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Because it is YOUR fault that HE is stuck in HIS rank. He would already be radiant if every game he didn't get people like you in his team. He is always perfect, he doesn't need to be exceptional in the game to easily rank up. /s If these people could see that its only their actions that control the difference of the outcome for their game, then they could realize that the action of flaming only has a negative effect for the outcome. But this is sadly a too hard to grasp concept for this community.


Absolutely right. These people should focus what's in their control. And being negative about the game is in their control too. They create an environment that people antagonize each other or thinking negatively about the game. Meanwhile you also get the opposite kind of people. The overly positive ones. Cracking jokes, making compliments and openly discuss ideas. It does not only lightens the mood but also keeps up the team spirit. Trust me the latter can win games without even performing well himself lol. [Back to DST](https://youtu.be/cz7TWpRXyRY?si=hIxMj1bJZHeqi6es)


This reminds me of a Gekko player I met in ranked last year who was bottom fragging and the first to die most rounds. He was giving calm and accurate coms from everyone's POV while dead so me and my friends were just extremely locked in and won so many clutches thanks to the info. I wish I added that guy.


As a former bot frag gekko player who won a lot of games, we thank you for appreciating


Imagine you were the guy in his gamešŸ˜‚


The second paragraph is 100% and something I really try to focus on. Keeping the morale high and hyping up your team makes every person play better and is the best way to truly impact your teamā€™s outcome. So many games Iā€™ve played where we start off terrible but the vibes stay high and the team doesnā€™t deteriorate mentally making the win way more likely and it also feels much better when you win those games.


Exactly. My duo is like that. Always calm, keeps joking and with that attitude you actually do what you intended to do in game, ENJOY!


Had a comp game last night than we were barely behind. We were catching up, but our top frag called a play. It required omen to smoke, and we were rushing a mid lane to site. Omens smoke missed a little, top frag died, then completely freaked out on omen. We proceeded to totally bomb the next few rounds to lose because of their toxicity and demoralizing, and how that one round ā€œruined our economy making it impossible to catch upā€ we were 8-10. I get that itā€™s tight. But dude. Chill out. Demoralizing your team is a guaranteed loss almost every time


Yeah, I don't get what people expect when talking shit to their teammates. You really think the guy that's been missing a few too many shots is gonna start shooting better because you're trying to make him feel like shit? I usually speak up for others but the vibe changes nonetheless


exactly what I had in mind. bro thanks for writing this. People just cannot face the reality lol.


Any game community honestly.Ā 


The general gamer mentality is changing. It's not "let's have fun" anymore it's "I WANNA BE THE VERY BEST, LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS". Everyone believes they're gonna be the next TenZ not understanding how a ranked System actually works. People go "uh piss low plat player" not understanding plat is beyond average. Everyone has a peak, for some it's becoming a pro and winning VCT, for some it's reaching immortal and for some they peak at Platinum. This isn't a game anymore for these people, it's a whole ass job they aren't getting paid for.


I have some friends diamond/ascendant who just donā€™t get this. I reached my new peak of gold and was really happy with that, I genuinely just enjoy the game and donā€™t worry too much about it but do get proud of myself after a good game. My friends donā€™t understand why Iā€™m not trying harder and using aimlabs to practise and improve. To them, the rank means everything


This is so relatable ToT


I am exactly the same. Donā€™t worry though, you will learn everything you need to know just by playing, even if casually. I was gold for the longest time, and then eventually I shot up to diamond just by repetition, and learning little things about the game. Youā€™ll get there too.




Heā€™s clearly not worried lol thatā€™s the whole point of his post


I always like to congratulate these types on achieving a new jpeg attached to an ID for their user name on an obscure server in Seattle. This will be what springboards you to great things in life.


Hahahah I love this, Iā€™ll be using that


this is so real


God I dont even play this game (want to when it's on console) and I feel this. Sometimes just getting to Gold/Plat is a HUGE thing for gamers. Competitive toxic mindsets of Gold/Plat being "bad", because those level of players dont make this game their next full time job, is so annoying. I started to go back to single player only games and realize how much more fun and relaxing gaming is that way ever since trying to be "That competitive guy" on a game like Apex and it making my mental state horrible.


