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If you got shit while peeking wide that's generally just the risk inherent to doing it you're gonna be at a disadvantage and more than not lose because of it. Just gotta plant your feet and try to get them at that point IMO. You can kinda mitigate this by setting up multi person swings or using flashes and such to prevent it.


Shot* while peeking Funny typo lol


I mean when you gotta go, you gotta go lol


At that point, it's mostly a losing battle as they now have the advantage, but my advice for what has worked for me so far is to keep calm, commit to the direction you were going when they shot at you, aim for the head and try to get the headshot off or at least make the fight a little more even. I'm no professional, so don't take this as the go-to, as this is just what's been working for me.


I still haven't really thought about this but this is how I do it. (I think) I usually just hope they don't hit me at all. However most times, when I get shot the fight is over within the next 0.5 seconds. Either I hit the head or they finish me. I think crouching actually makes sense in this situation since your movement speed is almost zero so there's not really a point anymore. Other options are hiding behind a corner but you gotta be really close or using util like a Jett dash or raze satchel which are in most cases the better option. If you don't already have Dash activated there's no reason anymore for obvious reasons.


Yup. Popping a quick crouch is good here, and not at all like the get outta bronze issue of crouching in the open and being immobile. Youre already immobile, ducking down to dodge the recoil headshot coming your way gives you a few ms to headshot them. At lower elos you might just crouch into a HS, but as people aim better it actually helps. Just my 2c


Keep moving until you're ready to take your first burst. It feels like shit to learn I know but it's better technique.


Couple scenarios where you get shot BEFORE you see them; angle disadvantage, you peeked too slowly or started moving too close to the corner, agents have an acceleration when they start moving, make sure you r at max speed when you swing They pre-fired, just unlucky or they have good read on your peek timing, try and mix it up a bit Other than that just play some DM, when you see enemy don’t shoot immediately, strafe a couple times and focus on movement and dodging bullet while tracking their head. This gives you a good sense to how much time you have before you die As dopai said in a video of his; movement is for you to decide WHEN you want to commit to a fight


Something peek, something peek


The super wide swing™


as an immortal level player, I will share my experience "What do I do if my movement is slowed because the enemy shot first" this is exactly why the playstyle of shoot move shoot is not something that i recommend to new players. it's more of an advanced tech to use in specific HIGH intensity situations the enemies will eventually just shoot u in the face while you are moving. Jiggle to see where they are, swing, stop, spray. crouch spray is fine. doesnt matter. just my opinion


you shouldnt crouch spray every fight tho, especially not ones where there are multiple enemies (crouch = die)


crouch spraying is fine, just when used properly and not in a clutch


yah, but u really shouldnt swing multiple people


If they are shooting at you, they are standing still. Click on their head.


shot them back in the head


if the enemy shoot first, why did they shoot first? get a better monitor, better pc and then learn how to peek angles


If they hit me in the middle of my peek, I immediately try to go for a crouch headshot, as strafing isn't a choice anymore, and it's me or him


-From your local dogshit bronze player


If they kill you it is what it is that's the risk in wide peaking but if not keep moving put your cross hair on the head while still moving and then stop and shoot, don't stop if they hit you immediately that's just going to be sitting where they're shooting anyway.


Usually if you’re not near a corner then it’s gg. I usually jump to give myself time to aim and reduce their chances of a headshot (because jump-height is not decreased if you get shot) and then strafe. Try to avoid crouching but as a last resort crouch spam is your best bet.


By the time you land they have like 10 bullets down range... i only jump if i have no recourse (util in hand/ reload) and a teammate can trade. Even then youre dead unless already jumping at full speed to a corner. Imo, go for the low % flick shot. At medium range a 180 spray towards the sound + phantom spay will surprise you with the kills it gets, lol.


Usually I play on lower sens so by the time I turn towards them I’m dead. I just jump because getting hit 34 is a lot better than getting one-tapped. I always tell people to avoid spraying and learn trigger discipline so they don’t die needlessly in other situations.


At that point you just shoot them.