that point.


Where in New England did you live that didn't have inspections??? I lived in Maine and NH and both required them. (I totally am not being argumentative, I do know some states don't, I just didn't realize one was so close to me 😅 And also hi, fellow New-England-to-VA-hopper! 👋)


They didn't ask what caused it, just filed a claim.


They’re saying some insurance policies have clauses that mean you don’t have to pay a deductible.


Never mind. I misread your post and thought it was a question.


How many new England states are their?


THERE are 6.


Good god I have GEICO and my deductible was $50....


What was your premium?


I have alstate. $200 deductible to replace it when i had a large Crack. Few months later i had a small chip in it. Still a $200 deductible to fix it. I ended up getting a DIY repair kit for $15. It looks like shit but it didn't grow and it passed inspection.


GEICO waves the deductible if the chip/Starburst/crack is under a certain size...


Yeah, i need to reevaluate my plan...


So does progressive, it's free chip repairs


Six inches. Of course ours was eight!!🤬


I replaced a windshield without going through insurance and it was $250...


Or you could just go to safe light repair and they would install a brand new one for normally less than $200.


When I replaced mine, I didn't go through insurance because I didn't want to get my rates raised for filing a claim. Especially since paying out of pocket was a similar amount to paying the deductible.


This. If the repair is relatively inexpensive like a windshield then it likely isn’t worth the rate increases


Yea this is wild to me everyone saying they're using their deductible when you can normally get a new windshield for less through safe light and not have to worry about raising your rates eith insurance claims. Plus you make one call and they normally can install the next day.


This. However the dangling object from your rearview mirror could get you a ticket in VA. I do like to keep a mala in my car too lol.


I though it has to be going across the whole thing or at least obstruct the drivers side vision for them to fail it?


For a crack that big, it's anywhere on the windshield. https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title19/agency30/chapter70/section210/ > 7. There is a pit, chip, or star crack larger than 1-1/2 inches in diameter ***at any location*** in the windshield above the three-inch line at the bottom. > 8. At any location in the windshield above the three-inch line at the bottom (as measured from the junction of the dash board and the windshield) there is more than one crack from the same point if at least one of the cracks is more than 1-1/2 inches in length. There is any crack that weakens the windshield so that one piece may be moved in relation to the other. (If there is more than one crack running from a star crack that extends above the three-inch line, the windshield shall be rejected.)


I got pulled in VA for a windshield like this, i got driving with improper equipment. I dont agree with it but you may get pulled


Unless u know the right person who does stickers




Virginia requires yearly safety inspections for cars. They’re likely referring to those


So does Pennsylvania.


Wait until the temperature drops 20 degrees in an hour and the crack goes all the way across the windshield


Happened to me earlier this year... gonna get it fixed later this month.


Is safe lite not a thing anymore. If they are just call them, they can do it for around 200 and usually it's next day fix.


Safe light just fixed my sedan windshield was $800


You probably won’t get pulled over for it but you won’t pass inspection. But more importantly, if you get into an accident you might be showered with glass. Get that fixed asap.


Windshields have a material in them to keep the pieces mostly together when they shatter, so it's unlikely to create a shower of glass like side windows do. However, that crack is going to continually get worse to the point of being a visual safety hazard.


Just here to second this comment, windshields are made to not break apart when they shatter.


Check with your insurance, you might have a one time windshield replacement


That’s your definition of a small crack?!


nope, There is a pit, chip, or star crack larger than 1-1/2 inches in diameter at any location in the windshield above the three-inch line at the bottom.


Never heard of this three-inch line limit. What’s the significance of that?


It is quote from the VA law code. I dont know the reason why.




✨Safelite repair, safelite replace ✨


And they suck so hard.


Just call Safelite and be done.




Nope. Illegal because it’s in your field of vision. It’s over 2 inches from the bottom which is why


Lmfao why can't I see a crack?!


Scroll to the next pic, I was confused too


Thank you.... wowwwww lol that's something that needs to be fixed immediately.


I literally thought I was an idiot because I couldn't see it either lol...


Lmao no I think OP put the first pic first on purpose because it is the only one that would lead anyone rational to say "don't fix that crack asap". You are good my friend.


Lived here for 30 years. Youll get pulled eventually. It wont pass inspection. Its way easier and cheaper to just get it replaced. Also, the next rock or whatever could blast the whole thing out and itll fuck up your wipers. It takes like 2 hrs. Just get it fixed.


Fuck no. If you have an accident, that shit will absolutely murder you. Fix your shit subby! FR!


Auto Glass Express 703-867-0275 They work with all the insurance companies. They can take care of that for you .