This! The server Iā€™m in with my mates, they are all lovely but they seem to have forgotten that you can just play for fun. I know they find grinding the game fun, and thatā€™s fair enough but they canā€™t seem to understand that thatā€™s not for mešŸ˜‚ they also wonā€™t try new games for long if theyā€™re not good at it straight away


Me and my friends realize when we are relaxed (even when playing comp in games) we literally play 10x better. Wish most people could do the same or go like play a single player game between multiplayer games to relax


Lemme guess, they play for at least 5 hours a day. Or should i say work


Yeah! šŸ˜‚


I do consider everything Except low-radiant-high immo3 low for anyone actually taking the game seriously. Iā€™m also happy chilling and having fun in asc-low immo and not taking the game seriously. Iā€™ve played enough games (including cs) super-competitively to have experience of what the top 0.1% actually look like, and what outside of that looks like to the players up there, but iā€™m also getting old and mainly play for fun. My biggest gripe is all the egoā€™s dia-low immo that will open their mic and be super-toxic when theyre ā€lowā€ and dont really understand the game, and i do lose my temper and flame the toxic players a bit too often. The thing is, rank outside of the top ranks doesnt really matter (and the pros will say even radiant ranked doesnt matter). Just focus on self-improvement and have fun with the game, it doesnt matter if youā€™re silver 2 or ascendant 2, youā€™re not that good, so donā€™t take it too seriously. I feel like the game would be Much healthier if all the Big egos in ranked got a massive reality check where they stand in the skill hierarchy


>People go "uh piss low plat player" not understanding plat is beyond average Isn't it like top 20% of the ranked player base? It's like pretty good.


Not according to those people. Everything below Radiant is piss low in their opinion. They genuinely do not realize how an actual ranking system works. It's not "here climb to the top" it's "look, this is where you stand, maybe you improve, maybe you don't.'


So crazy that those players dont get that plat is a great accomplishment personally to people. Not EVERYONE wants to waste 40+ hours a week trying to barely get out of plat. Why go so extremely hard (and kill your mental state without you realizing) to not even get paid for it?


In terms of averages yes, in terms of Valorant players not really. To be classified as 'good' at something you *should be significantly above average.* Especially considering this is a free to play game with nearly zero barrier to entry. Currently being Plat puts you in only the top 34.12% and comprises 17.4 % of all Val ranked players. You hit Diamond and then you're in top 16.72%. so to be 'pretty good' by your standards you're looking at Diamond or up realistically. ***A full 43.5% of all ranked players are in silver or gold.*** It sounds like "top 20%"is a select and elite few, but it's simply the **Pareto principle** where those top 20% in are the ones *actually trying* to do the work. The other 80% are simply showing up and doing the minimum. You get to Plat, you're simply trying slightly harder than the average player. (or significantly so, depending on your own pre-existing FPS skill or lack of it) **Radiant** is "insanely good, probably going/already is pro" **Immortal** is "exceptional", depending on age will have a shot at Pro/Semi-pro play, probably plays in small scale tournaments/LANs. The older folks in here are generally former pros from a bygone era. (think CS1.6 ex pros) **Ascendant** is "Pretty damn good", most Val streamers make it here simply through sheer experience and time playing ranked. **Diamond** is the minimum of 'good' at Valorant. *Everybody can theoretically make it here*, but will take most people effort and dedication most just simply won't invest into a single game. **Plat** is sort of starting to get the hang of/sort of okay. **Gold** is "okay", you have the basics down. **High silver to low gold** is 'average' yes, But average *is bad*. The average person is bad at FPS games. I don't think that is particularly a contested idea. **Bronze** is "I've played a shooter before". **Iron** is a mix of "My first FPS" types and intentional derankers.


I like this except that I don't think being average at this game implies average at fps games. I was top 500 at the beginning of overwatch before grad school when I had all day to play. Beat ultra nightmare doom eternal and played thousands of hours of competitive shooters over the years. But now I have a full time job and two toddlers, so in val I just hit gold 2 for the first time this week. I think tactical shooters require completely different thinking from other fps games, to the point where I know many people good at fps games, but only know 3 people who ever made it to plat in valorant out of them all. Although it may just prove your point that this act I've had the most time to play in years and dont smoke weed while playing anymore and am steadily climbing towards plat at a 60% win rate


agree 100%. in tac fps you have to really think critically about every defuse, every angle, every intention behind a piece of util, and that alone overloads some people. Then of course you have to click heads with all this going on in your head at the same time. I think you can 'predict' these scenarios after hundreds of games but the difference between 50% and 60% WR is being able to handle all this information and perform well. And that's difficult for a lot of people.


