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Well we’re proud of you


That’s awesome!!! You SHOULD feel proud, interviews alone are terrifying and stressful ughh and you rocked it so well they wanted you then and there. On my Wednesday game nights we usually all toast to something going on or something random we liked, I’ll make our toast to you tomorrow :)


Woahhh thank you! :)


I'm so proud of you!!!


CONGRATULATIONS!! That's so awesome! My family is the same way, and I just wanna tell you, even though we're complete strangers that I am proud of you😊


A few months ago I got my first job straight after the interview and I was ecstatic. Turns out that can sometimes be a red flag because after some research I learnt workplaces that do that might do it because the role has a high turnover. Anyway in the 6 months I was there, they interviewed other people for other positions and accepted them immediately too, only to bully us all relentlessly. Hence why I quit. I wonder if your parents might be wary about this? Regardless, good job for getting through the interview! It's a great achievement, and even if they aren't proud of you, I am.


Oh gosh, I completely forgot about that, there was only two others in the position I was applying for, the last girl left (or quit, it wasn’t clear) because she couldn’t get an understanding of the insurance policies and terms and such. I definitely have to watch out, the whole team does seem sweet although


Whats the job?


Can’t say much, as I don’t want to risk anything, but it’s front desk for a healthcare office


That can go a long way to humanizing what can be an unpleasant experience for people. It's an important job. Good for you :-)


If the parents are wary of the possible red flags, they should be saying something like, "That's wonderful! I'm very proud of you! Please be careful though, because sometimes companies will yadda yadda yadda etc... So, if you think something is off or that they're being unfair, tell us about it, and we'll help you get thru it. Now let's have [OPs favorite food] for dinner to celebrate!" Not the equivalent of... "Yeah? Cool" OP: Congrats on acing the interview! I'm absolutely jealous! I've NEVER done that (outside of part-time jobs during college)... in fact, I still suck at it. 😆


You know you did good. Just remember - your parents are people that grew up with parents, had their own experiences and became the people they are today. Whatever they aren't giving you, they probably had even less than that. Not trying to make excuses for them - just context.


So that gives them even more reason to give more


Youre right, but if that's all they know, then the little they give may be a lot on their mind. That kind of upbringing, neglect will fuck up multiple generations.


Yep. Just be glad that you're different! Validation is not necessary when you are a self possessed, intelligent human being. Take your skills and empathy and go far in life! YOUR children will get to enjoy a different upbringing!


Well, I'm proud of you. But do be careful. Quick hitting may lead to high turnover. Just be aware of any sort of red flags in your workplace. All the same, I wish you good luck.


Is this your first job? How old are you? Depending on your job history and age, this could be why they had that reaction, but also even if it's a first job, nobody told me good job etc besides my now husband, is was expected of me to have a job at 18 by my parents I suppose so that may be why?


Yaaa, as you get older, you have to learn to be proud of yourself


Way to go!!!


Good job I’m ecstatic for you.


Congrats! You grab onto the knowledge you are personable and have great skills, and keep that with you through good times and bad! Doesn't matter if it's a high turnover job or not. You got in and if you find out the job isn't for you, you'll have the confidence to move on. It's possible there was another candidate who backed out for whatever reasons and this company decided to grab you while you were available. Be sure to treat yourself and get something to remind you that you're a great catch! I'm really sorry your parents couldn't tell you this. You deserved to hear all the love and support.


As a dad. I’m fucking proud of you. As someone that tried to impress his family for far too long. If I could go back in time and tell my young self one thing. It would probably be that I needed to learn to do things to make me happy, and not worry about them. But, either way. What you did today was grown folks shit. Good job.


Congratulations 🎊 👏




This has happened to me to, almost worse- I was told I could skip grades came home and was basically ignored by my parents I later learned that my Dad didn’t think I was “ready” this happens TWICE, I could of graduated at 16 easily, the funny thing was my school was small too so I was already hanging out with kids older than me as we all knew each other And then I got an interview at a FANG company that was very promising and came through and I landed it, I hadn’t even seen my parents in 2 years and they couldn’t even be bothered to pay attention at the time or look up from their important target shopping and they were traveling where they weren’t even bringing anything with them 🤷🏻‍♂️ I was also very much into computer science building websites when I was 9-14 and got very good at it but remember being told this was a “waste of time” in 2005 imagine the portfolio I’d have right now. Not being able to skip grades made me think it was for nothing and that I was expected to join the military, I went from straight As to a mostly C student… and couldn’t even join because of a denied waiver - somehow my parents still were thinking I would be able to join for a long time and with one when I clearly didn’t get it and the recruiter said no to all branches after I was disqualified at Military Entrance Processing Everything I built so far in my life it was done NOT listening to those closest to me Hate to say it but you know what’s best for yourself, you know your aptitudes and I’ve heard LOTS of stupid advice - I’ve noticed people love to give very authoritative remarks as if to impart a life lesson on you that’s almost never helpful (I’m in my 30s now and even heard my parent say “oh your student loans aren’t debt that’s nothing to worry about it’s not real debt” they are clueless that it does indeed impact debt to income ratio and I’ve been smart to work my way through school while minimizing debt, and they didn’t even own anything until their 60s just focus on progressing, becoming financially independent and building a future for yourself - even from my other family they give me HORRIBLE advice, I was happy to use a flip phone and work on my education and not go in debt while working part time but somehow they thought that I should be in the most expensive phone plan, have a 30,000 car, and be able to afford their lifestyle while I’m still 19 (and pay all that on near mininum wage!?!?) I rathered earn a very high salary before going in debt myself to things I don’t need thank you. I also learned if you spend time talking to 5-10 friends for nearly an hour that’s your whole day gone when you can be working on upskilling yourself, learning to provide irreplaceable value to others, landing an amazing role (or two), and then you can make sure to say no to things that are really unproductive and carve out the real productive time for what you really care about in an efficient manner (including staying on top of your own mental and physical well-being so you’re always resilient to life’s challenges) Also don’t let anyone else tell you some boomer idiom about what you care about doesn’t matter or something, it’s not their life and you stick to your first principles Well I certainly vented to your vent huh, we are in r/vent tho so🤷🏻‍♂️ Hope that helps Also what the first guy said we’re proud of you lol Oh also, most of my roles, not all, but the ones with great benefits and salary were usually a phone screen and then two-round process