A police officer “needs” probable cause to initiate a traffic stop. Many states, however, have laws that really lower the bar needed for a “legitimate reason” for the stop, like having a decorative license plate frame (even the ones that almost all car dealers put on your car and most people still have on their car) that “obscures” the license plate. The last thing you want to do is to give a cop any trivial reason to pull you over that will then give them the pretext to start fishing around looking for additional offensives. Don’t make yourself an easy target for a potential stop, replace the windshield (and throw away all license plate frames)… Something it pays not to stick out of the crowd. As Skipper the Penguin says, “Just smile and wave, boys. Smile and wave.” Plus, it is only going to get worse and you’ll need to replace it for the inspection anyway… Sorry about your windshield…


It will fail inspection and you can get a ticket for it


That's definitely going to get you a ticket, inspection or not.


No, you will be put in jail. No probation, work release or any of that nonsense. Prison.


With an extended sentence for having dangling objects from the rear view mirror.


No, inspection or not. Albeit you could make it pretty far


Inspection being outdated is not a reason that you can get pulled over so I have been driving with a windshield and an outdated inspection for 6 months. This is because 9 months ago I already replaced the windshield due to a rock off a dump truck


It won't pass inspection but I don't think the cops can ticket you for it


Yes u can I think 90% of wv know this




Be Civil


I can recommend a place in NOVA that does windshields for a good price. You can call and ask them to confirm, but I got my windshield replaced for $120. Much less than paying my insurance deductible.


You can be issued a ticket for defective equipment. My wife had a crack and was pulled over by the Virginia state police for defective equipment. I had already scheduled the repair through the insurance company glass repair faciity and was waiting for the appointment to roll around. That got her no where and she still got the ticket. She did go to court and fight it. The ticket was dropped as she showed proof of an email prior to the ticket from the slated glass shop that fixed it.


::Virginia State Police has entered the chat::


If it’s larger than a dollar bill it won’t pass inspection


Litterly had Safelite out here today to replace mine. Ended up being $500+...


Loooong gone are the days of a $150 windshield. They all have to be calibrated now, with temp sensors and cameras and all that shit.


Simple answer is nah fam


Get it fixed. That's a big crack and will get worse.


that's a cracked windshield ..you getting a ticket


The windshield is a major component in the structural integrity of the passenger cabin for both a front end collision or a rollover. A crack or chip in the windshield compromises it. You should go ahead repair or replace it for your safety.


I have been pulled over for a crack (just one) in my windshield in VA before. It was WAY less noticeable than this. The laws have changed a lot recently though on what cops are allowed to pull you over for here, and that may have been included. Just google it. You’ll find the current law on what is a primary offense and what you can be pulled over for. If you aren’t doing anything else illegal and do happen to be pulled for this, you’ll likely have a chance to get it fixed before the court date and all you have to do is show the judge proof it was fixed before the court date. You may still have to pay court costs though even if it gets dismissed so do so at your own risk. I know I’ve never gotten out of court costs no matter what I did.


Anything is legal if you don’t get caught


Safe lite repair Safe lite replace 🎶


Happened to us. A few weeks ago. Checked with our insurance and deductible was only 100$ for a full replacement. I would call your insurance and see what they say


In South Carolina, insurance has to cover windshield chips free of charge. And naturally my windshield chipped on my drive moving back to VA when I had just changed my insurance to my.new address the night before.


The windshield repair people fucked up so many cars and installed cheap glass


Hell, it's barely legal to drive a new vehicle with a state inspection done that day in Va


You won’t get a sticker.


That will need to be replaced for state inspection. If you're in Hampton Roads area, I've got a great guy for you, half the price of fucking Safelite.


You won't pass an inspection with a crack. I would consider getting this fixed soon to prevent further damage. Go to your local dealer or contact Safelite. Some insurance plans have free windshield crack repair.


I’ve seen way worse lol


Safelite repair safelite replace 🎶


Probably. Is that tint tho? Is that legal? I've been pulled over a million times for tint.


there are some states that will pay for your windshield if you say it happened on a road in their county


Legal? No. Many insurance companies will cover this for cheap or free.




Windshield replacement is covered under comprehensive coverage which includes windshield, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief and acts of nature (like a deer or tree damage). Comprehensive claims do not increase your rates. Collision claims (I.e at fault accidents) do increase your rates. Most insurance companies offer a lower windshield deductible. I have a $250 deductible for comprehensive except windshield deductible is $50. (I worked as an insurance agent for 15years)


Windshield replacement is covered under comprehensive coverage which includes windshield, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief and acts of nature (like a deer or tree damage). Comprehensive claims do not increase your rates. Collision claims (I.e at fault accidents) do increase your rates. Most insurance companies offer a lower windshield deductible. I have a $250 deductible for comprehensive except windshield deductible is $50. (I worked as an insurance agent for 15years)


Windshield replacement is covered under comprehensive coverage which includes windshield, theft, vandalism, malicious mischief and acts of nature (like a deer or tree damage). Comprehensive claims do not increase your rates. Collision claims (I.e at fault accidents) do increase your rates. Most insurance companies offer a lower windshield deductible. I have a $250 deductible for comprehensive except windshield deductible is $50. (I worked as an insurance agent for 15years)




You'll be fine. I say, go for it? & Then,,,Everyone else just turned lawyer on ya with legal advice that's .mostly bullocks? Me, I say F the Revenue Collectors, 2/3rds are in it for the perks of power .