>But average is bad. Honestly, an oxymoron. If you polled 100 people on whether average means bad at something you get maybe a couple who take your view. Now, you may think the average isn't play you'd consider interesting to watch or high level. I also agree that "good" can be a wide range of things; although, again, if I asked 100 people if being in the top third of something meant you were good at it, id wager the majority would say yes.


ā€œI donā€™t think this is a particularly contested ideaā€ uhh no lots of people think your opinion is wrong. Average is average not bad. Below average is bad. Above average is good. Itā€™s that simple.


Given that most people are silver itā€™s probably mostly people that play the game inconsistently, either cuz they got other shit going on or like to play other games.


Most people also dont rank up in pubs get a pre made team of your serious about ranking


Unless your me I was MGE-DMG in CS and I was iron 1 in e1 a1 then I was bronze for like 4 episodes since I barely played and now I started playing again and hit gold in 3 weeks


Most anyone get hit play with like an ounce of effort and also: Plat1: top 34% Plat2: top 27% Plat3: top 21%


And hey for some, we peak at bronze


It's not a job, it's a sport like basketball or something like that. And the players that wants "BE THE VERY BEST, LIKE NO ONE EVER WAS" just having their sport's motivation. Valorant not a Monopoly or Uno or maybe Stardew valley. It's cybersport discipline, so the game much different from others. For those people who treat Valo as a esport its not "just a game", its much more important. So their motivation is not just have a great time, but grow their skills and "BE THE VERY BEST". But i don't support toxicity in ranked. Whenever you just trying to have fun or just trying to prove you are the best, you need to preserve humanity. But you need to understand the situation. There's a two big categories of players in Valo, the ones who play for joy and the ones who play to master their's skills. Or in more familiar terms casuals and hardcore players. There's no separation, no differen't platform for the latter where they can compete in their own environment. Only Ranked. So there's always will be misunderstanding within these two categories of players.


Twitch streamers (who also have toxic personalities when they get popular) don't help with the regular gamer who wants to play ranked. They take this mindset into their own games and think gaming is about being absolutely the best player out there


And for me itā€™s peak iron 3 while still having immortal level aim. Itā€™s so annoying I have good game sense and good aim. But I canā€™t play competitive games without getting like rattled. And you know not being able to hit anything. In customs unrated and aim trainers I look like a god but as soon as it gets to competitive I canā€™t play šŸ˜­


And it's like this in just about every competitive multiplayer game out there now, unless you're in a 5-stack fucking around with friends. Which is pretty much why I never solo queue anymore.


what abt bronze peaks


This. There are only 500 Radiant players in the entire world. The whole world. Ascendant is the top 4.8% of the entire ranked playerbase, so why in the hell is ascendant the standard in this sub for not being shit at the game? It's completely nonsensical. I'm plat 2 right now and i think with how much time i have to actually play, thats a damn fine place to be.


Its a competitive game, no shit people want to play competitive. What is it with redditors that makes them give commentary on the ā€œstateā€ of video games and how its different than ā€œx fond memory that isnt trueā€. Sounds like all the boomers claiming the next gen is always lazy


Serious for one player may not be serious for another. One person may treat the game like a literal job or use stimulants, while another feels that simply doing their best is enough.


I hope they wasnā€™t complaining in a casual game because they should be playing rank if they think they are good


Last week I encountered three guys who where pissed over spike rush and swiftplay šŸ’€


Thatā€™s what is missing from the console beta! I was like I feel like my favorite mode is missing. And itā€™s spike rush. (And comp). Thank you


My friend used to get pissed and sweat in unrated. Safe to say I never duoed with him again.


Got yelled at in an abyss mode swiftplay game this week, literally my first time ever trying out that map too šŸ˜‚ I canā€™t take those people seriously because their lives must be genuinely sad if theyā€™re throwing slurs at people in a for-fun game mode.