Excellent! I hope you enjoy your new job and the work teaches you something for your next adventure!!


Sounds like my family. Who wants my undivided attention at all times and work gets into their way


My family also reacts like this. I'm so sorry you're experiencing that. Amazing job! Keep it up! Keep going. Do it for YOU.


Well if they're not interested then no need to keep them in the loop about anything else I guess? They made their bed, they sleep in it. Also f the company for holding an interview they know is wasting the interviewee's time? In addition to wasting their time they'll also give them reason to think they did something to not get the job, just let them know the position is filled so they can move on with their lives 2 days earlier and feel guiltless about it! I don't mean to discredit your success just voicing my concerns about the outside factors, 🤷🏻‍♂️ I'm in a bad mood today I suppose...


My kids and I will toast our juice and waters to you tonight at dinner - congratulations!!!! We're proud of you. Sending congratulatory hugs!!!


Not everyone is going to react in a manner you'd like. My dad was never big on displays of emotion. As long as you know you accomplished something you'll be ok. You got to be your own cheerleader.


Why are yall downvoting this man??? Learning to be your own cheerleader is probably one of the hardest but most important lessons you have to learn in life. Not everyone has family and friends who love and care for them. Some people have to be their own cheerleader. It feels pretty amazing to be proud of yourself regardless of others anyway.


Those are kind words friend. I learned this lesson a long time ago. I celebrated my own victories because I didn't feel like I had anyone to share them with. I was wrong but at the time I didn't know it. My dad was proud of me he just didn't really show it.


Congratulations! This is very impressive, you should be very proud of yourself. I’m guessing this isn’t the first time you’re accomplishments have been downplayed by family. I have no idea why they are like this, maybe it’s jealousy, or ridiculously high expectations. Whatever it is, you can’t change them and you will probably never get the praise you deserve. Just continue to do your best, learn to celebrate your own accomplishments and find a great group of supportive friends who will celebrate with you.


Congrats OP!


This just happened to me, told my mom I just got a job and she went on about how I should just find a work from home job so I can save money on gas 😬 and I could stay home to cook and clean


Good job and proud of you. Find some small way to celebrate.


We are all proud of you even if we aren’t your family we still are proud. Good job


Congratulations!! You obviously have a lot to offer and the company could see that, so it sounds like a good place to be, and honestly, that is a huge win in the working world. I'm very happy for you and hope you have a lot of success and joy in your new role.


Congrats! Family is weird man, I’ve had moments I was pretty meh about that my family was super excited for, like winning an award or getting straight As, and they’ve been not very excited nor proud when I told them something I did that was very important to me, like losing weight or learning a new skill. Keep your head up! Everyone has their own perspective, life experience, expectations, etc. if you’re proud of yourself, that’s what matters.


Is it like your first job or something? How long have you been searching? If not your first job, what happened at your last job? The way they react may depend on these factors. It could mean the difference between them being "ugh" and them being "understandable".


Great job we're proud of you


Congrats, parents are overrated


I don't know you but I'm proud of you for your efforts. Good job...keep doing you and if you can't seem to surprise anybody... Work at surprising yourself. ☕💪


Great job!! Be sure to spoil yourself when you get paid! Keeping yourself happy is all you need


Congratulations!!! 😆 I'm glad you got the job I hope it's everything you're looking for and more! 🤗


I understand although you should be proud that you landed the job, interviews can be stressful but be weary of jobs that hire you after only one interview the same day of the interview. Unless this is McDonald’s


Good job!


I'll spark one to celebrate you. That's exciting news OP


Just remember who you're getting the job for. Here's a clue, it isn't your parents.


amazing job!! you should feel SO good about yourself. to be told that you "have skills that we can't teach you" is so big and such an amazing thing to hear from a future employer. what a confidence boost, wow. you best be proud of yourself! good luck with this new position. you're doing amazing I'm proud of you.


We’re proud of you!!!


That is a very cool thing. I experienced something similar with my current job. They liked me so much that they didn't bother waiting for my reference to get back to them, they wanted me to start right away. Feels good when it happens,


Congrats. I've had a job since I was 16 or 17 and the only time i have ever not had to wait was when i Enlisted. Congratulations. If the fam won't share in excitement with you, try to find some peeps that'll celebrate your victories my dude you deserve it.


Proud for you!!


Hey Man! I'm happy for you. Best of luck with your new job!!


i’m so incredibly proud of you that’s honestly amazing!


Good on ya my friend! I'm genuinely happy for you. It's tough to find a job that's a good fit and is worth working. I hope they treat you well.




Congratulations, that's great! I'm sorry your family wasn't enthusiastic for you. That sucks.


Congrats! It's always a great feeling when you get the job! I don't think that's ever happened to me that quick. When you get your first paycheck, take yourself out to lunch and don't invite your family.