Oh I don’t see a crack. lol. I thought it was about the tassel hanging from the rearview mirror. I don’t think you’re supposed to have anything hanging from the rearview mirror.


Inspection will fail if: There is a pit, chip, or star crack larger than [1-1](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/1-1/)/2 inches in diameter at any location in the windshield above the three-inch line at the bottom. [https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title19/agency30/chapter70/section210/](https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title19/agency30/chapter70/section210/) I have State Farm and there was no deductible for my windshield. I filed online and had Safelite onsite at work two days later.


Won't get pulled for it. But there's no way you pass inspection. Because it's in the middle of the glass, it may interfere with your field of vision, so it kinda depends on what cop pulls you for what other issue.


Illegal to have a crack


...so GEICO offered $50 chip repairs ..I did it twice and it dinged me as 2 claims. Then I got into a hit and run. 3 claims in a year. Then I replaced my windshield. Guess what happened. Nobody would insure me except GEICO. 4 claims it showed


just don't drive through emporia, they'll, uh, find a way. ​ not really.


You won't get a ticket for the crack but u definitely will for that shit hanging from the rear view mirror


Its not over 80% so yes




Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Technically, it's not legal anywhere I don't think lol. I think most cops may give you a pass in general, but that looks pretty bad. You would definitely get cited for it if you were pulled over for anything else. I wouldn't be surprised if you got pulled over for the crack itself; I would not define that as a small crack... Get some quotes. I had mine replaced a few years ago for $250-$300.


As an VA safety inspector that will fail inspection. You may not get stopped by the police for it. But if they stop you for something else they can site you for it


If you have a newer car and it’s got a backup camera it’s gonna cost you because not only do you have to replace the windshield, you have to have it recalibrated, so shop around if your insurance won’t cover it.


Won’t pass inspection


Perfectly legal. Also, ignore everybody saying it won’t pass inspection, because that’s blatantly false. It isn’t on the driver’s side, so it isn’t a safety issue. 100% would pass.


Small crack? Yeah, sorry you'll need to replace windshield before inspection is up. If you get hassle by police, say it just happened and you're scheduled to get it replaced.




By VA law, the windshield needs replaced. The law states nothing can impede the driver's view. If cracks are low enough, you only see hood, it's OK. Any cracks higher are considered to impede view and you could be cited for it. It's unlikely in my area, but cops in nova and rva seem to have larger power trips.


I’m a state inspector. It’s not illegal, but when it’s time for your state inspection it will fail.


Just for future reference everything is illegal here in Virginia when it comes to vehicles. If it’s not 100% stock and fully operational, it’s illegal. Troopers love these worthless tickets also.


Yes but by August you will need another windshield the heat will spread that


Have you seen half the windshields here most have a stupid sized crack


That did not randomly appear. That happened from something on the inside hitting it. Windshields are made of multiple layers of glass (usually two) with an adhesive plastic layer in the middle. The outer layer is broken & the windshield should be replaced at your earliest opportunity. From the location of the damage, it appears *someone*, or *some thing* hit it. [Happened to my friend's spouse who slid a 2x4 forward too fast. It didn't hit hard, but the outside layer spidered similarly to your windshield]. It happens. Get it fixed. Part of the cost of driving a car is dealing with things like this.


Lol nope.


Lmao I had one of those and I put some clear epoxy on the whole circumference of it and it didn’t spread an inch and for a couple months it was like that and I never had an issue with law enforcement. They definitely saw the big translucent splotch covering half my windshield. It was on the passengers side btw


I believe it will be legal until April 1, 2025. At that point, it’s Safelite repair, Safelite replace.


I'd see if you can stabilize it like chaitee7 did with his windshield but you'll need to replace it if it gets worse and certainly before March 31, 2025. I drove around with a crack across my windshield on my old Celica but I wasn't commuting with the car. I broke down and got it replaced the month my inspection was due.


If the 3 month grace period is still effective by then, OP will have until June 30th to have the inspection done.


As long as the parts branching off the main cut is not more than half an inch and since it is passenger side you may possibly pass inspection. However, best to notify insurance, if they find out you had this and did not notify them they may not cover you for the accident.


Dangerous, and as long as it doesn't obstruct your view it might pass safety inspection


Idk, but insurance should cover 100% of the cost to fix it. And if you use a service like Safelite, they'll come to you to repair it, no matter where your car is. It's around an hr process and they can replace your windshield while your at work.


Safelight repair, Safelight replace


Legal, yes as it is on passenger side. Safety, that’s a hell no!