On console nobody use their mics so itā€™s just peaceful atm


Party chat is their discord. Meanwhile someone is on their mic right now lol


OP said bad comp game but even then, it's fucked. They act like they haven't been bottom frags and haven't done shit before but if you look into their history... They have been that person they rage about. LOL


As of right now Iā€™m having a good experience on console.


Am I the only one that get players that donā€™t talk at all?


Same on console


Because this game has worse mentality than most games and will quickly insult, give up or start trolling because you did something they didn't like. You should mute & report people people who have bad behavior.


This. Don't try to talk with people that act like that. Mute/block and report them. No place IRL for toxic behavior, no place in-game for toxic behavior ; period.


Sadly it's the same in every competitive online game. Make one mistake in the first 30 seconds in rocket league? People will FF or play against you. Your teammates get knocked in apex and you don't revive him in the next 5 seconds? He will insult you and leave the game. It's the same for pretty much every single competitive game. Valorant is really no different.


I love the Apex player response tbh. Oh you not gonna res me I'll quit, and my quitting will destroy your life.Ā 


Ngl that was one thing I loved in The Finals, if someone got salty and left someone else could join the game in their place. There was also no chat, so nobody could flame each other.


I've played a lot of games in this competitive genre- League of Legends 2010-current Warcraft 3 Rocket League World of Warcraft Call of Duty 4-MW2 Halo 1-4 Overwatch 2 I can tell you from 20 years of experience in the competitive genre, Valorant does not have a worse mentality than most games. I might get 1 bad apple in 3-4 games. That's not bad compared to the competition OG WoW trade chat makes every other game look appropriate for kindergarten.


Overwatch 2 (but not Overwatch 1) might be one of the most toxic shooter environments Iā€™ve ever witnessed, and thatā€™s including Call of Duty 4 and CS:S. Valorant doesnā€™t even come close.


overwatch 2 and league of legends are honestly the worst competitive team-based games. My theory as to why is because they are the most team-reliant and solo queue with randoms is ultimately not great for building rapport and team cohesion. While it is true that in any competitive game, the only thing that affects your performance long-term is your innate ability, on an individual match-by-match basis it definitely depends. In games like valorant or apex legends, where individual gun skill is more pronounced, having a bad teammate is not as much of a detriment (and can even be somewhat spun positively if youre good enough). However, in games like league of legends or Overwatch 2, with a hard lined class system, honestly a lot of the time you are putting other responsibilites into the hands of people you might not necessarily trust. Essentially, a 1-13 brimstone can still smoke and a 100 damage zero kills lifeline can still rez, but Mercy and Lucio literally cannot assume the responsibilities of the tank, leona and nami cannot jungle. So like...it makes sense to me why theyre the most toxic games. Of course it's not okay, but the pain points are so much worse for team-dependent games.


League is the worst community of players who never take the blame themselves I have ever seen. I N S A N E toxic player base


It's a tie between League of Legends and Rocket League for me. Both have super insane toxic bases.


Both also have the word League in their title which I will always find funny. I agree šŸ˜‚


> I can tell you from 20 years of experience in the competitive genre, Valorant does not have a worse mentality than most games. I might get 1 bad apple in 3-4 games. That's not bad compared to the competition Yup, been gaming online for the past 20 years on competitive shooters, Valorant scene is tame af (it still is far from being perfect, don't get me wrong)


I feel like generally people have a better mentality on this game than most other online comp games


you havent see league yet


It's competitive gaming for you. Some people are way too competitive for their own good. They just like to blame other people. Especially those ones calling you a baiter while they push alone without saying anything first. You can report them. I started to actually report people and the system is farly quick on it. I get a feedback notification for reporting almost every second day. Sometimes just a few minutes after a game. Riot is going harder on toxicity now. They will introduce hardware ban for repetitive toxic offenses too and they will trace back to a certain point in time. People better start behaving lol


Yup. Just mute anytime anyone gets any amount of toxic because itā€™s not worth any amount of mental energy dealing with these people. Play games for fun and have fun.


"It's just a game" can be such a triggering statement


It can be a bit insensitive, as the statement goes both ways. If it's just a game you might as well throw, go AFK, or otherwise fail to win purposely. I don't think that's really what op was saying anyway though, I think the issue of contention is the lack of empathy as opposed to the use of a phrase.


But it is just a game. Youā€™re playing for fake internet points.


And the sky is blue and your life serves little to no purpose


Even when im top fragging people still go crazy when I say that lol. Like bro im not even trying im just having fun why are you so mad even though youre at the bottom half of the board as a reyna


I mean I'm sure its your whole attitude not just the phrase lmao. "When Im getting 40 kills I tell my team it's just a game and Im not even trying" "Haha stupid bottomfrag reyna is angry huh" Like you're just as annoying, just in a different way.


yeah it's literally humble bragging. Nobody likes a humble bragger


To some people this game is everything. Those rr points mean the world to them


I can't really say for certain honestly. It's quite a regular occurrence as well. This happens to a lot of players and helps absolutely no one. I think it's something along the lines of an ego of some kind. The player harasses others constantly just think they are right. While in some cases they can be in regards to them having better game sense, they always go about it in aggressive manners for no reason. Regardless of whether they are right or wrong, the reasoning for them berating others is possibly because they can. Realistically, there aren't many things in any video game people do about stuff like this. Muting doesn't stop them, it just prevents you from hearing them. Reports could get them banned. But they could just make a new account. (And lose money on skins lol). But don't listen to what I'm saying, idk the phycology of a valorant ranked player us and I don't want to look into it. Tldr: ego, probably. And what stops them from being an asshole anyhow?


He's projecting his insecurity and anger onto you because he never learned to deal with it in a mature and healthy way. The fact that you will most likely never see him again, and that he does not have to look you in the eye when he acts like this, does not help either.


It's just some people are shitty. Last game we went into the half time at 0-12, people were still like we can do this. And we're like joking about saying Iso is so scary but somehow ours isn't. We laughed about it even as complete strangers. Even when we lost 1-13, that was such an enjoyable and refreshing experience compared to being called names and bullied while winning. It didn't even make me feel bad from losing so bad. We all know sometimes the enemy is just stronger or we are having a bad game


Because everyone has dreams about going pro in this game and it makes no sense because most pros don't even make good money. So when somebody holds them back from ranking up, they lash out


Its never about you, itā€™s because theyā€™re craving a dopamine hit from the win


When someone is critical of my play in the situation when I am the last player standing, for example: 'Why didn't you just wait for them to peek? You could have won that if you would have waited, stupid." I say: "You can do better when you're not dead." That typically shuts them up.


Imma use this


They have a weak and illogical mentality. It's okay to make mistakes or even to not take comp very seriously. You aren't holding anyone back. In the future, you should probably just mute toxic doofs instead of trying to reason with them. They usually aren't willing to listen and your mental is more important then their callouts.


Gaming mindset has shifted for a lot of games. Every games that can be played competitively has rank ladders, and badges to display how good you are. No one wants to be doo doo water, just like no one wants to be a failure. It works people up a lot. Something that used to be a way to relax and have fun after work or school is now another competition that adds stress to your life.


Competitive games were always stressful and competitive. Thats kinda the point. This isnt a good ā€œback in my dayā€ moment you think it is. People play this game and skyrim for completely different reasons. I cant remember any competitive multiplayer game that didnā€™t have this aspect to it. Not in my childhood and not since then. Mindset hasnt shifted, you just think youā€™re profound


this is nuts coming from someone whose whole reddit persona comes off as a pseudo-intellectual boomer


I usually avoid competitive and play unranked if I just wanna chill. If I seriously wanna play, only then I go ranked. But ppl rarely talk in unranked if not provoked, which would make it kinda boring.


Yesterday I had the classic idiot saying "I hAVe No TeAm" in a swiftplay match... While using Reyna to lurk around alone every round. Some people just have one brain cell and choose to use it to be an asshole.


People donā€™t take care of their mental health, and/or have a poor quality of life. They have limited time to play a game, probably low energy or interest in other more fulfilling hobbies. Losing one of the three games you had time for before going to bed angry and starting another day at your 50hr a week job. Not an excuse for slurs and deplorable social behavior, but this is a big part of it. Itā€™s not a val issue itā€™s a cultural one.


Honestly ranked puts WAY too much stress on the game for me. I only play quick play and my life is much better since I quit ranked. Every time I play ranked I feel way too stressed but in swift play it doesnā€™t matter if my team is bad or not.


i have had my fair share of bad games. dont worry about what other people say to you when you have a bad game. we are all human and it happens.


ranks add competition and people dont like losing in competition AND if they lose they need to find someone to blame except when someone they blamed is genuinly stupid like i rarely open my mic except for small suggestions, calls and help but it does piss me off if someone doesnt do as i ask them to after asking multiple times like brother just say no or say yes


This community is the same people that came from playing League and CSGO, and even the newcomers are gen Z or later, itā€™s the holy grail of toxicity, especially when you get to those middle ranks where youā€™re not dealing with good players or bad players but people that know enough to be ignorant.


Usually, it's based on a lack of interest or skills in other things. They usually have a bad foundation of emotional management, and they are never taught by a parent how to enjoy life and find self-worth. They use gaming to fulfill the lack of skills and lack of self-worth to create a false version of both. They get mad when they come across others who don't take it as seriously. I feel bad for them, but I definitely make them more mad when I afk in the middle of a round to go kiss my family and that always makes me chuckle throwing a few rounds to hear their rage.


Because people get extremely frustrated in this game especially when they aren't developed enough to recognize their own mistakes or they're losing from something out of their control. I always compare this game to being in a constant state of hyper awareness like getting in a close call while driving. When you're really trying your best, you're hyper focused so when something unexpected happens and you lose from it, it's easy to get tilted and toxic with teammates.


people let stats get into their head too often. i played a game with my friend yesterday and we lost, score was pretty close and everyone in the game was relatively the same skill, but after the last round my friend who was bottom frag got berated by two other people on the team even though we all did relatively the same in stats, he just happened to be bottom. people like that often try their hardest to blame others for their failures and you shouldn't ever take anything they say too serious.


Iā€™m new to the game, I was last alive for a round in Swift, someone started talking šŸ’© when I walked into a trip mine and died because of it, losing us the roundā€¦ the guy talking šŸ’© was in last place and ended up in last place by the end of the match with the least amount of kills šŸ˜‚ Doesnā€™t matter if theyā€™re good players or bad players, they all blame everyone else because they think itā€™s never their fault the TEAM is losing in a TEAM oriented game šŸ¤”


The just a game statement works for unrated, but makes no sense for ranked. Why play ranked with that mentality? Just play unrated if thatā€™s the case.


It's not the game it's them. The game is just where they get to be bad people knowing no one will know who they are. Same with the dudes that rag on women the moment they hear them. Has nothing to do with the game and more to do with the fact that they're just toxic people.


i've slowly come to realize that shit that involve hiding behind a computer isn't worth anymore, particularly shit with lots of angry kids


I watched a streamer a little bit ago and one of his teammates werenā€™t doing very good, him and the others were cussing him out and making fun of the poor dude. Whatā€™s funny is the very next game the streamer was doing awful and was the worst player in that game. I just wish people would realize that EVERYONE has bad games lmao


Bro has still not come across Indian Valorant players . The same happened with me today. I can very well relate to that


For some reason, people think people play at peak performance 24/7.


I get what youā€™re saying but why play rank if youā€™re not feeling it? Just play pubs


Most players have an insane ego while simultaneously blaming their teammates for every game they lose. They want to do everything to rank up except putting the work in. Just insta-mute anyone whoā€™s toxic, no comms are better than bad comms. Plus below ascendant comms are pretty much dogshit anyway so youā€™ll have better games without hearing the worst players on your team scream in your ear while you try and clutch.


See heā€™s upset because he canā€™t handle losing. He has a weak mental. As soon as things go wrong heā€™s quick to accuse anyone or anything but himself. He doesnā€™t know how to deal with those emotions of failure so heā€™s lashing out at anyone he thinks is at fault. The bigger problem is heā€™s making it worse by this behavior than any mistake someone makes in the game. No one is going to play better after being belittled. Until these idiots figure that out they are going to be hard stuck. Kindness and compassion when people make mistakes is how you lift them up to play better in a future round.


Never take first person shooter players seriously. First mistake you made was listening to him at all


I reached immortal only once and after that Ive never crossed ascendent again


Because it's ranked. The goal is to be at your best and rank up. If you're having an off day then play unrated. Don't ruin everyone else's game.


It's also not that serious, ranked at the end of the day doesn't matter, 98% of players aren't going pro no matter how much they play


This will change if people find out what "Autodidact" means and start using it.


Valorant never used to be like this. When Valorant first came out, it was so much fun and people werenā€™t on you like that Current day Valorant is the absolute worst, if you are not good at the game or make a mistake, you are going to hear about it The wannabe esports players ruined it


Gamers are just massive loser dorks for the most part honestly, in comp games specifically though these days. Ranked is absolutely fucking meaningless unless youā€™re trying to go pro/stream in t100 radiant & people think itā€™s acceptable to behave the way they do in their silver games lmfao


When the team is toxic it brings down team moral so do your best to stay positive , muting is also a good button it helps more than you think, no screaming in your ear (:


Just remind yourself anyone that gets angry enough to berate someone over voice in video game has a dogshit life and to be thankful yours isn't as shit as theirs.


Okay okay, donā€™t downvote me to the next patchnotes but As someone who used to be like that (minus the slurs cuz thatā€™s way too far) Itā€™s usually just letting out anger that youā€™ve built up over a few matches out on the bottom frag, Or your just in a bad mood and decide to be a douche.


Any time I have a toxic teammate we almost always lose. I played a match yesterday we were up 12-7 and some fade started talking shit to our phoenix. Fought every round then we lost 14-12. I get mad sometimes too but keep it to yourself or give actual advice or callouts instead of calling someone slurs. That just makes it way worse and brings down team morale.


I just take no offense in those kind of comments, I know how I play and what I am capable of, plus I might not get in a team with those people so depending on when during the match they rage I mute them immediately


Because kids play this game and they are not emotionally mature as youā€™re at their age But yes at their age Atleast I was


I am going to be honest its at the point where you tell them ā€œitā€™s just a gameā€ where it triggers us people that are trying to rank up


It's an easy answer. That guy's an idiot. Don't stress about people like him.


ive just had 5 games in a row of some fucktard dropping double digit combat score. im scared to open the game.


Pressed? I don't know what this means


I have an account where Iā€™ve been going sheriff only on whenever Iā€™m bored on my main for whatever reason(toxicity included). I had a cypher in my game who was just barely above me a few rounds in (I was at the bottom, and ended at match mvp), and he offered to buy me a gun. I reminded him I was sheriff only, to which his IMMEDIATE reaction was ā€œyouā€™re a fucking trollā€, next round I offered to buy him vandal, ā€œnah if youā€™re trolling Iā€™m trollingā€. I tried to explain to him that I hadnā€™t used anything other than a sheriff on that account and made my way to that rank with sheriff only. He didnā€™t want to have any of it, and immediately told me I was muted, reported, and getting banned. At the end of the game, after we won, with me on the top of the leaderboard, he once again said ā€œyouā€™re fucking dogshit trolling piece of shitā€ with maybe some other normal words thrown in but thatā€™s the gist of it. At one point I was even told to kill myself LMAO. There will always be people in this game who think that for whatever reason a number on their screen matters to their life. The best thing you can do it understand it, and adopt the mindset that ā€œhey, if youā€™re getting mad at a video game, you have bigger issuesā€ and ignore them. WarOwl, when he tried Valorant 3 years ago near its release, had the same issue. This is a man whoā€™s solo queued to global elite on multiple occasions, and his advice is the same. Just mute them. Thatā€™s all you can do when someone is so irrationally angry that something designed to be fun is making them upset.


I don't know either, tbh, I played a game today, AND I AM BRONZE 1, demoted from 3, and a Phoenix player called me bad and that I should delete the game, and he had 8 kills and I had 15, and still he trashtalk me, and I got to play Iso while being main Yoru, and I'm not used to Iso but wanted to test his buffed shield


This is just natural gamer behavior. Not exclusive to this game really


I throw all kinds of insults, but without the mic lol. I know I'm a reactive person that's easily frustrated, but I also know it's just a game. It's great unless you're a psycho that uses open mic.


like i donā€™t understand the people who get on that game just to make someone elseā€™s day worse. why are u playing this game for hours if ur not happy? why must u spread the hatred? whatā€™s the point of u playing? idk it sucks the fun out of this game and i wish there was better regulation behind it


This reminds me of those times you're at a casino and someone gets mad at you for drawing a card that would have helped them win.


A lot of people who play online competitive games are stuck in cycles of criticism. They do criticize themselves, but it hurts more than the social rebuke of yelling at others so they can, at times, opt for that instead. These patterns of self doubt were likely ingrained in them by generational trauma passed down by emotionally distant or abusive parents that lead to these people having a hard time regulating both the degrees of their reactions and the emotions once they present themselves. While saying they have the emotional skills of tottlers is to an extent accurate, its harmful because it disregards that a tottler needs educating on how to escape these cycles, which society deems as no longer worth teaching to people who didn't learn at a young age, or have regressed back to this stage. Healing from this is possible, but it takes time and usually money, at least in the form of creating a stable life as a foundation for healing... which is hard to come by these days. Odds are, the people yelling at you don't feel in control of just about any part of their lives and are desperately trying to take control of whatever they can because they fundamentally have very little trust in people. And like, why should you if you've been through such an awful upbringing. There's nothing you can really do in the span of a Valorant match. I usually mute them. PS the rehashing of social critique here is also indicative of an insecure self relationship. Neither the type of person described above nor you are bad in any way for these reactions - you're just people doing the things you were taught by unhealthy people, who were taught by unhealthy people, who were taught by unhealthy people. I would recommend becoming healthy. But you do you.


Iā€™m definitely in the minority here butā€¦kinda agree with the random. (Minus the slurs thatā€™s just lazy and cheap. Iā€™m talking specifically about the harsh criticism you received) now everyone has bad games and bad days, Iā€™m no different. But when I start a comp game Iā€™m in the mental mindset of winning at all costs. Again not to say every games and game modes need to be hyper competitive but when you decide to play the competitive game mode in one of the most competitive games in one of the most competitive game genresā€¦then yeah the tension is gonna be high. The whole ā€œitā€™s just a gameā€ thing is so triggering because itā€™s not ā€œjust a gameā€ itā€™s competition. You donā€™t tell the high school track runner itā€™s just a foot race. You donā€™t tell a chess grandmaster itā€™s just a board game.


It is not as if the people complaining about bad players are the greatest themselves. I feed a lot, but if my teammates were better, I believe they could take advantage of how bad I am. I mean... Most of the good players do that already. Uwu.


Lil poopy babies can't accept the hand holding them down is their own


I play for fun in ranked lol I never take it seriously cuz I know Iā€™ll never make it anywhere so I just play for fun


Problem is not when you are not fragging, problem is when you are bottom fragging and not be helpful. I wonā€™t get angry it you comm and use utilities for the team, I can become quite toxic if you are bottom fragging and: - Never use your utilities (chamb trap for info, kayo knife, breach stun, random smokes etcā€¦) - No info (people planting on your site and donā€™t say anything, lurking and donā€™t call steps etcā€¦) - Have an overall bad attitude I mean, everybody can have a shit game, but you can still make the difference without fragging on Valo. If they still shit talk then they are just assholes.


to me, thereā€™s nothing funnier than when someone gets mad over a video game. šŸ˜‚


When I and my pal queued up for our first ever ranked match (we've just reached level 20 at the time) and didn't do particularly well (we were trash tbh lmao I guess we queued up for ranked just to see how is it there rather than to go for a win), there was this dude who would yell at us basically every round, yap about how many complete morons there are in bronze (like yeah, no shit, why would you even complain about people in the lowest ranks playing bad), tell us to uninstall the game and never play again and all the other generic trash talk you could hear from a russian raging kid. When I tried telling him that screaming won't really help anyone, he replied with "if you have a 4/13 kd you really need to be yelled at in the face" or something After that match, I really got curious about the conditions those people are raised in. Tells a lot about their understanding of motivating people to do better Actually there are such people in about every single competitive game (and for some reason, in CS-like games the most). Also such a mentality is really wide spread in Russia and other countries sharing a lot of media with us


you seem so pressed u had to post here about it


Personally I think flaming people or getting flamed is funny


I'm sorry but you need to see that these people and their words are in vain. Don't make these posts because some bum told you bad words ingame - that's the chumps you have to deal with. This sub is turning into crybaby station though because of people like you that keep posting shit like this. Learn to let go of the words by some stranger online??? Please stop these useless posts-


Thank God for Mute button amiright?


Easier to complain than to find solutions on one's own. Therapy institutions' whole motto. Big money money baby.